GOP and trump considering Medicare cuts in his second term

Why are we not raising the SS cap on wealth, that should be painless?
Why do we pay out welfare to people who just sit on their lazy asses and do nothing? If you take that away, either the shitfucks will get a job, thus putting funds into SS or they will be shot for trying to steal a $2 beer. Either way that is less taking and more giving.
They realized it was a necessity and pure libertarianism was a sham in terms of being a way to govern, and governing was necessary.

Pure libertarianism isn't anarchy. It's a fine mechanism for self-government. It just doesn't indulge those who want to use the state to rule society. There's a big difference
but the Founders discarded it as a system of govt, despite at least some having those leanings.

Sure they did. You're learning from Trump!
No debating this one....YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!
Oh, bullshit! Sanders has never even come CLOSE to laying out how it will be paid for! You see the "goodies" he's promising and you've looked the other way when it comes to his explanations on how it will be paid for!

Now how is Trump paying for his increased spending?

So Bernie is going to impose a "Robin Hood tax" on Wall Street? Good luck getting that passed! Bottom line is this (and it never changes!)…to pay for all the new entitlements that you progressives want...taxes WILL have to be raised and not by just a little! So be honest with America for a change. Tell the average American how much their share is going to be in order for you to have your progressive agenda put into place and let them make up their minds about whether that's something they really want!

No, we can discuss the program but the bottom line is you were wrong.

It's not rocket science...simple math will suffice! You could tax the wealthy at 100% and it STILL wouldn't pay for your proposed entitlements! The bottom line is that the only way you can make the numbers come close to working is if you raise taxes substantially on the Middle Class. So why aren't you and Bernie being honest with the American people about what your agenda will actually cost?

Neither of us have argued it would all be funded by the "rich".

So you're admitting that in order to pay for your progressive agenda...the Middle Class would be paying a massive tax increase? Funny...I've NEVER heard anyone on the left actually come out and say that's so and yet that's always what happens! Good luck running on that in the coming election!

So Bernie is going to impose a "Robin Hood tax" on Wall Street? Good luck getting that passed! Bottom line is this (and it never changes!)…to pay for all the new entitlements that you progressives want...taxes WILL have to be raised and not by just a little! So be honest with America for a change. Tell the average American how much their share is going to be in order for you to have your progressive agenda put into place and let them make up their minds about whether that's something they really want!

No, we can discuss the program but the bottom line is you were wrong.

It's not rocket science...simple math will suffice! You could tax the wealthy at 100% and it STILL wouldn't pay for your proposed entitlements! The bottom line is that the only way you can make the numbers come close to working is if you raise taxes substantially on the Middle Class. So why aren't you and Bernie being honest with the American people about what your agenda will actually cost?

Neither of us have argued it would all be funded by the "rich".

So you're admitting that in order to pay for your progressive agenda...the Middle Class would be paying a massive tax increase? Funny...I've NEVER heard anyone on the left actually come out and say that's so and yet that's always what happens! Good luck running on that in the coming election!

You can address what I say or spin it to fit your argument. What I say doesn't change though.
The Fed created billions out of nothing that the billionaires gained the most from. It was never theirs to begin with.

Believing any wealth simply created on paper should be more equally spread around is not coveting what others have.

But.....I'm all for stopping this practice completely if you prefer.

Please share with us specifically how this was done. You don't have a clue do you?

Quantitative Easing.

Sorry, you picked up a term but you did not explain how that puts billions of dollars only into the pockets of Billionaires or that it is "unfair". Show us all how it is "unfair". You can't, because it is not.
Conservatives do not benefit from Medicare for all.

Yea...conservatives are super human right?

Lord help us with these cretins

You mean those trump humpers in WV and Kentucky that are all sucking off the public system....
They aren’t conservatives then, no real Conservative wants anything to do with socialize healthcare/medicine of any type.
It is not in their best interests whatsoever... fact
The Fed created billions out of nothing that the billionaires gained the most from. It was never theirs to begin with.

Believing any wealth simply created on paper should be more equally spread around is not coveting what others have.

But.....I'm all for stopping this practice completely if you prefer.

Please share with us specifically how this was done. You don't have a clue do you?

Quantitative Easing.

Sorry, you picked up a term but you did not explain how that puts billions of dollars only into the pockets of Billionaires or that it is "unfair". Show us all how it is "unfair". You can't, because it is not.

You either know how it works or you don't. I imagine you do.

documented below with highly credible, primary sources, Krugman uses a half-truth to weave a narrative that is diametrically opposed to reality. Furthermore, when pressing his case, Krugman critically fails to mention that since QE began in 2009, the wealth of the economic elite has soared, while that of the middle class has fallen.

Quantitative Easing: Who Wins and Who Loses? - Just Facts
Conservatives do not benefit from Medicare for all.

Yea...conservatives are super human right?

Lord help us with these cretins

You mean those trump humpers in WV and Kentucky that are all sucking off the public system....
They aren’t conservatives then, no real Conservative wants anything to do with socialize healthcare/medicine of any type.
It is not in their best interests whatsoever... fact

You pay either way. Either through preventive measures at a doctors or later at an Emergency Room.
Conservatives do not benefit from Medicare for all.

Yea...conservatives are super human right?

Lord help us with these cretins

You mean those trump humpers in WV and Kentucky that are all sucking off the public system....
They aren’t conservatives then, no real Conservative wants anything to do with socialize healthcare/medicine of any type.
It is not in their best interests whatsoever... fact

You pay either way. Either through preventive measures at a doctors or later at an Emergency Room.
Socialism just sucks for the individual... fact
You either know how it works or you don't. I imagine you do.

documented below with highly credible, primary sources, Krugman uses a half-truth to weave a narrative that is diametrically opposed to reality. Furthermore, when pressing his case, Krugman critically fails to mention that since QE began in 2009, the wealth of the economic elite has soared, while that of the middle class has fallen.

Quantitative Easing: Who Wins and Who Loses? - Just Facts

Shock! Dodged the question.

Paul Krugman, the idol of the Socialist and oh, so accurate!

The New York Times
Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout
By Paul Krugman
12:42 AM ET Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down on my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.
Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout
You either know how it works or you don't. I imagine you do.

documented below with highly credible, primary sources, Krugman uses a half-truth to weave a narrative that is diametrically opposed to reality. Furthermore, when pressing his case, Krugman critically fails to mention that since QE began in 2009, the wealth of the economic elite has soared, while that of the middle class has fallen.

Quantitative Easing: Who Wins and Who Loses? - Just Facts

Shock! Dodged the question.

Paul Krugman, the idol of the Socialist and oh, so accurate!

The New York Times
Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout
By Paul Krugman
12:42 AM ET Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down on my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.
Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout

Krugman is a partisan hack but the article wasn't posted to discuss Krugman.
Trump Has Told Friends That Gutting Medicare Could Be a Fun “Second-Term Project”

That would teach the old toothless farts that believed every word the Liar says. Maybe instead of a nursing home...they can live under a bridge....
/——-/ I’m “considering” buying a Powerball ticket and need to “consider” what I’ll do with the money if I win.

Someone needs to pay for trump's corporate tax cuts....THEY DID NOT PAY FOR THEMSELVES!

Might as well be the disabled and old people....
Notice how the idiot never talks about welfare cuts, because people in welfare who never contribute a dime, would go out and tear down inner cities, while the old folks who have the threat of their SS taken away, would just sit there and cry. Doesnt take much to figure out the Democrat playbook, because of their stupidity.


Actually... last year was the first time in several decades that the average U.S. life-span went DOWN.

Your argument for retiring at a higher age only makes sense if the people retiring at that age can stay healthy... so you just made the argument for Medicare for all! Congrats you just argued away one social program to institute another.

Nope. I did not. We are not as healthy because we are fat. Stop eating so damn much. Most persons have private pay nothing wrong with that but those who don't have it and are indigent and are citizens have medicaid. You're just trolling now. Congrats for being a douche.

Nice try, but no cigar. Your argument is that people need to work longer in order to retire older. In order for that to work people are going to need better healthcare and the ability to afford their medicines.

Then you pivot into eating better and being less obese. Well... if you want that to work you are going to need some more programs to send people to eating the right foods, getting federal hands into the fast food restaurants forcing them to serve healthier food, and spending lots of extra money on proper exercise awareness, especially in youth.

You see where this is going? You are arguing for supplementing a social program with more social programs.

Either that or we let the unhealthy people that can not work yet aren't old enough to retire, to be left out in the cold and die, or spend federal money to open assisted suicide centers to get these leeches off the government tit! Congrats, you are just as much a socialist as they people you hate.

#1) You assume old people need meds. My parents are old (71 and 78) and don't take meds.

#2) People know how to eat and most companies provide free gym memberships or reimburse their employees. There is zero excuse for being out of shape sans laziness.

#3) I am saying people retire later so they collect SSI later and get on medicate later. Stay on their private insurance longer.

#4) If you're fat and cannot work anymore but you're too young to retire that is a you problem. Take better care of yourself.

Does #4 apply to the fat POS in the WH....How often does he work out....and golf doesn't count. The fat ass rides around in a golf cart...

You moron, he is rich. Do you think he cannot afford healthcare? What a loser you are. the rich can get fat....I see

The reason he is rich is his daddy gave him millions and the he screwed his siblings when he racist father died....we know the story.

Baby trump was born with a silver spoon up his ass...
Nope. I did not. We are not as healthy because we are fat. Stop eating so damn much. Most persons have private pay nothing wrong with that but those who don't have it and are indigent and are citizens have medicaid. You're just trolling now. Congrats for being a douche.

Nice try, but no cigar. Your argument is that people need to work longer in order to retire older. In order for that to work people are going to need better healthcare and the ability to afford their medicines.

Then you pivot into eating better and being less obese. Well... if you want that to work you are going to need some more programs to send people to eating the right foods, getting federal hands into the fast food restaurants forcing them to serve healthier food, and spending lots of extra money on proper exercise awareness, especially in youth.

You see where this is going? You are arguing for supplementing a social program with more social programs.

Either that or we let the unhealthy people that can not work yet aren't old enough to retire, to be left out in the cold and die, or spend federal money to open assisted suicide centers to get these leeches off the government tit! Congrats, you are just as much a socialist as they people you hate.

#1) You assume old people need meds. My parents are old (71 and 78) and don't take meds.

#2) People know how to eat and most companies provide free gym memberships or reimburse their employees. There is zero excuse for being out of shape sans laziness.

#3) I am saying people retire later so they collect SSI later and get on medicate later. Stay on their private insurance longer.

#4) If you're fat and cannot work anymore but you're too young to retire that is a you problem. Take better care of yourself.

Does #4 apply to the fat POS in the WH....How often does he work out....and golf doesn't count. The fat ass rides around in a golf cart...

You moron, he is rich. Do you think he cannot afford healthcare? What a loser you are. the rich can get fat....I see

The reason he is rich is his daddy gave him millions and the he screwed his siblings when he racist father died....we know the story.

Baby trump was born with a silver spoon up his ass...

Keep telling yourself that. LMAO. Your sadness is funny.
1. Medicare will go bankrupt in 2026, so the Debt Clock is bullshit
2. SS will go into default in 2034, paying 80% of promised benefits until 2090, when it actually goes bankrupt
3. What happens to Welfare and Medicaid? Those need to be closed to pay for "owed" benefits for Medicare and SS payees.
4. What about the "fixes for SS & Medicare?

A. Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.

The Future of America’s Entitlements: What You Need to Know about the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports - AAF

Social Security fixes:

B. Medicare will be insolvent in 2026

The Future of America’s Entitlements: What You Need to Know about the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports - AAF

Medicare Fixes:

Your first line is malarkey so I don't need to bother with reading any further, thank you, thank you very much.

I put up a link from Forbes, and you put up malarky. Read and learn or keep posting in ignorance.
I have a dear friend that is fighting cancer cause she didn't have insurance coverage while she was working menial check up.

But the GOP is fine with poor people dying....cause the rich can afford great medical insurance and STILL GET FAT!
Those who call others "fucking retards" have nothing of substance to offer, and lack the ability to post anything thoughtful or thoughtfully provoking.
While Jacobin asswipes who tell others to move to a desert island are engaging in meaningful discourse of substance. :rolleyes:

I didn't call you a fucking retard, I simply explained that your ideology was bankrupt, and that you hate government and would do well on a dessert island. In fact that would make the USMB a better place. Whiners like you are a bore.
1. Medicare will go bankrupt in 2026, so the Debt Clock is bullshit
2. SS will go into default in 2034, paying 80% of promised benefits until 2090, when it actually goes bankrupt
3. What happens to Welfare and Medicaid? Those need to be closed to pay for "owed" benefits for Medicare and SS payees.
4. What about the "fixes for SS & Medicare?

A. Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.

The Future of America’s Entitlements: What You Need to Know about the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports - AAF

Social Security fixes:

B. Medicare will be insolvent in 2026

The Future of America’s Entitlements: What You Need to Know about the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports - AAF

Medicare Fixes:

Your first line is malarkey so I don't need to bother with reading any further, thank you, thank you very much.

I put up a link from Forbes, and you put up malarky. Read and learn or keep posting in ignorance.


Reagan, Deregulation and America’s Exceptional Rise in Health Care Costs

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