GOP Congressman Calling for Impeachment of Trump

Why is he a moron? Oh that's right he is not a Trump Humper.
He claims Trump is impeachable while doing nothing about it. One does not have to be a "Humper" to understand the meaninglessness of hot air regardless of its source.

He pointed out specifics, for it to be meaningless please point where he is incorrect.

Here are my principal conclusions:
1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.

Then why hasn’t the House proceeded with impeachment?

Because Tramp and Barr are impeding it. Impeachment is a process, that starts with investigation, which is why they want the Mueller report declassified and all info leading into it.

Pelosi said impeachment is off the table. Blaming others when the House leader said impeachment is off the table is telling.

Which is smart at the moment, because she knows those cowards in the Senate are going to do nothing. Look at how Trump Humpers are attacking Rep. Amash.
He pointed out specifics, for it to be meaningless please point where he is incorrect.

Here are my principal conclusions:
1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.

Then why hasn’t the House proceeded with impeachment?

Because Tramp and Barr are impeding it. Impeachment is a process, that starts with investigation, which is why they want the Mueller report declassified and all info leading into it.

Pelosi said impeachment is off the table. Blaming others when the House leader said impeachment is off the table is telling.

The investigation is on the table. Who do you blame when tramp and his minions are obstructing??

I said long ago that Barr needs to send the report from Congress. Before the Mueller report came out, Pelosi said impeachment was off the table. She claims impeachment is a divisive thing. Looks like party over country.
Pelosi Is Going After Barr And Rejecting Impeachment. Is That A Smart Plan?

This is on House leadership to lead, the rest of what is going on is just political noise. Either they impeach or don’t and the games need to stop.

Barr needs to be held accountable, he is nothing more than Trump's personal lawyer.
Then why hasn’t the House proceeded with impeachment?

Because they know the spineless Senate will not act when they do.

And Republicans knew that Clinton would not be convicted in the Senate. You already have one Republican change their mind on Trump. You have no clue.

Don’t Democrats do the right thing because it is the right thing to do?

So until I see the spineless House act, all this crying and whining about Trump is absolutely BS.

Democrats are party over country, no different than the Republicans.

No they are doing the right thing at the moment.

Not the way I see it, the only reason they are not going for impeachment is that most people are against impeachment. Politicians don’t want to upset their voters, they look out for themselves. Just what they are.

Well everyone has a right to their opinion. If they were to impeach in the House you know as well as I do that this spineless Senate would do nothing.

Again, that is your opinion. Depending on the evidence, the Senate could convict.

I'm beginning ti believe that the Democrats are going to just keep it stirred up until the 2020 election, party before country, no different than the Republicans.

The longer this continues without impeachment proceeding the less likely I am thinking that the Democrats have anything.
Then why hasn’t the House proceeded with impeachment?

Because Tramp and Barr are impeding it. Impeachment is a process, that starts with investigation, which is why they want the Mueller report declassified and all info leading into it.

Pelosi said impeachment is off the table. Blaming others when the House leader said impeachment is off the table is telling.

The investigation is on the table. Who do you blame when tramp and his minions are obstructing??

I said long ago that Barr needs to send the report from Congress. Before the Mueller report came out, Pelosi said impeachment was off the table. She claims impeachment is a divisive thing. Looks like party over country.
Pelosi Is Going After Barr And Rejecting Impeachment. Is That A Smart Plan?

This is on House leadership to lead, the rest of what is going on is just political noise. Either they impeach or don’t and the games need to stop.

Barr needs to be held accountable, he is nothing more than Trump's personal lawyer.

Nice diversion!

Did you think that of Holder? He held up the investigation of Fast and Furious and was the first AG to beheld in contempt of Congress.

The President needs to be held accountable first and foremost, this going after Barr should be done during the fallout.
He claims Trump is impeachable while doing nothing about it. One does not have to be a "Humper" to understand the meaninglessness of hot air regardless of its source.

He pointed out specifics, for it to be meaningless please point where he is incorrect.

Here are my principal conclusions:
1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.

Then why hasn’t the House proceeded with impeachment?

Because Tramp and Barr are impeding it. Impeachment is a process, that starts with investigation, which is why they want the Mueller report declassified and all info leading into it.

Pelosi said impeachment is off the table. Blaming others when the House leader said impeachment is off the table is telling.

Which is smart at the moment, because she knows those cowards in the Senate are going to do nothing. Look at how Trump Humpers are attacking Rep. Amash.

So not doing the right thing because it would be difficult is now smart? LOL!!!

Well all that clown did was commit political Hari Kari so we won't be hearing anymore from him. However it was a stupid enough to qualify him for inclusion in the demodummie party. The only problem there is their cup runnith over with fools already.

He has bigger balls that most of the Republicans who are hiding behind tramp for re-election.
Because Tramp and Barr are impeding it. Impeachment is a process, that starts with investigation, which is why they want the Mueller report declassified and all info leading into it.

Pelosi said impeachment is off the table. Blaming others when the House leader said impeachment is off the table is telling.

The investigation is on the table. Who do you blame when tramp and his minions are obstructing??

I said long ago that Barr needs to send the report from Congress. Before the Mueller report came out, Pelosi said impeachment was off the table. She claims impeachment is a divisive thing. Looks like party over country.
Pelosi Is Going After Barr And Rejecting Impeachment. Is That A Smart Plan?

This is on House leadership to lead, the rest of what is going on is just political noise. Either they impeach or don’t and the games need to stop.

Barr needs to be held accountable, he is nothing more than Trump's personal lawyer.

Nice diversion!

Did you think that of Holder? He held up the investigation of Fast and Furious and was the first AG to beheld in contempt of Congress.

The President needs to be held accountable first and foremost, this going after Barr should be done during the fallout.

So it doesn't matter if one is a Dem or Rep. Thanks for that tidbit. What an honest man , at least he is true to his career, as he is an attorney.
Pelosi said impeachment is off the table. Blaming others when the House leader said impeachment is off the table is telling.

The investigation is on the table. Who do you blame when tramp and his minions are obstructing??

I said long ago that Barr needs to send the report from Congress. Before the Mueller report came out, Pelosi said impeachment was off the table. She claims impeachment is a divisive thing. Looks like party over country.
Pelosi Is Going After Barr And Rejecting Impeachment. Is That A Smart Plan?

This is on House leadership to lead, the rest of what is going on is just political noise. Either they impeach or don’t and the games need to stop.

Barr needs to be held accountable, he is nothing more than Trump's personal lawyer.

Nice diversion!

Did you think that of Holder? He held up the investigation of Fast and Furious and was the first AG to beheld in contempt of Congress.

The President needs to be held accountable first and foremost, this going after Barr should be done during the fallout.

So it doesn't matter if one is a Dem or Rep. Thanks for that tidbit. What an honest man.

I don't like the Republican or Democratic Party, they are both corrupt to the core.
The investigation is on the table. Who do you blame when tramp and his minions are obstructing??

I said long ago that Barr needs to send the report from Congress. Before the Mueller report came out, Pelosi said impeachment was off the table. She claims impeachment is a divisive thing. Looks like party over country.
Pelosi Is Going After Barr And Rejecting Impeachment. Is That A Smart Plan?

This is on House leadership to lead, the rest of what is going on is just political noise. Either they impeach or don’t and the games need to stop.

Barr needs to be held accountable, he is nothing more than Trump's personal lawyer.

Nice diversion!

Did you think that of Holder? He held up the investigation of Fast and Furious and was the first AG to beheld in contempt of Congress.

The President needs to be held accountable first and foremost, this going after Barr should be done during the fallout.

So it doesn't matter if one is a Dem or Rep. Thanks for that tidbit. What an honest man.

I don't like the Republican or Democratic Party, they are both corrupt to the core.

And I bet you didn't read the report.
I said long ago that Barr needs to send the report from Congress. Before the Mueller report came out, Pelosi said impeachment was off the table. She claims impeachment is a divisive thing. Looks like party over country.
Pelosi Is Going After Barr And Rejecting Impeachment. Is That A Smart Plan?

This is on House leadership to lead, the rest of what is going on is just political noise. Either they impeach or don’t and the games need to stop.

Barr needs to be held accountable, he is nothing more than Trump's personal lawyer.

Nice diversion!

Did you think that of Holder? He held up the investigation of Fast and Furious and was the first AG to beheld in contempt of Congress.

The President needs to be held accountable first and foremost, this going after Barr should be done during the fallout.

So it doesn't matter if one is a Dem or Rep. Thanks for that tidbit. What an honest man.

I don't like the Republican or Democratic Party, they are both corrupt to the core.

And I bet you didn't read the report.

Another diversion.
Quit pretending you GAF about the Constitution...We all know you don't, except when the context is convenient for you.
We say the same thing about you guys.

Trump’s ‘Emergency’ Action: Unlawful and Unconstitutional

Presidents have no extra-constitutional powers during real emergencies, much less fictitious ones.

For example The federal courts and ultimately the Supreme Court should quickly and emphatically hold that President Trump’s attempt to fund the border wall by declaring a national emergency is illegal and unconstitutional. In 1974, when President Richard Nixon made an unprecedented claim of executive power to resist complying with a subpoena from the Watergate special prosecutor, the Supreme Court unanimously rejected this assertion and enforced constitutional checks and balances. We should hope and expect that even the conservative Roberts Court, with two justices appointed by President Trump, will likewise follow the Constitution and reject Trump’s dangerous claim of emergency powers.

The Constitution has no clause that gives the president emergency powers. This was a deliberate and wise choice. The framers of the Constitution wanted to make sure that its requirements, including checks and balances, are enforced even in times of crisis. Indeed, when prior presidents have tried to claim inherent power to deal with emergencies, the Supreme Court has rejected such claims.

During the Korean War, President Harry Truman seized the steel mills to assure continued steel production in the face of a labor dispute. The Supreme Court, in Youngstown Sheet & Tube v. Sawyer (1952), decisively ruled against President Truman and rejected his claimed authority to take actions to deal with a national emergency. The Court stressed that Truman’s actions violated the separation of powers and usurped the powers of Congress.

President Trump’s attempt to spend money for building a wall without congressional appropriation of funds for this purpose directly violates the Constitution.
Likewise, President Trump’s attempt to spend money for building a wall without congressional appropriation of funds for this purpose directly violates the Constitution. The Constitution reads, “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” Under the Constitution, Congress has the power of the purse and it is impermissible for the president to spend money without specific statutory authorization.

No such authorization exists for building the border wall. Trump repeatedly has urged Congress to provide such funds. Even when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, from 2017 to 2019, Trump could not get this authorization. More recently, the government shut down for a month because Congress would not appropriate the funds Trump wanted to build the wall. For Trump to fund the wall unilaterally without congressional approval, even by claiming a national emergency, is clearly unconstitutional.
publicly, nobody knew about the dossier during the campaign. It was only used privately to renew a FISA warrant. Your obsession with it is unwarranted, since its not what started the investigation.

Fusion GPS started with Steele under the free beacon, not clinton campaign. Its not treason to pay for research on your political opponent.
So you are saying that the attempted coup was ok because no one knew about it at 1st?

Hillary, the FBI, Fusion GPS, & the Russians all paid Steele...the Obama administration knowingly use false political research to perpetrate FISA Court Abuses to SPY on the Trump team and to perpetrate Perjury before Congress ... AS EVIDENCE SHOWS ... and you snowflakes continue to defend traitors ... which make you traitors, too as far as I am concerned....

There was no coup. And nothing else you posted happened.
Keep denying reality, snowflake....

Funny how law enforcement and all respected media in the world keeps denying reality.

Please provide the link to the indictments / convictions for obstruction / collusion as a result of any of the 4 Trump investigations....


Then provide the link to investigation #5 by the FBI or DOJ.....


How about a link to the 'respected' media you mentioned, which leaves out NNN, MSLSD, and the other proven liberal extremists who pushed false narratives for r years....


So are you going to man up and get me which happens 1st, Trump's impeachment or a conspirator being indicted....?
You brainwashed functional morons have been saying indictments are coming for 10 years or longer, perhaps ever since your propaganda garbage machine got started.
Why is it that you on the right here at USMB have to be shown things you have seen already?
I called for a backup to the lie that wealthy corporations pay no taxes. That's balderdash.
Actually you are a brainwashed functional moron totally misinformed.
Earlier this year, ITEP reported Netflix and Amazon paid no federal taxes. Othercompanies on this list include Chevron, Delta Airlines, Eli Lilly, General Motors, Gannett, Goodyear Tire and Rubber, Halliburton, IBM, Jetblue Airways, Principal Financial,, US Steel, and Whirlpool.Apr 11, 2019
60 Fortune 500 Companies Avoided All Federal Income Tax in 2018 ...

Thanks for the link....

These companies avoided taxes by employing a variety of legal tax breaks. Accelerated depreciation allows companies to write off the cost of their investments much faster than these investments wear out. This break accounted for hundreds of millions in tax write-offs. Chevron alone, for example, reported $290 million in accelerated depreciation, and Halliburton reported $320 million.

If a company makes a profit of $1 billion, before depreciation, and has $1 billion in depreciation, their profit is zero.
You've got to be pretty stupid to point to that company and say, "No fair, $1 billion in profit, zero taxes"

Stock options provide a dubious tax break that allows corporations to write off expenses far in excess of the cost they report to investors. Amazon, Netflix, and a number of other companies used this tax break to write off millions.

If they have an employee who exercises $1 million in options, the employee pays taxes on the $1 million, the corporation deducts $1 million. The same as if they paid the employee $1 million in salary.

But thanks for the laughs.
Those companies are getting away with murder thanks to Republican policy.

Thanks for the laughs.
Legal tax breaks known in the real world as corrupt GOP policy,....
I am not a Democart but I am pro gun & pro 2nd A.

I have plenty of dry powder & I try & visit the range at least once a month.

The grip in that photo is a revolver grip but the firearm is semi auto.

You can shoot however the fuck you like hot rod; I don'y give two shitz.

Just pointing out that having a revolver grip on a semi auto is pretty fucking asinine but then hey; consider the source. You
So where is the link to indictments / convictions of Trump or anyone connected to him for illegal collusion with Russians or Obstruction with the FBI's illegal investigation or Mueller's???

The fact is the traitors' r (FOUR) investigations are over - OVER - and they failed to affect the coup.

The only investigations going on now are 3 - 4 being conducted by the US IG, US AG Barr, and the DOJ...

Those being investigated are Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, Baker, Strzok, Page, the FISA Court abusers....the proven criminal traitors, NOT TRUMP & HIS TEAM... because their investigations are indictments or convictions for collusion / obstruction....

The next I indictments and convictions you will see ar those of your beloved traitors...
It's a conspiracy against Republicans I suppose, mainly by straight arrow Republicans in the FBI and CIA? You are a brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda knows that the Obama administration had not a breath of Scandal. Only ridiculous phony ones that no one cares about,all investigated and nothing there but garbage propaganda conspiracy nut jobs.
Then bet me, snowflake....

What happens 1st - Trump gets Impeached after 3 years OR one of the Conspirators gets indicted...
What conspirators? Total garbage

I am not a Democart but I am pro gun & pro 2nd A.

I have plenty of dry powder & I try & visit the range at least once a month.

The grip in that photo is a revolver grip but the firearm is semi auto.

You can shoot however the fuck you like hot rod; I don'y give two shitz.

Just pointing out that having a revolver grip on a semi auto is pretty fucking asinine but then hey; consider the source. You
So where is the link to indictments / convictions of Trump or anyone connected to him for illegal collusion with Russians or Obstruction with the FBI's illegal investigation or Mueller's???

The fact is the traitors' r (FOUR) investigations are over - OVER - and they failed to affect the coup.

The only investigations going on now are 3 - 4 being conducted by the US IG, US AG Barr, and the DOJ...

Those being investigated are Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, Baker, Strzok, Page, the FISA Court abusers....the proven criminal traitors, NOT TRUMP & HIS TEAM... because their investigations are indictments or convictions for collusion / obstruction....

The next I indictments and convictions you will see ar those of your beloved traitors...
It's a conspiracy against Republicans I suppose, mainly by straight arrow Republicans in the FBI and CIA? You are a brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda knows that the Obama administration had not a breath of Scandal. Only ridiculous phony ones that no one cares about,all investigated and nothing there but garbage propaganda conspiracy nut jobs.
Then bet me, snowflake....

What happens 1st - Trump gets Impeached after 3 years OR one of the Conspirators gets indicted...
What conspirators? Total garbage
So you TALK shit but back down when asked to prove you believe your own BS....

lol....thought so
Democrats need to investigate it all further, listen to Mueller for a couple of days, and get a unredacted report first...conspirators my ass, already investigated multiple times and nothing there but garbage GOP propaganda. And of course no conspiracy against the GOP in the FBI and CIA, brainwashed functional moron. Absolute idiocy.
I called for a backup to the lie that wealthy corporations pay no taxes. That's balderdash.
Actually you are a brainwashed functional moron totally misinformed.
Earlier this year, ITEP reported Netflix and Amazon paid no federal taxes. Othercompanies on this list include Chevron, Delta Airlines, Eli Lilly, General Motors, Gannett, Goodyear Tire and Rubber, Halliburton, IBM, Jetblue Airways, Principal Financial,, US Steel, and Whirlpool.Apr 11, 2019
60 Fortune 500 Companies Avoided All Federal Income Tax in 2018 ...

Thanks for the link....

These companies avoided taxes by employing a variety of legal tax breaks. Accelerated depreciation allows companies to write off the cost of their investments much faster than these investments wear out. This break accounted for hundreds of millions in tax write-offs. Chevron alone, for example, reported $290 million in accelerated depreciation, and Halliburton reported $320 million.

If a company makes a profit of $1 billion, before depreciation, and has $1 billion in depreciation, their profit is zero.
You've got to be pretty stupid to point to that company and say, "No fair, $1 billion in profit, zero taxes"

Stock options provide a dubious tax break that allows corporations to write off expenses far in excess of the cost they report to investors. Amazon, Netflix, and a number of other companies used this tax break to write off millions.

If they have an employee who exercises $1 million in options, the employee pays taxes on the $1 million, the corporation deducts $1 million. The same as if they paid the employee $1 million in salary.

But thanks for the laughs.
Those companies are getting away with murder thanks to Republican policy.

Thanks for the laughs.
Legal tax breaks known in the real world as corrupt GOP policy,....

Yeah, no Democrat voted to allow depreciation or writing off employee expenses. Moron. LOL!
Democrats need to investigate it all further....
Yeah, because 4 investigations, 3 years, over 100 witnesses, thousands of pages of documents, 1 final Mueller Report, and ZERO indictments or convictions of Trump, his family, or anyone associated with him for 'illegal collusion' or 'obstruction' needs to be investigated a few more years in order to facilitate the snowflake obsession, hatred, and inability to accept the 2016 election or the final (one of many) 'We got him this time' snowflake failures .


You snowflakes had your chance....and the coup failed. NOW you get to move to the back of the bus, STFU, and allow the US IG, US AG, and his DOJ investigators complete THEIR investigations and reports.....

I hear Comey is coming out with a new book....



I did read it, boy. its bullshit. got anything else?

tell us why Putin would have preferred Trump who he could not control over Hillary who he had tons of dirt on that he could use to blackmail her into doing whatever he wanted. Its a serious question, try to respond like an intelligent human being instead of a piece of left wing shit.
Lol, you haven't read it.

And "tRump who he can't control"?

Have you been hiding under a rock for the last two years?

yes, I have read it and the Mueller report. Putin has nothing on Trump. but we all know that he has the emails to control hillary, he knows who created the dossier of lies, and he has bribed the clintons via the uranium deal, contributions to the clinton foundation, and speech payments to bubba clinton. He owns them.
Lol, you obviously have not read the report.

tell us what Putin has on Trump that he could use to control him. You say its in the report, I cant find it, so quote it for us--------------------
Undisclosed business deals, "Well, we don't rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia", possible embarrassing videos, who knows what else?

But to say there's nothing is just a lie, and proof you have not really read the report no matter how many times you claim you have.

quote from the mueller report where it says any of that. Its not illegal, immoral, or unethical to do business with foreign banks. The clintons did it, obama did it. Bush did it.

Still waiting for you to provide the language from the report that makes any of that a crime.
the MIchigan congressman is a muslim. He is part of the muslim cell that is trying to take over the USA from within, and you fools try to make it political and miss what is really happening.

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