GOP forced to introduce a bill to try to stop the Biden family's out of control corruption

The Biden's are a large family and none of them work...this is their last shot at millions and the dirty media is going to help them get filthy rich...
Hunter selling his crappy art for millions through a Chinese art dealer should not be compromises our white is our house Joe not yours....
You do. You talk about them all the time. Creepy...
Do I? Perhaps you might favor us with a post or two of mine..about Trump's children..should be easy, right..given that I 'talk about them all the time''re a GD liar--who has no credibility and is well known as a pimp for Trump~
Hunter selling his crappy art for millions through a Chinese art dealer should not be compromises our white is our house Joe not yours....
Hunter holds no office in our govt.--and is subject to no restrictions. He's a private citizen--you do understand the concept, right?
I understand this..that every President in the modern era has profited..and so has their family.Hunter's pictures//or Ivanka's clothing line--no diff. to me. All the various lies and spin from the fringe right has totally lost them any credibility..and this bill is just optics..chum for the base.

This isn't about profit. Hunter is selling access to Red Joe to the Chinese communist "buyers" of his "art work".
I understand this..that every President in the modern era has profited..and so has their family.Hunter's pictures//or Ivanka's clothing line--no diff. to me. All the various lies and spin from the fringe right has totally lost them any credibility..and this bill is just optics..chum for the base.
That comes with it. Their family members shouldnt be forced to put their careers on hold, or ended, because some partisan dipshits have their panties in a wad.
Do I? Perhaps you might favor us with a post or two of mine..about Trump's children..should be easy, right..given that I 'talk about them all the time''re a GD liar--who has no credibility and is well known as a pimp for Trump~


This you?

How come a presidents family members have to give up their careers because one of their family members are President?
when the hell was biden a career artist?

and where was this mindset when trump was president and for his family? you can't cry out for this ONLY WHEN it suits your fancy. we do or we don't. we don't allow 1 side to do whatever and punish the other for the same thing.

or you get what we have today.

This you?

now THAT is a bitchslap smackdown.
when the hell was biden a career artist?

and where was this mindset when trump was president and for his family? you can't cry out for this ONLY WHEN it suits your fancy. we do or we don't. we don't allow 1 side to do whatever and punish the other for the same thing.

or you get what we have today.
Who cares? He is trying it out, now.
The mindset wasnt there then either. I was thinking of them when i wrote that out.
Its just a back and forth every time a new President comes in.
The duopoly sheep have ZERO principles.

This you?

Yup..dats do note the dates right? The contexts? You find this meets the criteria for 'all the time' do you? Yah..over the course of 3 years I've posted 5 times?
What a moron~

BTW..three of the five had nothing at all to do with Trump's family...Really/ You pulled out a diamond and silk post? Obviously you read nothing you posted..did a cheap search and broke yourself posting..and you wonder why you have no credibility--
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