GOP Congressman Associating with Obama is 'Touching a Tar Baby'

If the guy is actually a racist there should be plenty of evidence out there, go find some and post it.

He thought it was okay to refer to the President as a tar baby.


to be fair, he was not referring to Obama as a 'tar baby'. He used the term, which has multiple meanings... one of which is racist. I found the term to be racist, but I am not convinced there was conscious intent of racism by the man who used it. More... stupidity.
My funny for the day, aka: How to say the phrase without actually using it.

Analysis: Angry over debt debate, voters may punish leaders | Reuters

"Nobody's a winner when it comes to ... dysfunctionality and chaos in Washington," said David Axelrod, the top strategist for President Barack Obama's re-election campaign, who spoke in his Chicago offices on Friday before the deal.

"Even though I believe strongly the president's been a force to try and bring some sense and reasonableness to this process, the process itself is an ugly, ugly thing, and so just by dint of being associated with it, you know, you get tainted to some degree."


Good article, too.

A Washington Post-Pew Research Center Poll released on Monday showed Americans viewed the budget battle in strikingly negative terms, with the word "ridiculous" used by the most respondents to describe it.

Variations of the words "disgusting" and "stupid" came in second and third as descriptions from poll participants.

well... what do you know? Axlerod said something I can respect! Who'd have thunk it?:lol:
Clearly racist, but I do actually believe it was a case of unintentional racism. I listened to the clip and he just didn't realize what an ass he was making of himself.
Clearly racist, but I do actually believe it was a case of unintentional racism. I listened to the clip and he just didn't realize what an ass he was making of himself.

there's a lot of that going around
Take your feigned outrage and apply it to a situation that matters. No one cares what some jack off said about Obama, racist or not. Deal with it. Obama is a tool and a failure and the analogy racist or not applies.

Another sick fuck.

The outrage isn't feigned, dude. That's blatant racism from a United States fucking Congressman.

If your incapable of critical thought to see how the analogy works then put me on ignore and bad rep me. I really don't care. I don't know the man and don't know what his intent was so Fuck off.

Ps. Bush was Hitler, remember?

Now blow me...

denying clear racism is racism
It is sad that political correctness has killed the "tar baby" analogy

It was a good one
Tar-Baby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Tar-Baby is a fictional character in the second of the Uncle Remus stories published in 1881; it is a doll made of tar and turpentine used to entrap Br'er Rabbit. The more that Br'er Rabbit fights the Tar-Baby, the more entangled he becomes.

In modern usage, "tar baby" refers to any "sticky situation" that is only aggravated by additional contact.
Tar-Baby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Tar-Baby is a fictional character in the second of the Uncle Remus stories published in 1881; it is a doll made of tar and turpentine used to entrap Br'er Rabbit. The more that Br'er Rabbit fights the Tar-Baby, the more entangled he becomes.

In modern usage, "tar baby" refers to any "sticky situation" that is only aggravated by additional contact.

Tar Baby was a way to describe a sticky situation that got worse and worse the harder you fought

It had nothing to do with black does now
Yeah, he should have said it was like touching a cute little kitten all covered in honey.....same idea with nobody being able to point and cry racist.:lmao:

Nobody being able to point and cry racist? Are you fucking kidding me? IT IS RACIST.

Yep. These people who try to make out it is anything else, or that it is no big deal, these people are really sickening human beings. Flotsam.

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