GOP Budget Offers Second-Rate Vision for First-Rate Country


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Ethan Rome: Apocalypse Now: GOP Budget Offers Second-Rate Vision for First-Rate Country

The Republican budget proposal says our worst days are ahead and the only way to avert a calamity is for working families and seniors to suffer so the rich can get richer. The Republicans say their assault on the middle class is necessary to avoid "debt, doubt and decline." That's bull. The Republican plan repeals the Affordable Care Act, makes savage cuts to Medicaid and ends Medicare as we know it to give massive tax breaks to the super-rich.

The GOP budget is an immoral and callous clarion call for the middle class to pay more and get less. It promotes prosperity for the few instead of opportunity for all. It says we should be on our own instead of bound together by common purpose.

Amen to that.
WOW Assault on the middle class??

What a bunch of hooey.

I guess cutting spending and getting entitlements under control is an assault if your a left wing loon.

Of course we can carry on as we are now and end up like Greece. Happy thought doncha think.
WOW Assault on the middle class??

What a bunch of hooey.

I guess cutting spending and getting entitlements under control is an assault if your a left wing loon.

Of course we can carry on as we are now and end up like Greece. Happy thought doncha think.

When those cuts involve no cuts on the rich and giving the rich more tax cuts its an assault on the middleclass, a facktard like you who has been relentless facked and jizzed with rightwing bullshat I expect the above answer from.
Yes, the Paul Ryan budget is basically blow hard. Balancing the budget by 2040. In other words, it's a joke.

That said, the republicans have the democrats beat. Since the democrats budget lacks actual existence.
WOW Assault on the middle class??

What a bunch of hooey.

I guess cutting spending and getting entitlements under control is an assault if your a left wing loon.

Of course we can carry on as we are now and end up like Greece. Happy thought doncha think.

When those cuts involve no cuts on the rich and giving the rich more tax cuts its an assault on the middleclass, a facktard like you who has been relentless facked and jizzed with rightwing bullshat I expect the above answer from.

The rich dont get benefits. So how can they get cut?
Your stupidity is showing again. Zip it up.
WOW Assault on the middle class??

What a bunch of hooey.

I guess cutting spending and getting entitlements under control is an assault if your a left wing loon.

Of course we can carry on as we are now and end up like Greece. Happy thought doncha think.

When those cuts involve no cuts on the rich and giving the rich more tax cuts its an assault on the middleclass, a facktard like you who has been relentless facked and jizzed with rightwing bullshat I expect the above answer from.

Oh. So the only thing in the whole budget is tax cuts for the rich?? Find that rather hard to believe. But you of course swallow that hook line and sinker.

Speaking of tax cuts. Seems to me I remember Barry signing the extention of the Bush tax cuts. You know. The tax cuts that every working American got and are still getting.

Speaking of fucktards and being jizzed with leftwing bullshit. You are a premium cardholder.
WOW Assault on the middle class??

What a bunch of hooey.

I guess cutting spending and getting entitlements under control is an assault if your a left wing loon.

Of course we can carry on as we are now and end up like Greece. Happy thought doncha think.

Spending cuts are terrorism don't you know.:eusa_angel:
The Democrat's plan is wait till the GOP comes up with a plan and make fun of it.

That's their plan.
The Democrat's plan is wait till the GOP comes up with a plan and make fun of it.

That's their plan.

Your probably right since they aren't planning to do a budget.

They wouldn't want anyone to know how much taxing and spending they have in mind.
The Democrat's plan is wait till the GOP comes up with a plan and make fun of it.

That's their plan.

The idiot Republicans signed Grover Norquist's pledge and Congress came to a screeching halt. That sheer stupidity combined with crony capitalism precedes any plan, from any party, for anything.
Talk about your lead balloons. The Obama/Biden plan to threaten the middle class with Republican destruction after what they and their fellow Democrats have done to the middle class already is beyond credulity. It's in the realm of pathetically dubious at best..:disbelief:

"If you give any one of these guys the keys to the White House, they will bankrupt the middle class," Biden said of the Republican field.

Sorry Joe.. too late..It's the one accomplishment Obama/Biden/Democrat leadership have actually succeeded at....:wtf:
Ethan Rome: Apocalypse Now: GOP Budget Offers Second-Rate Vision for First-Rate Country

The Republican budget proposal says our worst days are ahead and the only way to avert a calamity is for working families and seniors to suffer so the rich can get richer. The Republicans say their assault on the middle class is necessary to avoid "debt, doubt and decline." That's bull. The Republican plan repeals the Affordable Care Act, makes savage cuts to Medicaid and ends Medicare as we know it to give massive tax breaks to the super-rich.

The GOP budget is an immoral and callous clarion call for the middle class to pay more and get less. It promotes prosperity for the few instead of opportunity for all. It says we should be on our own instead of bound together by common purpose.

Amen to that.

Comical, actually thinking you dont have to pay the bills.

You dont though, economic collapse is your preferred solution.

Got it....
The Democrat's plan is wait till the GOP comes up with a plan and make fun of it.

That's their plan.

The idiot Republicans signed Grover Norquist's pledge and Congress came to a screeching halt. That sheer stupidity combined with crony capitalism precedes any plan, from any party, for anything.
Crony capitalism? You mean Solyndra and another dozen darlings of hte Obama Administration that got millions at taxpayer expense?
The Democrat's plan is wait till the GOP comes up with a plan and make fun of it.

That's their plan.

The idiot Republicans signed Grover Norquist's pledge and Congress came to a screeching halt. That sheer stupidity combined with crony capitalism precedes any plan, from any party, for anything.
Crony capitalism? You mean Solyndra and another dozen darlings of hte Obama Administration that got millions at taxpayer expense?

Repeating the same lie about Obama and Solandra isn't going to make it true, shathead.
The idiot Republicans signed Grover Norquist's pledge and Congress came to a screeching halt. That sheer stupidity combined with crony capitalism precedes any plan, from any party, for anything.
Crony capitalism? You mean Solyndra and another dozen darlings of hte Obama Administration that got millions at taxpayer expense?

Repeating the same lie about Obama and Solandra isn't going to make it true, shathead.

Deny the obvious much...:lol:
So taking money away from poor people and giving it to rich people will do WHAT exactly?


That when the rich pay a greater percentage of their income in taxes, the whole country does better.

"To destroy this invisible Government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day."
Teddy Roosevelt.

We had high tax rates in the 40s-70's. What happened? The middle class BOOMED. Then Reagan and the redistribution of wealth upward. Then what happened? The middle class STAGNATED.



Want to know just how MUCH you would have gotten had the Reagan revolution NOT taken place?


Thanks RepubliCONZ! Why, I could have been a 1/3rd of a million dollars richer if it hadn't been for your redistributionist policies. But instead I got a crashed economy and jobs being sent to India. You used to at least pony up cheap credit, but then you turned a blind eye while the casino you deregulated into legislation nearly brought us to the brink of another great depression. Yeah. Ryans plan is just more of the same. It'll only concentrate wealth at the top. GREAT....

Go shove this plan up your airport mens room foot tapping asses.

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