Goodbye, trickle-down; hello, trickle-up


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Krugman: Even Conservatives Are Realizing that Inequality Is a Drag
August 8, 2014

It probably had to come to this before anything could be done: even conservative economists are starting to grudgingly realize that drastic inequality is a problem for everybody. So says Paul Krugman in his Friday column. "American inequality has become so extreme that it’s inflicting a lot of economic damage, " he writes. "And this, in turn, implies that redistribution — that is, taxing the rich and helping the poor — may well raise, not lower, the economy’s growth rate."

"The conclusion that emerges from the historical macroeconomic data used in this paper is that, on average across countries and over time, the things that governments have typically done to redistribute do not seem to have led to bad growth outcomes. And quite apart from ethical, political, or broader social considerations, the resulting equality seems to have helped support faster and more durable growth.
To put it simply, we find little evidence of a “big tradeoff” between redistribution and growth. Inaction in the face of high inequality thus seems unlikely to be warranted in many cases."

IOWs redistribution of wealth, i.e. making the poor richer is good for the overall economy and-----and what's good for the overall economy keeps the rich -- rich.

The conservative iMF isn't the only conservative outfit that has concluded that inequality of wealth distribution is a drag on the economy. Below is an excerpt from a study done by Standard & Poor.

How Increasing Income Inequality Is Dampening U.S. Economic Growth, And Possible Ways To Change The Tide

  • At extreme levels, income inequality can harm sustained economic growth over long periods. The U.S. is approaching that threshold.
  • Standard & Poor's sees extreme income inequality as a drag on long-run economic growth. We've reduced our 10-year U.S. growth forecast to a 2.5% rate. We expected 2.8% five years ago.
  • With wages of a college graduate double that of a high school graduate, increasing educational attainment is an effective way to bring income inequality back to healthy levels.
  • It also helps the U.S economy. Over the next five years, if the American workforce completed just one more year of school, the resulting productivity gains could add about $525 billion, or 2.4%, to the level of GDP, relative to the baseline.
  • A cautious approach to reducing inequality would benefit the economy, but extreme policy measures could backfire
It took them a while but conservative economists are finally catching up with what Krugman and many many liberals have always known.

Now that conservative economic gurus are bailing out on "trickle-down" I wonder how rightwingers on the USMB are going to try to defend the policies that they bought into (hook, line and sinker) that threw us into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression?

"American inequality has become so extreme that it’s inflicting a lot of economic damage, " he writes. "And this, in turn, implies that redistribution — that is, taxing the rich and helping the poor — may well raise, not lower, the economy’s growth rate."

Yes, it is awful that people who actually work for a living make more money than welfare recipients.
It is awful that people who actually graduated from college make more money than people who dropped out of high school.
It is awful that people who work more than 40 hours a week make more money than people who work part time.

Now why is taxing the productive to hand money to the less productive going to increase growth?
Krugman has never gotten anything right. Ever.
Obama's policies have created the worst income inequality ever. If libs were honest they would admit that his policies are creating the very situation they abhor. Of course, if libs were honest, they wouldn't be libs.
The loss of wealth by the middle and lower classes during the Great Recession is not due to Oblama policies, the crash had already occurred during Booshed...and the loss had already occurred or would occur during the next two years...
Goodbye to the UNITED States of America the land of FREE

it was good while it lasted, I feel sorry for my children and grandchildren

Until liberals start screaming about the need to deport 20 million illegal infiltrators, they have no credibility to speak on the issue of income inequality because they're MAKING A CHOICE which works to increase income inequality.

You can't be standing at a house fire and throwing jugs of gasoline into the fire and then scream at the fire department for not putting out the fire fast enough. That just makes you look like an idiot.

Do you think that these recent young infiltrators are decreasing income inequality in the nation? They're money-sucks, they're taking money away from American needy people and thus making everyone poorer.

If you want to combat income inequality, chew on this from the Washington Post:

From 1990 to 2007, the entire increase in official poverty was among Hispanics.
We were making progress in closing income inequality but all those Hispanics that came to the US since 1990 have obliterated the gains we made.

You liberals have made your choice - you want a peon class of voters more than you want a society with lower levels of income inequality. If you want lower income inequality then you would be screaming like banshees about the need to deport 20 million illegal infiltrators because they're consuming tax resources which, when distributed to Americans, would give each American recipient a larger slice of taxpayer pie.
Until liberals start screaming about the need to deport 20 million illegal infiltrators, they have no credibility to speak on the issue of income inequality because they're MAKING A CHOICE which works to increase income inequality.

You can't be standing at a house fire and throwing jugs of gasoline into the fire and then scream at the fire department for not putting out the fire fast enough. That just makes you look like an idiot.

Do you think that these recent young infiltrators are decreasing income inequality in the nation? They're money-sucks, they're taking money away from American needy people and thus making everyone poorer.

If you want to combat income inequality, chew on this from the Washington Post:

From 1990 to 2007, the entire increase in official poverty was among Hispanics.
We were making progress in closing income inequality but all those Hispanics that came to the US since 1990 have obliterated the gains we made.

You liberals have made your choice - you want a peon class of voters more than you want a society with lower levels of income inequality. If you want lower income inequality then you would be screaming like banshees about the need to deport 20 million illegal infiltrators because they're consuming tax resources which, when distributed to Americans, would give each American recipient a larger slice of taxpayer pie.

You're usually as redundant as a scratched record and as wrong as Riegels and now I know why -- FYI WaPo's Robert Samuelson is a pretender, earning a living off the fact that he has the same name as the well-respected economist of the same name but hey, if you want to be a disciple of phony pretender, that's your choice but-----but don't expect anyone else to take seriously what a government major has to say about economics.
You're usually as redundant as a scratched record and as wrong as Riegels and now I know why -- FYI WaPo's Robert Samuelson is a pretender, earning a living off the fact that he has the same name as the well-respected economist of the same name but hey, if you want to be a disciple of phony pretender, that's your choice but-----but don't expect anyone else to take seriously what a government major has to say about economics.

Your distraction effort fails. Samuelson REPORTS the figure on Hispanics, he doesn't ARGUE it. So your effort to discredit the reporter misses the mark.

Secondly, are you seriously contending that importing poor people is a net benefit to the economy and actually LOWERS income inequality? If so do you have a strategy to BOOST high school drop-outs in American schools? If we could boost high school drop-out numbers then we wouldn't need to import Spanish speaking high school drop-outs. Are high school drop-outs good for the economy and does having more of them in the workforce lower income inequality?

Do you see what I mean about having to personallly stupidy yourself in order to be a politically correct liberal? How on earth can you argue that importing poorly educated and poverty stricken people has no effect on income inequality? Please try to set me straight.

PS. Why do you link to a hate-site under Samuelson's name?
Your distraction effort fails. Samuelson REPORTS the figure on Hispanics, he doesn't ARGUE it. So your effort to discredit the reporter misses the mark.

Secondly, are you seriously contending that importing poor people is a net benefit to the economy and actually LOWERS income inequality? If so do you have a strategy to BOOST high school drop-outs in American schools? If we could boost high school drop-out numbers then we wouldn't need to import Spanish speaking high school drop-outs. Are high school drop-outs good for the economy and does having more of them in the workforce lower income inequality?

Do you see what I mean about having to personallly stupidy yourself in order to be a politically correct liberal? How on earth can you argue that importing poorly educated and poverty stricken people has no effect on income inequality? Please try to set me straight.

PS. Why do you link to a hate-site under Samuelson's name?

OK I get it, you'd rather be a disciple/sheeple of a fake economist who makes you "feel good" about your economic ideology but-----but as Hartmann says in the article linked below - "As we've been saying all along, no nation, in the history of the world, has ever cut their way to prosperity. It's time to put an end to Republican austerity measures, and start investing in our nation with stronger social programs, new infrastructure, and good-paying American jobs." and-----and the proof is in the empirical evidence. Prove me wrong if you think you can, but I'm really not interested in your "feelings".

IMF Debunks Austerity
Mar. 6, 2014
By Thom Hartmann


The IMF has debunked the old myth that redistribution is bad for growth and demolished the case for austerity. That redistribution efforts – essential to fight inequality – are good for growth is a welcome finding. Low tax and low public spending are clearly no the route to prosperity.

As we've been saying all along, no nation, in the history of the world, has ever cut their way to prosperity. It's time to put an end to Republican austerity measures, and start investing in our nation with stronger social programs, new infrastructure, and good-paying American jobs.


Krugman.... :lol:

Let me guess, we should build the poor people death stars with the stolen loot so we can "stimulate" the economy.
Your distraction effort fails. Samuelson REPORTS the figure on Hispanics, he doesn't ARGUE it. So your effort to discredit the reporter misses the mark.

Secondly, are you seriously contending that importing poor people is a net benefit to the economy and actually LOWERS income inequality? If so do you have a strategy to BOOST high school drop-outs in American schools? If we could boost high school drop-out numbers then we wouldn't need to import Spanish speaking high school drop-outs. Are high school drop-outs good for the economy and does having more of them in the workforce lower income inequality?

Do you see what I mean about having to personallly stupidy yourself in order to be a politically correct liberal? How on earth can you argue that importing poorly educated and poverty stricken people has no effect on income inequality? Please try to set me straight.

PS. Why do you link to a hate-site under Samuelson's name?

OK I get it, you'd rather be a disciple/sheeple of a fake economist who makes you "feel good" about your economic ideology but-----but as Hartmann says in the article linked below - "As we've been saying all along, no nation, in the history of the world, has ever cut their way to prosperity. It's time to put an end to Republican austerity measures, and start investing in our nation with stronger social programs, new infrastructure, and good-paying American jobs." and-----and the proof is in the empirical evidence. Prove me wrong if you think you can, but I'm really not interested in your "feelings".

IMF Debunks Austerity
Mar. 6, 2014
By Thom Hartmann


The IMF has debunked the old myth that redistribution is bad for growth and demolished the case for austerity. That redistribution efforts – essential to fight inequality – are good for growth is a welcome finding. Low tax and low public spending are clearly no the route to prosperity.

As we've been saying all along, no nation, in the history of the world, has ever cut their way to prosperity. It's time to put an end to Republican austerity measures, and start investing in our nation with stronger social programs, new infrastructure, and good-paying American jobs

"As we've been saying all along, no nation, in the history of the world, has ever cut their way to prosperity. It's time to put an end to Republican austerity measures, and start investing in our nation with stronger social programs, new infrastructure, and good-paying American jobs."

We should do this, now!!! And all it will take is $7 trillion in deficit spending in Obama's first 6 years.
What? We already did that? And it didn't work?


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