GOP - endless investigations for Benghazi and emails, but Putin's "cool"



Wow, Hillary, who helped 8 million children get healthcare and whose foundation helped 400 million world wide is more of a danger than Putin, the guy who bombs hospitals and kills Journalists. Who knew?
Referring to the title:

YOU are the ONLY one who has said so.

Another liberal false narrative.
I'm still trying to find the supposed right-wing republican war-hawks that are sitting around saying "putin's cool".

Liberals.... living in your own fictional universe. What color is the sky in your world? Just curious if there are Unicorns and Socialists in your world.
Referring to the title:

YOU are the ONLY one who has said so.

Another liberal false narrative.
Said what?

Trump: Only 'stupid people' don't want a good relationship with Russia

Donald Trump on Vladimir Putin: In his own words -

Trump said Putin's doing a great job

Trump praised Putin's "intelligence" and "no-nonsense way" in his book "Time to Get Tough."

Trump wonders if Putin will be his "new best friend"

Trump says they'd get along

Trump reiterates that he and Putin "were stablemates"
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump has reason to be very, very nice to Russia.

So you want world war 3 with Russia? I want a good relationship. Doesn't mean I think Putin is a warm fuzzy teddy bear.

And the fact Trump respect the way Putin has handled Obama, and made him look small and pathetic.... yeah. Respecting your opponent is the first step to not being manhandled by him. I agree with Trump completely on that.

If anything, our government has been unbelievably arrogant in underestimating Putin. Something Trump likely won't be.
Wow, Hillary, who helped 8 million children get healthcare and whose foundation helped 400 million world wide is more of a danger than Putin, the guy who bombs hospitals and kills Journalists. Who knew?

Here is an example of the "news" liberals have been stuffed with about "bombing hospitals and killing journalists":

CAIRO (Sputnik) — Egypt's police detained a man for making staged "wounded children" photos, which he was planning to use to misrepresent on social media as photos of destruction and injured people in Syria's Aleppo, the Egyptian Interior Ministry said on Monday.

Egyptian Police Bust Staged Photo Shoot of 'Wounded Aleppo Children' (VIDEO)

The Mirror:
Police in Egypt arrest five people for using children to make fake 'Aleppo' film

Also you may be interested in the following:

Independent journalists Vanessa Beeley :Aleppo, What you're not being told

Why Everything You Hear About Aleppo Is Wrong

EVA BARTLETT destroys mainstream media lies. What's really going on in Syria.

International Organizations on the ground, can you tell me which International Organizations have been working in East Aleppo? Then I’ll tell you: none. Western Media relies on Syrian Human Rights Observatory, which is in Great Britain and consists of only one person.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is a Tool of Western Propaganda | New Eastern Outlook
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Good old president trumpski. He can remake the CIA into the kgb while he's in office. I'm pretty sure that'll be at the very top of his to do list.
Wow, Hillary, who helped 8 million children get healthcare and whose foundation helped 400 million world wide is more of a danger than Putin, the guy who bombs hospitals and kills Journalists. Who knew?

We're fucked. Freedom is under attack.

Oh really? Does this feeling of doom and hopelessness only come around during Republican presidencies?
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump has reason to be very, very nice to Russia.

No..... Russian investment is huge in London, and numerous other EU countries. If we don't play nice....... They'll lose. We got their money. They invested here. Not us there.

If we invested in Russia, then that would be a big reason to play nice, because Russia could just confiscate all our investments.

If you need a comparison, think of Exxon and Venezuela.

Exxon invested hundreds of millions into Venezuela, and Hugo Chavez nationalized (confiscated) all those investments.

That didn't hurt them. That hurt us.

Well if Russians invest in the US.... we're not going to lose. They could lose. But not us. What do you think they are going to do?

Pick up their hotel chains, load them on barges, and sail them back to Russia?

Don't be crazy. If anything, Russian investment into the US, is a massive reason for Russia to play nice with us. We've confiscated the assets of other countries before. We can do it again, if Russia messes around with us.
"Putin's cool"? Trump hasn't even taken office yet. I guess McCain can drop his phony vendetta against Russia since the radical left doesn't seem to notice. Last I heard Hussein was still president. I guess he thought Putin was pretty cool before the election but what happened? Oh yeah, Hillary lost.
Wow, Hillary, who helped 8 million children get healthcare and whose foundation helped 400 million world wide is more of a danger than Putin, the guy who bombs hospitals and kills Journalists. Who knew?

Here is an example of the "news" liberals have been stuffed with about "bombing hospitals and killing journalists":

CAIRO (Sputnik) — Egypt's police detained a man for making staged "wounded children" photos, which he was planning to use to misrepresent on social media as photos of destruction and injured people in Syria's Aleppo, the Egyptian Interior Ministry said on Monday.
View attachment 105658

Egyptian Police Bust Staged Photo Shoot of 'Wounded Aleppo Children' (VIDEO)

The Mirror:
Police in Egypt arrest five people for using children to make fake 'Aleppo' film

Also you may be interested in the following:

Independent journalists Vanessa Beeley :Aleppo, What you're not being told

Why Everything You Hear About Aleppo Is Wrong

EVA BARTLETT destroys mainstream media lies. What's really going on in Syria.

International Organizations on the ground, can you tell me which International Organizations have been working in East Aleppo? Then I’ll tell you: none. Western Media relies on Syrian Human Rights Observatory, which is in Great Britain and consists of only one person.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is a Tool of Western Propaganda | New Eastern Outlook

Yea, fake.

"Putin's cool"? Trump hasn't even taken office yet. I guess McCain can drop his phony vendetta against Russia since the radical left doesn't seem to notice. Last I heard Hussein was still president. I guess he thought Putin was pretty cool before the election but what happened? Oh yeah, Hillary lost.

Congratulations. You're a true freak of nature.
"Putin's cool"? Trump hasn't even taken office yet. I guess McCain can drop his phony vendetta against Russia since the radical left doesn't seem to notice. Last I heard Hussein was still president. I guess he thought Putin was pretty cool before the election but what happened? Oh yeah, Hillary lost.
You don't know why Putin has a vendetta against Hillary Clinton? Seriously?
Wow, Hillary, who helped 8 million children get healthcare and whose foundation helped 400 million world wide is more of a danger than Putin, the guy who bombs hospitals and kills Journalists. Who knew?
Didn't president Clinton bomb an aspirin factory?

Take a look at that picture of Putin. Once Trump is sworn in, Putin becomes the most powerful man in the world. Imagine, Putin in charge of Russia's huge military and through Trump, in charge of America's military.
Wow, Hillary, who helped 8 million children get healthcare and whose foundation helped 400 million world wide is more of a danger than Putin, the guy who bombs hospitals and kills Journalists. Who knew?
Didn't president Clinton bomb an aspirin factory?
Oh stop. You are giving me a headache.

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