GOP Debate Thread

Rubio hasn't received all that much time, but I think he's handled himself well.
"Yeb" is doing well.... 3 of his big donors already committed suicide in the hallway!

Any GOP debate should include a laugh track at this point. What are they debating....who is going to be the next to "show leadership" by quitting their job, the contest, or both? this teh best you guys could come up with? Mitt had some game, some vision for the nation, was clearly the adult in the room....
Using the liberal media meme--

What did you expect, hand holding and Kumbaya singing like in the Democratic debate?

The libs job is to turn each GOP candidate into a violent Buffoon. They fail when the audience cannot see the connection between WWE and GOP.

Tonights debate was too tame for WWE standards. So libs lose!!
Wow. Ted Cruz. What a winner. He takes the media to the woodshed. He is 100% right. Cruz for the victory.

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