GOP Debate = Insane Clown Posse


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Not one of them says we need to raise taxes and cut spending to pay down the dept.

Not one of them told the truth.

Insane clown posse?


It was substantive, for once.

And I especially loved the way the candidates largely controlled the latter part of the event, after bitch-slapping the commentators several times, and given the extremely positive audience reaction to that bitch-slapping.

Given the 'baiting' techniques being employed by the so-called 'moderators', they deserved some bitch-slapping, and they got it...

It was funny to watch those biased media spin-doctors squirm uncomfortably under the reaction of an audience - normal Middle Americans - that wasn't merely a gaggle of hand-picked Liberals, who would have been more sympatico with their bullshit tactics.

And, as to 'clown posse' events... well...

It's really too bad for the Democrats, that they have such a shallow bullpen this year...

More like a One Trick Pony Show.

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Fiorina On Job ‘Losses’ For Women Under Obama

Fiorina revived a dated, and now incorrect, talking point from Mitt Romney’s campaign in 2012 when she claimed that “92 percent of the jobs lost during Barack Obama’s first term belonged to women.” It’s true that in the early years of Obama’s presidency, job losses from the recession continued to mount, and women lost a higher percentage of those jobs. But that ignores the massive job losses by men in the recession prior to Obama taking office. And by the end of Obama’s first term, both men and women had gained jobs.
I think that the debate showed the sad state of the GOP race.

50% of the support is going to two guys- Combover and Uncle Tom, who are never, ever going to be the nominee.

but no one can get thrilled about any of the other guys who might actually be a credible president.
I think that the debate showed the sad state of the GOP race.

50% of the support is going to two guys- Combover and Uncle Tom, who are never, ever going to be the nominee.

but no one can get thrilled about any of the other guys who might actually be a credible president.
There may very well be some merit in what you say here.

Nevertheless, it has become clear, that a sizable percentage of the American People have become disgusted with The Establishment...

Hillary is definitely 'Establishment' - Business as Usual - Politics-at-Its-Worst - Classic Washington Bullshit - the Ruling Elite - the Good Ol' Boys-and-Girls Club.

Not to mention, that America has had enough of political family they Clintons or Bushes or Kennedys or Romneys or whatever...

Time for some thinking-outside-the-box... new faces, new ideas, new tactics... to turn things around... and neither Jeb Bush nor Hillary Clinton are the answer.

America deserves better.

Whether she attains that 'better' is in our hands, during Primary Season, and on November 8, 2016.
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[There may very well be some merit in what you say here.

Nevertheless, it has become clear, that a sizable percentage of the American People have become disgusted with The Establishment...

Hillary is definitely 'Establishment' - Business as Usual - Politics-at-Its-Worst - Classic Washington Bullshit...

Not to mention, that America has had enough of political family they Clintons of Bushes or Kennedys or Romneys or whatever...

Time for some thinking-outside-the-box... new faces, new ideas, new tactics... to turn things around.

Uncle Tom and Combover are the equivalent to a five year old throwing a tantrum. There's no 'new ideas' coming from these two bullshit artists. Just appealling to the raw emotions of the base so that they don't have to deal with the realities.

The reality- you aren't going to round up 11-20 million undocumented people- some of whom have lived here nearly their entire lives -

You aren't going to be able to cut the deficit without raising taxes or cutting programs.

This is what the adults should be talking about.

Not what Tax Cut Plan for the Rich Jesus would endorse.
Insane clown posse?


It was substantive, for once.


Not one policy that wouldn't be laughed out of an Econ class. (except maybe Kasich)

You can't talk about balancing a budget without talking about revenue. Adults know that.

This country is headed toward another depression because the wealthy have trained 50% of the electorate to feel anxiety at the mention of taxes. (Fox News and conservative radio brainwashing - )

We over tax the middle-class and small to medium-sized businesses -- AGREED. However...Major corps, the fortune 500 don't pay taxes -- don't owe taxes after credits and deductions.

The wealthy pay the smallest percentage of their income.

You hear that a billionaire paid 10's of millions of dollars and that sounds like a lot to the average person. It's 8-12% of their income, whereas the middle class continues to pay 24%+ of their income.

That's why the national debt clock is ticking away. No one wants to talk about revenue.
I wish more would of been on foreign affairs.

Last night was slated as focused on economics and fiscal policy.

Which is another reason CNBC dropped the ball.

When the INSANE CLOWN POSSE proposed idiotic fiscal policies, the CNBC moderators should have done the math on the fly or had notes ready to call out the idiocy of things being proposed by the idiots on the stage.

Typical CNBC, they didn't see 2008 coming even when it was happening right in front of them.
Insane clown posse?


It was substantive, for once.

And I especially loved the way the candidates largely controlled the latter part of the event, after bitch-slapping the commentators several times, and given the extremely positive audience reaction to that bitch-slapping.

Given the 'baiting' techniques being employed by the so-called 'moderators', they deserved some bitch-slapping, and they got it...

It was funny to watch those biased media spin-doctors squirm uncomfortably under the reaction of an audience - normal Middle Americans - that wasn't merely a gaggle of hand-picked Liberals, who would have been more sympatico with their bullshit tactics.

And, as to 'clown posse' events... well...

It's really too bad for the Democrats, that they have such a shallow bullpen this year...

More like a One Trick Pony Show.

It's not like you have any good candidates. Imagine president Cruz, Paul, bush, rubio.

If any of them are good, why aren't they already front runners? Pathetic.
I wish more would of been on foreign affairs.

Last night was slated as focused on economics and fiscal policy.

Which is another reason CNBC dropped the ball.

When the INSANE CLOWN POSSE proposed idiotic fiscal policies, the CNBC moderators should have done the math on the fly or had notes ready to call out the idiocy of things being proposed by the idiots on the stage.

Typical CNBC, they didn't see 2008 coming even when it was happening right in front of them.
If they were truly liberal representatives don't you think they'd be prepared?
Insane Clown Posse

Insane Clown Posse

Insane Clown Posse

Insane Clown Posse

Insane Clown Posse

Insane Clown Posse

Insane Clown Posse

Insane Clown Posse

Insane Clown Posse

Insane Clown Posse


There... now we've seen it written 10 times, in large letters... and, of course, that makes it 10 times as true as before, right?
Not one of them says we need to raise taxes and cut spending to pay down the dept.

Not one of them told the truth.

What a shock. The incompetent ignorant poster whose threads are marked by failure posts another fail thread.
There is not one candidate who thinks we dont spend enough money or that spending needs tobe cut. On the Dem side there is not one candidate who does not support higher levels of spending.
Republican Presidential Candidate Shames Party For Rejecting ‘Science That Everyone Accepts’
Republican Presidential Candidate Shames Party For Rejecting ‘Science That Everyone Accepts’

During the undercard GOP debate Wednesday, former New York Gov. George Pataki questioned the other Republican presidential candidates’ rejection of science, calling it “ridiculous” that members of his party reject climate science and question vaccines.

“One of the things that troubles me about the Republican Party is too often we question science that everyone accepts,” he said during the CNBC economic policy debate.

“It’s ridiculous that in the 21st century, we’re questioning whether or not vaccines are the appropriate way to go,” he continued. “Of course they are. And it’s also not appropriate to think that human activity — putting CO2 into the atmosphere — doesn’t make the earth warmer.”

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