Google Attempts To Sell 'Benefit' of Censorship to US Govt


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
GOOGLE CEO Tells Senators Censored Search Could Have 'Broad Benefits'...

Google CEO Tells Senators That Censored Chinese Search Engine Could Provide “Broad Benefits”

'GOOGLE CEO SUNDAR PICHAI has refused to answer a list of questions from U.S. lawmakers about the company’s secretive plan for a censored search engine in China.'

Of course, China depresses freedom and censors the shit out of its people...

Of course Google would never think of using such Censorship in the US...

And of course the Democrats / Liberals - same Democrats who target US citizens with a weapons IRS and illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices - would never think of entertaining the idea of following China's lead by Censoring information from the American people...

The Democrats would NEVER do anything like that...

One more time for the really slow and learning impaired...

Keep you big government statist hands out of my internet.

If you do not like the results that Google gives you, don't use them.

It is a simple thing, why is this so hard for you statist?

Or, just move to Russia and quit trying to turn the US in to Russia.

I applaud Mr. Pichai telling the government to shove it up their ass, it is none of their damn business.
One more time for the really slow and learning impaired...

Keep you big government statist hands out of my internet.

If you do not like the results that Google gives you, don't use them.

It is a simple thing, why is this so hard for you statist?

Or, just move to Russia and quit trying to turn the US in to Russia.

I applaud Mr. Pichai telling the government to shove it up their ass, it is none of their damn business.
When Google and the Fed own the majority of the storage and controls access to that storage, then it becomes clear that they can impact what we see and read and they can control what ideas and political agendas get good ratings and poor ratings... In other words they can control the political discourse. Which is what their stated goal is in China..

Given the exposing of Obama era corruption and weaponizing of our government against us, you really think its a wise thing to do, giving these people a platform and unfettered control?

Google needs to be broken into thousands of pieces.. Time to invoke antitrust laws and break them up..
One more time for the really slow and learning impaired...

Keep you big government statist hands out of my internet.

If you do not like the results that Google gives you, don't use them.

It is a simple thing, why is this so hard for you statist?

Or, just move to Russia and quit trying to turn the US in to Russia.

I applaud Mr. Pichai telling the government to shove it up their ass, it is none of their damn business.
When Google and the Fed own the majority of the storage and controls access to that storage, then it becomes clear that they can impact what we see and read and they can control what ideas and political agendas get good ratings and poor ratings... In other words they can control the political discourse. Which is what their stated goal is in China..

Given the exposing of Obama era corruption and weaponizing of our government against us, you really think its a wise thing to do, giving these people a platform and unfettered control?

Google needs to be broken into thousands of pieces.. Time to invoke antitrust laws and break them up..

Thus is always the answer of the statist, punish those companies that succeed, never let success go unpunished.

Private companies must bow down to the Central Government and do as they are told or they will be smashed!

In your zeal to save yourself from what you fear, you have become that very thing.
One more time for the really slow and learning impaired...

Keep you big government statist hands out of my internet.

If you do not like the results that Google gives you, don't use them.

It is a simple thing, why is this so hard for you statist?

Or, just move to Russia and quit trying to turn the US in to Russia.

I applaud Mr. Pichai telling the government to shove it up their ass, it is none of their damn business.
When Google and the Fed own the majority of the storage and controls access to that storage, then it becomes clear that they can impact what we see and read and they can control what ideas and political agendas get good ratings and poor ratings... In other words they can control the political discourse. Which is what their stated goal is in China..

Given the exposing of Obama era corruption and weaponizing of our government against us, you really think its a wise thing to do, giving these people a platform and unfettered control?

Google needs to be broken into thousands of pieces.. Time to invoke antitrust laws and break them up..

Thus is always the answer of the statist, punish those companies that succeed, never let success go unpunished.

Private companies must bow down to the Central Government and do as they are told or they will be smashed!

In your zeal to save yourself from what you fear, you have become that very thing.
When a company becomes so large that it ENDANGERS the government of the US it then is an enemy and needs to be broken up.. Protecting our REPUBLIC comes before your business.. Funny how you leftists were all for breaking up MA-Bell years ago but now your for one that could destroy America and the Republic. Telling how you leftist hold your Socialist-statist agenda above all else..
GOOGLE CEO Tells Senators Censored Search Could Have 'Broad Benefits'...

Google CEO Tells Senators That Censored Chinese Search Engine Could Provide “Broad Benefits”

'GOOGLE CEO SUNDAR PICHAI has refused to answer a list of questions from U.S. lawmakers about the company’s secretive plan for a censored search engine in China.'

Of course, China depresses freedom and censors the shit out of its people...

Of course Google would never think of using such Censorship in the US...

And of course the Democrats / Liberals - same Democrats who target US citizens with a weapons IRS and illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices - would never think of entertaining the idea of following China's lead by Censoring information from the American people...

The Democrats would NEVER do anything like that...

The title of this thread is misleading if not an outright lie. Google isn't trying to sell the US government anything. What they are trying to do is gain entry into the Chinese market.
When a company becomes so large that it ENDANGERS the government of the US it then is an enemy and needs to be broken up.. Protecting our REPUBLIC comes before your business.. Funny how you leftists were all for breaking up MA-Bell years ago but now your for one that could destroy America and the Republic. Telling how you leftist hold your Socialist-statist agenda above all else..

Google does not endanger the US Govt, you are high on fucking crack if you think so.

I have never been for breaking up anything, you are just making shit up now.

The person supporting the government interfering with private businesses should not be calling the one against it a leftist or a Socialist.

I love how all you statist keep trying to do that to me, yet you are all full of shit. You are miles to the left of me.
One more time for the really slow and learning impaired...

Keep you big government statist hands out of my internet.

If you do not like the results that Google gives you, don't use them.

It is a simple thing, why is this so hard for you statist?

Or, just move to Russia and quit trying to turn the US in to Russia.

I applaud Mr. Pichai telling the government to shove it up their ass, it is none of their damn business.
When Google and the Fed own the majority of the storage and controls access to that storage, then it becomes clear that they can impact what we see and read and they can control what ideas and political agendas get good ratings and poor ratings... In other words they can control the political discourse. Which is what their stated goal is in China..

Given the exposing of Obama era corruption and weaponizing of our government against us, you really think its a wise thing to do, giving these people a platform and unfettered control?

Google needs to be broken into thousands of pieces.. Time to invoke antitrust laws and break them up..

Thus is always the answer of the statist, punish those companies that succeed, never let success go unpunished.

Private companies must bow down to the Central Government and do as they are told or they will be smashed!

In your zeal to save yourself from what you fear, you have become that very thing.
When a company becomes so large that it ENDANGERS the government of the US it then is an enemy and needs to be broken up.. Protecting our REPUBLIC comes before your business.. Funny how you leftists were all for breaking up MA-Bell years ago but now your for one that could destroy America and the Republic. Telling how you leftist hold your Socialist-statist agenda above all else..
I guess there are limits to the free market after all. Good to know.
The title of this thread is misleading if not an outright lie. Google isn't trying to sell the US government anything. What they are trying to do is gain entry into the Chinese market.
Yet nah vey smart, are ye?

While refusing to answer questions Google is attempting to 'sell' Congress (mainly Democ-RATS) on how 'BENEFICIAL' Censorship is.
The title of this thread is misleading if not an outright lie. Google isn't trying to sell the US government anything. What they are trying to do is gain entry into the Chinese market.
Yet nah vey smart, are ye?

While refusing to answer questions Google is attempting to 'sell' Congress (mainly Democ-RATS) on how 'BENEFICIAL' Censorship is.

While refusing to answer questions Google is standing up for freedom and limited government...two things that you statist hate more than anything else.
One more time for the really slow and learning impaired...

Keep you big government statist hands out of my internet.

If you do not like the results that Google gives you, don't use them.

It is a simple thing, why is this so hard for you statist?

Or, just move to Russia and quit trying to turn the US in to Russia.

I applaud Mr. Pichai telling the government to shove it up their ass, it is none of their damn business.
When Google and the Fed own the majority of the storage and controls access to that storage, then it becomes clear that they can impact what we see and read and they can control what ideas and political agendas get good ratings and poor ratings... In other words they can control the political discourse. Which is what their stated goal is in China..

Given the exposing of Obama era corruption and weaponizing of our government against us, you really think its a wise thing to do, giving these people a platform and unfettered control?

Google needs to be broken into thousands of pieces.. Time to invoke antitrust laws and break them up..

Thus is always the answer of the statist, punish those companies that succeed, never let success go unpunished.

Private companies must bow down to the Central Government and do as they are told or they will be smashed!

In your zeal to save yourself from what you fear, you have become that very thing.
So you want the US to 'become China', a nation that oppressed its people and enslaved them by keeping knowledge from them through Censoring everything they do not want the people to see / know?!

Well, under Obama we weren't too far from that, as he illegally spied on US citizens, the media, US Senators, & USSC Justices while using a militarized IRS to thwart Americans who legally opposed Obama's re-election.
The title of this thread is misleading if not an outright lie. Google isn't trying to sell the US government anything. What they are trying to do is gain entry into the Chinese market.
Yet nah vey smart, are ye?

While refusing to answer questions Google is attempting to 'sell' Congress (mainly Democ-RATS) on how 'BENEFICIAL' Censorship is.
No they aren't. They are simply refusing to answer questions about how they intend to gain entry into China's market.
So you want the US to 'become China', a nation that oppressed its people and enslaved them by keeping knowledge from them through Censoring everything they do not want the people to see / know?!
Why would anyone want to do that when they already have you enslaved to an overload of information that you are wholly unable to process.
While refusing to answer questions Google is standing up for freedom and limited government...two things that you statist hate more than anything else.
Oh yeah, trying to convince the US Congress about the 'benefits' of the Censor program China uses to oppress its people is really 'standing up for freedom and limited government'.

Good lord you are such a liar and an idiot...
So you want the US to 'become China', a nation that oppressed its people and enslaved them by keeping knowledge from them through Censoring everything they do not want the people to see / know?!

Well, under Obama we weren't too far from that, as he illegally spied on US citizens, the media, US Senators, & USSC Justices while using a militarized IRS to thwart Americans who legally opposed Obama's re-election.

you are the one that wants our government to act like China's not me.

you are the one that wants the government to interfere with private business

It is you that wants the US to be like China or Russia, and it is people like me fighting you statist at every turn.
While refusing to answer questions Google is standing up for freedom and limited government...two things that you statist hate more than anything else.
Oh yeah, trying to convince the US Congress about the 'benefits' of the Censor program China uses to oppress its people is really 'standing up for freedom and limited government'.

Good lord you are such a liar and an idiot...

Nobody is selling anyone anything, you cannot sell something by not talking about it you fucking statist moron.
So you want the US to 'become China', a nation that oppressed its people and enslaved them by keeping knowledge from them through Censoring everything they do not want the people to see / know?!
Why would anyone want to do that when they already have you enslaved to an overload of information that you are wholly unable to process.
You seem to be speaking about yourself, snowflake. Fail.
So you want the US to 'become China', a nation that oppressed its people and enslaved them by keeping knowledge from them through Censoring everything they do not want the people to see / know?!
Why would anyone want to do that when they already have you enslaved to an overload of information that you are wholly unable to process.
You seem to be speaking about yourself, snowflake. Fail.
I'm talking about you, stupid. Where did you get the idea that Google is selling the government on censorship?

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