GOP - endless investigations for Benghazi and emails, but Putin's "cool"

You mean there weren't endless investigation on Benghazi and many Republicans, like Trump, refuse to believe the Russian Hacks?
1. If 'endless' they would still be going on.

2. You are the only one who said 'Putin is 'cool''.

Another thread in which you make stuff up / lie...
He just got done watching the Star Trek Voyager reruns again and is dismayed at the thought that the day may never come that it is reality.

Star Trek Voyager is a great show.

But even Janeway made a deal with The Borg in order to save the galaxy.

The republicans are going to strip science funding and put their money into more relevant issues like proving once and for all that the world is flat, and that we are nothing more than very short lived microbes living on a Frisbee sailing past a heat lamp.

yes, she did make a deal with the Borg to work with them, she was going to give them the technology to create weapons with the nano technology that would kill the species that was beating the borg, in return she would get safe passage through borg territory, the deal was that once she was through their territory, she would hand over the weapon.
But, if you remember her trust was abused, she woke up from the injury sustained when the borg ship was destroyed by using itself to protect voyager and the weapon. 7 took over the project from the cargo bay, but she brought the voyager into fluid space to force the use of the weapon after Chekotay refused to turn the voyager around and head 5 days back into borg territory. It was only then that Janeway realized that she had been used. Its also the episode that 7 was taken from the borg. After the other borg were sent into space when Chekotay gave the order to depressurize the cargo bay.
No, I was not a trek fan in the least.

"Scorpion, Parts 1 and 2", Voyager Season 3

Very much my favorite two part episode. Chakotay tells the story of the scorpion and the fox (in the original tale it's a frog but hey). He tries to convince Janeway she was making a mistake by entering into the alliance with the Borg, because betrayal was in their nature. As you can tell, he failed.

"There's a story I heard as a child, a parable, and I never forgot it. A scorpion was walking along the bank of a river, wondering how to get to the other side Suddenly he saw a fox. He asked the fox to take him on his back across the river. The fox said "no, if I do that you'll sting me, and I'll drown!". The scorpion assured him, "if I did that, we'd both drown". So the fox thought about it and finally agreed. The scorpion climbed up on his back, and the fox began to swim. But halfway across the river, the scorpion stung him. As the poison filled his veins, the fox turned to the scorpion and said, "Why did you do that? Now you'll drown too." "I couldn't help it, said the scorpion. It's my nature."
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He just got done watching the Star Trek Voyager reruns again and is dismayed at the thought that the day may never come that it is reality.

Star Trek Voyager is a great show.

But even Janeway made a deal with The Borg in order to save the galaxy.

The republicans are going to strip science funding and put their money into more relevant issues like proving once and for all that the world is flat, and that we are nothing more than very short lived microbes living on a Frisbee sailing past a heat lamp.

yes, she did make a deal with the Borg to work with them, she was going to give them the technology to create weapons with the nano technology that would kill the species that was beating the borg, in return she would get safe passage through borg territory, the deal was that once she was through their territory, she would hand over the weapon.
But, if you remember her trust was abused, she woke up from the injury sustained when the borg ship was destroyed by using itself to protect voyager and the weapon. 7 took over the project from the cargo bay, but she brought the voyager into fluid space to force the use of the weapon after Chekotay refused to turn the voyager around and head 5 days back into borg territory. It was only then that Janeway realized that she had been used. Its also the episode that 7 was taken from the borg. After the other borg were sent into space when Chekotay gave the order to depressurize the cargo bay.
No, I was not a trek fan in the least.

Scorpion, Parts 1 and 2, Voyager Season 3

Very much my favorite two part episode.
It was that or the end where she came back from the future to force her younger self to take the Voyager through the wormhole.
It was really a great series over all.
The next generation took a few episodes before I started to enjoy it, I really did not like Picard at first but he quickly grew on the trekkies as a great choice for captain. By the end of the run I was sad to see it over with.

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