GOP efforts to privatize war created the Blackwater debacle.



Blackwater Threatened to Kill U.S. Investigator -- NYMag

In August 2007, two State Department investigators were sent to Iraq to review Blackwater's operations. They found evidence of all sorts of misconduct — ranging from joyriding in a $180,000 armored vehicle to making low-paid foreign workers live in "squalid" conditions — but Blackwater's head manager in Iraq managed to top all of that. The State Department's lead investigator claims that Blackwater's project manager threatened, "that he could kill me at that very moment and no one could or would do anything about it as we were in Iraq." The investigation was then shut down, and a few weeks later, Blackwater guards killed 17 Iraqi civilians in Nisour Square.


By committing so many atrocities, Blackwater put regular American soldiers in danger.

Green Beret electrocuted in shower on Iraq base -

Over a dozen soldiers were electrocuted in Iraq from sub standard Halliburton housing Republicans gave "no bid" contracts to. Were they ever investigated? Was anyone ever charged? Republicans put our soldiers into danger for no reason and their answer is always, "They knew what they were getting in to".

This is what happens when you see privatizing everything as the "answer". Just more lousy ignorant right wing ideology taken to the extreme. We put them into office, we get what we deserve.
I glad someone still remembers the stupid mercs who ruined any chance of a peaceful Iraq.
Good times.

Using Mercs the fight wars..

Blackwater types should forced to be under UCMJ. Also, where's equal pay for equal work? Since America's presence in the middle east is for corporate profit only, it's time for the miltary to unionize. I'm surprised soldiers haven't done it yet since private contractors make way more money for doing the same work, unless our military guys are still under a delusion that our middle east wars are for protecting America.
Good times.

Using Mercs the fight wars..

Blackwater types should forced to be under UCMJ. Also, where's equal pay for equal work? Since America's presence in the middle east is for corporate profit only, it's time for the miltary to unionize. I'm surprised soldiers haven't done it yet since private contractors make way more money for doing the same work, unless our military guys are still under a delusion that our middle east wars are for protecting America.

American wars should have escalating top bracket tax increases to pay for them, it would be the greatest thing for world peace ever.

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