GOP exposing U.S. as weak emboldens Putin

your like the stupidest person on the planet.

Your backing a KGB dictator with glee

Come on, back up that statement............Obama is weak and Putin is playing him like a drum. I'm not cheering, I'm telling a sad truth!
your cheer a KGB dictator

you people don't want this country to do well

Your only interested in your party doing well

Obama should have thought of that before he accepted the presidency, TDM.

It sure is good that the voters thought of that, and gave Obama a second term. Here's a clue, the republican party isn't America.

When his policies don't come to fruition until after his first term it really isn't that hard with the dumbing down of America (case in point...YOU)....a person can get re elected. I really doubt that America would have given him a second term.....Because the Independents really don't care for him that much now.
Politics used to stop at the waters edge but not now with this new
That's true. I even heard that some leftist drone is complaining that the other party is to blame for the Russians finding out that the U.S. is weak!

How low can they possibly go?

Yeah but the difference is you are comparing a message board person to a GOP congressmen. I mean if you have to reach for something I guess thats the best you can do but they arent the same just so you know


what did you think when Harry Reid announced to the World that the Iraq War was lost while we still had men and women in harms way fighting the "lost war"?

Or will you ignore that question like every single person in the thread has so far.
Politics used to stop at the waters edge but not now with this new "do anything" GOP.

Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said Monday that while he doesn’t support Russia taking military action in Ukraine, “that doesn’t mean Putin and pro-Russia forces in Ukraine are in the wrong,” in an interview with BuzzFeed.

Rohrabacher also said he stands by comments he made last month on Russian television network RT about the Ukraine-Russia tensions. In the Feb. 22 interview, Rohrabacher said Russian President Vladimir Putin is “demonized by a lot of people here when he’s ever watching out for Russia’s self-interest.”

They even go on Russian TV and tells everyone that Putin is being treated badly by those awful Americans.

You can blame that on those leftwing nut Dixie Chicks when they were bashing Bush. Nothing but politics and a stage to vent. :eusa_whistle:

When did the Dixie Chicks get elected?
GOP exposing U.S. as weak emboldens Putin

The republicans are telling the whole world that the United states is weak. It is totally anti-American and treasonous. It's worse than Snowden's revelations. Playing politics with America's reputation, shows that the right wingers will do anything to make Obama look bad. If the voters of this country don't vote the republicans out of congress this year, they are as dumb as the GOP hopes they are.

The freedom to make remarks like this is one of the attractions of being a liberal.

Liberalism is a philosophy that feels that everyone else is incompetent and unable to survive without massive "help"... from liberals, inevitably. It couples that with a belief that their opponents are not just wrong, but unutterably evil. And to top it off, most Americans find their agenda unappealing, understandably. So the liberals have gotten into the habit of lying about their agenda, lying about their opponents, and twisting the truth wherever they can, since telling the truth would only get them voted out of power. Lying becomes a normal, ingrained habit with them.

So it tends to attract people who are slavering to denigrate and assassinate the character of conservatives, or even Republicans - ANYONE who opposes them, regardless of their actual characteristics. And calling them "treasonous", as poor little "hangover" frantically does here, is all in a day's work - just another part of what they must do to be successful liberals.

In a nutshell, liberalism attracts the worst among us. Some people who genuinely want to help others, don't last long in the liberal camp as they discover the platitudes of "helping the poor" etc. were fibs, and discover the true nature of the ones who have remained and risen through the ranks. The ones who remain, are the ones whom the agenda and tactics fit to a "T": Those seething with hate, people happy to lie and distort their way through life, etc.

Why else do they constantly spend their time spewing lies about conservatives such as "poisoning the air", "stealing from children", "dispossessing seniors", "throwing granny off the cliff", and now "making Obama look bad"?

It's not a disturbing exception. Among liberals, it's the rule. It's the only way they can advance their agenda... and in most cases, the only way they want to.

And the dregs of humanity - warped individuals seething with hate, desiring to hurt and destroy others - find an accommodating home among their fellow travelers in the Democrat and other extreme-left big-government parties that regard the majority as needing help, unable to function well without "guidance", and generally inferior to the leftists. Not just now, but throughout history - England's "Labor" party, South Africa's white minority, Germany in the 1930s, etc.
But before I'd let stupid motherfuckers like leftist scum have any more control over us, I'd rather see us implode in a ball of fire.
And there you have the whole GOP strategy for the last five years. Hitler did the same with Germany. Undeniable proof, cons are morons.
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Politics used to stop at the waters edge but not now with this new "do anything" GOP.

They even go on Russian TV and tells everyone that Putin is being treated badly by those awful Americans.

You can blame that on those leftwing nut Dixie Chicks when they were bashing Bush. Nothing but politics and a stage to vent. :eusa_whistle:

When did the Dixie Chicks get elected?

We're talking politics, CC. Try and keep up. :eusa_whistle:
they don't even like democracy.

they hate this country and you can tell by how they CHEAT in elections
We did not have a weak reaction, so it only comes from Obama hatred.

It's amazing how many internet posters are in the war room with Obama and the Generals/Intelligence/Advisors working our response out though and are privy to all of this.

I believe our "Russia Reset" was a weak position. Yes, the words themselves are noble if, in fact, it is a reset with a government that truly wanted a reset.

But to believe that Putin wanted a reset is a poor assumption and exudes weakness to a man like Putin.

To dismantle the shield to show "good faith" was a move a weakness in my opinion for there was nothing we did to warrant having to show "good faith" to Russia. The shield was there as a defense...not an offense. What did we get in return showing good faith from Russia?

For Kerry to go and try to "negotiate" is a sign of weakness. There is nothing to negotiate. Ukraine did nothing to warrant an occupation by Russia. Kerry should have made it clear...we will not do anything until Russia pulls out and if they don't, we will begin with sanctions and other non military actions.

And then he can continue by saying "We will gladly sit down and discuss how Russia can help Ukraine during this tumultuous time within its government....but we will not do anything until Russia pulls out.

So for you to say we are not responding with weakness is your opinion....but to claim my opposing opinion is based on my hatred for Obama is inaccurate.

I believe ON THE FACE, we are responding with weakness. Perhaps the situation room has more "strong" ideas brewing....but on the face? What we see? I see it as a weak position.

What "you believe" isn't pertinent to the professionals who spend their lives on the ground working on these diplomatic matters.

They're them, we're us.

On the face how we're responding is weak? You mean threatening Russia to leave or we take the whole EU at our backs and pounce on them financially? Yea bro, weak as fuck bro.

I mean, instead threaten world war right? Brilliant!

Our reset was brilliant. Russia went from dragging its feet on Iran sanctions to supporting them.


No. Intelligence, beyond partisan spiddling eyeballs can see that's for damn sure.

Putin will always be an unpredictable megalomaniac. That doesn't mean that keeping War threats as a last resort is "weak," that's how perhaps a caveman thinks.

Boy you are some special kind of ignorant!!
I started to reply, but anyone stupid enough to believe you is not intelligent enough to communicate with on an adult level.
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That's true. I even heard that some leftist drone is complaining that the other party is to blame for the Russians finding out that the U.S. is weak!

How low can they possibly go?

Yeah but the difference is you are comparing a message board person to a GOP congressmen. I mean if you have to reach for something I guess thats the best you can do but they arent the same just so you know


what did you think when Harry Reid announced to the World that the Iraq War was lost while we still had men and women in harms way fighting the "lost war"?

Or will you ignore that question like every single person in the thread has so far.

Still waiting.
That's true. I even heard that some leftist drone is complaining that the other party is to blame for the Russians finding out that the U.S. is weak!

How low can they possibly go?

Yeah but the difference is you are comparing a message board person to a GOP congressmen. I mean if you have to reach for something I guess thats the best you can do but they arent the same just so you know


what did you think when Harry Reid announced to the World that the Iraq War was lost while we still had men and women in harms way fighting the "lost war"?

Or will you ignore that question like every single person in the thread has so far.

I'll answer but Are you asking because what Dana Rohrabacher said is just like what Harry Reid said? Are you saying the two statements are comparable? Both being wrong?
When did the Dixie Chicks get elected?

We're talking politics, CC. Try and keep up. :eusa_whistle:

I know which is why I'm wondering why the repubs are bringing up internet posters and girl singing groups. :eusa_shifty:

Are you saying bashing our politicians overseas by a leftwing nut group isn't political?
It's every bit as political as if a gov, senator or congressman had done it. What they all have in common is that they're all Americans, CC.
You idiots followed Bush into a war built on lies.

You cheered while he crashed the entire world economy saying it would be wonderful policy.

You were wrong.

yet you NEVER admit it

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
President Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998.

"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."
Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998.

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18,1998.

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton, signed by Sens. Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others Oct. 9, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998.

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes
The republicans are telling the whole world that the United states is weak. It is totally anti-American and treasonous. It's worse than Snowden's revelations. Playing politics with America's reputation, shows that the right wingers will do anything to make Obama look bad. If the voters of this country don't vote the republicans out of congress this year, they are as dumb as the GOP hopes they are.

Whoa there cowboy. The GOP isn't doing any such thing about American weakness. To their credit they have concentrated their irrational hatred on the President and that isn't the same thing. It would be nice if the GOP would actually condemn their comrade's actions but they haven't gotten into the area you say they have strayed.

:lol: If any nation in the world thinks we are weak...they are wrong. There are dozens of countries that could give us references. This is the classic Washington crisis. Few outside the beltway care about Crimea or what happens there. Not because we're heartless but because it's not important. It simply doesn't register either on a human basis or a strategic basis.
Yeah but the difference is you are comparing a message board person to a GOP congressmen. I mean if you have to reach for something I guess thats the best you can do but they arent the same just so you know


what did you think when Harry Reid announced to the World that the Iraq War was lost while we still had men and women in harms way fighting the "lost war"?

Or will you ignore that question like every single person in the thread has so far.

I'll answer but Are you asking because what Dana Rohrabacher said is just like what Harry Reid said? Are you saying the two statements are comparable? Both being wrong?

I am asking you to answer the question. If you then wish to ask a question, I will answer it.

But my question is very simple...

what did YOU think when Harry Reid announced to the World that the Iraq War was lost while we still had men and women in harms way fighting the "lost war"?
The republicans are telling the whole world that the United states is weak. It is totally anti-American and treasonous. It's worse than Snowden's revelations. Playing politics with America's reputation, shows that the right wingers will do anything to make Obama look bad. If the voters of this country don't vote the republicans out of congress this year, they are as dumb as the GOP hopes they are.

Obama can counter this by simply manning up.

Oh, you mean like Shrub did, by getting us in anther expensive war. Riiiight!

In other news the GOP has announced, the sky is blue, and water is wet.
Cons think that will help them this fall. Nothing like showing voters how smart cons are.
I did a quick research on your posts, and did not find not one where you are not blaming conservatives. that is like me starring at my poop all day and blaming the poop for plugging the toilet - JUST STARE AT THE POOP AND DON'T LOOK ANYWHERE ELSE! Problem is the POOP end of story. it's the damn POOP!!! The toilet WORKs damit! Let's elect Hillary Clinton, what's her achievements? She's an expert on exposing poop!

what did you think when Harry Reid announced to the World that the Iraq War was lost while we still had men and women in harms way fighting the "lost war"?

Or will you ignore that question like every single person in the thread has so far.

I'll answer but Are you asking because what Dana Rohrabacher said is just like what Harry Reid said? Are you saying the two statements are comparable? Both being wrong?

I am asking you to answer the question. If you then wish to ask a question, I will answer it.

But my question is very simple...

what did YOU think when Harry Reid announced to the World that the Iraq War was lost while we still had men and women in harms way fighting the "lost war"?

Yep. Still NO ONE will answer my question.
Politics used to stop at the waters edge but not now with this new "do anything" GOP.

Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said Monday that while he doesn’t support Russia taking military action in Ukraine, “that doesn’t mean Putin and pro-Russia forces in Ukraine are in the wrong,” in an interview with BuzzFeed.

Rohrabacher also said he stands by comments he made last month on Russian television network RT about the Ukraine-Russia tensions. In the Feb. 22 interview, Rohrabacher said Russian President Vladimir Putin is “demonized by a lot of people here when he’s ever watching out for Russia’s self-interest.”

They even go on Russian TV and tells everyone that Putin is being treated badly by those awful Americans.

Whoa there, lying POS! Who screamed, "The Wahr is lost" from the Senate Floor?
and that's just one incident, it was a constant stream of vile, nasty, filthy, lies from the Democrats in both Houses while Bush was in Office.

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