Google To Delete User Location History On Phones On US Abortion Clinic Visits

LOL.....You act as if someone cares. Your state your rules, just as it should be and that was sorta the whole point.

Yet there is those pushing to pass laws for punishing a woman for travelling to a different state to have an abortion.
It’s only been a week, and the forces that have lined up against the forced birthers already is astonishing. Just wait until the resistance has a few months of experience and resources gathered together.
OMG, that is hilarious!

The abortion lobby has been one of the strongest in the United States since the Roe v. Wade decision. Second in influence only to the Military Industrial Complex. They are heavily financed by the abortion industry, and well-organized under the banners of Planned Parenthood, NARAL and NOW.

They lost this Roe v. Wade battle because Donald Trump outplayed them by looking beyond his re-election, not because they lacked experience and resources.
By the end of the year, this will be the most irrelevant court decision in a generation. The state laws will be ignored and circumvented to the point, the governors and legislatures in those states will look like a loony tunes cartoon of Wile E Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner.
Then all the wailing and gnashing of teeth is not needed.
Google announced Friday it would delete users' location history when they visit abortion clinics, domestic violence shelters and other places where privacy is sought.

"If our systems identify that someone has visited one of these places, we will delete these entries from Location History soon after they visit," Jen Fitzpatrick, a senior vice president at Google, wrote in a blog post. "This change will take effect in the coming weeks."

As a traitor you must love that.
Google announced Friday it would delete users' location history when they visit abortion clinics, domestic violence shelters and other places where privacy is sought.

"If our systems identify that someone has visited one of these places, we will delete these entries from Location History soon after they visit," Jen Fitzpatrick, a senior vice president at Google, wrote in a blog post. "This change will take effect in the coming weeks."

Very good.

It’s truly appalling that the Orwellian neo-fascist right in ban states would go to such lengths as to use the location history of women to terrorize them for exercising their right to privacy in jurisdictions where the right is still recognized and protected.
It says Google will delete 'location' data, it doesn't mention search data. This would only apply to mobile devices, and that won't help anyone if other service providers, such as phone and internet, still comply with authorities. This is a hollow gesture with little or no impact on the bigger issue at hand.
OMG, that is hilarious!

The abortion lobby has been one of the strongest in the United States since the Roe v. Wade decision. Second in influence only to the Military Industrial Complex. They are heavily financed by the abortion industry, and well-organized under the banners of Planned Parenthood, NARAL and NOW.

They lost this Roe v. Wade battle because Donald Trump outplayed them by looking beyond his re-election, not because they lacked experience and resources.

Then all the wailing and gnashing of teeth is not needed.

They lost the battle because of 6 justices that committed perjury at their confirmation hearings.

A result of court packing by a Senate majority leader, and two illegitimate presidents not elected by the people.

Your position is not supported by the overwhelming majority of the American people.

I believe the Founders called that tyranny.

And there are no rules to dealing with tyranny. That is done by any means necessary. As the right will find out in the not so distant future.
Google announced Friday it would delete users' location history when they visit abortion clinics, domestic violence shelters and other places where privacy is sought.

"If our systems identify that someone has visited one of these places, we will delete these entries from Location History soon after they visit," Jen Fitzpatrick, a senior vice president at Google, wrote in a blog post. "This change will take effect in the coming weeks."

Wish they'd delete whatever logarithm they're using to suggest videos on YouTube for me. I spend 1/2 my time on there wading through crapolla I don't want to watch.
Google admits they track people going in and coming out of abortion clinics ... interesting ...

Deleting that information in order to "obstruct" a criminal investigation is a crime itself ... and a very serious crime, especially if they're obstructing a murder prosecution ...

File this under FAKE NEWS ... Google's not that stupid to announce this to God and man ...
So you want to prosecute the women now. 🤔🤔🤔
Cool, accessories to murder.

So the Fascist Right To Life Assholes can publish the private information of Women's Health Care Providers and there is nothing wrong with that, but when it comes shit for brains gun huggers info being made public it's a shit storm?
LOL.....You act as if someone cares. Your state your rules, just as it should be and that was sorta the whole point.

Hell, I'm all for there being fewer of your ilk so you can take your low-rent shotgun and stick it where the sun don't shine.

I obey the laws and abide the rules and regulations. I keep the shotgun in gunsafe. It's called being a good citizen.

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