GOP formal investigation of Biden no 'proof' of high crimes or misdemeanors for Impeachment


Wow. Now THAT is desperate.

Like I said. The American people will see this exactly for what it is.

No. You’re just flat-out dead wrong, yet again, you dizzy twerp.

An impeachment inquiry is simply not at al the same thing as an impeachment.

Your ignorance is boundless. Laughable too. Thanks for the chortles. :laughing0301: :rofl:
No. You’re just flat-out dead wrong, yet again, you dizzy twerp.

An impeachment inquiry is simply not at al the same thing as an impeachment.

Your ignorance is boundless. Laughable too. Thanks for the chortles. :laughing0301: :rofl:
Yes, it's a witch hunt. There will be no impeachment, because they will find nothing.

And when they find nothing, you will parrot whatever conspiracy theory you are told to parrot.

This is all about tickling your balls.
The left seems awfully nervous now that the procedure has started. Are they so ignorant that they need assurance that nothing has been proved at this point?
i'm not nervous to have Kamala as president, are you?
Have they shared everything? Link to that…

What they have shown is plenty of evidence that warrants an investigation.

I am sure they will have a report at the end of their probe and release their report

THis is all for show. If they had anything at all we would have seen it.
Yes, it's a witch hunt. There will be no impeachment, because they will find nothing.

And when they find nothing, you will parrot whatever conspiracy theory you are told to parrot.

This is all about tickling your balls.
You’re always confused.

The two impeachments of Trump and all his persecutions are the witch hunt. And you were told what to believe, and being a pathetic lemming, you dutifully complied.

The impeachment investigation of your boy, Potato, is absolutely and clearly warranted. (It is, in fact, not always true that “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” But unless one is as retarded as you are, where there’s smoke, there is damn good reason to see if there is a fire. You idiot.)

All your whining is just you shoving a dirty old dildo up your ass.
But he was still involved with Russia and lied about it.

Trump's connections to Russia and subsequent lies were not the focal point of Republicans investigation into Trump's campaign anyhow.

We need a new investigation, not by Trump's own party again, to look into what Trump lied about Russia...and China for that matter.
And he was investigated about Russia…what’s your point?

Xiden lied, he should be investigated
Nobody said that? Are you serious? It's been said constantly in these forums.

"Former US president Donald Trump had bank accounts in foreign countries including China during his presidency, the tax returns report released on Friday by the House Ways and Means Committee has revealed. The redacted tax returns showed that Trump had a bank account in China between 2015 to 2017. However, during the canvassing trail, Trump in a presidential debate claimed he had an account open but closed it before beginning the campaign."

“I had an account open, and I closed it. I closed it before I even ran for president, let alone became president," Trump said at the time.

Yeah, and crimes were uncovered yet he is still defended by trumpers so evidently crimes are no big deal.
1) I’m sure some lay people have drawn that conclusion…I have. But congress hasn’t…they are investigating

2) so? It wasn’t a surprised they trump organization complied with the Chinese laws..

What crimes were covered up?

There were investigations of trump…why do you have the double standard with xiden?
You are really missing the boat on this one, but it's understandably. People like took FOX/Tucker's words as fact and truth, all while they were laughing their asses of and hearing ka-ching!

The facts are clear: Trump asked a foreign power to interfere in the 2020 election for his own political gain.​

President Trump demanded that Ukraine investigate his political rival before he would give them military aid.
His political rival NEEDED investigating. Biden was on video bragging about what he did like an idiot. Trump was looking out for all of us. Trump was doing his job.
And he was investigated about Russia…what’s your point?

Xiden lied, he should be investigated
He was not investigated by Democrats for Russia and that investigation has nothing to do with Trump lying about his china bank account and Russian towers he lied about.
1) I’m sure some lay people have drawn that conclusion…I have. But congress hasn’t…they are investigating

Based on over years worth of investigating and finding nothing on Joe.

First it

2) so? It wasn’t a surprised they trump organization complied with the Chinese laws..

But why did he lie about his china bank account?

What crimes were covered up?

I was speaking of the crimes of fraud and sexual abuse. My point being trumpers don't care if Trump commits crimes. They just shout deep state/activist judges/ TDS like they have been trained and moving on.

There were investigations of trump…why do you have the double standard with xiden?
I had no problem with the investigation into biden but they found nothing. So what do they do? They start the impeachment process.
He was not investigated by Democrats for Russia and that investigation has nothing to do with Trump lying about his china bank account and Russian towers he lied about.
Haha Adam shifty didn’t have numerous hearings?? Haha wow
Based on over years worth of investigating and finding nothing on Joe.

First it

But why did he lie about his china bank account?

I was speaking of the crimes of fraud and sexual abuse. My point being trumpers don't care if Trump commits crimes. They just shout deep state/activist judges/ TDS like they have been trained and moving on.

I had no problem with the investigation into biden but they found nothing. So what do they do? They start the impeachment process.
1) what are you talking about? They just opened the impeachment inquiry
2) what lie? He never lied about the trump org doing business with China
3) what was covered up? You all conduct investigations after investigations…what was covered up?
4) then why are you whining and deflecting to trump if you have no problem with it?
In Court, MIchigan Republicans Tie False Elector Effort To Trump's Campaign.

Lansing — Testifying in court Thursday, top Michigan Republicans linked the organization and execution of a false certificate saying Donald Trump won the state's 2020 presidential election directly to Trump's campaign.

While the Trump campaign has previously been tied to the overall strategy of crafting electoral certificates in seven battleground states, the testimony Thursday described campaign staffers as being involved in recruiting attendees and running the meeting of the false electors in Lansing on Dec. 14, 2020. During that gathering, 16 Republican activists signed a document that was used to claim the then-incumbent Republican president won Michigan's 16 electoral votes.

The revelations came on the second day of preliminary examinations for six of the Republican electors as Attorney General Dana Nessel's office pursues criminal forgery charges against those whose names appeared on the false certificate.
Even the Republicans admit they haven't a shred of evidence.

Comer's own witnesses embarrassed the fuck out of him by saying there is no evidence.

House GOP’s impeachment witnesses say there's no evidence yet that Biden committed a crime

Republican Senator Admits There’s “No Evidence”on Biden Impeachment

“I have no evidence of it,” Grassley told CNN, just hours before House Republicans were set to vote to formalize the Biden impeachment inquiry. “I’m just going to follow the facts where they are, and the facts haven’t taken me to that point where I can say the president is guilty of anything.”

"We don't have the evidence now, but we may find it later." - Republican Congressman Michael McCaul

Textbook witch hunt. A fishing expedition. A snipe hunt.


LOL DEms went through two full impeachments and never presented any evidence that Trump committed any crimes.

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