GOP Debates Losing Audience, And Charles Koch(?)!

Gee I was expecting the audience to keep going up until 100 percent of Americans were watching. /sarc.

This is because people are making up their minds. No more debates needed.
Gee I was expecting the audience to keep going up until 100 percent of Americans were watching. /sarc.

This is because people are making up their minds. No more debates needed.
they have made this into some sort of . well I have NO IDEA what this is suppose to mean. I just know it's pathetic and from a DNC slave/tool I mean supporter. lol

Well, I posted an OP in Politics begging anyone to post something from one or the Democrat candidates' stated platforms on any of the issues such as tax plan, immigration, military, economy, etc. and I also posted substance directly from Ted Cruz's website. I wanted for us all to be able to compare the differences in platforms of the leading candidates. The only response I got was one guy said something about Hillary trying to curb the prices on medicine. He provided no link so I was unable to follow it up. The OP died for lack of participation. I must conclude that the Democrat candidates are offering nothing to the American people this election cycle, forcing the Liberals on USMB to direct their attacks on the Republican candidates who have taken positions and put forward solutions.
Well, I posted an OP in Politics begging anyone to post something from one or the Democrat candidates' stated platforms on any of the issues such as tax plan, immigration, military, economy, etc. and I also posted substance directly from Ted Cruz's website. I wanted for us all to be able to compare the differences in platforms of the leading candidates. The only response I got was one guy said something about Hillary trying to curb the prices on medicine. He provided no link so I was unable to follow it up. The OP died for lack of participation. I must conclude that the Democrat candidates are offering nothing to the American people this election cycle, forcing the Liberals on USMB to direct their attacks on the Republican candidates who have taken positions and put forward solutions.
Issues - Bernie Sanders

He won't read that. He thinks there's such an entity as the "Democrat party."

You're correct. This is not my OP.

So you ask questions to which you don't want answers. Not surprising.

In the appropriate OP. I don't wish to hijack another person's OP. I do have some manners myself.
High as it might be for Fox Business, or any cable news network, the debates are on a downward trajectory. After Fox News Channel's boffo 24 million viewers in August, CNN's September follow-up pulled an equally impressive 23 million before October's 14-million haul for CNBC.

Last night 13.5M

I agree there are too many Republican debates. The Dems have only had one and it didn't provide much substance. The whole process is too long. It would be better if some of the Republicans went ahead and dropped out and have one-on-one debates between the very top contenders. We need a debate between Hillary and Donald Trump and between Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders.

I'd love to see both, but it ain't gonna happen.

careful what you wish for ... Clinton did extremely well during her 11 hour Republican investigation.

Trump would lose his cool at the first sign of tension, just like he's done in every debate I've seen.

You don't actually know that. That's what you would hope.
High as it might be for Fox Business, or any cable news network, the debates are on a downward trajectory. After Fox News Channel's boffo 24 million viewers in August, CNN's September follow-up pulled an equally impressive 23 million before October's 14-million haul for CNBC.

Last night 13.5M

I agree there are too many Republican debates. The Dems have only had one and it didn't provide much substance. The whole process is too long. It would be better if some of the Republicans went ahead and dropped out and have one-on-one debates between the very top contenders. We need a debate between Hillary and Donald Trump and between Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders.

I'd love to see both, but it ain't gonna happen.

careful what you wish for ... Clinton did extremely well during her 11 hour Republican investigation.

Trump would lose his cool at the first sign of tension, just like he's done in every debate I've seen.
Exactly. :D

What's your take on a Carson/Sanders matchup?
YEAH YEAH, so because someone say's the won't back someone that means what exactly?

Among other things, it means you have no idea who Charles Koch is.
He's damned if does back someone and he's damned if he doesn't.

Is he backing Hillary?

He's potentially backing out, and taking his billions with him. And if Big Brother Charlie backs out, can Little Brother Davy be far behind?
And beyond that, the Republicans are showcasing their important beliefs about the world, Moslems, a military garrison in every nation worldwide, and what Murdoch meant by a real black person. The Honolulu, Punahou school story probably doesn't mean very much to a true Evangelical, White Christian. . Clubbing mom, and stabbing people: Now that's what picks up Republican votes, if they really want to showcase a conversion(?)! Some have suggested that probably in fact this is the message.

That is also the foreign policy. The tithing part is also about the economic policy. No more pagan Christmas rituals, if the Adventist brand is intended. Probably guns and executions are the center of the domestic policy. Military intervention seems OK, too--especially if the murdering is way more lethal, not just attempted(?). There may even be a message involved, about the true meaning of the conversion(?). The idea is to get it done right, the first time!

So Murdoch has a real black, and Iowa has one they can claim to have converted(?)! Maybe not even Lincoln could have believed that could happen, who understood the resettlement to the jungle, part.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe just simpler to find big log, make stone-faced totem. Call it Al Gore! RNC is on a budget, after all.)
I have no use for debates anyway.

Gotcha questions, rehearsed answers, practiced "I Care" facial expressions, calculated zingers, who gives a shit.

Detail your positions on the issues, maintain an ongoing commentary on current events, tell us precisely what you'd do if you had the freakin' job.

These are worthless.

I agree. Anyone that decides to support someone based on a "debate" is a drooling fool.
Clinton proposed spending $350 Billion over 10 years to help folks pay for college while, at the same time, allowing current borrowers who took out Student Loans to re-fi.

Hillary Clinton: What You Need to Know About Clinton's College Proposal

Hillary on college

Can we hear Cruz's plan?

Post it in an appropriate OP. Start your own if you wish but leave this person's OP on the subject he intended. Show a little class please.

Translation; Cruz gots nothing.
So enough about the Carson campaign being launched from Mars, apparently after clubbing little kittens to death. . . . .and castrating one or two entire ninth grade classes. With so much to do, it's hard to concentrate on any issues(?). And anyone knows that even castrating pigs has been known to be an Iowa selling point, in politics(?). There apparently exist a lot of ways to get ready for a Republican Primary, in Iowa. These people even determine the fates of entire national campaigns(?).

And so the famous Koch legacy seems to be sitting this one out. The numbers of debate viewers also seems to be declining, and steadily every time! Now it's down to 13.5 mil., using ratings data.

Billionaire Charles Koch 'says he has no plans to back any Republican presidential candidate in primary'

Possibly the best that can be said, now, for the Trump Towers: It can be used as a kind of jumping off place, for Republican Campaigns(?)! One good mention about that! Possibly that diminishes the likelihood of garrisoning every nation on the earth with U. S. troops.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half Wit Father In Washington, even knows: The Democrats actually have drones, now(?)!)


And so the famous Koch legacy seems to be sitting this one out. The numbers of debate viewers also seems to be declining, and steadily every time! Now it's down to 13.5 mil., using ratings data.
So! At last this thread is back on track(?)! Fiorina has no hills worth bringing up. . . .There is no corroborating media ratings support, that any are shown. RNC can claim that they gave her a chance, but the ratings managed to plunge, instead. The guys didn't help much either, and Rand Paul even tried to look to his opponents, and showed not much to actually show off, himself(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Once, (or more), there was a GOP Senate leader who admitted to being a pornographer. That too, has become a lost skill at RNC! (Understanding why the skinny chick refused to unzip her dress(?)! They seem to have some deference for the old lady, after all(?)!)
Clinton proposed spending $350 Billion over 10 years to help folks pay for college while, at the same time, allowing current borrowers who took out Student Loans to re-fi.

Hillary Clinton: What You Need to Know About Clinton's College Proposal

Hillary on college

Can we hear Cruz's plan?

Post it in an appropriate OP. Start your own if you wish but leave this person's OP on the subject he intended. Show a little class please.

Translation; Cruz gots nothing.

Actually, I really don't know if Cruz even addressed this. I know Rubio mentioned something. Raising taxes and give-aways at someone else's expense is really not a Conservative thing. That's a Democrat thing. Having some other folks pay for one's education is akin to the Obamacare subsidies. Most of the Conservatives, Cruz included, put forth cost-cutting plans and tax reform plans which would benefit all the people, not just the college crowd.
So back to the unresolved matter at hand: What kind of movie are these people trying out for? They seem to have black guy who better fits their concept. The one called Bush already brings a history of repetitive family failures. The Financier admits to using the system to screw everyone he does business with. Everyone else gets shipped back to El Salvador, or wherever it is they came from. The two Cubans want excessive military intervention, apparently with basis in having fled their own homeland, and not by themselves(?).

We are learning: Real Immigrants swim on their own(?)! The general Republican Mantra, "At least someone else has to do something(?)," comes through loud and clear. They all agree that everyone will have to come back, if anything is to be done in America(?)!

In the last Presidential GOP debate series, the operating concept was "Pump and Dump," like in the more fraudulent concept of penny stock, venture capitalism. Romney won.

A collective disgust with it all is easy to allege.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe many White Eyes name little boats, Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria: And go the other way(?)!)
Clinton proposed spending $350 Billion over 10 years to help folks pay for college while, at the same time, allowing current borrowers who took out Student Loans to re-fi.

Hillary Clinton: What You Need to Know About Clinton's College Proposal

Hillary on college

Can we hear Cruz's plan?

Post it in an appropriate OP. Start your own if you wish but leave this person's OP on the subject he intended. Show a little class please.

Translation; Cruz gots nothing.

Actually, I really don't know if Cruz even addressed this. I know Rubio mentioned something. Raising taxes and give-aways at someone else's expense is really not a Conservative thing. That's a Democrat thing. Having some other folks pay for one's education is akin to the Obamacare subsidies. Most of the Conservatives, Cruz included, put forth cost-cutting plans and tax reform plans which would benefit all the people, not just the college crowd.

Translation; Cruz gots nothing. PS: That "college crowd" is anyone who has a kid.

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