GOP Congressman Calling for Impeachment of Trump

Actually you are a brainwashed functional moron totally misinformed.
Earlier this year, ITEP reported Netflix and Amazon paid no federal taxes. Othercompanies on this list include Chevron, Delta Airlines, Eli Lilly, General Motors, Gannett, Goodyear Tire and Rubber, Halliburton, IBM, Jetblue Airways, Principal Financial,, US Steel, and Whirlpool.Apr 11, 2019
60 Fortune 500 Companies Avoided All Federal Income Tax in 2018 ...

Thanks for the link....

These companies avoided taxes by employing a variety of legal tax breaks. Accelerated depreciation allows companies to write off the cost of their investments much faster than these investments wear out. This break accounted for hundreds of millions in tax write-offs. Chevron alone, for example, reported $290 million in accelerated depreciation, and Halliburton reported $320 million.

If a company makes a profit of $1 billion, before depreciation, and has $1 billion in depreciation, their profit is zero.
You've got to be pretty stupid to point to that company and say, "No fair, $1 billion in profit, zero taxes"

Stock options provide a dubious tax break that allows corporations to write off expenses far in excess of the cost they report to investors. Amazon, Netflix, and a number of other companies used this tax break to write off millions.

If they have an employee who exercises $1 million in options, the employee pays taxes on the $1 million, the corporation deducts $1 million. The same as if they paid the employee $1 million in salary.

But thanks for the laughs.
Those companies are getting away with murder thanks to Republican policy.

Thanks for the laughs.
Legal tax breaks known in the real world as corrupt GOP policy,....

Yeah, no Democrat voted to allow depreciation or writing off employee expenses. Moron. LOL!
you dupes will never learn. Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust. The Democrats put those things in and the GOP corrupts them when they get in.... Wake up and smell the coffee. Look who is in prison and going there in the real world. Not your silly imaginary scandals that 90% of the world,all respected media and law enforcement think are absolute garbage.... And there is no conspiracy, nut job.
the MIchigan congressman is a muslim. He is part of the muslim cell that is trying to take over the USA from within, and you fools try to make it political and miss what is really happening.
Always good to get the brainwashed functional idiot bigot racist outlook. Thanks

Amash is married and the father of three children. He is an Orthodox Christian in the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America. After graduating from the University of Michigan, he became a consultant to his family's business.
Justin Amash - Wikipedia
the voters of Michigan who elected this stupid, conceited jackass should kick him in the butt (figuratively) to knock some sense into him when it comes to the next election. PRIMARY NOW!
Lol, you haven't read it.

And "tRump who he can't control"?

Have you been hiding under a rock for the last two years?

yes, I have read it and the Mueller report. Putin has nothing on Trump. but we all know that he has the emails to control hillary, he knows who created the dossier of lies, and he has bribed the clintons via the uranium deal, contributions to the clinton foundation, and speech payments to bubba clinton. He owns them.
Lol, you obviously have not read the report.

tell us what Putin has on Trump that he could use to control him. You say its in the report, I cant find it, so quote it for us--------------------
Undisclosed business deals, "Well, we don't rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia", possible embarrassing videos, who knows what else?

But to say there's nothing is just a lie, and proof you have not really read the report no matter how many times you claim you have.

quote from the mueller report where it says any of that. Its not illegal, immoral, or unethical to do business with foreign banks. The clintons did it, obama did it. Bush did it.

Still waiting for you to provide the language from the report that makes any of that a crime.
it is illegal immoral and unethical to do illegal immoral and unethical business with foreign Banks... Clinton Obama and Bush did not do that LOL. Exactly why Democrats need to see an unredacted report. Mueller was a pussy not to bring charges, and Barr is a big fat idiot sycophant as far as I can tell... I don't trust any Republicans, they are all scared shittless of the Big Orange lying tweeter....
Thanks for the link....

These companies avoided taxes by employing a variety of legal tax breaks. Accelerated depreciation allows companies to write off the cost of their investments much faster than these investments wear out. This break accounted for hundreds of millions in tax write-offs. Chevron alone, for example, reported $290 million in accelerated depreciation, and Halliburton reported $320 million.

If a company makes a profit of $1 billion, before depreciation, and has $1 billion in depreciation, their profit is zero.
You've got to be pretty stupid to point to that company and say, "No fair, $1 billion in profit, zero taxes"

Stock options provide a dubious tax break that allows corporations to write off expenses far in excess of the cost they report to investors. Amazon, Netflix, and a number of other companies used this tax break to write off millions.

If they have an employee who exercises $1 million in options, the employee pays taxes on the $1 million, the corporation deducts $1 million. The same as if they paid the employee $1 million in salary.

But thanks for the laughs.
Those companies are getting away with murder thanks to Republican policy.

Thanks for the laughs.
Legal tax breaks known in the real world as corrupt GOP policy,....

Yeah, no Democrat voted to allow depreciation or writing off employee expenses. Moron. LOL!
you dupes will never learn. Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust. The Democrats put those things in and the GOP corrupts them when they get in.... Wake up and smell the coffee. Look who is in prison and going there in the real world. Not your silly imaginary scandals that 90% of the world,all respected media and law enforcement think are absolute garbage.... And there is no conspiracy, nut job.

Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust.

Clinton and Obama were President for a combined 16 years.
I don't recall either of them warning of the dangers of writing off depreciation or employee expenses.

Got a link?

The Democrats put those things in

Oh, companies are getting away with murder thanks to Democrat policies. Thanks, moron.
Republican Justin Amash Calls for Impeachment– While Holding Personal Business Interests in China

In his 2017 financial disclosure forms (pdf here), Representative Amash reports income of between $100,000 to $1,000,000/yr. for his ownership stake in Michigan Industrial Tools. Michigan Industrial Tools is the parent company, manufacturing in China, that produces Tekton Tools, Justin Amash’s Michigan family business...

According to an earlier Michigan article {link} “Amash is a co-owner of Dynamic Source International, a Chinese company that supplies Michigan Industrial Tools.” A visit to the website of Dynamic Source International (link) shows the company operates “manufacturing and factory facilities located in Hangzhou, capital city of Zhejiang Province”, China.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Sure he has and good luck with that.

Guy can't be to swift but them he's a Congressman.

Nuff said.

Yes, Amash is a duly elected US Congressman.

And what are you? Homeless, in a wheel chair, down in the bottoms, begging for gruel?

Nah. I'm doing quite well. Everything I own is paid for and the only thing I owe on is my vehicle which I make a payment on every month??

How bout you?? Still living in the homeless shelter or in the woods??

Or maybe you got one of your relatives to let you flop in the garage or the back yard.

Amish is duly elected. He barely squeaked out a win last election. Bet he doesn't make the next one.

Glad to hear you finally got out of that wheel chair, are no longer begging, and back on your feet; pardon the pun.

I'm doing OK; thanks for asking. Been in my current residence for over 16 years, and paid off my mortgage Fall 2018.

Amash will do just fine in life; at least he has principles & he actually believes in The Constitution, unlike you.

LMAO Never been in one but I'd bet you have.

My mortgage has been paid off for decades. Glad you finally got your paid off.

Amash has the principles he thinks others want to hear. He blows whichever way he thinks the wind is blowing

I'm a firm believer in the Constitution. Amash isn't as his impeachment bull shit shows.

Impeachment for what?? No collusion. No obstruction. One would think the few brain cells you have would realize this.

Guess not.

plenty of obstruction by Trump & his clown posse
Those companies are getting away with murder thanks to Republican policy.

Thanks for the laughs.
Legal tax breaks known in the real world as corrupt GOP policy,....

Yeah, no Democrat voted to allow depreciation or writing off employee expenses. Moron. LOL!
you dupes will never learn. Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust. The Democrats put those things in and the GOP corrupts them when they get in.... Wake up and smell the coffee. Look who is in prison and going there in the real world. Not your silly imaginary scandals that 90% of the world,all respected media and law enforcement think are absolute garbage.... And there is no conspiracy, nut job.

Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust.

Clinton and Obama were President for a combined 16 years.
I don't recall either of them warning of the dangers of writing off depreciation or employee expenses.

Got a link?

The Democrats put those things in

Oh, companies are getting away with murder thanks to Democrat policies. Thanks, moron.
look back and you will see what is wrong with what the Republicans have done with write-offs of depreciation and expenses. And everything else they get their hands on. Duh. Do you want a diagram? LOL
I hope more of the Traitors come out of the closet. This will just help The President win a Super Majority in 2020.

By 2021, The Wall will have Gun Turrets on top of it, and Cyborg Cats patrolling the border with Laser Beam Eyes!
Next Border Security Implementation in 2021

I hope more of the Traitors come out of the closet. This will just help The President win a Super Majority in 2020.

By 2021, The Wall will have Gun Turrets on top of it, and Cyborg Cats patrolling the border with Laser Beam Eyes!
What about the 58% who overstay their visas? And then of course they will come in by boats and tunnels and planes. LOL welcome to the real World....the only actual solution is a national ID card like other rich countries have with this problem. Your Heroes couldn't give a damn, they just love the wedge issue, brainwashed functional moron.
Thanks for the laughs.
Legal tax breaks known in the real world as corrupt GOP policy,....

Yeah, no Democrat voted to allow depreciation or writing off employee expenses. Moron. LOL!
you dupes will never learn. Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust. The Democrats put those things in and the GOP corrupts them when they get in.... Wake up and smell the coffee. Look who is in prison and going there in the real world. Not your silly imaginary scandals that 90% of the world,all respected media and law enforcement think are absolute garbage.... And there is no conspiracy, nut job.

Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust.

Clinton and Obama were President for a combined 16 years.
I don't recall either of them warning of the dangers of writing off depreciation or employee expenses.

Got a link?

The Democrats put those things in

Oh, companies are getting away with murder thanks to Democrat policies. Thanks, moron.
look back and you will see what is wrong with what the Republicans have done with write-offs of depreciation and expenses. And everything else they get their hands on. Duh. Do you want a diagram? LOL

Were Obama and Clinton even dumber than you?
Legal tax breaks known in the real world as corrupt GOP policy,....

Yeah, no Democrat voted to allow depreciation or writing off employee expenses. Moron. LOL!
you dupes will never learn. Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust. The Democrats put those things in and the GOP corrupts them when they get in.... Wake up and smell the coffee. Look who is in prison and going there in the real world. Not your silly imaginary scandals that 90% of the world,all respected media and law enforcement think are absolute garbage.... And there is no conspiracy, nut job.

Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust.

Clinton and Obama were President for a combined 16 years.
I don't recall either of them warning of the dangers of writing off depreciation or employee expenses.

Got a link?

The Democrats put those things in

Oh, companies are getting away with murder thanks to Democrat policies. Thanks, moron.
look back and you will see what is wrong with what the Republicans have done with write-offs of depreciation and expenses. And everything else they get their hands on. Duh. Do you want a diagram? LOL

Were Obama and Clinton even dumber than you?

Funny how the Democrats when in control of Congress and the Presidency never attempted to get rid of all these loopholes. I wonder why? LOL!!!
Yeah, no Democrat voted to allow depreciation or writing off employee expenses. Moron. LOL!
you dupes will never learn. Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust. The Democrats put those things in and the GOP corrupts them when they get in.... Wake up and smell the coffee. Look who is in prison and going there in the real world. Not your silly imaginary scandals that 90% of the world,all respected media and law enforcement think are absolute garbage.... And there is no conspiracy, nut job.

Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust.

Clinton and Obama were President for a combined 16 years.
I don't recall either of them warning of the dangers of writing off depreciation or employee expenses.

Got a link?

The Democrats put those things in

Oh, companies are getting away with murder thanks to Democrat policies. Thanks, moron.
look back and you will see what is wrong with what the Republicans have done with write-offs of depreciation and expenses. And everything else they get their hands on. Duh. Do you want a diagram? LOL

Were Obama and Clinton even dumber than you?

Funny how the Democrats when in control of Congress and the Presidency never attempted to get rid of all these loopholes. I wonder why? LOL!!!
Of course you are totally misinformed. They had control ie 60 votes in the senate for about 35 days in session. In the middle of a GOP World depression economic meltdown. No time to be changing tax rates duh. The corrupt GOP reconciliation rule doesn't work for Democrats. Only for cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else....
you dupes will never learn. Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust. The Democrats put those things in and the GOP corrupts them when they get in.... Wake up and smell the coffee. Look who is in prison and going there in the real world. Not your silly imaginary scandals that 90% of the world,all respected media and law enforcement think are absolute garbage.... And there is no conspiracy, nut job.

Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust.

Clinton and Obama were President for a combined 16 years.
I don't recall either of them warning of the dangers of writing off depreciation or employee expenses.

Got a link?

The Democrats put those things in

Oh, companies are getting away with murder thanks to Democrat policies. Thanks, moron.
look back and you will see what is wrong with what the Republicans have done with write-offs of depreciation and expenses. And everything else they get their hands on. Duh. Do you want a diagram? LOL

Were Obama and Clinton even dumber than you?

Funny how the Democrats when in control of Congress and the Presidency never attempted to get rid of all these loopholes. I wonder why? LOL!!!
Of course you are totally misinformed. They had control ie 60 votes in the senate for about 35 days in session. In the middle of a GOP World depression economic meltdown. No time to be changing tax rates duh. The corrupt GOP reconciliation rule doesn't work for Democrats. Only for cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else....

Republicans didn't have 60 votes in the Senate under Reagan, either Bush or under Trump.
But that doesn't stop you twats from whining non-stop about every thing they've done since 1981.

Why are you such an ignorant whiny twat?
Then why hasn’t the House proceeded with impeachment?

Because Tramp and Barr are impeding it. Impeachment is a process, that starts with investigation, which is why they want the Mueller report declassified and all info leading into it.

Pelosi said impeachment is off the table. Blaming others when the House leader said impeachment is off the table is telling.

The investigation is on the table. Who do you blame when tramp and his minions are obstructing??

I said long ago that Barr needs to send the report from Congress. Before the Mueller report came out, Pelosi said impeachment was off the table. She claims impeachment is a divisive thing. Looks like party over country.
Pelosi Is Going After Barr And Rejecting Impeachment. Is That A Smart Plan?

This is on House leadership to lead, the rest of what is going on is just political noise. Either they impeach or don’t and the games need to stop.

Barr needs to be held accountable, he is nothing more than Trump's personal lawyer.

Gee, I bet you made that up all by yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
Then why hasn’t the House proceeded with impeachment?

Because Tramp and Barr are impeding it. Impeachment is a process, that starts with investigation, which is why they want the Mueller report declassified and all info leading into it.

Pelosi said impeachment is off the table. Blaming others when the House leader said impeachment is off the table is telling.

The investigation is on the table. Who do you blame when tramp and his minions are obstructing??

I said long ago that Barr needs to send the report from Congress. Before the Mueller report came out, Pelosi said impeachment was off the table. She claims impeachment is a divisive thing. Looks like party over country.
Pelosi Is Going After Barr And Rejecting Impeachment. Is That A Smart Plan?

This is on House leadership to lead, the rest of what is going on is just political noise. Either they impeach or don’t and the games need to stop.

Yet they are trying to investigate, who cares what Pelosi says. How can we impeach when tramp and barr is obstructing.

Just how does one "obstruct" impeachment from an opposing party?
Every time the GOP gets in there is a huge corrupt bubble and bust.

Clinton and Obama were President for a combined 16 years.
I don't recall either of them warning of the dangers of writing off depreciation or employee expenses.

Got a link?

The Democrats put those things in

Oh, companies are getting away with murder thanks to Democrat policies. Thanks, moron.
look back and you will see what is wrong with what the Republicans have done with write-offs of depreciation and expenses. And everything else they get their hands on. Duh. Do you want a diagram? LOL

Were Obama and Clinton even dumber than you?

Funny how the Democrats when in control of Congress and the Presidency never attempted to get rid of all these loopholes. I wonder why? LOL!!!
Of course you are totally misinformed. They had control ie 60 votes in the senate for about 35 days in session. In the middle of a GOP World depression economic meltdown. No time to be changing tax rates duh. The corrupt GOP reconciliation rule doesn't work for Democrats. Only for cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else....

Republicans didn't have 60 votes in the Senate under Reagan, either Bush or under Trump.
But that doesn't stop you twats from whining non-stop about every thing they've done since 1981.

Why are you such an ignorant whiny twat?
Read what I said about reconciliation, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. It only works for cutting taxes and services.
Because Tramp and Barr are impeding it. Impeachment is a process, that starts with investigation, which is why they want the Mueller report declassified and all info leading into it.

Pelosi said impeachment is off the table. Blaming others when the House leader said impeachment is off the table is telling.

The investigation is on the table. Who do you blame when tramp and his minions are obstructing??

I said long ago that Barr needs to send the report from Congress. Before the Mueller report came out, Pelosi said impeachment was off the table. She claims impeachment is a divisive thing. Looks like party over country.
Pelosi Is Going After Barr And Rejecting Impeachment. Is That A Smart Plan?

This is on House leadership to lead, the rest of what is going on is just political noise. Either they impeach or don’t and the games need to stop.

Yet they are trying to investigate, who cares what Pelosi says. How can we impeach when tramp and barr is obstructing.

Just how does one "obstruct" impeachment from an opposing party?
Same way you obstruct getting documents and people to testify duh.
Because Tramp and Barr are impeding it. Impeachment is a process, that starts with investigation, which is why they want the Mueller report declassified and all info leading into it.

Pelosi said impeachment is off the table. Blaming others when the House leader said impeachment is off the table is telling.

The investigation is on the table. Who do you blame when tramp and his minions are obstructing??

I said long ago that Barr needs to send the report from Congress. Before the Mueller report came out, Pelosi said impeachment was off the table. She claims impeachment is a divisive thing. Looks like party over country.
Pelosi Is Going After Barr And Rejecting Impeachment. Is That A Smart Plan?

This is on House leadership to lead, the rest of what is going on is just political noise. Either they impeach or don’t and the games need to stop.

Barr needs to be held accountable, he is nothing more than Trump's personal lawyer.

Gee, I bet you made that up all by yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
Pretty damn obvious except for Fox Rush etc dupes....

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