Google responds to Trump says doesn't bias search results


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Google Responds To Trump, Says "Doesn't Bias Search Results"
As a reminder, first thing this morning, Trump tweeted that "Google search results for ‘Trump News’ shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD, Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal," Trump said in his latest claim of bias by the media. 96% of results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous."


Does it really matter if they respond, they lie they will set him up they will have everyone claim the lies they dream up because this is what Trump haters do.

All in all wait until they come for you bhahha.

These fkn assholes have been caught lying over and over theyve been video taped stating what htey do they know their sheep are idiots and forget information real fast.
The most popular results pop up first. The ones people are most likely to click on.

I guess CNN, WAPO and NYT are more popular than. Breitbart, ZeroHedge, or the Moonie Times.
The most popular results pop up first. The ones people are most likely to click on.

I guess CNN, WAPO and NYT are more popular than. Breitbart, ZeroHedge, or the Moonie Times.

Maybe you will learn summtin dumbass.

The most popular results pop up first. The ones people are most likely to click on.

I guess CNN, WAPO and NYT are more popular than. Breitbart, ZeroHedge, or the Moonie Times.
That's how it worked 5 years ago. Not today

Trump keeps thinking his childish antics are worthy of praise. As usual Dumb Donald would be wrong.
No it's just your dumb enough to fall for the stunt " YOUR OWN" is pulling on Trump.

Why you fkrs are so gawd dam stuid to the NWO control grid is beyond those of us who aren't so retarded.
Well if there is no bias they should have no problem being regulated
i seldom hear people on the right talk for regulation until it's directly involves them.

on - i search on donald trump news and the 1st page is all this about google filtering the results.
on - i use the same search and i get 1 talking about google filtering the results and then a lot of top level sites that would just have news about donald trump.

so you do get very different results but i'm not sure how you can say that 96% of this is negative news when likely 90% of the news out there on trump *is* negative from the press. it's googles job to get you the most active, not an unbiased return.

that said you're damn right google will skew the results to people who pay them to. they're an advertising NOT technology company and whatever they do is based around that.

i have choices. i don't need to have the gov come in and punish google when i can simply use another of many search engines out there. i've never been a fan of the gov determining what should and should be how it is. that's on us as consumers and while it works against my own personal beliefs, that's one instance and i'm not going to change how i feel overall around because of 1 instance. that would make me liberal and hell, that's a lot worse than google deciding what to show on their services.
Donald Trump is losing it folks...everybody is after the'd think by now, he would have pulled Obama from under his bed and moved on. Guess who else is after you Trump......the ghost of John afraid, be very afraid.:1peleas:
Google Responds To Trump, Says "Doesn't Bias Search Results"
As a reminder, first thing this morning, Trump tweeted that "Google search results for ‘Trump News’ shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD, Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal," Trump said in his latest claim of bias by the media. 96% of results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous."


Does it really matter if they respond, they lie they will set him up they will have everyone claim the lies they dream up because this is what Trump haters do.

All in all wait until they come for you bhahha.

These fkn assholes have been caught lying over and over theyve been video taped stating what htey do they know their sheep are idiots and forget information real fast.

I'm guessing there may be something worthwhile in the 397 million results the search engine found in 0.21 seconds (kudos Google). Might want to get a cup of coffee before digging in though.
Earth to Trump, the only people interested in Googling your dumb white ass is Russia....complain to them you traitor!!
Well if there is no bias they should have no problem being regulated
i seldom hear people on the right talk for regulation until it's directly involves them.

on - i search on donald trump news and the 1st page is all this about google filtering the results.
on - i use the same search and i get 1 talking about google filtering the results and then a lot of top level sites that would just have news about donald trump.

so you do get very different results but i'm not sure how you can say that 96% of this is negative news when likely 90% of the news out there on trump *is* negative from the press. it's googles job to get you the most active, not an unbiased return.

that said you're damn right google will skew the results to people who pay them to. they're an advertising NOT technology company and whatever they do is based around that.

i have choices. i don't need to have the gov come in and punish google when i can simply use another of many search engines out there. i've never been a fan of the gov determining what should and should be how it is. that's on us as consumers and while it works against my own personal beliefs, that's one instance and i'm not going to change how i feel overall around because of 1 instance. that would make me liberal and hell, that's a lot worse than google deciding what to show on their services.

Are you ok with lefty tech companies becoming more powerful than any government on earth?
Well if there is no bias they should have no problem being regulated
i seldom hear people on the right talk for regulation until it's directly involves them.

on - i search on donald trump news and the 1st page is all this about google filtering the results.
on - i use the same search and i get 1 talking about google filtering the results and then a lot of top level sites that would just have news about donald trump.

so you do get very different results but i'm not sure how you can say that 96% of this is negative news when likely 90% of the news out there on trump *is* negative from the press. it's googles job to get you the most active, not an unbiased return.

that said you're damn right google will skew the results to people who pay them to. they're an advertising NOT technology company and whatever they do is based around that.

i have choices. i don't need to have the gov come in and punish google when i can simply use another of many search engines out there. i've never been a fan of the gov determining what should and should be how it is. that's on us as consumers and while it works against my own personal beliefs, that's one instance and i'm not going to change how i feel overall around because of 1 instance. that would make me liberal and hell, that's a lot worse than google deciding what to show on their services.

Are you ok with lefty tech companies becoming more powerful than any government on earth?
are they?

my stance is consistent. i want the people to determine the market, not the gov to control it. there can and will be times where one side gets ahead but the other side can get off their ass and do something about it vs. whine to the gov to make the playground fair again.
Well if there is no bias they should have no problem being regulated
i seldom hear people on the right talk for regulation until it's directly involves them.

on - i search on donald trump news and the 1st page is all this about google filtering the results.
on - i use the same search and i get 1 talking about google filtering the results and then a lot of top level sites that would just have news about donald trump.

so you do get very different results but i'm not sure how you can say that 96% of this is negative news when likely 90% of the news out there on trump *is* negative from the press. it's googles job to get you the most active, not an unbiased return.

that said you're damn right google will skew the results to people who pay them to. they're an advertising NOT technology company and whatever they do is based around that.

i have choices. i don't need to have the gov come in and punish google when i can simply use another of many search engines out there. i've never been a fan of the gov determining what should and should be how it is. that's on us as consumers and while it works against my own personal beliefs, that's one instance and i'm not going to change how i feel overall around because of 1 instance. that would make me liberal and hell, that's a lot worse than google deciding what to show on their services.

Are you ok with lefty tech companies becoming more powerful than any government on earth?
are they?

my stance is consistent. i want the people to determine the market, not the gov to control it. there can and will be times where one side gets ahead but the other side can get off their ass and do something about it vs. whine to the gov to make the playground fair again.

What happens when conservatives "get off their ass and do something"?

The media attacks them for being racist extremists/conspiracy theorists etc. Puts their faces on every broadcast, exposes them to harassment and intimidation.

Either we use the federal government to reign in these media entities before its too late, or we watch the nation burn. Which do you prefer?
Well if there is no bias they should have no problem being regulated
i seldom hear people on the right talk for regulation until it's directly involves them.

on - i search on donald trump news and the 1st page is all this about google filtering the results.
on - i use the same search and i get 1 talking about google filtering the results and then a lot of top level sites that would just have news about donald trump.

so you do get very different results but i'm not sure how you can say that 96% of this is negative news when likely 90% of the news out there on trump *is* negative from the press. it's googles job to get you the most active, not an unbiased return.

that said you're damn right google will skew the results to people who pay them to. they're an advertising NOT technology company and whatever they do is based around that.

i have choices. i don't need to have the gov come in and punish google when i can simply use another of many search engines out there. i've never been a fan of the gov determining what should and should be how it is. that's on us as consumers and while it works against my own personal beliefs, that's one instance and i'm not going to change how i feel overall around because of 1 instance. that would make me liberal and hell, that's a lot worse than google deciding what to show on their services.

Are you ok with lefty tech companies becoming more powerful than any government on earth?
are they?

my stance is consistent. i want the people to determine the market, not the gov to control it. there can and will be times where one side gets ahead but the other side can get off their ass and do something about it vs. whine to the gov to make the playground fair again.

What happens when conservatives "get off their ass and do something"?

The media attacks them for being racist extremists/conspiracy theorists etc. Puts their faces on every broadcast, exposes them to harassment and intimidation.

Either we use the federal government to reign in these media entities before its too late, or we watch the nation burn. Which do you prefer?

build a better solution.
Well if there is no bias they should have no problem being regulated
i seldom hear people on the right talk for regulation until it's directly involves them.

on - i search on donald trump news and the 1st page is all this about google filtering the results.
on - i use the same search and i get 1 talking about google filtering the results and then a lot of top level sites that would just have news about donald trump.

so you do get very different results but i'm not sure how you can say that 96% of this is negative news when likely 90% of the news out there on trump *is* negative from the press. it's googles job to get you the most active, not an unbiased return.

that said you're damn right google will skew the results to people who pay them to. they're an advertising NOT technology company and whatever they do is based around that.

i have choices. i don't need to have the gov come in and punish google when i can simply use another of many search engines out there. i've never been a fan of the gov determining what should and should be how it is. that's on us as consumers and while it works against my own personal beliefs, that's one instance and i'm not going to change how i feel overall around because of 1 instance. that would make me liberal and hell, that's a lot worse than google deciding what to show on their services.

Are you ok with lefty tech companies becoming more powerful than any government on earth?
are they?

my stance is consistent. i want the people to determine the market, not the gov to control it. there can and will be times where one side gets ahead but the other side can get off their ass and do something about it vs. whine to the gov to make the playground fair again.

What happens when conservatives "get off their ass and do something"?

The media attacks them for being racist extremists/conspiracy theorists etc. Puts their faces on every broadcast, exposes them to harassment and intimidation.

Either we use the federal government to reign in these media entities before its too late, or we watch the nation burn. Which do you prefer?

build a better solution.

So basically your answer is, do nothing. Wait for "muh free market capitalism" to fix the problem.
i seldom hear people on the right talk for regulation until it's directly involves them.

on - i search on donald trump news and the 1st page is all this about google filtering the results.
on - i use the same search and i get 1 talking about google filtering the results and then a lot of top level sites that would just have news about donald trump.

so you do get very different results but i'm not sure how you can say that 96% of this is negative news when likely 90% of the news out there on trump *is* negative from the press. it's googles job to get you the most active, not an unbiased return.

that said you're damn right google will skew the results to people who pay them to. they're an advertising NOT technology company and whatever they do is based around that.

i have choices. i don't need to have the gov come in and punish google when i can simply use another of many search engines out there. i've never been a fan of the gov determining what should and should be how it is. that's on us as consumers and while it works against my own personal beliefs, that's one instance and i'm not going to change how i feel overall around because of 1 instance. that would make me liberal and hell, that's a lot worse than google deciding what to show on their services.

Are you ok with lefty tech companies becoming more powerful than any government on earth?
are they?

my stance is consistent. i want the people to determine the market, not the gov to control it. there can and will be times where one side gets ahead but the other side can get off their ass and do something about it vs. whine to the gov to make the playground fair again.

What happens when conservatives "get off their ass and do something"?

The media attacks them for being racist extremists/conspiracy theorists etc. Puts their faces on every broadcast, exposes them to harassment and intimidation.

Either we use the federal government to reign in these media entities before its too late, or we watch the nation burn. Which do you prefer?

build a better solution.

So basically your answer is, do nothing. Wait for "muh free market capitalism" to fix the problem.
how the fuck is "build a better answer" doing nothing?

later on dude.
Earth to Trump, the only people interested in Googling your dumb white ass is Russia....complain to them you traitor!!

Is that why you and your fellow bed wetters (meaning ALL Dimocrats and ALL Progs) ALL spend ALL your time talking about him?

You talk so much stupid shit that you don't even know when you're obviously talking stupid shit....even though everyone else does.

What a pathetic little plantation dweller you are.
Earth to Trump, the only people interested in Googling your dumb white ass is Russia....complain to them you traitor!!

Is that why you and your fellow bed wetters (meaning ALL Dimocrats and ALL Progs) ALL spend ALL your time talking about him?
Excuse me, you red white and vomit mf's spent the last 8 gotdamn years ripping Obama a new one, not to mention the fact, yall still talkin about the miss me on this bs of a year in with the clown in chief...bring this shit to me, 3 years from now, then lets talk, ass ho.
Well if there is no bias they should have no problem being regulated
i seldom hear people on the right talk for regulation until it's directly involves them.

on - i search on donald trump news and the 1st page is all this about google filtering the results.
on - i use the same search and i get 1 talking about google filtering the results and then a lot of top level sites that would just have news about donald trump.

so you do get very different results but i'm not sure how you can say that 96% of this is negative news when likely 90% of the news out there on trump *is* negative from the press. it's googles job to get you the most active, not an unbiased return.

that said you're damn right google will skew the results to people who pay them to. they're an advertising NOT technology company and whatever they do is based around that.

i have choices. i don't need to have the gov come in and punish google when i can simply use another of many search engines out there. i've never been a fan of the gov determining what should and should be how it is. that's on us as consumers and while it works against my own personal beliefs, that's one instance and i'm not going to change how i feel overall around because of 1 instance. that would make me liberal and hell, that's a lot worse than google deciding what to show on their services.

Are you ok with lefty tech companies becoming more powerful than any government on earth?
are they?

my stance is consistent. i want the people to determine the market, not the gov to control it. there can and will be times where one side gets ahead but the other side can get off their ass and do something about it vs. whine to the gov to make the playground fair again.

What happens when conservatives "get off their ass and do something"?

The media attacks them for being racist extremists/conspiracy theorists etc. Puts their faces on every broadcast, exposes them to harassment and intimidation.

Either we use the federal government to reign in these media entities before its too late, or we watch the nation burn. Which do you prefer?
BS ultimatum.

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