Google literally change the definition of fascism to attack conservatives

Lol, telling the truth isn't a "tactic" my friend.

We've already established that your not interested in truth.. Little Franco.. :itsok:.
so what happened to all those phony scandals about Hillary that would get her locked up, super duper? Just like all the other phony scandals you believe, all investigated and every rational person in the world at this point is telling you the GOP voter is incredibly misinformed with hateful divisive garbage..... And no there is no giant conspiracy of the deep State against you, you incredible brainwashed functional moron.

A phony investigation by a corrupt Obama Administration let Hillary off the hook but your welcome to suck up to the corruption, no problem for me... Sheesh .. again with your Goebbel tactics... :lol:
The big lie is the GOP and its propaganda machine. So many phony scandals no evidence no retractions -so many they had to have this deep state conspiracy. No evidence nothing y+people are so dumb.

Seriously, after 3 straight years of TDS empty rabbit holes you're going with that Franco. Fudd..

View attachment 278203
Of course you are totally misinformed. Trump was a terrible businessman and now he's a terrible president. A fraud a phony a con man and criminal.
We've already established that your not interested in truth.. Little Franco.. :itsok:.
so what happened to all those phony scandals about Hillary that would get her locked up, super duper? Just like all the other phony scandals you believe, all investigated and every rational person in the world at this point is telling you the GOP voter is incredibly misinformed with hateful divisive garbage..... And no there is no giant conspiracy of the deep State against you, you incredible brainwashed functional moron.

A phony investigation by a corrupt Obama Administration let Hillary off the hook but your welcome to suck up to the corruption, no problem for me... Sheesh .. again with your Goebbel tactics... :lol:
The big lie is the GOP and its propaganda machine. So many phony scandals no evidence no retractions -so many they had to have this deep state conspiracy. No evidence nothing y+people are so dumb.

Seriously, after 3 straight years of TDS empty rabbit holes you're going with that Franco. Fudd..

View attachment 278203
Of course you are totally misinformed. Trump was a terrible businessman and now he's a terrible president. A fraud a phony a con man and criminal.

He really diddles your muffin, huh...:woohoo:
so what happened to all those phony scandals about Hillary that would get her locked up, super duper? Just like all the other phony scandals you believe, all investigated and every rational person in the world at this point is telling you the GOP voter is incredibly misinformed with hateful divisive garbage..... And no there is no giant conspiracy of the deep State against you, you incredible brainwashed functional moron.

A phony investigation by a corrupt Obama Administration let Hillary off the hook but your welcome to suck up to the corruption, no problem for me... Sheesh .. again with your Goebbel tactics... :lol:
The big lie is the GOP and its propaganda machine. So many phony scandals no evidence no retractions -so many they had to have this deep state conspiracy. No evidence nothing y+people are so dumb.

Seriously, after 3 straight years of TDS empty rabbit holes you're going with that Franco. Fudd..

View attachment 278203
Of course you are totally misinformed. Trump was a terrible businessman and now he's a terrible president. A fraud a phony a con man and criminal.

He really diddles your muffin, huh...:woohoo:
a total failure and about to wreck the economy with his stupid chaos and trade Wars. Except in dupe world....
A phony investigation by a corrupt Obama Administration let Hillary off the hook but your welcome to suck up to the corruption, no problem for me... Sheesh .. again with your Goebbel tactics... :lol:
The big lie is the GOP and its propaganda machine. So many phony scandals no evidence no retractions -so many they had to have this deep state conspiracy. No evidence nothing y+people are so dumb.

Seriously, after 3 straight years of TDS empty rabbit holes you're going with that Franco. Fudd..

View attachment 278203
Of course you are totally misinformed. Trump was a terrible businessman and now he's a terrible president. A fraud a phony a con man and criminal.

He really diddles your muffin, huh...:woohoo:
a total failure and about to wreck the economy with his stupid chaos and trade Wars. Except in dupe world....

Well, everyone loves a raving pessimist in TDS world .. it's really working for y'all, keep it up.. :wink_2:
The big lie is the GOP and its propaganda machine. So many phony scandals no evidence no retractions -so many they had to have this deep state conspiracy. No evidence nothing y+people are so dumb.

Seriously, after 3 straight years of TDS empty rabbit holes you're going with that Franco. Fudd..

View attachment 278203
Of course you are totally misinformed. Trump was a terrible businessman and now he's a terrible president. A fraud a phony a con man and criminal.

He really diddles your muffin, huh...:woohoo:
a total failure and about to wreck the economy with his stupid chaos and trade Wars. Except in dupe world....

Well, everyone loves a raving pessimist in TDS world .. it's really working for y'all, keep it up.. :wink_2:
Also what experts are saying. Except in dupe world of course.
Seriously, after 3 straight years of TDS empty rabbit holes you're going with that Franco. Fudd..

View attachment 278203
Of course you are totally misinformed. Trump was a terrible businessman and now he's a terrible president. A fraud a phony a con man and criminal.

He really diddles your muffin, huh...:woohoo:
a total failure and about to wreck the economy with his stupid chaos and trade Wars. Except in dupe world....

Well, everyone loves a raving pessimist in TDS world .. it's really working for y'all, keep it up.. :wink_2:
Also what experts are saying. Except in dupe world of course.

TDS .. "experts" .. ?
View attachment 277740

Don’t believe me search google for the fascism.
We are living in tyrannical times , big government, ruling class are pumping out nazi like propaganda.

Get ready for the big fight
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

How does this insult Conservatives? What do you find so egregious, snowflake?
Of course you are totally misinformed. Trump was a terrible businessman and now he's a terrible president. A fraud a phony a con man and criminal.

He really diddles your muffin, huh...:woohoo:
a total failure and about to wreck the economy with his stupid chaos and trade Wars. Except in dupe world....

Well, everyone loves a raving pessimist in TDS world .. it's really working for y'all, keep it up.. :wink_2:
Also what experts are saying. Except in dupe world of course.

TDS .. "experts" .. ?
The economists. the world economy is too fragile to handle all this chaos and trade Wars. the GOP is wonderful at screwing up the economy.
So let's look at the definition:


a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

1. Exalts nation and often race above the individual.

No, most conservatives, while they are very patriotic (some would call it nationalism), are geared toward individual liberty. They believe the people have rights and are the driving force behind the nation.

They are proud to be an American, but want government limited in their lives. This means they dont hold fealty to the government but rather the government should be working for them.

The left, however, generally want more control placed in the hands of government to be able to regulate virtually every aspect of our lives.

2. Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader.

Again, the right believes in limited government. They believe the government has specific duties to serve the citizen, beyond that, the power resides with the state and the individual.

Again, the left seem to want to give more power to the government.

3. Severe economic and social regimentation.

The right believes a person should be able to make as much money as they want, without the government digging its hands into their pockets. They also believe that an individual should have the freedom to live as they choose as long as it doesnt interfere with the right and freedoms of their own lives.

The left believe the government should take any money it deems necessary when it feels like an individual has made too much.

3. Forcible suppression of opposition.

Well, this one can clearly be pointed toward antifa, whose main goal is the forcible suppression of opposition. It goes beyond that, however. The left also prefer the silencing of the opposition by removing them from social media platforms, and continually calling the support of conservative ideology, hate speech.

Fascism seems to have more in common with left wing ideology than it does the right.
"They are proud to be an American, but want government limited in their lives."


.... yeah, sure. Uh-huh.

Unless you're a woman who wants, or needs, to terminate her pregnancy.

Or unless you're gay and want to legally marry the person you're in love with.

Or unless you want to be a practicing muslim.

Or unless you're poor and can't afford to send your kids to private school.

Or unless you were born here in the United States but your mother was here illegally.

Or unless you're kept alive by machines and your closet legal guardian wants to pull the plug.

Unless you're a woman who wants, or needs, to terminate her pregnancy.

Abortion, especially late term abortion is murder. I know the left doesnt think so, but it's strange that every time I ask about the double homicide scenario, those on the left become strangely silent.

Aside from that, while there are those who would want a total ban, what you see from the right is either a late term abortion ban and removing taxpayer money from abortions. Not often do you see the right actively working on a total abortion ban.

Or unless you're gay and want to legally marry the person you're in love with.

Repubs believe in traditional marriage, but, have you seen any evidence of the right trying to ban homosexual marriage? I've not seen any legislation being proposed that would suggest that.

Or unless you want to be a practicing muslim.

Who's asking for government to prevent someone from being a muslim? Nobody as far as I can see. The right is surely pushing back on the Islamic goal of sharia law, but that goes back to individual liberty. You practice your religion, just dont try to make me do it.

If you are talking about the "muslim ban", that never happened. The left wing media did, and still does push that lie. There was never a ban on muslims. There was a ban on about 7 countries that were determined to be hotbeds of terrorism.

Or unless you're poor and can't afford to send your kids to private school.

What right wingers are asking for government to send their kids to private school?

Or unless you were born here in the United States but your mother was here illegally.

The constitution doesnt provide for birthright citizenship. If you actually read the text, you'll see they actually wrote it to make sure that didnt happen. It was further clarified by other documents written by the framers.

Then reason why birthright citizenship is common is because we've been doing it wrong for so long, people just go with it.

No Republican is against immigration, they are just against illegal immigration, and using loopholes to create a situation where one can illegally immigrate, and be allowed to side step the process. If someone wants to immigrate using the lawful means, then come on over, and be an American.

Or unless you're kept alive by machines and your closet legal guardian wants to pull the plug.

Ok, I'm not sure where this is coming from. Are there Republicans who are actively trying to prevent this? I honestly dont know. I've not heard any situations where this is the case. Please show me where this is an issue.
"Abortion, especially late term abortion is murder. I know the left doesnt think so, but it's strange that every time I ask about the double homicide scenario, those on the left become strangely silent."

Late-term abortions are restricted to extreme cases where the pregnant woman's life as at risk or prenatal examinations determine the unborn baby has virtually no chance at survival. Your resistance to this only serves to reveal you want pregnant women to die.

"Repubs believe in traditional marriage, but, have you seen any evidence of the right trying to ban homosexual marriage? I've not seen any legislation being proposed that would suggest that."

The right did everything they could to prevent it. When it became clear it was going to happen, the right tried their favorite compromise, separate but equal. It wasn't until the Supreme Court ruled denying same-sex marriage is a violation of equal protection of the law that the right was squashed on the subject.

"Who's asking for government to prevent someone from being a muslim? Nobody as far as I can see. The right is surely pushing back on the Islamic goal of sharia law, but that goes back to individual liberty. You practice your religion, just dont try to make me do it."

The right is trying to keep Muslims out of the country and they repeatedly bash the only Muslims serving in Congress.

"What right wingers are asking for government to send their kids to private school?"

It's the right who's pushing for school vouchers.

"Ok, I'm not sure where this is coming from. Are there Republicans who are actively trying to prevent this? I honestly dont know. I've not heard any situations where this is the case. Please show me where this is an issue."

Terri Schiavo
Google are very unpleasant just before the pleasant victory of Trump Hossfly had put a gif backing up Trump, a gif that disappeared in search of Google, I had put it as a signature for a lucky charm and it worked. and now it is no longer in search of Google, I found it on my hard drive and i'm ready and I reserve it for 2020 as a lucky charm for a other victory of Trump.
He really diddles your muffin, huh...:woohoo:
a total failure and about to wreck the economy with his stupid chaos and trade Wars. Except in dupe world....

Well, everyone loves a raving pessimist in TDS world .. it's really working for y'all, keep it up.. :wink_2:
Also what experts are saying. Except in dupe world of course.

TDS .. "experts" .. ?
The economists. the world economy is too fragile to handle all this chaos and trade Wars. the GOP is wonderful at screwing up the economy.

My my you are a nervous Nellie there franco, the weight of the WORLD on your shoulders.

Have you noticed that the world is always in chaos, fat heads are always giving the wrong advice, the US economy is inevitably headed over the cliff and no politician or political party has the balls to be completely honest about it. They want to win and they wont win being honest.. well, that's enough blah blah .. later.
Last edited:
Trumpism allows us to redefine words and accept misinformation. What is wrong with that?
Trumpism allows us to redefine words and accept misinformation. What is wrong with that?
Because it is YOU Knob Slobbers that are redefining words and promoting misinformation and using Trump as your excuse to do so, but the reality is, your black hearts are just Evil and you have been doing this all along for decades, COMRADE.
Last edited:
Trumpism allows us to redefine words and accept misinformation. What is wrong with that?
Because it is YOU Knob Slobbers that are redefining words and promoting misinformation and using Trump as your excuse to do so, but the reality is, your black hearts are just Evil and you have been doing this all along for decades, COMRADE.
This thread is a perfect example of Trumper's redefining words like fascism and literally. So far, all these pages and posts have relied on insult postings and nonsense for Trump's defense.
Trumpism allows us to redefine words and accept misinformation. What is wrong with that?
Because it is YOU Knob Slobbers that are redefining words and promoting misinformation and using Trump as your excuse to do so, but the reality is, your black hearts are just Evil and you have been doing this all along for decades, COMRADE.
This thread is a perfect example of Trumper's redefining words like fascism and literally. So far, all these pages and posts have relied on insult postings and nonsense for Trump's defense.
The definition of Fascism has never Changed, except when you tried to change it. Communists & Socialists are Fascists. That is how they implement their ideologies. People have to be bullied in to it. People want to be Free, and don't want to be Slaves to The State like you want them to be.

Only the Lazy and Unmotivated want Communism and Socialism, so that must be you!

Don't you have Putin's Balls to Shave?
Trumpism allows us to redefine words and accept misinformation. What is wrong with that?
Because it is YOU Knob Slobbers that are redefining words and promoting misinformation and using Trump as your excuse to do so, but the reality is, your black hearts are just Evil and you have been doing this all along for decades, COMRADE.
This thread is a perfect example of Trumper's redefining words like fascism and literally. So far, all these pages and posts have relied on insult postings and nonsense for Trump's defense.
The definition of Fascism has never Changed, except when you tried to change it. Communists & Socialists are Fascists. That is how they implement their ideologies. People have to be bullied in to it. People want to be Free, and don't want to be Slaves to The State like you want them to be.

Only the Lazy and Unmotivated want Communism and Socialism, so that must be you!

Don't you have Putin's Balls to Shave?
The title and OP of this thread are total lies and misrepresentations, as is your post.
Trumpism allows us to redefine words and accept misinformation. What is wrong with that?
Because it is YOU Knob Slobbers that are redefining words and promoting misinformation and using Trump as your excuse to do so, but the reality is, your black hearts are just Evil and you have been doing this all along for decades, COMRADE.
This thread is a perfect example of Trumper's redefining words like fascism and literally. So far, all these pages and posts have relied on insult postings and nonsense for Trump's defense.
The definition of Fascism has never Changed, except when you tried to change it. Communists & Socialists are Fascists. That is how they implement their ideologies. People have to be bullied in to it. People want to be Free, and don't want to be Slaves to The State like you want them to be.

Only the Lazy and Unmotivated want Communism and Socialism, so that must be you!

Don't you have Putin's Balls to Shave?
The title and OP of this thread are total lies and misrepresentations, as is your post.
You have spent your life promoting lies and misrepresentations so exactly how are you gonna 'splain' that away on judgment day?
What was the previous definition of fascism?
Conservative dictionaries define it as Democrats.
Democratic Socialism = Na zism

DemNazis same as Them Nazis.

Democratic Socialist Fascist Party same as The Socialist Fascist Nazi Party

It's really that simple.

Heil Hillery!
View attachment 277817
Creepitus =
Well, we know that's far too large to be tRump's hand, how did you get that close to Vladimir?

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