GOP Gets Their Wish - Unemployment is Up

Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!

How do government jobs produce revenue?

those people pay taxes too.

We also get the benifit of the services they perform for us.

Other wise we would have to pay more to contract some business that would charge us more because they need to make a profit.

What sort of service are 5,000 deadbeats sitting in the U.S. DOT on a Friday performing
So small government is far fewer Private sector job's? I want what ever it is you're drinking this early in the day

Not sure where you got that from. I certainly didn't say it.

No, smaller government is 39,000 people being fired in a month. Why aren't you happy about this?

Smaller Government would be ending the 4 wars you love so much. But it seems we can't talk people like you out of killing tens of thousands of civilians in other countries.

I actually agree with you here. Smaller government also includes ending the wars. But of course, right now, we're talking about the 39,000 people who lost their job thanks to small government. So, why are you not happy about this?

Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!

this is what we want?
you ever think some of the UE are republicans?
you and Toro think the same
you think you know it all, and yet you know nothing
It's what CON$ have wanted since the day Obama was elected. Your MessiahRushie let the cat out of the bag.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen
And the stupid in this thread just keeps marching on..:eusa_whistle:

Kind of a cowardly response, don't you think? I take it you're one of those "big government" types who actually feel bad that people lost their jobs.

You Commie.
The GOP leadership, and many on these boards, have been screaming forever now about smaller government. The need to shrink government. Well, what do you think that looks like? It looks like 39,000 people losing their jobs in one month.

This is what many conservatives wanted. Why isn't there more celebrating?

Any idiot should be able to see the benefits of a smaller government.

Well, almost any idiot.

Ok. Then tell us. How does 39,000 losing their jobs benefit us?

The loss of 39,000 federal/government jobs is really not noteworthy.
A real benefit would be the loss of 3.9 million wasteful government jobs. Now THAT would be a reason to applaud!

Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!

this is what we want?
you ever think some of the UE are republicans?
you and Toro think the same
you think you know it all, and yet you know nothing
It's what CON$ have wanted since the day Obama was elected. Your MessiahRushie let the cat out of the bag.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

How many jobs did Obama claim he was going to "create" right before 30+ million dumbfucks voted for him?
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It's funny, I tried to tell “Reallyfuckinstupid” that if he keeps it up he will soon be regarded as just another Trolling hack on these forums... What do ya know, now it's him and TM telling us how much they hate Republicans! Soon he can join TM's threads where they tell us how much they hate Republicans AND white people!

The best part is they think they are clever about being bigoted, bias and partisan…

Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!

So small government is far fewer Private sector job's? I want what ever it is you're drinking this early in the day

Not sure where you got that from. I certainly didn't say it.

No, smaller government is 39,000 people being fired in a month. Why aren't you happy about this?

In the private sector what part of that confuses you? had it been reported that 300K government Employees were fired then you might have something to say but as it stands you've got nothing
If you were stupid enough to vote for Commie Obammie you are getting what you voted for.

If Obama would quit and take his War on Wealth agenda with him the economy would fix itself right away.

When Obama is out of office the recession will end immediately

Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!

Your own link paints a very different picture. It states that even with those 39,000 public jobs lost, the employment situation as a whole remained largely unchanged. And that many private businesses are continuing to hire more people, although more slowly than we may hope for.

So in summary, the report is essentially saying that employment made a small move from public to private. That's the best news I've heard all day. We get smaller government and employment remains largely unchanged.:clap2:
It's funny, I tried to tell “Reallyfuckinstupid” that if he keeps it up he will soon be regarded as just another Trolling hack on these forums... What do ya know, now it's him and TM telling us how much they hate Republicans! Soon he can join TM's threads where they tell us how much they hate Republicans AND white people!

The best part is they think they are clever about being bigoted, bias and partisan…

I don't hate the GOP. Not at all. There platform right now is smaller government and spending cuts. That's what happened here. Why would that not be a cause for GOP celebration?
If you were stupid enough to vote for Commie Obammie you are getting what you voted for.

If Obama would quit and take his War on Wealth agenda with him the economy would fix itself right away.

When Obama is out of office the recession will end immediately

I hope so. He has defiantly done NOTHING to help, this mess has been a looong time coming, and all the professional politicians have contributed by lots of reckless spending, and flat out ignoring the problem while it was clearly coming. All of them are guilty. Obama's spending only makes it worse.
Not sure where you got that from. I certainly didn't say it.

No, smaller government is 39,000 people being fired in a month. Why aren't you happy about this?

Smaller Government would be ending the 4 wars you love so much. But it seems we can't talk people like you out of killing tens of thousands of civilians in other countries.

I actually agree with you here. Smaller government also includes ending the wars. But of course, right now, we're talking about the 39,000 people who lost their job thanks to small government. So, why are you not happy about this?

No you partisan hack fuck, you're talking about "smaller Government." You don't get to claim 39k jobs lost is "Small Government" when we spend Trillions overseas killing people... when we spend trillions on entitlement programs that even without the wars and 100% taxes on the rich would still be bankrupting the country. It’s failure of Big Government. It’s literally not even possible to make an argument that we have anything that resembles “small Government.”

Everything that is happening was predicted... Obama's stimulus of 5 fucking trillion was predicted to "float" the economy poorly until an inevitable "crash." If the country needs a depression for a correction that's what it needs... You're to fucking stupid to see the benefits of a recession/depression... So you support ever growing, massive huge Government to try and stave off the inevitable. Even if we get through this with lets just say a 5 year recession the collapse is inevitable and will happen... If anything if will only be worse later than sooner.

1920 we had a depression, true, real Small Government (no quotes needed), cuts in spending and cuts in taxes ended a DEPRESSION in just over a year... Obama can't even get us out of a recession with spending on par with FDR, who couldn’t get us out of a depression after 12 years... It's only BASIC history.

BTW, what do you think the UE rate will be if Obama brings all the troops home? Why do you think he wants to start new wars and draw out any “exit” from a war zone as long as humanly possible? Because he does not want to jump u to 10-12% UE. That’s right, Obama would rather use the military to kill people as a way to help lower the UE numbers.
It's funny, I tried to tell “Reallyfuckinstupid” that if he keeps it up he will soon be regarded as just another Trolling hack on these forums... What do ya know, now it's him and TM telling us how much they hate Republicans! Soon he can join TM's threads where they tell us how much they hate Republicans AND white people!

The best part is they think they are clever about being bigoted, bias and partisan…

I don't hate the GOP. Not at all. There platform right now is smaller government and spending cuts. That's what happened here. Why would that not be a cause for GOP celebration?

Because there were no spending cuts????? LOL! Holy shit you're a sack of shit haha. Riiiight so "smaller government" is 2 trillion dollar deficits... You win, HAHAHAHaha.

Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!

How do government jobs produce revenue?

those people pay taxes too.

We also get the benifit of the services they perform for us.

Other wise we would have to pay more to contract some business that would charge us more because they need to make a profit.

It's obvious the government worker that breathes for you hasn't been let go, so what's your problem?
No you partisan hack fuck

Obama's stimulus of 5 fucking trillion was predicted to "float" the economy

You're to fucking stupid to see the benefits of a recession/depression

Obama can't even get us out of a recession with spending on par with FDR

What do you think the UE rate will be if Obama brings all the troops home? Why do you think he wants to start new wars and draw out any “exit” from a war zone as long as humanly possible?

I'm glad you paired your hate for me with completely fabricated "facts". That was entertaining.

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