GOP are not about "freedom": Move to Kill Net Neutrality Legislation

Anybody unhappy with their internet access? No? Than it must be true that the bill is a "solution looking for a problem".

Oh Me! ME! Me so unhappy! Verizon saw I was trying to watch movies and they decided it was good business to slow the transmission speed. Uh huh!

Unhappy customers = mo' profits

dats right!
Anybody unhappy with their internet access? No? Than it must be true that the bill is a "solution looking for a problem".

Oh Me! ME! Me so unhappy! Verizon saw I was trying to watch movies and they decided it was good business to slow the transmission speed. Uh huh!

Unhappy customers = mo' profits

dats right!

you don't believe that companies like comcast might decide that it's in their interest to provide you with a better experience with their products than their competitors by say throttling the speed of other video providers?
AT&T Inc

Profile for 2012 Election Cycle

$6,935,900 ranks 28 of 20,948

$17,460,000 (2012)
$20,230,000 (2011)
"Net Neutrality" means as much as "Affordable Care Act".

That is all.

Ha! Another mushroom growing in the dark. I bet you'll be the first one to bitch when your 45% higher, new, revised and downgraded internet/cable bill arrives.

Its not their may be their line so to speak but they dont own you ever notice what those lines go over?public domain.

Verizon Might Already Be Throttling Your Netflix Connection And Admitting To It!

Read more: Verizon May Already Be Actively Limiting Netflix Bandwidth

Verizon May Already Be Actively Limiting Netflix Bandwidth

I've been kicked off Netflix twice this week. Never had a problem before now. Guess who my provider is....Verizon:evil:

I'm pretty sure you can pick up An Inconvenient Truth in the 99 cent bargain bin at the corner 7/11.
I see you fail to understand my post..

What else is new.

You're a friggin Liberal who can't understand anything done in anything other than crayon.

Contradicting yourself is a bitch, isn't it? And it's too late to edit your fumbled post. Sorry.

I didn't contradict myself.

I am for net-neutrality.

I also would rather have the Congress pass it as a law instead of the FCC decreeing it as I don't believe that unelected B-Rats should have the power to enact anything that the affect or effect of a law.

Two rather simple statements that even you should understand.

WTF do you think the FCC is for?

Since you are another numbnuts 2nd Amendment guy, here's the deal: The FCC has enough laws on the books already to enforce net neutrality. We don't need any more laws.

There. Now do you get it???
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

IT'S HILARIOUS the way fascist left-wing idiots put warm and fuzzy names on their hypocritical attempts to silence all oposition

Thanks for identifying yourself as someone who clearly doesn't understand the issue.

I'm pretty sure you don't know much beyond the term yourself. Yeah, it's wikipedia, but it is sourced. Net neutrality comes with a ton of pros and cons with industry leaders on both side.

Net neutrality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Net neutrality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Verizon Might Already Be Throttling Your Netflix Connection And Admitting To It!

Read more: Verizon May Already Be Actively Limiting Netflix Bandwidth

Verizon May Already Be Actively Limiting Netflix Bandwidth

I've been kicked off Netflix twice this week. Never had a problem before now. Guess who my provider is....Verizon:evil:

I'm pretty sure you can pick up An Inconvenient Truth in the 99 cent bargain bin at the corner 7/11.

I've had problems with Netflix, too. But in a previous post I copied the O/P from a regional columnist who wrote about this very thing. AND....several years ago he wrote about contacting Verizon and actually talking to an engineer who told him that Verizon (and Comcast) limit bandwidth and will continue to do so at their own discretion.

He was also told that Verizon will sometimes drastically reduce bandwidth so severely that wireless phone calls simply get routed to voicemail.

So you just stay inside your bubble, KWC....until it bursts.
Once Net Neutrality is gone heres an example of what we can expect:


I demand Cable Television Neutrality! I should not have to pay extra for HBO! :evil:

Goddam fascists!
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I've been kicked off Netflix twice this week. Never had a problem before now. Guess who my provider is....Verizon:evil:

I'm pretty sure you can pick up An Inconvenient Truth in the 99 cent bargain bin at the corner 7/11.

I've had problems with Netflix, too. But in a previous post I copied the O/P from a regional columnist who wrote about this very thing. AND....several years ago he wrote about contacting Verizon and actually talking to an engineer who told him that Verizon (and Comcast) limit bandwidth and will continue to do so at their own discretion.

He was also told that Verizon will sometimes drastically reduce bandwidth so severely that wireless phone calls simply get routed to voicemail.

So you just stay inside your bubble, KWC....until it bursts.

"Net Neutrality" means as much as "Affordable Care Act".

That is all.

Ha! Another mushroom growing in the dark. I bet you'll be the first one to bitch when your 45% higher, new, revised and downgraded internet/cable bill arrives.

Government has NO BUSINESS in this. So stifle your piehole asswipe.

I love it when I can see the little hairs on rednecks stand up and bristle.

The airwaves are free and belong to all the people, not just large corporations. The FCC needs to step up and keep it free and competitive. They are not doing so.

I'm sure you have no problem with the federal government keeping the ground under your feet free. You should want the air above your head to be, too.
I demand Grocery Store Neutrality! I should not have to pay extra to go to Costco. FOOD IS A RIGHT!
I have heard conflicting reports about Net Neutrality and its effects in recent months, not that I've paid a great deal of attention at the time of broadcast - my bad, I guess.

1. I have heard (or thought I heard) that the passage of some current proposed Net Neutrality Act or another will empower Cable and DSL ISP's to charge a sliding scale for bandwidth based on content and byte-count...

2. I have heard (or thought I heard) that the passage of some current proposed Net Neutrality Act or another will prevent Cable and DSL ISP's from charging a sliding scale for bandwidth baed on content and byte count...

So, which is it?

And does the proposed bill have any realistic chance of being passed by Congress?

I got a little confused over this one so I thought I'd ask the question here. Sorry if that's covering ground I missed elsewhere on the thread. Thanks.
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Ha! Another mushroom growing in the dark. I bet you'll be the first one to bitch when your 45% higher, new, revised and downgraded internet/cable bill arrives.

Government has NO BUSINESS in this. So stifle your piehole asswipe.

I love it when I can see the little hairs on rednecks stand up and bristle.

The airwaves are free and belong to all the people, not just large corporations. The FCC needs to step up and keep it free and competitive. They are not doing so.

I'm sure you have no problem with the federal government keeping the ground under your feet free. You should want the air above your head to be, too.

Damn straight. HBO and Showtime should be free. Like the roads.
Government has NO BUSINESS in this. So stifle your piehole asswipe.

I love it when I can see the little hairs on rednecks stand up and bristle.

The airwaves are free and belong to all the people, not just large corporations. The FCC needs to step up and keep it free and competitive. They are not doing so.

I'm sure you have no problem with the federal government keeping the ground under your feet free. You should want the air above your head to be, too.

Damn straight. HBO and Showtime should be free. Like the roads.

you really don't understand the core concept, do you?
Watch out when radical left wing administrations use words like "fairness" and "neutrality" in legislation and executive orders. Remember the media "fairness doctrine" aka "hush Rush" which would have crippled right wing talk radio? You can bet your ass that Obama's FCC "neutrality program" is a heavy handed measure to take control over the internet and the word "neutrality" is just ammunition for left wing blogs to pretend they are outraged that republicans are against "neutrality" and "fairness". It's just fodder for low information lefties to get their dose of hatred for the day.

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