GOP candidates After Trump's major faux pas yesterday

Kind of amazing....In this thread alone the Bible-thumping, family-values-driven, and all around God-fearing right wingers called me:

Twat Post #20
Fucking Troll #23
Cundt #26
Fucktwit #27
Takes it in the ass #34

I guess I've done my work for the night in exposing the TRUE nature of some right wingers.

I'm agnostic... everyone knows that except you fucking FAITH HATERS that think everyone is down with the Bible....Oh, BTW dustpan....

  • Pro-Christian Vow; Trump Escalates Against Media’s ‘Muslim Obama’ Smear
    Breitbart ^
    Donald Trump is hitting back twice as hard as Democrats — led by the White House – attack him for not rebuking a town-hall questioner who declared that President Barack Obama is a Muslim. “The bigger issue is that Obama is waging a war against Christians in this country,” Trump tells The New York Times. But he also said that Americans liked the fact that he did not react to things like voter anger and debate questions with the ordinary language of politicians.
I am far more to the left than you. I find you to be a disgusting, filthy persona

why, thank you.....Actually I don't find you "disgusting"....Just disturbed....

(and continue to practice writing the English may come in handy some day when you grow up.)


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