GOP Anxious About the Release of Bush's Book

I'm not sure the book will make a difference. They've been blaming Bush for nineteen months and have shown no signs of ending that practice, book or no book.

If you can't run on your accomplishments, run on the last guy's failures...
I'm not sure the book will make a difference. They've been blaming Bush for nineteen months and have shown no signs of ending that practice, book or no book.

If you can't run on your accomplishments, run on the last guy's failures...
Reagan was still blaming Carter in 1984.
I'm not sure the book will make a difference. They've been blaming Bush for nineteen months and have shown no signs of ending that practice, book or no book.

If you can't run on your accomplishments, run on the last guy's failures...

The only failure is the Republicans being kept from their Contract ON America.

The only reason I can figure is the Confederate Republicans are still mad about losing the Civil War. That's why they keep trying to bring down this country and destroy the middle class.

I don't think they are really on the side of al Qaeda, even though they follow their masters from Arab owned Fox news.

I think the fact that both Republicans and al Qaeda want to bring America to it's knees is just a bad coincidence.
I'm anxious about it now? What a silly thing to be worried about.
If the minds of the American voters are so fickle, delicate and fragile that it can be influenced by the timing of a book release, then we deserve whatever we get as a result.

I don't think the book will make a difference. People who hated Bush before still hate him today. I think the "independent" voters who were suckered in by Obama's promises will still remain just as pissed off no matter how the Obama machine tries to spin the Bush book. This isn't about Bush, the Republicans or whether or not there were ever WMDs in Iraq. This election is all about a President who made these grandiose promises and failed to deliver on every single one of them. It's about a President who said he's bi-partisan and is clearly very parochial. It's about a President who makes Jimmy Carter look like a hard-charging war monger. It's about a President who has led us into record-setting deficit spending and has put our children's children deep into debt.

Yeah, playing the Bush blame game is still a viable strategy. :cuckoo:
LOL, so now we are SUPPOSE to believe that all the Gop is worried over some BOOK.

who the hell makes up this shit.:lol:
Well, to be fair, there is alot of projection going on. There are many on the left who are worried over some book, though maybe none of the people on this board.

That book is called the Bible.
I'm not sure the book will make a difference. They've been blaming Bush for nineteen months and have shown no signs of ending that practice, book or no book.

If you can't run on your accomplishments, run on the last guy's failures...
Reagan was still blaming Carter in 1984.

He was running against Mondale, who was the VP during Carters administration. Mondale had a track record. Reagan also ran on his successes too.
Excerpt from Amazone.con

"I was born some time ago like 60 years or so. I then went to school and was a cheer leader. I then went to yale and was a c student but i liked to drink and have fun. I then went to harvard and learned much. I found Jesus along the way as once I was drinking to much and God saved me from being a bad person. I did not want to go to vietnam so i got a friend to get me into the guard where I flew planes when i wasn't to busy to. I meet this wondeeful woman.... :

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