GOP are not about "freedom": Move to Kill Net Neutrality Legislation

This strikes me as the opening round of an era of government oversight, in the time-honored tradition of monopoly busting and AT&T and all of that.

Given the Internet's nearly complete dominance in wire-based communications in our present age, this is no better nor worse than the Feds stepping on AT&T / Ma Bell in the 1970s, and before it gets quite that far out of hand.

None of that served to 'stifle innovation'.

Perhaps the time has come to play Telecomm Overlord with the remaining Big Guns for a few years or a decade or two, to keep 'em humble and honest.

I can see it now: Regional Baby-Comcasts...

Telecomm Divestiture, Round II...
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Because the two most popular compression "technologies" were developed by independent developers.
I have yet to hear of any ISP working on improving or replacing XviD or DivX.
Why should they when they can get it for free?

Why should they, the folks that have high volume content should be worrying about compression so they can move more content over the existing system. That or they can build their own system.

You shockingly misinterpreted my last sentence...the compression "technologies" ARE being used by the ISPs (FIOS uses DivX) who didn't have to pay a penny for it.

The big question is; AND? Still doesn't excuse high volume users from paying their fair share or risk being slowed down. Do you really have a problem with that?
Anybody unhappy with their internet access? No? Than it must be true that the bill is a "solution looking for a problem".

Oh Me! ME! Me so unhappy! Verizon saw I was trying to watch movies and they decided it was good business to slow the transmission speed. Uh huh!

Unhappy customers = mo' profits

dats right!

you don't believe that companies like comcast might decide that it's in their interest to provide you with a better experience with their products than their competitors by say throttling the speed of other video providers?

I don't believe that for a minute, only people who have no business experience whatsoever believe that
The ISPs sell their customers a package with a certain amount of bandwidth, and then they say they don't actually want their customers to be able to use that bandwidth.
Why should they, the folks that have high volume content should be worrying about compression so they can move more content over the existing system. That or they can build their own system.

You shockingly misinterpreted my last sentence...the compression "technologies" ARE being used by the ISPs (FIOS uses DivX) who didn't have to pay a penny for it.

The big question is; AND? Still doesn't excuse high volume users from paying their fair share or risk being slowed down. Do you really have a problem with that?
What is a "fair share"? I already pay $50/mo just for internet service. Phone is another $50. That's for unlimited immediate access to information. The companies providing these services already profit hundreds of millions of dollars. Comcast just profited $1.9b in the last three months of 2013.

The customers already pay a fair share if the companies profit nearly $2 billion every three months.
You're right one rape is like a million rapes. Apologies

How many?

I know it doesnt matter how many people if affects since you think 1 rape and 1 million rapes are the same thing.

No, swap out government for monopoly just the last time. I need government to protect Me from MONOPOLIES. See?

Are you always amazed? Jeez.

They used govt subsidies so....ummm

No, I just like the internet the way it is, Dont you?
You are one sick individual, do you know that?

BTW...ISP's have a monopoly because of Government.

Oh....they use subsidies? You realize that tax breaks are NOT subsidies?

Enough of this....You clearly do NOT understand the issue of Net Neutrality. Your just like every liberal. You want more for free.

Yeah you said that already

Great good point, so what?

Yes I do, I said Subsidies

More of free what? I like the internet the way it is now. Dont you?
My Internet has been fine since I started using it back in 1990. Net Neutrality is just government bloat that will screw it up.

You shockingly misinterpreted my last sentence...the compression "technologies" ARE being used by the ISPs (FIOS uses DivX) who didn't have to pay a penny for it.

The big question is; AND? Still doesn't excuse high volume users from paying their fair share or risk being slowed down. Do you really have a problem with that?
What is a "fair share"? I already pay $50/mo just for internet service. Phone is another $50. That's for unlimited immediate access to information. The companies providing these services already profit hundreds of millions of dollars. Comcast just profited $1.9b in the last three months of 2013.

The customers already pay a fair share if the companies profit nearly $2 billion every three months.

You stole my thunder.
Net neutrality is a prime example of government's "problem, reaction, solution, solution problem" model.

Consider that ISPs are using your modem to route data and they're not asking your permission or paying you for that.

I don't trust the Obama administration or liberals right now. After finding out about the spying, the underhanded way they shoved Obamacare through, the cover ups of all the scandals and launching sites, like AttackWatch, I don't believe for one second that any legislation they push is being represented honestly. I bet most Dems haven't even read it since they apparently have a reluctance to do that.
Asswipe...since you are too stupid to understand...

FOXNews and conservative talk radio will be targeted for not having "enough liberals" on the air.

ABC, CNN, msnbc, PBS, etc won't be bothered for not having enough conservatives on the air.

Obama and his goons want to shut off conservative media outlets because he doesn't like their message and bigger followings.

Oh, go fuck yourself.

Can someone translate this in to English please.

Sorry, can you run this through a translator or something? It's still not making any sense in English. What language is this anyway?

It's the language of common sense. I'm not surprised you need an interpreter.
Even though the court struck this down repeatedly they are going to do it anyway.
This is just of opposite of freedom like they are telling you.
This is the government regulating the internet.

What it will do is;
Net Neutrality would benefit industry lobbyists, and not consumers due to the potential of regulatory capture with policies that protect incumbent interests.

Net neutrality means consumers will be stuck paying more for their Internet access to cover the big online companies' share," the ad claims.

Any Government regulations always get passed down to the consumer.

Everybody need to understand this and should be against it.

Obviously you don't understand the can leave now.
Net neutrality is a prime example of government's "problem, reaction, solution, solution problem" model.

Consider that ISPs are using your modem to route data and they're not asking your permission or paying you for that.

I don't trust the Obama administration or liberals right now. After finding out about the spying, the underhanded way they shoved Obamacare through, the cover ups of all the scandals and launching sites, like AttackWatch, I don't believe for one second that any legislation they push is being represented honestly. I bet most Dems haven't even read it since they apparently have a reluctance to do that.

Exactly which Representatives read Legislation?
You DO realize that all Legislation comes with thousands of earmarks?
You are one sick individual, do you know that?

BTW...ISP's have a monopoly because of Government.

Oh....they use subsidies? You realize that tax breaks are NOT subsidies?

Enough of this....You clearly do NOT understand the issue of Net Neutrality. Your just like every liberal. You want more for free.

Yeah you said that already

Great good point, so what?

Yes I do, I said Subsidies

More of free what? I like the internet the way it is now. Dont you?
My Internet has been fine since I started using it back in 1990. Net Neutrality is just government bloat that will screw it up.


What protocol were you using in 1990?
Everyone in this thread supports net neutrality. Since not one person has stated that they have been unhappy with how they have been able to access the net up until now.
So we are against freedom because we oppose the government regulating the internet?

Some people are so mixed up.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

I read the pros and cons on several sources.
To be frank, I have no idea on net neutrality where I stand.
I see both sides of it.
While I enjoy the freedom of the internet and the fact that it is largely unregulated and that large ISP's cannot legally engage in a myriad of activities that would throttle the internet, limit content and allow ISP's to manipulate and control which sites users can access.
On the other hand, the internet has become a veritable hotbed of criminal activity.
Ohh so the Leftists are for Freedom huh?? Then why try and put monitors in newsrooms?? Why force people to have to buy health coverage?? Why so many attempts to ban guns?? Yeah, freedom ringing right there for sure
Netflix Prime Time Speeds Plummet on Verizon FiOS, Pushing Net Neutrality in Spotlight - TheWrap

Netflix is clashing with internet service providers and subscribers hoping to binge watch “House of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black” are being force to contend with the pin-wheel of death and longer load times.

Netflix’s prime time speeds on Verizon FiOS fell 14 percent in January, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. The reason for the delays is that Netflix refuses to pay additional fees to internet companies such as FiOS in return for carrying high-capacity streaming content.

That battle will wage onward and really has nothing to do with Net Neutrality.
Verizon's goal is to control use of it's bandwidth.
There are higher paying business customers which are competing with so called 'bandwidth hogs" who are hyper downloaders of entertainment as well as gamers.
Verizon would rather the large bandwidth users pay more for their activity.
From a strictly business/market focused point of view, I agree with them. With current laws and regulations,
Verizon's only avenue is to choke down the bandwidth hogs. They deserve it becaue in theory, they are not paying their fair share. These people are getting far more bang for their buck.
And it is they who are ruining a good thing for the rest of us.
As we all must know, when a public is unable to police itself, the government steps in and then the party is over. Everyone suffers.
So now we have this net neutrality issue.
I am not convinced either way on this.
you do not understand what net neutrality is, do you?

its about leftist enforcing fairness on the internet, so big meanie companies don't make evul moneis.

It's about children demanding that their mommie make sure that no ones cookie is any bigger than theirs.

but actually, it's about the fcc controlling the internet so they can control what we do and do not have access to.

Holy shit, you literally have no understanding of the issue at all.

I may know more about the FCC than you might guess. But that has nothing to do with the fact that you simple fail to understand two very simple ideas.

Something which fails to surprise me.

Instead of name calling, let's try this. Can you answer one simple question?

Do you like the way you have been able to access the internet up until now?
Yes. All the speed they offer, and no restrictions on content. The only thing they won't allow Me to do is host webpages from My home.....well, they say they don't allow it........hehe

So you like that? You like having no restrictions on content?

Contradicting yourself is a bitch, isn't it? And it's too late to edit your fumbled post. Sorry.

I didn't contradict myself.

I am for net-neutrality.

I also would rather have the Congress pass it as a law instead of the FCC decreeing it as I don't believe that unelected B-Rats should have the power to enact anything that the affect or effect of a law.

Two rather simple statements that even you should understand.

WTF do you think the FCC is for?

Since you are another numbnuts 2nd Amendment guy, here's the deal: The FCC has enough laws on the books already to enforce net neutrality. We don't need any more laws.

There. Now do you get it???

Molon Labe

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