GOP Conspiracy Theories Falling Faster Than They Can Make Them Up - That May Be The Point

The FBI didn't find jack shit. It was IG Horowitz's team who found them.
OP is a flat out lie.

If you're having trouble keeping track of which GOP-driven conspiracy theory is now trending on Russia's twitter bot-work, don't worry—you're the sane one.

The unmasking, uranium one, lost texts, unreleased memos, and secret societies—it's a positively dizzying array of cray cray coming from Republican lawmakers who were not only elected to serve the American people (not the president) but took an oath of office to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

And just as soon as these shots in dark are floated, they fall under the light of day. But no matter how hard they fall, they continue to lurk in the minds of Trump bitter-enders. Let's face it, 30 percent of Americans will likely be on their death beds, muttering "But Hillary's emails..."

In the meantime, the FBI found the missing texts.

GOP conspiracy theories are falling faster than they can make them up—that may be the point
Actually dipshit the DOJ found the "missing" texts...not the corrupt FBI.
Who do you think the investigative arm of the DOJ is, dipshit?

You mean the same DOJ Nunes refuses to show his "trumped" up edited memo to, that everyone except a mental midget such as yourself knows is bullshit?

Oh yeah, in case you forgot, the investigation into Clintons emails was about what again? yeah, mishandling classified information.

And what is Nunes doing now? Yeah, mishandling classified information.

Considering the fact it looks like Dems are going to win back the House this year, and Adam Schiff is the ranking Democrat on the committee, and has seen the information, i'm sure he's going to have a lot of questions for 'ol Devin when he subpoenas him in front of the committee he will now be the chairmen of.

Karma is a bitch isn't it?
Dems are not winning the house lol. Only a misguided idiot would believe so. Perhaps the Senate but even that is questionable

Apparently those misguided idiots also include moderate Republicans who sit in those districts. That is why they are retiring.
Hey, little boy! Democrats will be annihilated this up coming midterms due to Trump's winning policies. Americans, the silent white majority that is, who put him in office are excited about this country becoming a nationalist nation again. A nationalist nation is the only way to make America great again.
What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story
what's funny is watching you throw a nonstop hissy on this message board... then someone starts a thread and makes a comment on something about Trump ... and you accuse THEM of coming unglued... heh heh, that's some funny shit right there, ya gotta admit!
Every time there is breaking Mueller/Russia news, the GOP rewards that information with a new distraction (conspiracy theory).

The white knuckled panic is clear.
What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story
what's funny is watching you throw a nonstop hissy on this message board... then someone starts a thread and makes a comment on something about Trump ... and you accuse THEM of coming unglued... heh heh, that's some funny shit right there, ya gotta admit!
Hissyfit? Are you 12? You don't see me starting a half dozen threads a day do you.

What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story
what's funny is watching you throw a nonstop hissy on this message board... then someone starts a thread and makes a comment on something about Trump ... and you accuse THEM of coming unglued... heh heh, that's some funny shit right there, ya gotta admit!
Hissyfit? Are you 12? You don't see me starting a half dozen threads a day do you.


Ok you're joking, right?
What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story
what's funny is watching you throw a nonstop hissy on this message board... then someone starts a thread and makes a comment on something about Trump ... and you accuse THEM of coming unglued... heh heh, that's some funny shit right there, ya gotta admit!
Hissyfit? Are you 12? You don't see me starting a half dozen threads a day do you.


Ok you're joking, right?
Feel free to dig if you like. I hear trolls love busy work
What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story
what's funny is watching you throw a nonstop hissy on this message board... then someone starts a thread and makes a comment on something about Trump ... and you accuse THEM of coming unglued... heh heh, that's some funny shit right there, ya gotta admit!
Hissyfit? Are you 12? You don't see me starting a half dozen threads a day do you.

no, I just see you throwing little fits. you're kind of grumpy. ;)
What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story
what's funny is watching you throw a nonstop hissy on this message board... then someone starts a thread and makes a comment on something about Trump ... and you accuse THEM of coming unglued... heh heh, that's some funny shit right there, ya gotta admit!
Hissyfit? Are you 12? You don't see me starting a half dozen threads a day do you.

no, I just see you throwing little fits. you're kind of grumpy. ;)
Link or shut up
What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story
what's funny is watching you throw a nonstop hissy on this message board... then someone starts a thread and makes a comment on something about Trump ... and you accuse THEM of coming unglued... heh heh, that's some funny shit right there, ya gotta admit!
Hissyfit? Are you 12? You don't see me starting a half dozen threads a day do you.

no, I just see you throwing little fits. you're kind of grumpy. ;)
Link or shut up
You shut up, you dummyhead!

*stomps feet* *throws fit*
What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story
what's funny is watching you throw a nonstop hissy on this message board... then someone starts a thread and makes a comment on something about Trump ... and you accuse THEM of coming unglued... heh heh, that's some funny shit right there, ya gotta admit!
Hissyfit? Are you 12? You don't see me starting a half dozen threads a day do you.


Ok you're joking, right?
Feel free to dig if you like. I hear trolls love busy work

Good point, that does help explain your over 60,000 posts.
I know these snowflakes love to make conspiracy theories up out of then air. It's funny.
What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story

...While screaming that Trump colluded with the Russians to throw the election.

Please take a minute to grasp the irony here.

So you two dumb fucks find a thread that I ever said Trump colluded with Russians? Not a leftist just a realist and you righties make up more stories a day than one makes bathroom trips. Let's see what stories will come out today. Maybe they will arrest Hillary or Obama, God I'd hate to see the orgasms you have over that.
What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story
what's funny is watching you throw a nonstop hissy on this message board... then someone starts a thread and makes a comment on something about Trump ... and you accuse THEM of coming unglued... heh heh, that's some funny shit right there, ya gotta admit!
Hissyfit? Are you 12? You don't see me starting a half dozen threads a day do you.


Ok you're joking, right?
Feel free to dig if you like. I hear trolls love busy work

Good point, that does help explain your over 60,000 posts.
So no link to me starting 6 threads a day?

Bad troll is bad.
I know these snowflakes love to make conspiracy theories up out of then air. It's funny.
What's funny is watching you leftist twats come unglued EVERY SINGLE DAY at the mere mention of a Trump story

...While screaming that Trump colluded with the Russians to throw the election.

Please take a minute to grasp the irony here.

So you two dumb fucks find a thread that I ever said Trump colluded with Russians? Not a leftist just a realist and you righties make up more stories a day than one makes bathroom trips. Let's see what stories will come out today. Maybe they will arrest Hillary or Obama, God I'd hate to see the orgasms you have over that.
Where did I mention Russia? Can you read...
what's funny is watching you throw a nonstop hissy on this message board... then someone starts a thread and makes a comment on something about Trump ... and you accuse THEM of coming unglued... heh heh, that's some funny shit right there, ya gotta admit!
Hissyfit? Are you 12? You don't see me starting a half dozen threads a day do you.


Ok you're joking, right?
Feel free to dig if you like. I hear trolls love busy work

Good point, that does help explain your over 60,000 posts.
So no link to me starting 6 threads a day?

Bad troll is bad.

LOL, you realize how easy it easy it is to see how many threads you start, right?

6 a day? no...but it's a metric fuck ton. You've posted here 60,000+ times.

You literally have ZERO room to criticize anyone for the amount of shit they post.
Hissyfit? Are you 12? You don't see me starting a half dozen threads a day do you.


Ok you're joking, right?
Feel free to dig if you like. I hear trolls love busy work

Good point, that does help explain your over 60,000 posts.
So no link to me starting 6 threads a day?

Bad troll is bad.

LOL, you realize how easy it easy it is to see how many threads you start, right?

6 a day? no...but it's a metric fuck ton. You've posted here 60,000+ times.

You literally have ZERO room to criticize anyone for the amount of shit they post.
Who am I criticizing for the amount they post?

Looks like you are just looking for an argument. A pointless one at that.

Bad troll is bad.

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