GOP are not about "freedom": Move to Kill Net Neutrality Legislation

While I am for the Net Neutrality, I am against the FCC making the rules.

It should be an act of Congress.

I am sick and tired of these Alphabet soup groups making up the rules that the affect and effect of Law without going through the Congress.

These groups, such as the FCC, should be enforcers and suggestors. That's it. If they think a rule needs to be changed, they should be required to go before the Congress with a bill, and if the Congress agrees, they pass it and sends it to the President for signing.

So given your slightly convoluted logic, the FCC should enforce the Freedom of Information Act to sustain net neutrality. Please see my post and contact the FCC with the link provided.

Thank you, and remember that Congress DID form the FCC. It was not created by a dictator, a prime minister or a monarch.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States government, created by Congressional statute (see 47 U.S.C. § 151 and 47 U.S.C. § 154) to regulate interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. The FCC works towards six goals in the areas of broadband, competition, the spectrum, the media, public safety and homeland security. The Commission is also in the process of modernizing itself.[3]

I see you fail to understand my post..

What else is new.

You're a friggin Liberal who can't understand anything done in anything other than crayon.

Contradicting yourself is a bitch, isn't it? And it's too late to edit your fumbled post. Sorry.
actually did some study, and came to the logical conclusion you like the name and not what it actually does.

well, let me be honest

You're just a dumb lib that believes more government is better, and no amount of proof going back decades will make you act (not think, since you can't) otherwise.

Instead of name calling, let's try this. Can you answer one simple question?

Do you like the way you have been able to access the internet up until now?
Yes. All the speed they offer, and no restrictions on content. The only thing they won't allow Me to do is host webpages from My home.....well, they say they don't allow it........hehe

So you like that? You like having no restrictions on content?
LOL....what a fucking tool you are....

I know if you squint real hard, one rape is just background noise....right?

You're right one rape is like a million rapes. Apologies

How many?

I know it doesnt matter how many people if affects since you think 1 rape and 1 million rapes are the same thing.

No, swap out government for monopoly just the last time. I need government to protect Me from MONOPOLIES. See?

Are you always amazed? Jeez.

They used govt subsidies so....ummm

But that service will STILL be at the behest of the new company, and customers will STILL have to abide by the terms of service.

Cause I'll tell you right now, I'd make a fucking killing by providing carte blanche cable service with Internet....

What you are complaining about is having to pay a premium price for premium service.
No, I just like the internet the way it is, Dont you?
You are one sick individual, do you know that?

BTW...ISP's have a monopoly because of Government.

Oh....they use subsidies? You realize that tax breaks are NOT subsidies?

Enough of this....You clearly do NOT understand the issue of Net Neutrality. Your just like every liberal. You want more for free.

Yeah you said that already

Great good point, so what?

Yes I do, I said Subsidies

More of free what? I like the internet the way it is now. Dont you?
How do you decide how to access the Internet???????

Cable? FIOS? OMFG How can someone make these decisions without the government?????????????????????????????
LOL....what a fucking tool you are....

I know if you squint real hard, one rape is just background noise....right?

Care to google how many elections were won by the slimmest of margins? I didn't think so.

BTW....When Verizon decides to slow down a site, it doesn't matter how many people are affected by it. The pipe to the Internet you are using is theirs, and it is their property, and this is granting that it even happens at all.

You want to know why they can do this? Because your regulations determine that they can create a monopoly.

So your answer is? I need government to protect Me from government!

I kid you not, your sickness is simply amazing.

Here is an idea....

Deregulate the entire industry....the ISP and Cable providers. Allow anyone with the willingness and the money to create an ISP or a cable company (All in the same area) and provide service to people who want it.

But that service will STILL be at the behest of the new company, and customers will STILL have to abide by the terms of service.

Cause I'll tell you right now, I'd make a fucking killing by providing carte blanche cable service with Internet....

What you are complaining about is having to pay a premium price for premium service.
Its not their may be their line so to speak but they dont own you ever notice what those lines go over?public domain.

Verizon Might Already Be Throttling Your Netflix Connection And Admitting To It!

Read more: Verizon May Already Be Actively Limiting Netflix Bandwidth

Verizon May Already Be Actively Limiting Netflix Bandwidth

I've been kicked off Netflix twice this week. Never had a problem before now. Guess who my provider is....Verizon:evil:
BTW...ISP's have a monopoly because of Government.

And apparently you are OK with them having carte blanche over charging both businesses and consumers without any recourse for either one. Since the governments cartel has killed any competition that would have stepped up and filled the voids where the big guys want to lay pipe. Why are you in favor of removing the rules that keep these cartels from essentially having the ability to block content for whatever reason they wish, but say nothing at all about the cartels themselves? Where were the complaints about the cartelization of the industry?

Great good point, so what?

this is where you guys lose me. So what? really? That's the entire nature of this problem, right there. That government is adding additonal rules to the cartel of providers that they fostered. it's the epicenter of this conflict. If you want net neutrality, you should be dead set against the cartels the government created. yet you only seem to think the government should protect you from, well, the government.

It's sucha strange thing to witness from both sides ono this type of debate.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

Maybe we should require gas stations to fill up all cars and trucks for the same price regardless of their capacity. Probably not such a great deal for the guy with an 8 gallon tank but a great deal for my 132 gallon capacity. The principle is the same here, band width gluttons don't want to pay for what they use, they expect everyone else to subsidize them.
BTW...ISP's have a monopoly because of Government.

And apparently you are OK with them having carte blanche over charging both businesses and consumers without any recourse for either one. Since the governments cartel has killed any competition that would have stepped up and filled the voids where the big guys want to lay pipe. Why are you in favor of removing the rules that keep these cartels from essentially having the ability to block content for whatever reason they wish, but say nothing at all about the cartels themselves? Where were the complaints about the cartelization of the industry?

Great good point, so what?

this is where you guys lose me. So what? really? That's the entire nature of this problem, right there. That government is adding additonal rules to the cartel of providers that they fostered. it's the epicenter of this conflict. If you want net neutrality, you should be dead set against the cartels the government created. yet you only seem to think the government should protect you from, well, the government.

It's sucha strange thing to witness from both sides ono this type of debate.

Republibot 2000 cannot respond to this post! Cannot accuse of being liberal and cannot bother with understanding the issue. Does not compute!
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

Maybe we should require gas stations to fill up all cars and trucks for the same price regardless of their capacity. Probably not such a great deal for the guy with an 8 gallon tank but a great deal for my 132 gallon capacity. The principle is the same here, band width gluttons don't want to pay for what they use, they expect everyone else to subsidize them.

Umm, Gas is the same price. They don't change the price per gallon simply because you have an expensive car. Thanks for bringing that up.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

Maybe we should require gas stations to fill up all cars and trucks for the same price regardless of their capacity. Probably not such a great deal for the guy with an 8 gallon tank but a great deal for my 132 gallon capacity. The principle is the same here, band width gluttons don't want to pay for what they use, they expect everyone else to subsidize them.

Except that's not the only thing. Lets add that along with it, any car with a conservative (will use as the example here) bumper sticker can only get a half gallon of gas. Or is perhaps banned entirely from getting any gas. And being that there are, in any given geographic, no more than two, or perhaps three different gas stations to choose from, they have no recourse to getting any gas at all.

That's another portion of the argument here. That ISP can literally block content or move it so far off the bandwidth radar that you can not access it at all. I'll say it again and then im done. As long as the govt. fostered cartels are allowed to exist, we should keep the rules in place that they can not block, extort or deliberaltey inhibit certain content. It sucks that THAT is the argument here, but this is what happens when you allow government the powers to meddle in economic sectors such as this. It's messy, creates problems we wouldn't see in the private market and in the end, is costly as all hell to try to hash out.

Net neutrality can be condensed down to this:
Every minute of truth must be balanced with a minute of Leftist Propaganda.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

Maybe we should require gas stations to fill up all cars and trucks for the same price regardless of their capacity. Probably not such a great deal for the guy with an 8 gallon tank but a great deal for my 132 gallon capacity. The principle is the same here, band width gluttons don't want to pay for what they use, they expect everyone else to subsidize them.

Except that's not the only thing. Lets add that along with it, any car with a conservative (will use as the example here) bumper sticker can only get a half gallon of gas. Or is perhaps banned entirely from getting any gas. And being that there are, in any given geographic, no more than two, or perhaps three different gas stations to choose from, they have no recourse to getting any gas at all.

That's another portion of the argument here. That ISP can literally block content or move it so far off the bandwidth radar that you can not access it at all. I'll say it again and then im done. As long as the govt. fostered cartels are allowed to exist, we should keep the rules in place that they can not block, extort or deliberaltey inhibit certain content. It sucks that THAT is the argument here, but this is what happens when you allow government the powers to meddle in economic sectors such as this. It's messy, creates problems we wouldn't see in the private market and in the end, is costly as all hell to try to hash out.


^^ I agree
So given your slightly convoluted logic, the FCC should enforce the Freedom of Information Act to sustain net neutrality. Please see my post and contact the FCC with the link provided.

Thank you, and remember that Congress DID form the FCC. It was not created by a dictator, a prime minister or a monarch.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States government, created by Congressional statute (see 47 U.S.C. § 151 and 47 U.S.C. § 154) to regulate interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. The FCC works towards six goals in the areas of broadband, competition, the spectrum, the media, public safety and homeland security. The Commission is also in the process of modernizing itself.[3]

I see you fail to understand my post..

What else is new.

You're a friggin Liberal who can't understand anything done in anything other than crayon.

Contradicting yourself is a bitch, isn't it? And it's too late to edit your fumbled post. Sorry.

I didn't contradict myself.

I am for net-neutrality.

I also would rather have the Congress pass it as a law instead of the FCC decreeing it as I don't believe that unelected B-Rats should have the power to enact anything that the affect or effect of a law.

Two rather simple statements that even you should understand.
The Lrftists tried to counter Conservative Talk Radio with their own Liberal Radio Talk shows and enough people didn't tune in to support the Stations.

I say the people made a good choice.

The Left can't compete in a free market so they want to force their ideology on Conservative radio.

The public has already spoken and they don't want it!!
Its not their may be their line so to speak but they dont own you ever notice what those lines go over?public domain.

Verizon Might Already Be Throttling Your Netflix Connection And Admitting To It!

Read more: Verizon May Already Be Actively Limiting Netflix Bandwidth

Verizon May Already Be Actively Limiting Netflix Bandwidth

I've been kicked off Netflix twice this week. Never had a problem before now. Guess who my provider is....Verizon:evil:

yup, this is happening to a few people from what i have heard. Didnt take long after the regulation got squashed now did it?

But hey just move to another provider they say.
Once again the GOP proves that when they preach about freedom and small business that it's all total horseshit. The GOP is about one thing....big business and freedom for big business to do what they want, when they want. The GOP doesn't care about freedom for the individual and they certainly don't care about small business. Their ridiculous stance on Net Neutrality proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules -

If you are against Net Neutrality, you either don't understand the issue or you're a corporate shill. There is no other explanation.

Maybe we should require gas stations to fill up all cars and trucks for the same price regardless of their capacity. Probably not such a great deal for the guy with an 8 gallon tank but a great deal for my 132 gallon capacity. The principle is the same here, band width gluttons don't want to pay for what they use, they expect everyone else to subsidize them.

Umm, Gas is the same price. They don't change the price per gallon simply because you have an expensive car. Thanks for bringing that up.

I know reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, I see the concept of a FILL UP for the SAME PRICE, regardless of quantity is beyond you. If ya got a fourth grader around they can explain it to ya.
Last edited:
The Lrftists tried to counter Conservative Talk Radio with their own Liberal Radio Talk shows and enough people didn't tune in to support the Stations.

I say the people made a good choice.

The Left can't compete in a free market so they want to force their ideology on Conservative radio.

The public has already spoken and they don't want it!!

*pssst* The internet is not on the radio. Keep it a secret.:eusa_shhh:
Anybody unhappy with their internet access? No? Than it must be true that the bill is a "solution looking for a problem".
Are Liberals really fucking morons who believe that every business should be run like the NYTimes where alienating potential customers is a good strategy?

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