GOP exposing U.S. as weak emboldens Putin

No. He is simply President. To be a leader you need more than political office.

Of course you do. The first thing needed from a "conservative' perspective is a white skin and male genitalia!
Ohhh, the racist and sexist card in one fell swoop. That is okay though, we all knew that you had nothing but asinine assertions and an empty head. The race card is the last refuge of someone without a point. I also noticed that you missed this little post while you were drooling all over your pictures of Obama:
Bin Laden noticed how strong Obama was just before he met the Navy Seals in person one early morning. Other leaders of Al Qaeda were introduced to Obama's wrath via drones of death. Meanwhile, our troops did not have to lift a finger except to read about it in the news papers. That is a president who cares about his troops!
Wanna talk about Obama's red line regarding Syria?
Wanna talk about Iran?
Wanna talk about how Al Qaeda is on the run?
Wanna talk about the innocent who have become collateral damage from the drone strikes.

Getting bin laden was a symbolic victory....I'll give you that.
I'll also give you that he nailed the teenage pirates off of Samoli. :eusa_whistle:

When the best you can do is tout around Bin Laden then that speaks volumes about an FP that is severely lacking. Of course, we need to add Ukraine on that short list. Another shining example of excellent FP.
I might add that the liberal default of going back to Bush would be a bad idea. It is tough to hold up Obama as a success if you compare him to what liberals consider the worst president ever.

Ohhh, the racist and sexist card in one fell swoop. That is okay though, we all knew that you had nothing but asinine assertions and an empty head. The race card is the last refuge of someone without a point.

The deck belongs to you Rite whangers. I just played the cards dealt to me. If you would address those racist and sexist things your GOP leaders keep doing and saying, maybe your card "deck" might contain more positive cards. And what you all knew ( meaning your fellow repugs of course) is immaterial to me since none of you are friends of mine!

When the best you can do is tout around Bin Laden then that speaks volumes about an FP that is severely lacking. Of course, we need to add Ukraine on that short list. Another shining example of excellent FP.
I might add that the liberal default of going back to Bush would be a bad idea. It is tough to hold up Obama as a success if you compare him to what liberals consider the worst president ever.

Damn, son, you are all over the place. I knew you were a space cadet but please try to orbit one planet at a time!
You can try and place the race card on the right all you want but that is a colossal lie considering it seems YOU are the one trying to play it here. It is usually you leftist retards that play it. The greatest race baiters like Sharpton belong firmly in your side of the isle.

Fellow ‘repugs’ is another asinine statement from you considering I am not a ‘repug.’ I don’t expect you to understand that though considering hacks rarely understand that there are more than simply democrats and republicans. You NEED to paint those who disagree with your asshattery as belonging to the ‘enemy’ because you have no actual substance to work with.

And, no, I am not ‘all over the place.’ I have been rather consistent. Again, with no actual substance it does not surprise me that you cannot make a point.
You can try and place the race card on the right all you want but that is a colossal lie considering it seems YOU are the one trying to play it here. It is usually you leftist retards that play it. The greatest race baiters like Sharpton belong firmly in your side of the isle.

Fellow ‘repugs’ is another asinine statement from you considering I am not a ‘repug.’ I don’t expect you to understand that though considering hacks rarely understand that there are more than simply democrats and republicans. You NEED to paint those who disagree with your asshattery as belonging to the ‘enemy’ because you have no actual substance to work with.

And, no, I am not ‘all over the place.’ I have been rather consistent. Again, with no actual substance it does not surprise me that you cannot make a point.

It's called "otherizing" the opposition.

All scumbags do it -- Hitler's Nazis, Stalin's commies, Fidel's commies.... commies in general...

It's a sickness confined to the left
Sigh...I recall when even a mild criticism of W evoked vociferous cries of "unAmerican" and "Giving comfort to the enemy" from the GOP...who now repeatedly and with unanimity scream out that our prez is allegedly "a moron" and "weak and feckless" as he deals with the world crisis as they emerge...what gives?

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Let's look at who is really weak. The citizens of Russia who were disarmed long ago and must depend upon their military and KGB to handle conflict. The citizens of Europe who were disarmed long ago including their police depts - they have to call in special units for armed backup. The countries ( those in Europe ) and Russia have military forces. Yet the civilian armed forces of the United States of America surpass 150 million strong I suspect. Add to this our military and we are not weak. If we didn't have our 2nd amendment rights? We'd be weak. Americans can thank God we've got them and we won't surrender them to the UN or anyone else. That is what keeps us a free nation.
The republicans are telling the whole world that the United states is weak. It is totally anti-American and treasonous. It's worse than Snowden's revelations. Playing politics with America's reputation, shows that the right wingers will do anything to make Obama look bad. If the voters of this country don't vote the republicans out of congress this year, they are as dumb as the GOP hopes they are.

Conservative politicians don't care about patriotism any more than they care about family values. It's just another club in their political golf bag.

When it's convenient for them, they'll evoke patriotic fervor when they feel it will help their cause to attain or keep power (as in 'let's all rally around our wartime president, G. W. Bush'), and they'll undermine the American president in the eyes of the world if and when he's a Democrat and they think it will help to rally their base in order to hopefully regain power or make gains in the next off year election.

Samuel Johnson was right when he said that Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

But you can rest assured that many people can see through conservatives since they're so transparent. Their problem is that they're myopic, and they spend so much of their time talking to one another (often in an effort to make money of all the rhetoric) that they can't see how it's playing with the rest of the electorate. That's why they went into the 2012 presidential election so overconfident of victory. They had spent years bashing Obama in the press and on the airwaves, and they just couldn't conceive that Obama could still win after that litany of nonstop criticism.

After Obama beat Romney, pretty soundly I should add, they just couldn't face the real reasons why. That's why they concocted their new mantra that Obama won because people wanted free stuff. With that new rationale, they've embarked on pretty much the same campaign since then with a redoubled criticism of everything Obama says or does without regard to how it's perceived by the rest of the electorate or the rest of the world. And there's only one reason for that. It's because they don't care squat about anything else than returning to power, and if that means undermining America or American interests in the world, that's perfectly fine with them.

But rest assured that most people are not fooled by conservatives, regardless of what they themselves may think.
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Sigh...I recall when even a mild criticism of W evoked vociferous cries of "unAmerican" and "Giving comfort to the enemy" from the GOP...who now repeatedly and with unanimity scream out that our prez is allegedly "a moron" and "weak and feckless" as he deals with the world crisis as they emerge...what gives?

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So do I. It was also wrong then to call them un-American.
It was used repeatedly as a stick to beat the opposition into acquiescence and look where that got us. Nowhere good.
so, this administration being WEAK is now again the fault of Republicans?

Is there ANYTHING they (this Obama administration) ever held accountable for as their DOING?

dear gawd, they see their base (take threads like this) whining like children and can see how WEAK we are
Let's look at who is really weak. The citizens of Russia who were disarmed long ago and must depend upon their military and KGB to handle conflict. The citizens of Europe who were disarmed long ago including their police depts - they have to call in special units for armed backup. The countries ( those in Europe ) and Russia have military forces. Yet the civilian armed forces of the United States of America surpass 150 million strong I suspect. Add to this our military and we are not weak. If we didn't have our 2nd amendment rights? We'd be weak. Americans can thank God we've got them and we won't surrender them to the UN or anyone else. That is what keeps us a free nation.

The people in Russia have guns, and a gun rights lobby. Aside from that, you are confusing how strong the people are with how weak the leaders are. Even if Americans are a much stronger people (and we aren't) More people in the US think that Vladimir Putin is a far stronger leader than King Bones obama.

Poll: Vladimir Putin is stronger than President Obama |
You can try and place the race card on the right all you want but that is a colossal lie considering it seems YOU are the one trying to play it here. It is usually you leftist retards that play it. The greatest race baiters like Sharpton belong firmly in your side of the isle.

You are confusing an axiom with 'playing"the race card." When I see the markers of racism I am not going to be silent and let them go unheeded!

Fellow ‘repugs’ is another asinine statement from you considering I am not a ‘repug.’ I don’t expect you to understand that though considering hacks rarely understand that there are more than simply democrats and republicans. You NEED to paint those who disagree with your asshattery as belonging to the ‘enemy’ because you have no actual substance to work with.

Yah, yah yah...I tried to tell some of your obstinate Repug playmates that no one is truly 100 percent liberal of conservative on every issue. They ignored me just as I am ignoring you. Meanwhile, you seem to be responding to my "asshattery" quite frequently. I guess it IS addictive...heh heh heh!

And, no, I am not ‘all over the place.’ I have been rather consistent. Again, with no actual substance it does not surprise me that you cannot make a point.

Poor soul, you can't even see the forest for the trees!

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