GOP Debates Losing Audience, And Charles Koch(?)!

Cruz mentioned Department of Commerce twice, instead. The one he forgot about was education. Mostly there would be no savings, since the money would be transferred to the states(?). Instead of one giant bureaucracy, there would be fifty of them, at least--probably including a federal office, to dole out and audit all the money(?).

The Cruz plans - eliminate five bureaucracies - may be the reason why Trump even wants to run. Since there would be no federal offices, auditing the money--then probably he spotted a full-time job he could do, all by himself(?)! Republicans seem to like the idea of sending it away, with no strings attached(?)!

We do understand that mostly America: ls a land of the formerly unwashed, and otherwise criminal and undesirable(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many young braves, even, learned how easy it was to capture the scent of the White Eyes on the march!)
Clinton proposed spending $350 Billion over 10 years to help folks pay for college while, at the same time, allowing current borrowers who took out Student Loans to re-fi.

Hillary Clinton: What You Need to Know About Clinton's College Proposal

Hillary on college

Can we hear Cruz's plan?

Post it in an appropriate OP. Start your own if you wish but leave this person's OP on the subject he intended. Show a little class please.

Translation; Cruz gots nothing.

Actually, I really don't know if Cruz even addressed this. I know Rubio mentioned something. Raising taxes and give-aways at someone else's expense is really not a Conservative thing. That's a Democrat thing. Having some other folks pay for one's education is akin to the Obamacare subsidies. Most of the Conservatives, Cruz included, put forth cost-cutting plans and tax reform plans which would benefit all the people, not just the college crowd.

Translation; Cruz gots nothing. PS: That "college crowd" is anyone who has a kid.[
Clinton proposed spending $350 Billion over 10 years to help folks pay for college while, at the same time, allowing current borrowers who took out Student Loans to re-fi.

Hillary Clinton: What You Need to Know About Clinton's College Proposal

Hillary on college

Can we hear Cruz's plan?

Post it in an appropriate OP. Start your own if you wish but leave this person's OP on the subject he intended. Show a little class please.

Translation; Cruz gots nothing.

Actually, I really don't know if Cruz even addressed this. I know Rubio mentioned something. Raising taxes and give-aways at someone else's expense is really not a Conservative thing. That's a Democrat thing. Having some other folks pay for one's education is akin to the Obamacare subsidies. Most of the Conservatives, Cruz included, put forth cost-cutting plans and tax reform plans which would benefit all the people, not just the college crowd.

Translation; Cruz gots nothing. PS: That "college crowd" is anyone who has a kid.

Translation: Hillary's plan raises taxes and uses one person's money to pay for something for someone else who didn't earn it. Another fashioned after Obamacare.
Cruz mentioned Department of Commerce twice, instead. The one he forgot about was education. Mostly there would be no savings, since the money would be transferred to the states(?). Instead of one giant bureaucracy, there would be fifty of them, at least--probably including a federal office, to dole out and audit all the money(?).

The Cruz plans - eliminate five bureaucracies - may be the reason why Trump even wants to run. Since there would be no federal offices, auditing the money--then probably he spotted a full-time job he could do, all by himself(?)! Republicans seem to like the idea of sending it away, with no strings attached(?)!

We do understand that mostly America: ls a land of the formerly unwashed, and otherwise criminal and undesirable(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many young braves, even, learned how easy it was to capture the scent of the White Eyes on the march!)

You already have state agencies. You even have county boards of education. Are you totally stupid? Any plan that does away with a government agency is a good plan.
The Republican debates were the HIGHEST RATED SHOWS EVER on LEFT-LEANING CNBC and other liberal media outlets, but this moron OP is talking about a 'losing audience". left-wing "public radio" needs donations from mean ol corporations to stay afloat

libs are simply idiots who lie to themselves
So "the_human_being" poster counts $500.0 bil. new spending, creating more new offices, and more new offices, and more new offices--and times fifty--as less and less government bureaucracy in the United States. The states don't have those programs, now, and likely more money, more money, and even more money will be needed, just to pay for office building upkeeps, and staffing: Times fifty. And then it's on to the various local boards, who have no such staff at this time: Maybe times 50,000(?)!

Then "bedowin62" cartoon claims that fewer and fewer numbers of viewers, in more and more outlets, is some nature of RNC surprise, instead of like people all visiting a zoo, and noting that nothing much seems to change. There is less and less to see--which even Trump has noted.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many tee pees lost, not now thought victory, even!)
So "the_human_being" poster counts $500.0 bil. new spending, creating more new offices, and more new offices, and more new offices--and times fifty--as less and less government bureaucracy in the United States. The states don't have those programs, now, and likely more money, more money, and even more money will be needed, just to pay for office building upkeeps, and staffing: Times fifty. And then it's on to the various local boards, who have no such staff at this time: Maybe times 50,000(?)!

Then "bedowin62" cartoon claims that fewer and fewer numbers of viewers, in more and more outlets, is some nature of RNC surprise, instead of like people all visiting a zoo, and noting that nothing much seems to change. There is less and less to see--which even Trump has noted.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many tee pees lost, not now thought victory, even!)

you're making a fool of yourself

do continue ;)
So enough about the Carson campaign being launched from Mars, apparently after clubbing little kittens to death. . . . .and castrating one or two entire ninth grade classes. With so much to do, it's hard to concentrate on any issues(?). And anyone knows that even castrating pigs has been known to be an Iowa selling point, in politics(?). There apparently exist a lot of ways to get ready for a Republican Primary, in Iowa. These people even determine the fates of entire national campaigns(?).

And so the famous Koch legacy seems to be sitting this one out. The numbers of debate viewers also seems to be declining, and steadily every time! Now it's down to 13.5 mil., using ratings data.

Billionaire Charles Koch 'says he has no plans to back any Republican presidential candidate in primary'

Possibly the best that can be said, now, for the Trump Towers: It can be used as a kind of jumping off place, for Republican Campaigns(?)! One good mention about that! Possibly that diminishes the likelihood of garrisoning every nation on the earth with U. S. troops.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half Wit Father In Washington, even knows: The Democrats actually have drones, now(?)!)
I don't think a single one of them are really talking about removing every government based on giving one competitor an advantage over some other competitor in the overall and entire free market. And, from what I understand the Kochs, nor Hayek, favor unfettered pollution.
So following along the request from bedowin62 poster, then The Republicans want to create more local government offices in the more than 39,000 local jurisdictions, and counting, in the United States. Right now, there is the one, instead. Only 100 staff per office would be 3.9 mil. bureaucrats, just for education, whereas now the federal government, non-military census of employees, is a total of 2.88 mil.

We are reminded of Senator Rubio demanding more and more paid troops, when mostly the military seems to be doing a whole lot better with a few drones.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Many not wise about numbers, like usury impact of Keynesian and Federal Reserve Bank thinking, shown in Matthew 25:14-30.)
So "the_human_being" poster counts $500.0 bil. new spending, creating more new offices, and more new offices, and more new offices--and times fifty--as less and less government bureaucracy in the United States. The states don't have those programs, now, and likely more money, more money, and even more money will be needed, just to pay for office building upkeeps, and staffing: Times fifty. And then it's on to the various local boards, who have no such staff at this time: Maybe times 50,000(?)!

Then "bedowin62" cartoon claims that fewer and fewer numbers of viewers, in more and more outlets, is some nature of RNC surprise, instead of like people all visiting a zoo, and noting that nothing much seems to change. There is less and less to see--which even Trump has noted.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many tee pees lost, not now thought victory, even!)

You don't have a county board of education where you live that already receives money from the federal government? Where do you live? The city and county where I live receive not only federal funding for schools but also receive federal FEMA grants, etc. Any school system in the United States that has students attending school from families of military personnel and civil service employees receive impact funds from the federal government. You really need to get up to speed here.
The Republican debates were the HIGHEST RATED SHOWS EVER on LEFT-LEANING CNBC and other liberal media outlets.

WAY COOL! That's almost as important as ratings on USMB! Will the contestants be on "Dancing with the Stars" next week? :rofl:
So following along the request from bedowin62 poster, then The Republicans want to create more local government offices in the more than 39,000 local jurisdictions, and counting, in the United States. Right now, there is the one, instead. Only 100 staff per office would be 3.9 mil. bureaucrats, just for education, whereas now the federal government, non-military census of employees, is a total of 2.88 mil.

We are reminded of Senator Rubio demanding more and more paid troops, when mostly the military seems to be doing a whole lot better with a few drones.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Many not wise about numbers, like usury impact of Keynesian and Federal Reserve Bank thinking, shown in Matthew 25:14-30.)

yes loon; those drones really knocked out that "JV" Team called ISIS right???
The easyt65 numbers are about a 50% drop-off in viewers from the previous two debates.

Then anyone has to recall that someone seems to have created an act of terror against the Russians, planting a bomb on an airline out of Egypt. Only a few weeks before, the British used drones against two of their ISIS nationals, who were mainly just trying to phone home. So that would be said an act of terror against ISIS, and verified.
The Taliban are reportedly fighting amongst themselves, for leadership roles in Afghanistan--no drones or bomb plants needed. The Iraqis are engaged even now against ISIS in a town near the Syrian border.

What seems to disappoint Republicans is the lack of some nature of "Rambo" type cartoon character. Rather than drones doing damage, or a coalition even including Russians and Persians--opposed to ISIS: The Republicans want a lot of Rambo types in the conflict. The idea is to have them apparently shoot off skyrockets--red, white, and blue--emblazoning, "Eat At Trump's," all over the Mid-Eastern skies.

There is adequate progress underway, instead.

The fight against ISIS - CBS News

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sometimes smoke have way better impact, kept inside walls of Medicine Lodge!)

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