GOP Debate Thread

The moderators lost big time. They were terrible and it was great seeing them called on it. Even better hearing the audience boo them so often.
Christy is still lying about Social Security. He says all the money has been stolen by the government. Why doesn't he know that the excess SS funds are in interest bearing Treasury Bills?

Carson's tax plan makes no sense.

In the earlier, lesser candidate debate Pataki said building contractors can't find qualified workers. That's hard to believe when the building trades union halls have plenty of skilled craftsmen ready for work.

It seems all the candidates complained about spending. But none of them mentioned subsidies to rich industries or all these wars as a spending problem. They think only welfare, Medicare and Social Security add to the deficit.
Any GOP debate should include a laugh track at this point. What are they debating....who is going to be the next to "show leadership" by quitting their job, the contest, or both? this teh best you guys could come up with? Mitt had some game, some vision for the nation, was clearly the adult in the room....
Better than commie libs and a lying witch on your side.
CNBC's Televised Show Trial
GOP candidates face a firing squad manned by leftist journalists.
October 30, 2015
Matthew Vadum


The Republican presidential candidates' debate on CNBC wasn't so much a debate as it was a firing squad manned by left-leaning journalists.

Over and over journalistic equivalents of, "When did you stop beating your wife?" were asked of the candidates.

The reporter-moderators weren’t just asking questions: they were prosecuting the candidates at a televised show trial. Personal attacks were disguised as questions. (Here is a transcript of the at times boisterous 10-way main debate, along with a transcript of the four-way undercard debate that preceded it.)

There was no shortage of conservative pundits who likened the televised proceedings to a canned hunt after a three-member panel of CNBC personalities spent two hours hurling loaded questions that painted the Republicans as absurd caricatures unworthy of being taken seriously.

Former Attorney General Ed Meese said, "After 15 minutes it was clear that this was not a debate, but a verbal shooting gallery set up by CNBC, with the targets the Republican candidates and the shooters their biased antagonists from the press.”

During the Wednesday night debate in Boulder, Colo., Texas Sen. “Ted Cruz accurately described what was going on,” Meese said. “Whoever selected the ‘moderators’ should be fired and the RNC leaders who allowed it should be condemned." The co-moderators for the debate were CNBC’s John Harwood, Becky Quick and Carl Quintanilla.

“The questions were the bullets” from the “media assassins” moderating the debate, Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show yesterday. Michael Savage said on his broadcast that the journalists in the debate were "interrogators" and that they were tougher on the Republican candidates than the Benghazi Select Committee was on former Secretary of State and Democrat presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton last week.

Daniel Greenfield opined that “CNBC was the big loser.” Although the debate was supposed to focus on “the economic worries of a nation impoverished by two terms of the Obama Economy, Republican candidates struggled to talk about the concerns of working Americans while CNBC moderators dug up old discredited attacks from the CNN debate and fired gotcha questions at them.”

The response of Ted Cruz to a loaded question from co-moderator Quintanilla stole the show.


CNBC's Televised Show Trial
Christy is still lying about Social Security. He says all the money has been stolen by the government. Why doesn't he know that the excess SS funds are in interest bearing Treasury Bills?
Um do you understand what "interest bearing Treasury bills" means?

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