GOP forced to introduce a bill to try to stop the Biden family's out of control corruption

Who cares? He is trying it out, now.
The mindset wasnt there then either. I was thinking of them when i wrote that out.
Its just a back and forth every time a new President comes in.
The duopoly sheep have ZERO principles.
did you or did you not bitch out trump and his family for trying to maintain their life as well?
you did. you are the exact problem you bitch about. mirror up and figure it out.
Those were just a sample of what the search found. There's plenty more.
No..actually there's not--a lot on Trump..not very much on his family..given they never really interested me..other that as their positions in Govt.

But failed again....a legend in your own mind.
"requested" - yea and a tsunami is a ripple in the water.
Your grudge notwithstanding, the question is whether they went after Trump’s family members who aren’t in government.

This bill is probably unconstitutional. Hunter Biden can’t be compelled to reveal private information.
They requested Donald Trump’s taxes. Did they request Eric Trump’s or anyone else who wasn’t in government?
now for fun - and notice i am providing links and proof - you just bitch a lot.

"The local government’s case centers on how Trump’s kids blurred the lines between the family business and what’s supposed to be a nonprofit, potentially milking the inaugural celebration by funneling events to the Trump International Hotel in Washington where the committee may have overpaid on services."

so the concern is the family using dads position to get money improperly. sounds EXACTLY like this.

is biden using "the big guys" position to peddle art? sure seems so. now open up as to the complete details.

but here is where you shift to this is difference cause you say so. another bitch move of yours.
did you or did you not bitch out trump and his family for trying to maintain their life as well?
you did. you are the exact problem you bitch about. mirror up and figure it out.
Fuck you. I defended them just like I am doing with Hunter.
Jesus Christ man, I defended them in THIS thread.
Shove your ignorance and assumptions up your ass.
I saw some of Hunter's art a few weeks ago. It's not bad and will be more lucrative than pictures of Andy Warhol's Campbell soup and Marilyn Monroe takeoffs. Er, I didn't really mean how that sounds. . .
now for fun - and notice i am providing links and proof - you just bitch a lot.

"The local government’s case centers on how Trump’s kids blurred the lines between the family business and what’s supposed to be a nonprofit, potentially milking the inaugural celebration by funneling events to the Trump International Hotel in Washington where the committee may have overpaid on services."

so the concern is the family using dads position to get money improperly. sounds EXACTLY like this.

is biden using "the big guys" position to peddle art? sure seems so. now open up as to the complete details.

but here is where you shift to this is difference cause you say so. another bitch move of yours.
Uh...I was not aware that Hunter's art had anything to do with malfeasance involving a non-profit? Milking the inauguration? Siphoning funds?
Hunter has survived your smear campaign...all that you POS's could throw at him..and is selling his artwork. There is zero evidence that he's selling any influence...I suspect that his father loves him..and wouldn't let his crackhead son near White House policy.
Good luck to him~
I defend both sides and still get accused of being a partisan.
GODDAMN you people are pathetic.
They could have got a job at dunkin donuts and the cultists on the left would publicly assassinated them. Just like the right is doing with hunter.
Partisanship is a fuckin disease.
Oh please…the one and only reason Hunter is getting paid for this garbage is because who hid daddy is…

Is “the big guy” getting his usual 10%? If so, you have a real problem with the Emoluments clause. Probably why they’re keeping the “buyers” secret.
now for fun - and notice i am providing links and proof - you just bitch a lot.

"The local government’s case centers on how Trump’s kids blurred the lines between the family business and what’s supposed to be a nonprofit, potentially milking the inaugural celebration by funneling events to the Trump International Hotel in Washington where the committee may have overpaid on services."

so the concern is the family using dads position to get money improperly. sounds EXACTLY like this.

is biden using "the big guys" position to peddle art? sure seems so. now open up as to the complete details.

but here is where you shift to this is difference cause you say so. another bitch move of yours.
Sounds like this case proves that the Republican bill isn’t necessary.

The current law allows the government to uncover corruption when there is probable cause. Rather than forcing Trump’s children to reveal private information, the government used properly predicated subpoenas to investigate the violations of law. This preserves their constitutional rights to keep their privacy unless there is probable cause.

The Republicans are trying to force Hunter Biden to reveal private information without that probable cause, which would make it unconstitutional.
Well this was never his "career" until his dad became POTUS. Before that, he was a seasoned oil man in the Ukraine.
And? People change jobs all the time.
It isnt any of your business what he does unless he is involving his dad. I dont see any proof of that.
And? People change jobs all the time.
It isnt any of your business what he does unless he is involving his dad. I dont see any proof of that.
you dont see it because for one it hasnt happened yet and second they want to keep it a secret when it does happen,,

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