GOP exposing U.S. as weak emboldens Putin

whatever the right wing is saying, about obama or otherwise, it is clear the last thing they care about is what is best for the country. They will say or do anything that benefits the gop, however detrimental it is to the whole of the country. They display nothing but partisanship and a total lack of concern for what is best for the country as a whole.

and you think that is a one way street?

The democrats didn't do that for the last several years of bush' tenure?

pointing your finger at obama and telling lies about him, is not a viable defense of shrub's stupid war.

No they didn't, not the way the right wing does it.

Yes they did.

Exactly like the right wing is doing it.

You are just way too partisan to see it.

And that is OK. I don't frown on those that are partisan. I admire their allegiance to their ideology.

But it DOES cloud their thinking as it pertains to rationalizing the intentions and actions of their party and of the opposing party.

No, it isn't the same. The right wing will do anything to take down a sitting Democratic president, including stopping the government from running like the right wing in Congress just did. Including wasting billions of dollars trying to get Clinton impeached over something that had no detrimental effect on the government. Including calling for Obama's impeachment over nothing from nearly the first month he was in office. Including running down the first lady because she her looks are African instead of Caucasion and her body isn't perfect. The racism. The stupidity about his being born in America. Anything and everything that could be imagined or blown out of proportion in order to try to take him down. You people don't respond to real issues, you invent issues and try to make them real. Left wingers do not have brains that march in unison like Nazi Brown Shirts, but conservatives appear to have just that. Anything goes as long as it is anti-Democrat. You don't give a flying fuck for what is good for the country; you only care about what is good for the GOP.
Whatever the right wing is saying, about Obama or otherwise, it is clear the last thing they care about is what is best for the country. They will say or do anything that benefits the GOP, however detrimental it is to the whole of the country. They display nothing but partisanship and a total lack of concern for what is best for the country as a whole.

and you think that is a one way street?

The democrats didn't do that for the last several years of Bush' tenure?

Pointing your finger at Obama and telling lies about him, is not a viable defense of Shrub's stupid war.

The left pointed their fingers at Bush and told lies about him for the whole 8 years he was in.
"It's Bush's fault that Obama looks weak and ineffectual and refuse to take responsibility" -- Obama and his Fluffers
No they didn't, not the way the right wing does it.

Yes they did.

Exactly like the right wing is doing it.

You are just way too partisan to see it.

And that is OK. I don't frown on those that are partisan. I admire their allegiance to their ideology.

But it DOES cloud their thinking as it pertains to rationalizing the intentions and actions of their party and of the opposing party.

No, it isn't the same. The right wing will do anything to take down a sitting Democratic president, including stopping the government from running like the right wing in Congress just did. Including wasting billions of dollars trying to get Clinton impeached over something that had no detrimental effect on the government. Including calling for Obama's impeachment over nothing from nearly the first month he was in office. Including running down the first lady because she her looks are African instead of Caucasion and her body isn't perfect. The racism. The stupidity about his being born in America. Anything and everything that could be imagined or blown out of proportion in order to try to take him down. You people don't respond to real issues, you invent issues and try to make them real. Left wingers do not have brains that march in unison like Nazi Brown Shirts, but conservatives appear to have just that. Anything goes as long as it is anti-Democrat. You don't give a flying fuck for what is good for the country; you only care about what is good for the GOP.


I don't have must respect for ANY of our politicians in either party. They all do what is best for their political aspirations.

I, too, can offer a list of things the democratic party wasted time, money and national reputation on.

But I am wasting my time with you seeing as you are quite partisan and therefore very naïve as it pertains to the political party system.

No need to respond. I have a good idea of what you are saying.
"It's Bush's fault that Obama looks weak and ineffectual and refuse to take responsibility" -- Obama and his Fluffers

Again, Obama is NOT NOT NOT weak because of his refusal to start a nuclear war with Russia, no matter how much to try to pressure him into shooting first with Putin. Cons macho bravado won't work with Russia, and it sure didn't work in Iraq either.
Yes they did.

Exactly like the right wing is doing it.

You are just way too partisan to see it.

And that is OK. I don't frown on those that are partisan. I admire their allegiance to their ideology.

But it DOES cloud their thinking as it pertains to rationalizing the intentions and actions of their party and of the opposing party.

No, it isn't the same. The right wing will do anything to take down a sitting Democratic president, including stopping the government from running like the right wing in Congress just did. Including wasting billions of dollars trying to get Clinton impeached over something that had no detrimental effect on the government. Including calling for Obama's impeachment over nothing from nearly the first month he was in office. Including running down the first lady because she her looks are African instead of Caucasion and her body isn't perfect. The racism. The stupidity about his being born in America. Anything and everything that could be imagined or blown out of proportion in order to try to take him down. You people don't respond to real issues, you invent issues and try to make them real. Left wingers do not have brains that march in unison like Nazi Brown Shirts, but conservatives appear to have just that. Anything goes as long as it is anti-Democrat. You don't give a flying fuck for what is good for the country; you only care about what is good for the GOP.


I don't have must respect for ANY of our politicians in either party. They all do what is best for their political aspirations.

I, too, can offer a list of things the democratic party wasted time, money and national reputation on.

But I am wasting my time with you seeing as you are quite partisan and therefore very naïve as it pertains to the political party system.

No need to respond. I have a good idea of what you are saying.

Your repsonse is the very problem. Because you are so partisan, the only thing you can see in my perspective is partisanship. I am not a very poltical person and am only a Democrat because as an independent, I cannot vote in primaries. I often post on here things in complete contrast to the 'party line.' I am not a pure partisan as you are labeling me. I know that. You wish to believe otherwise because YOU are the one who is blinded by partisanship. I know that the GOP, over and over again, does whatever they think it takes to bring down a Democratic administration, however much of American tax dollars, however much of a distraction it is for an administration, however much they have to invent a scandal, and on an on. Because you refuse to see my point, you just call me a pure partisan and dismiss me. You are being intellectually false, a fake, in doing so.
"It's Bush's fault that Obama looks weak and ineffectual and refuse to take responsibility" -- Obama and his Fluffers

Again, Obama is NOT NOT NOT weak because of his refusal to start a nuclear war with Russia, no matter how much to try to pressure him into shooting first with Putin. Cons macho bravado won't work with Russia, and it sure didn't work in Iraq either.

Which poster wants a nuclear war, son? Be specific on which poster wants you can't name one poster.
"It's Bush's fault that Obama looks weak and ineffectual and refuse to take responsibility" -- Obama and his Fluffers

Again, Obama is NOT NOT NOT weak because of his refusal to start a nuclear war with Russia, no matter how much to try to pressure him into shooting first with Putin. Cons macho bravado won't work with Russia, and it sure didn't work in Iraq either.

listen up son...

No one is saying that bombs and bullets is the only way to look strong. You are the only one who seems stuck on that.

I personally feel that our best policy for this situation was to look strong by doing next to nothing.

Look at it this way and try to pay attention....

Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine did nothing to deserve it. It was 100% Russias decision to start the action.

So exactly what kind of negotiating is Kerry going to do? Offer something for them to pull out? Why? We, or ANYONE should give Russia something in return for pulling out?

To me, sending in Kerry gave the action credence....think about it. WE had to go to THEM to ask them what WE can do for THEM to stop being bad people.

Best action...

One speech from the President or The Secretary of State....

"They are to pull out their troops immediately and once they do, we will gladly sit down with all parties involved to try to come up with a way to assist Russia in helping the Ukraine re-establish a working government. In the meantime, we will begin looking at possible sanction that will be employed until the Russians retreat."

That is strength.

Cow towing and trying to come to some agreement is giving in to action that deserves NO negotiations.
No, it isn't the same. The right wing will do anything to take down a sitting Democratic president, including stopping the government from running like the right wing in Congress just did. Including wasting billions of dollars trying to get Clinton impeached over something that had no detrimental effect on the government. Including calling for Obama's impeachment over nothing from nearly the first month he was in office. Including running down the first lady because she her looks are African instead of Caucasion and her body isn't perfect. The racism. The stupidity about his being born in America. Anything and everything that could be imagined or blown out of proportion in order to try to take him down. You people don't respond to real issues, you invent issues and try to make them real. Left wingers do not have brains that march in unison like Nazi Brown Shirts, but conservatives appear to have just that. Anything goes as long as it is anti-Democrat. You don't give a flying fuck for what is good for the country; you only care about what is good for the GOP.


I don't have must respect for ANY of our politicians in either party. They all do what is best for their political aspirations.

I, too, can offer a list of things the democratic party wasted time, money and national reputation on.

But I am wasting my time with you seeing as you are quite partisan and therefore very naïve as it pertains to the political party system.

No need to respond. I have a good idea of what you are saying.

Your repsonse is the very problem. Because you are so partisan, the only thing you can see in my perspective is partisanship. I am not a very poltical person and am only a Democrat because as an independent, I cannot vote in primaries. I often post on here things in complete contrast to the 'party line.' I am not a pure partisan as you are labeling me. I know that. You wish to believe otherwise because YOU are the one who is blinded by partisanship. I know that the GOP, over and over again, does whatever they think it takes to bring down a Democratic administration, however much of American tax dollars, however much of a distraction it is for an administration, however much they have to invent a scandal, and on an on. Because you refuse to see my point, you just call me a pure partisan and dismiss me. You are being intellectually false, a fake, in doing so.

ok. You are an independent.
Have a great day.

Oh...BTW.....I live in NYS. I voted for Cuomo. Just sayin'.
No they didn't, not the way the right wing does it.

Yes they did.

Exactly like the right wing is doing it.

You are just way too partisan to see it.

And that is OK. I don't frown on those that are partisan. I admire their allegiance to their ideology.

But it DOES cloud their thinking as it pertains to rationalizing the intentions and actions of their party and of the opposing party.

No, it isn't the same. The right wing will do anything to take down a sitting Democratic president, including stopping the government from running like the right wing in Congress just did. Including wasting billions of dollars trying to get Clinton impeached over something that had no detrimental effect on the government. Including calling for Obama's impeachment over nothing from nearly the first month he was in office. Including running down the first lady because she her looks are African instead of Caucasion and her body isn't perfect. The racism. The stupidity about his being born in America. Anything and everything that could be imagined or blown out of proportion in order to try to take him down. You people don't respond to real issues, you invent issues and try to make them real. Left wingers do not have brains that march in unison like Nazi Brown Shirts, but conservatives appear to have just that. Anything goes as long as it is anti-Democrat. You don't give a flying fuck for what is good for the country; you only care about what is good for the GOP.

The left shut down the government because they would not negotiate with the right over a one year delay in the Health Care.
Obama turns around and delays it until 2016.

It is pretty detrimental to the integrity of the Presidency when one lies under oath.

U.S. Federal Court hits President Barack Hussein Obama with three charges of abuse of office. The charges presented are detailed and damning.

Yes even the left march in unison.
Watch the mainstream news , they all sound like parrots.

Wanting to reform and tackle the big expensive entitlement programs is good for the country. I don't see Dem's doing it at all.
"It's Bush's fault that Obama looks weak and ineffectual and refuse to take responsibility" -- Obama and his Fluffers

Again, Obama is NOT NOT NOT weak because of his refusal to start a nuclear war with Russia, no matter how much to try to pressure him into shooting first with Putin. Cons macho bravado won't work with Russia, and it sure didn't work in Iraq either.


I don't have must respect for ANY of our politicians in either party. They all do what is best for their political aspirations.

I, too, can offer a list of things the democratic party wasted time, money and national reputation on.

But I am wasting my time with you seeing as you are quite partisan and therefore very naïve as it pertains to the political party system.

No need to respond. I have a good idea of what you are saying.

Your repsonse is the very problem. Because you are so partisan, the only thing you can see in my perspective is partisanship. I am not a very poltical person and am only a Democrat because as an independent, I cannot vote in primaries. I often post on here things in complete contrast to the 'party line.' I am not a pure partisan as you are labeling me. I know that. You wish to believe otherwise because YOU are the one who is blinded by partisanship. I know that the GOP, over and over again, does whatever they think it takes to bring down a Democratic administration, however much of American tax dollars, however much of a distraction it is for an administration, however much they have to invent a scandal, and on an on. Because you refuse to see my point, you just call me a pure partisan and dismiss me. You are being intellectually false, a fake, in doing so.

ok. You are an independent.
Have a great day.

Oh...BTW.....I live in NYS. I voted for Cuomo. Just sayin'.

oh yeah. And one last thing...

Take note of the irony..

The one who says that only ONE party plays those dangerous games is calling the one who says BOTH parties do it as partisan.

I you not see the irony?

Of course you don't.

Have a great day.
"It's Bush's fault that Obama looks weak and ineffectual and refuse to take responsibility" -- Obama and his Fluffers

Again, Obama is NOT NOT NOT weak because of his refusal to start a nuclear war with Russia, no matter how much to try to pressure him into shooting first with Putin. Cons macho bravado won't work with Russia, and it sure didn't work in Iraq either.


Sadly, all you could come up with is a cartoon to make a ridiculous point.
No, it isn't the same. The right wing will do anything to take down a sitting Democratic president, including stopping the government from running like the right wing in Congress just did. Including wasting billions of dollars trying to get Clinton impeached over something that had no detrimental effect on the government. Including calling for Obama's impeachment over nothing from nearly the first month he was in office. Including running down the first lady because she her looks are African instead of Caucasion and her body isn't perfect. The racism. The stupidity about his being born in America. Anything and everything that could be imagined or blown out of proportion in order to try to take him down. You people don't respond to real issues, you invent issues and try to make them real. Left wingers do not have brains that march in unison like Nazi Brown Shirts, but conservatives appear to have just that. Anything goes as long as it is anti-Democrat. You don't give a flying fuck for what is good for the country; you only care about what is good for the GOP.


I don't have must respect for ANY of our politicians in either party. They all do what is best for their political aspirations.

I, too, can offer a list of things the democratic party wasted time, money and national reputation on.

But I am wasting my time with you seeing as you are quite partisan and therefore very naïve as it pertains to the political party system.

No need to respond. I have a good idea of what you are saying.

Your repsonse is the very problem. Because you are so partisan, the only thing you can see in my perspective is partisanship. I am not a very poltical person and am only a Democrat because as an independent, I cannot vote in primaries. I often post on here things in complete contrast to the 'party line.' I am not a pure partisan as you are labeling me. I know that. You wish to believe otherwise because YOU are the one who is blinded by partisanship. I know that the GOP, over and over again, does whatever they think it takes to bring down a Democratic administration, however much of American tax dollars, however much of a distraction it is for an administration, however much they have to invent a scandal, and on an on. Because you refuse to see my point, you just call me a pure partisan and dismiss me. You are being intellectually false, a fake, in doing so.

You can't be partisan if you don't have respect for any politicians Esmeralda.
Partisan is a committed member of a political party.
The republicans are telling the whole world that the United states is weak. It is totally anti-American and treasonous. It's worse than Snowden's revelations. Playing politics with America's reputation, shows that the right wingers will do anything to make Obama look bad. If the voters of this country don't vote the republicans out of congress this year, they are as dumb as the GOP hopes they are.

Speaking the truth =/= playing politics

Playing politics is what you are doing right now. The gop is doing the right thing. Shaming America for the stupidity of electing this empty suit TWICE. And polls show their strategy is working so just continue on whining like the LITTLE leftwing bitch you are.

Not to mention this is no worse that you guys calling Bush a war criminal day in and day out DURING the war.

Hipocritical pussies, all of ya
The republicans are telling the whole world that the United states is weak. It is totally anti-American and treasonous. It's worse than Snowden's revelations. Playing politics with America's reputation, shows that the right wingers will do anything to make Obama look bad. If the voters of this country don't vote the republicans out of congress this year, they are as dumb as the GOP hopes they are.
Dumb doesn't even begin to accurately describe what Americans are.

well, they did vote for Obama.

But i tend to think of Americans as intelligent but decieved. I find alot of people are pretty darn smart.

But maybe the people you hang with aren't. You may be right.
Again, Obama is NOT NOT NOT weak because of his refusal to start a nuclear war with Russia, no matter how much to try to pressure him into shooting first with Putin. Cons macho bravado won't work with Russia, and it sure didn't work in Iraq either.


Sadly, all you could come up with is a cartoon to make a ridiculous point.

ridiculous point? Its called satire. Read some history.
Historically, satire has satisfied the popular need to debunk and ridicule the leading figures in politics, economy, religion and other prominent realms of power.[17] Satires confronts public discourse and the collective imaginary, playing as a public opinion counterweight to power (being political, economic, religious, symbolic, or otherwise), by challenging leaders and authorities. For instance, it forces administrations to clarify, amend or establish their policies. Satire's job is to expose problems and contradictions, and it's not obligated to solve them.[18] Karl Kraus set in the history of satire a prominent example of a satirist role as cofronting public discourse

Your people blew $4TRILLION + on decade + long wars w/ 1000's of casualties & now you people think you have ANY business critiquing foreign policy? Priceless :rofl: You're a regular comedian :rolleyes:
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I don't have must respect for ANY of our politicians in either party. They all do what is best for their political aspirations.

I, too, can offer a list of things the democratic party wasted time, money and national reputation on.

But I am wasting my time with you seeing as you are quite partisan and therefore very naïve as it pertains to the political party system.

No need to respond. I have a good idea of what you are saying.

Your repsonse is the very problem. Because you are so partisan, the only thing you can see in my perspective is partisanship. I am not a very poltical person and am only a Democrat because as an independent, I cannot vote in primaries. I often post on here things in complete contrast to the 'party line.' I am not a pure partisan as you are labeling me. I know that. You wish to believe otherwise because YOU are the one who is blinded by partisanship. I know that the GOP, over and over again, does whatever they think it takes to bring down a Democratic administration, however much of American tax dollars, however much of a distraction it is for an administration, however much they have to invent a scandal, and on an on. Because you refuse to see my point, you just call me a pure partisan and dismiss me. You are being intellectually false, a fake, in doing so.

You can't be partisan if you don't have respect for any politicians Esmeralda.
Partisan is a committed member of a political party.


I tell her both parties play that game and she says that I believe that because I am partisan.

"It's Bush's fault that Obama looks weak and ineffectual and refuse to take responsibility" -- Obama and his Fluffers

Again, Obama is NOT NOT NOT weak because of his refusal to start a nuclear war with Russia, no matter how much to try to pressure him into shooting first with Putin. Cons macho bravado won't work with Russia, and it sure didn't work in Iraq either.

Absolutely no one is saying that.
Economic sanctions yes,

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