GOP Descends Further Into Irrlevancy--Anti-Health Foe Now Bankrupt!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Santorum-Gingrich-Romney managed to create a three-way split among a tiny minority of voters on Tuesday, March 13. Conscious people out west were splitting their betweens between Romney and Paul.

On Friday, March 9: "Key healthcare law foe went bankrupt--with Medical Bills, " Los Angele Times, p. A10.

Plaintiff in healthcare law challenge went bankrupt – with unpaid medical bills -

According to U. S. District Judge, Roger Vinson: "She is a small business owner who does not believe the cost of health insurance is a wise or acceptable use of her resources." Later, Mary Brown was granted legal standing to challenge the individual mandate--which was needed for Florida and 25 other states to sue to challenge the constitutionality of the premier, Obama legislation kept-promise.

In contrast, the bankruptcy actually came about from the apparently wise and aceptable use of her resources, which happened when the couple's small business became irrelevant. It failed, and others were left with the bills that were owed. Those would be said to be as worthless as Republican National Initiatives, if any, now being presented in the national elections.

Apparently, so far, that appears to be the best that the challengers to the Consitutionality of the individual mandate can come up with.

At issue seems to be the matter of competence(?)! In other cases regarding social insurance, however, then the overriding interest of the nation as a whole--in the welfare of its citizens--has been the prevailing direction of the courts.

Anyone in this example sees why the Courts and the legislatures had more wisdom, than the business-owner. Then there is Romney's concept of what a business does--which is lay-off people, and hoard what is left. Santorum and Ginrich likely tend more to the example of the Holy Father's, Christian Hitler Youth. The peaches are edible, or they are not. The ones that are not, you give to the poor: And Take a Charitable Deduction!

History shows that free market forces: Work like that in practice.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations: Fighting Against International Terrorist Attacks, Since 1492! Many new arrivals not content to keep up on their payments--even boarding planes, heading to the City of New York(?)! Many on Lands of Many Nations: Know about charity, of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.)
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Ironic, she went bankrupt saying she doesnt need healthcare and with $4500 unpaid medical bills.
An Amishman once sued in tax court claiming that he himself was not obligated to pay Social Security taxes as a self-employed person. The Amish have a demonstrated cradle-to-grave community welfare plan acceptable to the Courts. The Courts, however, would not allow the employer to use personal religious beliefs to limit the rights of employees to pay into the national social insurance fund.

The employer had claimed a religious exemption to the employee and employer contributions part of the plan. The case went against him, and he finally concluded that a wise and acceptable use of those resources would have been to have spent them on something else.

So the matter does come up(?)! The Obama's are lawyer-trained, and can understand the concept.

The "individual mandate" challenge is be allowed to go-it-alone. That has been shown to not be a wise and acceptable, hoarding of resources--to be spent on everything else.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many come to Lands of Many Nations: Embarking on Wise and Acceptable use of Resources--on matters germane to gaming(?)--not on health insurance!)
The GOP will never be irrelevant because Obama and the left need us to blame their failings on.
Phase One of Santorum's Health Agenda is to repeal ObamaCare, not the Act as worded(?).

Phase Two of Santorum's plan is to go against the U. S. Constitution, to go ahead and prohibit states from disallowing non-admitted insurance into their states. In apparently a shameless appeal to Liberals: Medical Marijuana from Venice Beach, in California, can be shipped nationwide!

Phase Three of Santorum's plan is to provide a refundable tax credit--like the Obama Make-Work-Pay Tax Credit, or Cash for Clunkers: Directed specifically to the payment of medical insurance plan premiums. Those plans, in other words, will be meeting federal standards--also at the heart of ObamaCare, even though that is not the act as worded.

Any "cost-control" is relegated to induced competition--which probably means tax breaks for giant insurers.

"One-Size-Fits-All" Medicine is becoming a part of past-tense, old market-driven medicine. Computers and imagery are now being used--with Great Socialist FDA approvals--in the creation of more personalized medicine strategies instead of old market-driven, "one-size-fits-all" approaches to care.

Santorum still apparently pervasively, holds to the belief that rural family practice provides the same exact financing challenges as does urban family practice medicine. The problem with the poison food is noted in the OP.

Haiti and East Africa remain the focus in the Santorum goal of becoming an unregulated, market economy: Just like them. Gingrich is like them. . .or that, too. Romney is expected to embrace their concept, if he hasn't done so, somewhere already.

Santorum is not as pro-free market as he states. The Obama-Biden, "Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Tax-Credit," was the first ever in-history attempt at a Cost-of-Living-Adjustment--provided in relatively equal amounts per person--in a nation-state, nation-wide. The Market was given a spending boost, through money, and so as not to deprive the market of a low-income spending class.

Santorum otherwise intends to take all the federal spending away from all of the federal, Congressional Districts: Nationwide. Customers would be left to fend for themsleves, presumably at the direction of the National Rifle Association. NRA claims it is pro-hunting, and so it would seem a likely choice to be tapped in the Santorum national, economic plan.

Along with "hunting, "gathering," is a concept likely in Santoru-nomics.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations once grew prosperous, using hunting and gathering techniques. Lands of Many Nations now much richer, thanks to reservation gaming, instead. Many know that there is old-style game, and new-styled games!)
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The GOP will never be irrelevant because Obama and the left need us to blame their failings on.

Hey Prefed.

No Politician own up to their responsibilities.

If you find one, I can show you someone who will never get elected!
Ironic, she went bankrupt saying she doesnt need healthcare and with $4500 unpaid medical bills.

Nothing ironic at all, because irony doesn't mean what you think it means.

She went bankrupt because her business failed, not because of the medical bills. Bankruptcy courts require all debts to be listed. That $4500 in medical debt is about 7% of what she owes, hardly enough to even mention. The only reason it is significant is that, since she no longer owns a business, it is harder for her to have standing to challenge the case.

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