GOP - endless investigations for Benghazi and emails, but Putin's "cool"

Wow, Hillary, who helped 8 million children get healthcare and whose foundation helped 400 million world wide is more of a danger than Putin, the guy who bombs hospitals and kills Journalists. Who knew?

Hate to break this to you, R-Derp...but Hillary Clinton isn't a danger to anyone anymore! She lost, she's old and in bad health so put a fork in her...she's done!
Wow, Hillary, who helped 8 million children get healthcare and whose foundation helped 400 million world wide is more of a danger than Putin, the guy who bombs hospitals and kills Journalists. Who knew?
People will go to jail for Benghazi and for the emails pretty's Obama and his administration we are really going to focus on.....
Referring to the title:

YOU are the ONLY one who has said so.

Another liberal false narrative.
You mean there weren't endless investigation on Benghazi and many Republicans, like Trump, refuse to believe the Russian Hacks?
Wow, Hillary, who helped 8 million children get healthcare and whose foundation helped 400 million world wide is more of a danger than Putin, the guy who bombs hospitals and kills Journalists. Who knew?

We're fucked. Freedom is under attack.

Oh really? Does this feeling of doom and hopelessness only come around during Republican presidencies?
ease up on him. He just got done watching the Star Trek Voyager reruns again and is dismayed at the thought that the day may never come that it is reality. The republicans are going to strip science funding and put their money into more relevant issues like proving once and for all that the world is flat, and that we are nothing more than very short lived microbes living on a Frisbee sailing past a heat lamp.
On a side note. I would really love to be alive, young and healthy to see the day that we can travel space in any manner close to what the start trek series show. And I think it will come. in time.
Wow, Hillary, who helped 8 million children get healthcare and whose foundation helped 400 million world wide is more of a danger than Putin, the guy who bombs hospitals and kills Journalists. Who knew?
Didn't president Clinton bomb an aspirin factory?
Oh stop. You are giving me a headache.
and now thanks to Clinton, you have nothing to take for that headache. Way to go Bill, way to go.
thank hillary didnt win. she would introduce e-coli right after bombing a toilet paper factory
Trump may actually be onto something with Putin here. He's treating the man with respect, and what has Putin been bitching about? Feeling like Russia wasn't respected. Catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Trump may actually be onto something with Putin here. He's treating the man with respect, and what has Putin been bitching about? Feeling like Russia wasn't respected. Catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
I still for the life of me cant understand why two countries with different styles of government cant get along.
I mean, Russia has not been communist for many years now, people there have freedom, they have the ability to make their own destiny. Other than their being a bit aggressive (like the U.S was just a couple hundred years ago) I really cant find too much fault in the way they live.
He just got done watching the Star Trek Voyager reruns again and is dismayed at the thought that the day may never come that it is reality.

Star Trek Voyager is a great show.

But even Janeway made a deal with The Borg in order to save the galaxy.

The republicans are going to strip science funding and put their money into more relevant issues like proving once and for all that the world is flat, and that we are nothing more than very short lived microbes living on a Frisbee sailing past a heat lamp.

@marylandpatriot Don't ask me. I'm in Alaska, we've had the Russian's over for dinner during joint arctic training exercises. They're fine people - at least all the ones I've met, and none of them had any interest in idk taking over shit. They were excited about their country finally moving forward from the Cold War and genuinely seemed happy to be allowed to visit.

I'm not a war fan, cold or otherwise, I much prefer folks to get along and "live and let live" ~shrug~
He just got done watching the Star Trek Voyager reruns again and is dismayed at the thought that the day may never come that it is reality.

Star Trek Voyager is a great show.

But even Janeway made a deal with The Borg in order to save the galaxy.

The republicans are going to strip science funding and put their money into more relevant issues like proving once and for all that the world is flat, and that we are nothing more than very short lived microbes living on a Frisbee sailing past a heat lamp.

I had a thing for 7. as I am sure most other non homosexual men did. But I always hated the shows that centered around Chekotay and that lame ass indian crap.
I just find it funny how all you dimwitcrats laughed at Romney for saying Russia was a geopolitical threat are now all shitting your pants about Russia
He just got done watching the Star Trek Voyager reruns again and is dismayed at the thought that the day may never come that it is reality.

Star Trek Voyager is a great show.

But even Janeway made a deal with The Borg in order to save the galaxy.

The republicans are going to strip science funding and put their money into more relevant issues like proving once and for all that the world is flat, and that we are nothing more than very short lived microbes living on a Frisbee sailing past a heat lamp.

yes, she did make a deal with the Borg to work with them, she was going to give them the technology to create weapons with the nano technology that would kill the species that was beating the borg, in return she would get safe passage through borg territory, the deal was that once she was through their territory, she would hand over the weapon.
But, if you remember her trust was abused, she woke up from the injury sustained when the borg ship was destroyed by using itself to protect voyager and the weapon. 7 took over the project from the cargo bay, but she brought the voyager into fluid space to force the use of the weapon after Chekotay refused to turn the voyager around and head 5 days back into borg territory. It was only then that Janeway realized that she had been used. Its also the episode that 7 was taken from the borg. After the other borg were sent into space when Chekotay gave the order to depressurize the cargo bay.
No, I was not a trek fan in the least.
I'm still trying to find the supposed right-wing republican war-hawks that are sitting around saying "putin's cool".

Liberals.... living in your own fictional universe. What color is the sky in your world? Just curious if there are Unicorns and Socialists in your world.

Putin isn't cool but unlike Hillary he's capable, not stupid nor is he incompetent or careless.
I'm still trying to find the supposed right-wing republican war-hawks that are sitting around saying "putin's cool".

Liberals.... living in your own fictional universe. What color is the sky in your world? Just curious if there are Unicorns and Socialists in your world.

Putin isn't cool but unlike Hillary he's capable, not stupid nor is he incompetent or careless.
and he has also brought pride back to the Russians in Russia and in being Russian.
I'm still trying to find the supposed right-wing republican war-hawks that are sitting around saying "putin's cool".

Liberals.... living in your own fictional universe. What color is the sky in your world? Just curious if there are Unicorns and Socialists in your world.

Putin isn't cool but unlike Hillary he's capable, not stupid nor is he incompetent or careless.
and he has also brought pride back to the Russians in Russia and in being Russian.

I agree. His people support him and he will do what he thinks is best for Russia.

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