Google’s search bias against conservative news sites has been quantified


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I've known this for years. If you want to find any articles or websites that are skeptical of the AGW con, you always have to wade through 5-6 pages of links to warmist propaganda before you even start to see anything skeptical of it.

Google’s search bias against conservative news sites has been quantified

The percentage of domain traffic, referred by Google Search, net of brand searches (PGSTN), tends to be in or around the range 25%-30% for a broad class of web domains. This hypothesis is tested by calculating the correlation between the popularity of news/opinions websites and their PGSTN, and finding it to be near zero. Thus, PGSTN can be used rigorously to detect and even quantify Google Search intentional bias. Intentional bias is the bias that has been introduced by internal Google decisions, and unrelated to external factors, such as the dominance of particular viewpoints on the web. Here, the PGSTN method is applied for intentional bias detection about climate debate and in general political discourse.

Google Search is found to be extremely biased in favor of climate alarmism and against climate realism. The PGSTN ranges for climate realism and climate alarmism do not even overlap! Some of the most important climate realist domains, including low-controversial, have such a low PGSTN that they can be considered blacklisted by Google.

Google Search is found to be biased in favor of left/liberal domains and against conservative domains with a confidence of 95%. Further, certain hard-Left domains have such a high PGSTN that their standing raises suspicions that they have been hand-picked for prominent placement. Certain respected conservative domains are blacklisted.
I recall that the government became involved in Microsofts dominance in the O/S market, and they have been hit hard in Europe as well. Might be time to consider google's might and start asking questions in front of Congress?

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