GOP: Defund Planned Parenthood even if it didn’t break the law

Thank "a" party?

Heh, Obama had a super majority and with that he created more debt by the trillions in a short time and never raised taxes... In fact he bragged about a lot of tax credits.

Do I need to continue pointing out a near rabid amount of hypocrisy that you seem overflowing with?

Just so we know., how much should taxes be raised to close that 1.something trillion a year deficit we have?
Obama’s proposal to raise the capital gains tax drives sharp wedge between parties
He has tried other times as well.

So he waited till after he lost his super majority of 2 years to "try"....

Thanks for proving my point.

I thought I was clear in pointing out the super majority, so it's interesting that you tried to circumvent that to make an argument.... No doubt you believe you are making a fool of me somehow too.
Err, no, not true at all.

So, Dems with a super majority failed to collectively ban together and pass tax hikes?
You do realize dems are divided within their own party, right?

And yes, I realize that the Dem party is looking at Sanders going "Oh fuck." He will represent some large but un-electable % of people, and he will scare the fuck out of the rest.
Can't you get the same services through Obamacare that you get through planned parenthood? If this is in fact the case why do you need two taxpayer funded entities that perform basically the same service? If you want to keep planned parenthood fine take it off the taxpayer payroll and fund it through private donations I'm sure there are many liberal Billionaires who would be more than willing to bankroll it then it could provide whatever services it wanted within the law of course with no complaints from the right over their tax dollars being used to fund something they don't support.

And yet that un popular congress came to power because the majority of voters preferred them over the Democrats who were in power... Or wait, I'm sure you have a mentally retarded rebuttal somewhere.

No, a true one...voter turnout and Gerrymandering.
Planned parenthood peddling baby body parts doesn't surprise me they are evil filth. Even their name is a lie they have nothing to do with parenthood. Defund the scumbags.
Planned parenthood peddling baby body parts doesn't surprise me they are evil filth. Even their name is a lie they have nothing to do with parenthood. Defund the scumbags.

That you believe the in the bubble lies doesn't surprise anyone...
Republicans need to get their priorities straight.
GOP: Defund Planned Parenthood even if it didn’t break the law
Congressional Republicans say they are determined to shut Planned Parenthood down, regardless of whether it broke any laws.

In more than two months of investigations, members have yet to turn up evidence that Planned Parenthood acted illegally, the same conclusion reached by a half-dozen state investigations. The Department of Justice has so far declined to launch a formal probe.

Several Republicans acknowledged this week that they may never find proof of wrongdoing at Planned Parenthood — but said it doesn't matter.
“I don’t know whether we’re ever going to be able to answer that question, whether it was illegal for them to do what they were doing,” Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho) said during the House’s first hearing on the topic Wednesday. "I don’t know if it was illegal … but it was immoral, what was seen on that video."

Republicans have long been fierce critics of Planned Parenthood, which is the nation’s largest provider of abortion services. Under the law, the organization is banned from using federal funding for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or medical necessity.

Stirred by outrage over secretly recorded videos at Planned Parenthood, Republicans opposed to abortion rights say it’s time to end federal funding for the group once and for all.

“The issue is not whether there’s been a crime committed or not,” Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas.) told the same group at the hearing. “This issue is whether or not taxpayers should fund Planned Parenthood. That’s the issue before this committee.”

Three House committees and six states have investigated Planned Parenthood since it was first targeted by the undercover videos in July. The Energy and Commerce Committee has interviewed two Planned Parenthood officials as well as officials from three tissue procurement companies that have partnered with the organization: Stem Express, Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. and Novogenix Laboratories.
Works for me.
They have always opposed PP funding, the same way they oppose public broadcasting funding.

Not a Republican here but it makes fucking sense....

Like what is wrong with "you people" that you feel it's required that others pay for things simply because you agree with them but you froth at the mouth with hate when you are paying for things you don't agree with?

We are ~($18,000,000,000,000)~ trillion in debt and there is no path even being discussed on how to stop growing that debt, not a discussion on paying it off, just to stop growing it.

Here's why I like Libertarian ideals on how to run Government... Generally it recognized that requiring people to pay for open ended welfare to others leaves a door open for well, more welfare programs to be created. You can sit back and talk about cutting (lol) defense as a way to "pay" for bullshit like PP, but "my side" recognizes that taking money from 1 welfare program to fund another welfare program means no money was cut at all. In fact if you cut from military to pay for PP it's common sense that tells us politicians will simply entrench us in even more debt to re-fund the program they "stole" from to pay for another... Meaning if anything deficit spending will go up, not stay equal or decrease.

To have a place at the table of political theory you should at least be able to be consistent in the application of your theory. Your loose definitions of welfare leaves the door open to a never ending growth in new welfare programs. This means you will find yourself paying for programs generally supported by Republicans, like military, religious "stuff", tax cuts to big biz, tax credits and so on even when you elect the most intelligent President the world has ever seen coupled with a majority in congress. History shows and has proven that YOU CAN'T CUT WELFARE.

The answer should not be to claim welfare for PP is good and that welfare for corporations is bad in defense of keeping PP funded. But rather to realize that wealth redistribution by way of mal-investing in welfare vote buying programs as a whole is poor political structure in general.

The entire purpose of welfare is to secure votes. The higher the dependency on welfare the more votes you get. Dems are seen as the welfare party for Unions, the poor and college students... Republicans are seen as welfare for churches, businesses and military... Reality is side will ever cut any welfare as cutting welfare others are now dependent on will yield you less votes and you will be demonized.

If you ever wish to balance the budget and get out of debt, or end military from running around the world blowing shit up, you need to concede your hypocrisy. IE, you defending PP is you defending the Iraq war, you're simply too politically ignorant to see how and why that is.

Bye! =)

You know if you could run that post through the 'short and to the point' converter we might find that we mostly agree,

but I'm not going to wade through the underbrush of unnecessary verbosity you inflict on us to try to figure that out on my own.

The entire purpose of welfare is to secure votes. The higher the dependency on welfare the more votes you get. Dems are seen as the welfare party for Unions, the poor and college students... Republicans are seen as welfare for churches, businesses and military... Reality is neither side will ever cut any welfare as cutting welfare others are now dependent on will yield you less votes and you will be demonized.

SO you have nothing to worry about, also no matter how many Dems hold office (Obama and a super majority) you will never get programs you dislike cut... Even when the cuts are promised to you.
Welfare exists because of structural unemployment/disabilities/the elderly/stagnant wages.. It's not a way to get votes, if that were true, all of these red counties would be voting democrats.. They vote republican. Come on now.
Those red counties are red because the policies of blue pukes took their livelihoods away. They aren't voting for democrats because they recognize you pieces of shit for what you are. Land grabbing, money grabbing, criminal traitors.
Republicans need to get their priorities straight.
GOP: Defund Planned Parenthood even if it didn’t break the law
Congressional Republicans say they are determined to shut Planned Parenthood down, regardless of whether it broke any laws.

In more than two months of investigations, members have yet to turn up evidence that Planned Parenthood acted illegally, the same conclusion reached by a half-dozen state investigations. The Department of Justice has so far declined to launch a formal probe.

Several Republicans acknowledged this week that they may never find proof of wrongdoing at Planned Parenthood — but said it doesn't matter.
“I don’t know whether we’re ever going to be able to answer that question, whether it was illegal for them to do what they were doing,” Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho) said during the House’s first hearing on the topic Wednesday. "I don’t know if it was illegal … but it was immoral, what was seen on that video."

Republicans have long been fierce critics of Planned Parenthood, which is the nation’s largest provider of abortion services. Under the law, the organization is banned from using federal funding for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or medical necessity.

Stirred by outrage over secretly recorded videos at Planned Parenthood, Republicans opposed to abortion rights say it’s time to end federal funding for the group once and for all.

“The issue is not whether there’s been a crime committed or not,” Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas.) told the same group at the hearing. “This issue is whether or not taxpayers should fund Planned Parenthood. That’s the issue before this committee.”

Three House committees and six states have investigated Planned Parenthood since it was first targeted by the undercover videos in July. The Energy and Commerce Committee has interviewed two Planned Parenthood officials as well as officials from three tissue procurement companies that have partnered with the organization: Stem Express, Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. and Novogenix Laboratories.

There is no reason to fund ANY business that makes a half billion a year. The only reason Dems want to give them tax dollars is because PP will turn around and support Dem candidates. It's all a scam.
Republicans need to get their priorities straight.
GOP: Defund Planned Parenthood even if it didn’t break the law
Congressional Republicans say they are determined to shut Planned Parenthood down, regardless of whether it broke any laws.

In more than two months of investigations, members have yet to turn up evidence that Planned Parenthood acted illegally, the same conclusion reached by a half-dozen state investigations. The Department of Justice has so far declined to launch a formal probe.

Several Republicans acknowledged this week that they may never find proof of wrongdoing at Planned Parenthood — but said it doesn't matter.
“I don’t know whether we’re ever going to be able to answer that question, whether it was illegal for them to do what they were doing,” Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho) said during the House’s first hearing on the topic Wednesday. "I don’t know if it was illegal … but it was immoral, what was seen on that video."

Republicans have long been fierce critics of Planned Parenthood, which is the nation’s largest provider of abortion services. Under the law, the organization is banned from using federal funding for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or medical necessity.

Stirred by outrage over secretly recorded videos at Planned Parenthood, Republicans opposed to abortion rights say it’s time to end federal funding for the group once and for all.

“The issue is not whether there’s been a crime committed or not,” Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas.) told the same group at the hearing. “This issue is whether or not taxpayers should fund Planned Parenthood. That’s the issue before this committee.”

Three House committees and six states have investigated Planned Parenthood since it was first targeted by the undercover videos in July. The Energy and Commerce Committee has interviewed two Planned Parenthood officials as well as officials from three tissue procurement companies that have partnered with the organization: Stem Express, Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. and Novogenix Laboratories.

There is no reason to fund ANY business that makes a half billion a year. The only reason Dems want to give them tax dollars is because PP will turn around and support Dem candidates. It's all a scam.
There are lots and lots of clinics that actually do care about women and actually do provide services, aside from ABORTION, meant to keep women healthy and avoid spread of disease. Give them the money.

Fuck PP. It's a racket.
They have always opposed PP funding, the same way they oppose public broadcasting funding.

Not a Republican here but it makes fucking sense....

Like what is wrong with "you people" that you feel it's required that others pay for things simply because you agree with them but you froth at the mouth with hate when you are paying for things you don't agree with?

We are ~($18,000,000,000,000)~ trillion in debt and there is no path even being discussed on how to stop growing that debt, not a discussion on paying it off, just to stop growing it.

Here's why I like Libertarian ideals on how to run Government... Generally it recognized that requiring people to pay for open ended welfare to others leaves a door open for well, more welfare programs to be created. You can sit back and talk about cutting (lol) defense as a way to "pay" for bullshit like PP, but "my side" recognizes that taking money from 1 welfare program to fund another welfare program means no money was cut at all. In fact if you cut from military to pay for PP it's common sense that tells us politicians will simply entrench us in even more debt to re-fund the program they "stole" from to pay for another... Meaning if anything deficit spending will go up, not stay equal or decrease.

To have a place at the table of political theory you should at least be able to be consistent in the application of your theory. Your loose definitions of welfare leaves the door open to a never ending growth in new welfare programs. This means you will find yourself paying for programs generally supported by Republicans, like military, religious "stuff", tax cuts to big biz, tax credits and so on even when you elect the most intelligent President the world has ever seen coupled with a majority in congress. History shows and has proven that YOU CAN'T CUT WELFARE.

The answer should not be to claim welfare for PP is good and that welfare for corporations is bad in defense of keeping PP funded. But rather to realize that wealth redistribution by way of mal-investing in welfare vote buying programs as a whole is poor political structure in general.

The entire purpose of welfare is to secure votes. The higher the dependency on welfare the more votes you get. Dems are seen as the welfare party for Unions, the poor and college students... Republicans are seen as welfare for churches, businesses and military... Reality is side will ever cut any welfare as cutting welfare others are now dependent on will yield you less votes and you will be demonized.

If you ever wish to balance the budget and get out of debt, or end military from running around the world blowing shit up, you need to concede your hypocrisy. IE, you defending PP is you defending the Iraq war, you're simply too politically ignorant to see how and why that is.

Bye! =)

You know if you could run that post through the 'short and to the point' converter we might find that we mostly agree,

but I'm not going to wade through the underbrush of unnecessary verbosity you inflict on us to try to figure that out on my own.

The entire purpose of welfare is to secure votes. The higher the dependency on welfare the more votes you get. Dems are seen as the welfare party for Unions, the poor and college students... Republicans are seen as welfare for churches, businesses and military... Reality is neither side will ever cut any welfare as cutting welfare others are now dependent on will yield you less votes and you will be demonized.

SO you have nothing to worry about, also no matter how many Dems hold office (Obama and a super majority) you will never get programs you dislike cut... Even when the cuts are promised to you.
Welfare exists because of structural unemployment/disabilities/the elderly/stagnant wages.. It's not a way to get votes, if that were true, all of these red counties would be voting democrats.. They vote republican. Come on now.
Those red counties are red because the policies of blue pukes took their livelihoods away. They aren't voting for democrats because they recognize you pieces of shit for what you are. Land grabbing, money grabbing, criminal traitors.

In some very blue states its no longer Dem vs Rep its taxpayers vs the Dem's and public employee unions. Taxpayers are uniting regardless of party affiliation. Taxpayers are fed up with getting raped by the Democrats and unions.
So he waited till after he lost his super majority of 2 years to "try"....

Thanks for proving my point.

I thought I was clear in pointing out the super majority, so it's interesting that you tried to circumvent that to make an argument.... No doubt you believe you are making a fool of me somehow too.

I'm not a big "defender" of Obama.....I have several issues that he has royally pissed me off on, ......But can you also think back to what ELSE was going on during those "2 years"....and exactly WHO stated (swore, actually) that they'd do everything possible to make Obama a one-termer?
You do realize dems are divided within their own party, right?

Actually one of the reasons why I tend to "label" myself a democrat...That other side is a goose-stepping cadre (thanks to Reagan's dictum.)
Haha, I should start a party called "The Tax payer Party." Sure, we would be in the minority and it would be tough to get people off welfare and paying taxes so others can benefit but who knows, maybe it can work!
There goes 5% of the female vote to the democrats! Why do republican tea party morons always do things that are unpopular?
You do realize dems are divided within their own party, right?

Actually one of the reasons why I tend to "label" myself a democrat...That other side is a goose-stepping cadre (thanks to Reagan's dictum.)

K... You realize Reps have been split since 2007ish. It's all democrats talked about, and even today they talk about it.

I don't really wana fight with you as you seem to at least be trying to figure things out, you just have a ways to go.
Haha, I should start a party called "The Tax payer Party." Sure, we would be in the minority and it would be tough to get people off welfare and paying taxes so others can benefit but who knows, maybe it can work!

Seeing that the top 10% make most of the wealth in this country they should of course pay more. ;) Why would you expect someone that is nearly on the street making maybe 20k per year to pay the same? That is unmoral.
There goes 5% of the female vote to the democrats! Why do republican tea party morons always do things that are unpopular?

Maybe they should sink the US further in debt by paying everyone to work building bridges and space stations... They can sell it to the morons under the gauze of "investing" in "infrastructure and science." You could get lots of mindless lemming voting for great ideas that ultimately are affordable and flat out pointless.
Haha, I should start a party called "The Tax payer Party." Sure, we would be in the minority and it would be tough to get people off welfare and paying taxes so others can benefit but who knows, maybe it can work!

Seeing that the top 10% make most of the wealth in this country they should of course pay more. ;) Why would you expect someone that is nearly on the street making maybe 20k per year to pay the same? That is unmoral.

Look everyone, a walking talking point!
K... You realize Reps have been split since 2007ish. It's all democrats talked about, and even today they talk about it.

Jut for fun...

Every single House Republican.......voted against the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran — with one exception.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) was the sole lawmaker to vote neither “yes” nor “no” on a resolution approving the nuclear deal.

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