GOP could care less about jobs!

Well bunky, that's what YOU are asking America to do, because the GOP has NOTHING TO OFFER BUT A REHASH OF THE SHRUB'S 8 YEARS...and given how fucked up that left the country, and how the actions of the post 2010 elected mayors are nothing more than an attack on unions while granting tax breaks to the wealthy, I dare say that ALL voters, not just the 18 to 21 crowd, won't be fooled again.

Not only is there no spoon, but evidently no brain either.
Well those comments may put you in your comfort zone, but the facts say otherwise.
You'll just have to deal with the facts and forget about what you feel.

As the chronology of the posts shows, it is YOU my teabagging neocon parrot, who ignores ALL the facts in favor of whatever excerpt or half truth suits your GOP fed narrative. I proved my case, and you can't beyond belief, supposition and conjecture. So this last lame retort of yours is most fitting for someone with no spoon and no brain as well.

You may have the last predictable, repetitive word, as I'm done kicking your sorry ass.
You're kicking your own ass, Pal.
The only thing you seem to have a grasp on is hurling insults.
You are spewing spin to make yourself feel good about yourself.
You've accomplished nothing.
I presented the facts base on voting patterns and data from the democrat side ,to boot.
Simply amazing.
Libs are done. You had your chance for two years your side had the bully pulpit. All your people have to show for it is a Health Care law that will eventually be at least in part repealed or defunded. A healthcare law that a a clear majority of Americans do not want.
A healthcare law that which has an actual cost several times larger than the American public was told.Now, I've really had it with your empty rhetoric.
If you really want to get into a contest of insults, perhaps you should put me on ignore. I have grown weary of your foolishness.
The government cannot create jobs..... Well at least a union pandering government.

In the private sector you could hire 2 workers for the salary of a public sector worker...

Obama and the rest of the socialists pretty much gave the private sector the finger.....

The truth is the left is opposed to ALL non-union jobs....

The progressives are in bed with the unions and they will continue to steal from the private sector to bailout those unions until they're stopped...

Unions could give a fuck about the economy just as long as they're getting paid...
100% correct! You are getting repped for this post!
Anyone can clearly see that when Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they destroyed the jobs in this country.

Actually, a large number of Obama supporters DID NOT VOTE in 2010 as protest over his many capitulations to the neocon/teabagger agenda. They are now paying the price with the likes of Gov. Walker and his counter parts in Michigan and New Jersey.

Medicare can be fixed and rid of fraud....the alternative is paying much HIGHER rates to competing private industries....and we all know how well that worked out with the proto-type HMO's! :doubt:

I know that the far left "line" is that people didn't support Democrats in the midterms because Obama's "capitulations" to the teabaggers turned them off but if you look at the poll numbers it's obvious that the voting block that Obama lost wasn't the far left but the independents and they didn't vote Republican because Obama wasn't liberal enough...they voted that way because they didn't like having Obamacare shoved down their throats nor the threatened Cap & Trade and Card Check. Face it...Obama took the country too far to the left when he let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid run the show. That wasn't what the country elected him to do. They thought they were electing "Hope and Change" but instead they got "Nancy and Harry".

Fascinating how you keep trying to substitute your personal supposition and conjecture for fact. Point is, I never stated that is just the "far left" who sat on their hands in did. Do a little research on the exit polls of independents and their reasons for NOT voting in 2010, and you'll see it has NOTHING to do with the Limbaugh-esque malarky you're spewing here.

As for the "fixing" of Medicare? Wasn't that something Obama promised he would do to pay for Obamacare? Eliminating waste and fraud in Medicare? Has anyone heard a peep about any savings from the elimination of waste and fraud since Obamacare was passed because I sure haven't. That was just one more empty promise by a man who has a habit of promising the world if you'll give him money to spend on his pet entitlements but then never delivers.

Fascinating how Oldstyle just rambles on using Limbaugh-esque talking points that have NOTHING TO DO WITH REALITY. Since Oldstyle can't/won't do decent research, here's what went into Obama's healthcare reform regarding medicare....which when read carefully and comprehensively, makes Oldstyle out to be either willfully ignorant or just another lying partisan hack:


I'm dying to hear how they did "exit polls" for people who didn't vote. Seriously, do you think about this stuff before you post it?

Oh, and TaiChi? Your citing a White House site that "promises" ObamaCare will fight fraud and waste isn't the same as posting a site that shows ObamaCare actually DOING what they've promised. I repeat...have you heard about any big savings from crackdowns on Medicare and Medicaid fraud? I haven't. If you'll recall part of the way that ObamaCare was supposed to be paid for was the hundreds of billions of dollars we'd be saving by getting rid of waste and fraud. So where is that?
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Ahhh, the Rabbi is parroting the matter what Obama does, it's not working...even when he agrees with and implements GOP ideas. Bottom line: the Rabbi thinks his personal BS, supposition and conjecture makes up for facts and logic.....but the change in attitude from the GOP leadership after Obama's speech indicates that the Rabbi is just full of it as usual.

As I said, next week will tell the tale as to whether Obama's plan can pan out and if it does, will he draw the line in the sand.

I hate to break this to you, Sparky...but the stimulus didn't bail out the banking or the auto industries...that was TARP. Nice try though. No wonder you don't understand why this latest stimulus won't work just like the last one didn't don't even know what the last stimulus DID.

As for the date of Obama's speech to Congress? I'm amused that you think there was any rush to deliver THAT jobs plan. Like I said before..."Stimulus Lite" didn't deserve a White House press conference. Giving that speech in front of a Joint Session of Congress was farce of the highest order.

True, I stand corrected as it was NOT the Obama stimulus package that saved the auto-industry...but rather it was BETTER LEADERSHIP, as the Shrub and company put out a shitload of money in TARP for the auto-industry....but in typical fashion they did NOT have a plan for restructuring. In other words, they gave more money to the EXACT same system that fucked up in the first place with no guarantees that things would be different. Fortunately, Obama and company knew better. FYI:

The auto bailout: How we did it
The man who led the effort gives an inside look at the bankruptcies that shook America.

Auto bailout: Steven Rattner on how the Obama team did it - Oct. 21, 2009

And if you're such an impatient child that THIS THURSDAY when Obama and company said they would deliver the details of the plan is not soon enough, then I can't help you.

Now, continue blowing the neocon/teabagger bullhorn Oldstyle! :razz:

Impatient child? We've got 14 million people out of work and almost three years into his presidency, Barack Obama finally comes to the conclusion that if he doesn't pretend to do something about unemployment he's probably not going to get reelected no matter how much the main stream media adores him. So does he sit his skinny butt down in the Oval Office, burn the midnight oil and hammer out something? No, he tells us he'll have it when he gets back from his vacation. Then when he gets back from vacation he tells us he'll have some of the specifics later in the Fall. I guess he didn't have time to iron out all the kinks to his "plan" with all those rounds of golf.

So all you people out there that aren't working? Stop being such "impatient children"! Barack has had a very trying last six months and deserves a little vacation time. All those fund raising dinners take a toll on a guy, you know. He'll get around to doing something about getting you a job...really, you can trust him because he's Barack Obama and he NEVER makes promises that he doesn't keep!!! (eye-roll)
Anyone can clearly see that when Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they destroyed the jobs in this country.

So please tell me what law was passed over the record number of GOP filibusters and Bush's veto pen that caused the loss of jobs. Bush's "job creating" tax cuts were not repealed which promised growing jobs for perpetuity.

Lacking any such law, which you do, then the only logical reason for the loss of jobs in the Bush Depression is the inertia of GOP mismanagement when they controlled the House, Senate and White House.
Anyone can clearly see that when Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they destroyed the jobs in this country.

So please tell me what law was passed over the record number of GOP filibusters and Bush's veto pen that caused the loss of jobs. Bush's "job creating" tax cuts were not repealed which promised growing jobs for perpetuity.

Lacking any such law, which you do, then the only logical reason for the loss of jobs in the Bush Depression is the inertia of GOP mismanagement when they controlled the House, Senate and White House.
Here's the difference between you people on the Left and the rest of us in the real world....You people think everything begins and ends with government.
Jobs, employment, business, etc do not begin with legislation or any method of central planning. These things begin with and are maintained by the private sector.
Government policy can and does in fact have affect on business. Right now the threat of massive tax increases, tight credit and Obamacare is keeping business from growing
"Record number of GOP filibusters"?....Link?
Oh and the democrats did not in direct violation of Senate rules hold up Bush's SC nominees? Double standard libs?
You people want everything both ways so you're always covered.
You want the Obama admin to increase taxes on the wealthy. You also want an increase in employment opportunities.
Wealthy people are the business owners. They are the ones who fund the businesses that provide jobs for the rest of us.
So,you demand government take more of their money because you have it in your head that if the government simply takes more from rich people the deficit will disappear. Here's the rub, if those people on who's wallets on which you have your crosshairs, those people are not going to invest or spend Business activity slows, jobs are lost, etc....
You cannot have it both ways.
You must make up your minds. Higher taxes or more people working. You cannot have both.
Anyone can clearly see that when Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they destroyed the jobs in this country.

So please tell me what law was passed over the record number of GOP filibusters and Bush's veto pen that caused the loss of jobs. Bush's "job creating" tax cuts were not repealed which promised growing jobs for perpetuity.

Lacking any such law, which you do, then the only logical reason for the loss of jobs in the Bush Depression is the inertia of GOP mismanagement when they controlled the House, Senate and White House.
Here's the difference between you people on the Left and the rest of us in the real world....You people think everything begins and ends with government.
Jobs, employment, business, etc do not begin with legislation or any method of central planning. These things begin with and are maintained by the private sector.
Government policy can and does in fact have affect on business. Right now the threat of massive tax increases, tight credit and Obamacare is keeping business from growing
"Record number of GOP filibusters"?....Link?
Oh and the democrats did not in direct violation of Senate rules hold up Bush's SC nominees? Double standard libs?
You people want everything both ways so you're always covered.
You want the Obama admin to increase taxes on the wealthy. You also want an increase in employment opportunities.
Wealthy people are the business owners. They are the ones who fund the businesses that provide jobs for the rest of us.
So,you demand government take more of their money because you have it in your head that if the government simply takes more from rich people the deficit will disappear. Here's the rub, if those people on who's wallets on which you have your crosshairs, those people are not going to invest or spend Business activity slows, jobs are lost, etc....
You cannot have it both ways.
You must make up your minds. Higher taxes or more people working. You cannot have both.
All that bullshit and you could name nothing that the Dems did in 2007 that caused the loss of jobs CON$ blame on Congress.
Why am I not surprised!
So please tell me what law was passed over the record number of GOP filibusters and Bush's veto pen that caused the loss of jobs. Bush's "job creating" tax cuts were not repealed which promised growing jobs for perpetuity.

Lacking any such law, which you do, then the only logical reason for the loss of jobs in the Bush Depression is the inertia of GOP mismanagement when they controlled the House, Senate and White House.
Here's the difference between you people on the Left and the rest of us in the real world....You people think everything begins and ends with government.
Jobs, employment, business, etc do not begin with legislation or any method of central planning. These things begin with and are maintained by the private sector.
Government policy can and does in fact have affect on business. Right now the threat of massive tax increases, tight credit and Obamacare is keeping business from growing
"Record number of GOP filibusters"?....Link?
Oh and the democrats did not in direct violation of Senate rules hold up Bush's SC nominees? Double standard libs?
You people want everything both ways so you're always covered.
You want the Obama admin to increase taxes on the wealthy. You also want an increase in employment opportunities.
Wealthy people are the business owners. They are the ones who fund the businesses that provide jobs for the rest of us.
So,you demand government take more of their money because you have it in your head that if the government simply takes more from rich people the deficit will disappear. Here's the rub, if those people on who's wallets on which you have your crosshairs, those people are not going to invest or spend Business activity slows, jobs are lost, etc....
You cannot have it both ways.
You must make up your minds. Higher taxes or more people working. You cannot have both.
All that bullshit and you could name nothing that the Dems did in 2007 that caused the loss of jobs CON$ blame on Congress.
Why am I not surprised!

With all due respect, Ed...the root cause of our financial crisis was the crash of the housing market bubble after massive sub prime lending done by the banks under pressure from the Federal Government...allowing derivatives of sub prime mortgages to considered safe investments when they were anything but...and the mismanagement of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. It was the concept that "everyone" should be able to have their own house no matter what their financial circumstances that created this "perfect storm" of economic collapse.
The government cannot create jobs..... Well at least a union pandering government.

In the private sector you could hire 2 workers for the salary of a public sector worker...

Obama and the rest of the socialists pretty much gave the private sector the finger.....

The truth is the left is opposed to ALL non-union jobs....

The progressives are in bed with the unions and they will continue to steal from the private sector to bailout those unions until they're stopped...

Unions could give a fuck about the economy just as long as they're getting paid...
100% correct! You are getting repped for this post!

Two idiots that know NOTHING about this country's history regarding the WPA! Pathetic, but not unexpected.
Anyone can clearly see that when Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they destroyed the jobs in this country.


Once again for the cheap seats who aren't aware that the final Shrub economic policies were in effect in 2009 or what the make up of the Senate was regarding actual votes from 2007:

Filibuster reform is short of needed votes

By Alexander Bolton - 07/28/10 06:00 AM ET

Senate Democrats do not have the votes to lower the 60-vote threshold to cut off filibusters
Filibuster reform is short of needed votes -

Killer Facts on Failure of Bush Economic Policies

Killer Facts on Failure of Bush Economic Policies | Americans for Responsible Taxes
I know that the far left "line" is that people didn't support Democrats in the midterms because Obama's "capitulations" to the teabaggers turned them off but if you look at the poll numbers it's obvious that the voting block that Obama lost wasn't the far left but the independents and they didn't vote Republican because Obama wasn't liberal enough...they voted that way because they didn't like having Obamacare shoved down their throats nor the threatened Cap & Trade and Card Check. Face it...Obama took the country too far to the left when he let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid run the show. That wasn't what the country elected him to do. They thought they were electing "Hope and Change" but instead they got "Nancy and Harry".

Fascinating how you keep trying to substitute your personal supposition and conjecture for fact. Point is, I never stated that is just the "far left" who sat on their hands in did. Do a little research on the exit polls of independents and their reasons for NOT voting in 2010, and you'll see it has NOTHING to do with the Limbaugh-esque malarky you're spewing here.

As for the "fixing" of Medicare? Wasn't that something Obama promised he would do to pay for Obamacare? Eliminating waste and fraud in Medicare? Has anyone heard a peep about any savings from the elimination of waste and fraud since Obamacare was passed because I sure haven't. That was just one more empty promise by a man who has a habit of promising the world if you'll give him money to spend on his pet entitlements but then never delivers.

Fascinating how Oldstyle just rambles on using Limbaugh-esque talking points that have NOTHING TO DO WITH REALITY. Since Oldstyle can't/won't do decent research, here's what went into Obama's healthcare reform regarding medicare....which when read carefully and comprehensively, makes Oldstyle out to be either willfully ignorant or just another lying partisan hack:


I'm dying to hear how they did "exit polls" for people who didn't vote. Seriously, do you think about this stuff before you post it?

Keep your panties on, Old thing.....I just forgot to remove the word "exit" in regards done on polls of people who didn't vote and why. Seems you're quick to point out errors, but stubbornly set against doing any honest research on your own.

Oh, and TaiChi? Your citing a White House site that "promises" ObamaCare will fight fraud and waste isn't the same as posting a site that shows ObamaCare actually DOING what they've promised. I repeat...have you heard about any big savings from crackdowns on Medicare and Medicaid fraud? I haven't. If you'll recall part of the way that ObamaCare was supposed to be paid for was the hundreds of billions of dollars we'd be saving by getting rid of waste and fraud. So where is that?

Since all the policies and actions have not fully gone into effect yet, all the wailings by idiots like you as to how devasting Healthcare reform is demonstrates how full of it you are. What you neocon/teabagger toadies don't do is READ the information presented, which tells what comes into effect and when. Seems you're just an Oldstyle neocon 3rd rate porpagandist....ignoring what you don't like and then treating your willful ignorance, supposition and conjecture as fact. But that Oldstyle BS won't fly here, bunky. And in case you're actually unable to get it, here's something from people who do:

Fact Sheet: What the Health Care Law Does Now for People 65+
by: Education & Outreach | from: AARP | January 2011

The New Health Care Law - What It Does Now for People 65+ -- AARP
I hate to break this to you, Sparky...but the stimulus didn't bail out the banking or the auto industries...that was TARP. Nice try though. No wonder you don't understand why this latest stimulus won't work just like the last one didn't don't even know what the last stimulus DID.

As for the date of Obama's speech to Congress? I'm amused that you think there was any rush to deliver THAT jobs plan. Like I said before..."Stimulus Lite" didn't deserve a White House press conference. Giving that speech in front of a Joint Session of Congress was farce of the highest order.

True, I stand corrected as it was NOT the Obama stimulus package that saved the auto-industry...but rather it was BETTER LEADERSHIP, as the Shrub and company put out a shitload of money in TARP for the auto-industry....but in typical fashion they did NOT have a plan for restructuring. In other words, they gave more money to the EXACT same system that fucked up in the first place with no guarantees that things would be different. Fortunately, Obama and company knew better. FYI:

The auto bailout: How we did it
The man who led the effort gives an inside look at the bankruptcies that shook America.

Auto bailout: Steven Rattner on how the Obama team did it - Oct. 21, 2009

And if you're such an impatient child that THIS THURSDAY when Obama and company said they would deliver the details of the plan is not soon enough, then I can't help you.

Now, continue blowing the neocon/teabagger bullhorn Oldstyle! :razz:

Impatient child? We've got 14 million people out of work and almost three years into his presidency, Barack Obama finally comes to the conclusion that if he doesn't pretend to do something about unemployment he's probably not going to get reelected no matter how much the main stream media adores him. So does he sit his skinny butt down in the Oval Office, burn the midnight oil and hammer out something? No, he tells us he'll have it when he gets back from his vacation. Then when he gets back from vacation he tells us he'll have some of the specifics later in the Fall. I guess he didn't have time to iron out all the kinks to his "plan" with all those rounds of golf.

So all you people out there that aren't working? Stop being such "impatient children"! Barack has had a very trying last six months and deserves a little vacation time. All those fund raising dinners take a toll on a guy, you know. He'll get around to doing something about getting you a job...really, you can trust him because he's Barack Obama and he NEVER makes promises that he doesn't keep!!! (eye-roll)

Once again, Oldstyle blows a lot of smoke hoping to cloud the FACTS. Bottom line: the Shrub's economic policies came to full fruition in 2009....and then the GOP wailed that it's Obama's if all was magically well previously and they gave President Obama all the help they could to straighten things out. :cuckoo:

Pity for the Oldstyle neocon/teabagger toadies that the FACTS and the WHOLE truth are documented for all to see what a bunch of dishonest dweebs they are.

Bottom line: Oldstyle made statements above that were Proven wrong with FACTS that he cannot refute or logically disprove. But instead of having the honesty and maturity to admit such, he just regurgitates some tired ass Rovian talking points to try and hide his flaws and follies.

No one said Obama was perfect, or that our economy is making leaps and bounds towards properity, but it's a damned sight better than the freefall to depression we were headed to by "staying the course" with the Shrub's Reaganomics on steroids. And that is what Oldstyle neocon/teabagger assholes just can't stand. TFB :razz:
Here's the difference between you people on the Left and the rest of us in the real world....You people think everything begins and ends with government.
Jobs, employment, business, etc do not begin with legislation or any method of central planning. These things begin with and are maintained by the private sector.
Government policy can and does in fact have affect on business. Right now the threat of massive tax increases, tight credit and Obamacare is keeping business from growing
"Record number of GOP filibusters"?....Link?
Oh and the democrats did not in direct violation of Senate rules hold up Bush's SC nominees? Double standard libs?
You people want everything both ways so you're always covered.
You want the Obama admin to increase taxes on the wealthy. You also want an increase in employment opportunities.
Wealthy people are the business owners. They are the ones who fund the businesses that provide jobs for the rest of us.
So,you demand government take more of their money because you have it in your head that if the government simply takes more from rich people the deficit will disappear. Here's the rub, if those people on who's wallets on which you have your crosshairs, those people are not going to invest or spend Business activity slows, jobs are lost, etc....
You cannot have it both ways.
You must make up your minds. Higher taxes or more people working. You cannot have both.
All that bullshit and you could name nothing that the Dems did in 2007 that caused the loss of jobs CON$ blame on Congress.
Why am I not surprised!

With all due respect, Ed...the root cause of our financial crisis was the crash of the housing market bubble after massive sub prime lending done by the banks under pressure from the Federal Government...allowing derivatives of sub prime mortgages to considered safe investments when they were anything but...and the mismanagement of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. It was the concept that "everyone" should be able to have their own house no matter what their financial circumstances that created this "perfect storm" of economic collapse.

With no respect due to an Oldstyle neocon/teabagger parrot.....the Federal gov't put pressure on banks to make the same prime lending that they made to white people availble to non-white people. NOTHING in the Federal mandate told the banksters to make a bunch of bad loans and then falsely represent those bad loans with their good loans to the packages they sold to other institutions on the open market.

So blame the banksters and your lord the Shrub for his deregulation policies that diminished oversight of banking procedures and activities.

Carry on
Here's the difference between you people on the Left and the rest of us in the real world....You people think everything begins and ends with government.
Jobs, employment, business, etc do not begin with legislation or any method of central planning. These things begin with and are maintained by the private sector.
Government policy can and does in fact have affect on business. Right now the threat of massive tax increases, tight credit and Obamacare is keeping business from growing
"Record number of GOP filibusters"?....Link?
Oh and the democrats did not in direct violation of Senate rules hold up Bush's SC nominees? Double standard libs?
You people want everything both ways so you're always covered.
You want the Obama admin to increase taxes on the wealthy. You also want an increase in employment opportunities.
Wealthy people are the business owners. They are the ones who fund the businesses that provide jobs for the rest of us.
So,you demand government take more of their money because you have it in your head that if the government simply takes more from rich people the deficit will disappear. Here's the rub, if those people on who's wallets on which you have your crosshairs, those people are not going to invest or spend Business activity slows, jobs are lost, etc....
You cannot have it both ways.
You must make up your minds. Higher taxes or more people working. You cannot have both.
All that bullshit and you could name nothing that the Dems did in 2007 that caused the loss of jobs CON$ blame on Congress.
Why am I not surprised!

With all due respect, Ed...the root cause of our financial crisis was the crash of the housing market bubble after massive sub prime lending done by the banks under pressure from the Federal Government...allowing derivatives of sub prime mortgages to considered safe investments when they were anything but...and the mismanagement of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. It was the concept that "everyone" should be able to have their own house no matter what their financial circumstances that created this "perfect storm" of economic collapse.

With no respect due to an Oldstyle neocon/teabagger parrot.....the Federal gov't put pressure on banks to make the same prime lending that they made to white people availble to non-white people. NOTHING in the Federal mandate told the banksters to make a bunch of bad loans and then falsely represent those bad loans with their good loans to the packages they sold to other institutions on the open market.

So blame the banksters and your lord the Shrub for his deregulation policies that diminished oversight of banking procedures and activities.

Carry on.
So on the FIRST DAY that the Congress and Senate come back from vacation, the President wants to schedule a joint session to address them on his new proposed plan for creating jobs in America ASAP.

The President submits the formal request to the Majority Speaker of the House of Representatives....and about 4 hours later is told that ANOTHER time would be more convenient due to "security arrangement" matters and the like.

Since the early 1900's when President's started making actual visits to the House to address them, NO PRESIDENT'S REQUEST HAS EVER BEEN DENIED UNTIL NOW.

Interesting that the very political party that has been wailing for months that they are waiting for the President to present a plan for jobs in America SUDDENLY can't fit the President of the USA in for a quick address.

Now if one is to believe the GOP's favorite pundit Rush Limbaugh, Speaker Boehner rejected the initial request date in order to put Obama "in his place" and not let the President have the upper hand as taking a leadership position....especially since it would coincide with the first scheduled GOP Presidential candidacy debate.

This is just another example to the American people that the GOP is NOT about the general welfare of the people, but about the corporate welfare and secured economic greed of the wealthiest 1 to 3% of the population.

I think you meant to say:

The GOP couldn't care less about jobs.

You see by saying they could care less you are implying that they do indeed care when you obviously do not believe that.
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The democrats don't give a damn for anyone unless you have some kind of voter value.

The Democrats are not the ones that are trying to diminish/eliminate the programs that benefit the very people you are referring to, you blithering bigrebnc1775 imbecile! That's the GOP for whom don't give a damn about YOU whether you vote for them or not!
The democrats don't give a damn for anyone unless you have some kind of voter value.

The Democrats are not the ones that are trying to diminish/eliminate the programs that benefit the very people you are referring to, you blithering bigrebnc1775 imbecile! That's the GOP for whom don't give a damn about YOU whether you vote for them or not!

Again you naturally missed the point the democrats don't give a damn about anyone UNLESS THEY HAVE SOME TYPE OF VOTER VALUE. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY VALUE THEN THEY WOULDN'T HAVE THESE PERGRAMS
The democrats don't give a damn for anyone unless you have some kind of voter value.

The Democrats are not the ones that are trying to diminish/eliminate the programs that benefit the very people you are referring to, you blithering bigrebnc1775 imbecile! That's the GOP for whom don't give a damn about YOU whether you vote for them or not!

Again you naturally missed the point the democrats don't give a damn about anyone UNLESS THEY HAVE SOME TYPE OF VOTER VALUE. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY VALUE THEN THEY WOULDN'T HAVE THESE PERGRAMS

Repeating your stupidity won't magically make it valid, you buffoonish Reb. If indeed the Dems were as you say, then they would NOT be fighting for the very programs that the GOP are trying to take away. Or are you dumb enough to try and claim that all Soc Sec and Medicare recipients don't vote? Or, are you ignorant enough not to know that ANY AND ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS REGISTERED TO VOTE CAN DO SO WITHOUT HAVING TO COLLECT OR UTILIZE THE FOREMENTIONED, AND THAT THE SAME CITIZENS CAN RECEIVE SAID PROGRAM BENEFITS WHETHER THEY VOTE OR NOT?

Logic was never your strong point, Reb. Get a nearby adult to explain it to you.
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