GOP getting warmed up, cut a million from food stamp rolls. Getting ready or the election.

Not that I don't agree with the "idea" that you are putting forward, but please - where the hell in the Constitution does it state that? :)
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Feeding the hungry citizens insures domestic tranquility, promotes their general welfare and helps them secure the blessings of liberty.

Then why were they not feeding the hungry after the Constitution was law of the land?
Because the constitution worked well for the class who wrote it. Shouldn't the constitution work for every American?

How does the Constitution not work for everybody? And what class of people do you think our founders were in?

And by saying shouldn't the Constitution work for everybody, do you mean taxpayers feeding people that don't want to work is a way for it to work for everybody? may work for those who are receiving that taxpayer money, but it doesn't work so well for the taxpayer.

If you have a law that forces Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

You're the one that has no understanding of the constitution. The tax payers want the roads but then bitch about it??? lol.

Go live in somalia and fuck off.

Roads are different because we all use roads whether you drive or not. If you drive, you need the roads. If you do not, you still need the roads for emergency services to your home, for producers to bring products to your store, for your cab or family member to give you a ride to the hospital or work. We all benefit by having roads.

When you take taxpayer money to give to those that don't want to work, you don't benefit everybody, you don't benefit half of the people, you benefit less than half the people and the policy is a disadvantage to most.

Apple and oranges. Try again.
Ah! If we could just use the constitution as a panacea! Let's harken back to the 18th century when there were no paved roads, rum was used as an anesthetic and only White property owning men could vote! The good old days for just White property owning men.

Not sure whether you're aware, but the constitution prohibits slavery.

It also prohibits food stamps.
Or subsidizing oil companies, yet, they get more than the food stamp budget..

The constition also prohibits subsidizing oil companies.

Not that I don't agree with the "idea" that you are putting forward, but please - where the hell in the Constitution does it state that? :)
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Feeding the hungry citizens insures domestic tranquility, promotes their general welfare and helps them secure the blessings of liberty.

Did the states, when they established their compact, give their agent, the federal government, the legislative power to issue food stamps?

But to back up a step, you are aware that the federal government doesn't have plenary power but only has the specific, enumerated powers delegated to it by the sovereign states? If you don't understand this, then there's no point in continuing.
We can do better as a government than holding to the meger powers listed in the constitution. If all we are able to do as a government is to keep the ports clear of sediment, defend the coast, deliver the mail and get out of the way, we would be settling for a society no more advanced than the one we had in 1789

Perhaps, but we weren't 19 trillion dollars in debt in 1789 either.
Ah! If we could just use the constitution as a panacea! Let's harken back to the 18th century when there were no paved roads, rum was used as an anesthetic and only White property owning men could vote! The good old days for just White property owning men.

all that sounds good to me!

being a libertard colored (N) folk, drawing forever unemployment, getting food stamps and communicating with your OScamma phone.., are you still living in that rental refrigerator crate under the 9th street bridge??
Most of those getting food stamps work. And the GOP answers with things like if they are deaf, then they have a a disability. As if that answers it. Who knows what the law is state by state. Even USMB Republicans occasionally admit they are "teaching a lesson". In other words, they fuck people over and find a way to justify it.
Most of those getting food stamps work. And the GOP answers with things like if they are deaf, then they have a a disability. As if that answers it. Who knows what the law is state by state. Even USMB Republicans occasionally admit they are "teaching a lesson". In other words, they fuck people over and find a way to justify it.

Food stamps like any other government program stops people from trying to better themselves. I deal with industry day in and day out. Industry uses a lot of temporary help because of the influx in sales. When things get busy, they offer overtime to these temporary workers and they refuse it. They can only work X amount of hours every month before increased income interferes with their benefits. They look at working more hours like actually working for free, so they decline.

Taking such people off of food stamps would be tough love, but at least it might force people to better themselves. These companies that use temp services not only do so for convenience, but as a trail program to see how an employee might work out if they wanted to hire people full time. Of course they don't consider these temp workers on food stamps. It's obvious to a company that these people are not looking for a chance, they are looking to make money the easiest way possible working the least hours as possible.
Is the republican party figuring out that voters on welfare tend to vote for the people who maintain that welfare? Democrats figured this out a long time ago. I wonder how much more power the GOP can have if they cut off welfare completely or at least make it temporary.
Sick...Considering most of these people work and get next to shit of the productivity that they have worked for these past 30 years. Republicans are sick.

I have no problem with getting people off their ass into a job but this is just evil.

Hooray for evil! I love evil....
Over 1 million face loss of food aid over work requirements

In Tennessee, Terry Work said her 27-year-old deaf son recently was denied disability payments, meaning he is considered able-bodied. And that means he stands to lose his food stamps, even though she said her son has trouble keeping a job because of his deafness.

North Carolina's Republican-led government enacted a law last fall accelerating implementation of the work requirements and barring the state from seeking waivers unless there is a natural disaster. State Sen. Ralph Hise said the state was doing a disservice to the unemployed by providing them long-term food aid.

A study of 4,145 food stamp recipients in Franklin County, Ohio, who became subject to work requirements between December 2013 and February 2015 found that more than 30 percent said they had physical or mental limitations that affected their ability to work. A similar percentage had no high school diploma or equivalency degree. And 61 percent lacked a driver's license.


Don't paint hard hearted Republicans with a broad brush.

Tough shit...did ditches.

BTW, I love it when the poor have to suffer. It pisses the left off so much. That in itself is makes it a fun thing to do. It is like cow tipping on a farm.
Sick...Considering most of these people work and get next to shit of the productivity that they have worked for these past 30 years. Republicans are sick.

I have no problem with getting people off their ass into a job but this is just evil.

And yet this is all happening under a dem president.
Most of those getting food stamps work. And the GOP answers with things like if they are deaf, then they have a a disability. As if that answers it. Who knows what the law is state by state. Even USMB Republicans occasionally admit they are "teaching a lesson". In other words, they fuck people over and find a way to justify it.

Food stamps like any other government program stops people from trying to better themselves. I deal with industry day in and day out. Industry uses a lot of temporary help because of the influx in sales. When things get busy, they offer overtime to these temporary workers and they refuse it. They can only work X amount of hours every month before increased income interferes with their benefits. They look at working more hours like actually working for free, so they decline.

Taking such people off of food stamps would be tough love, but at least it might force people to better themselves. These companies that use temp services not only do so for convenience, but as a trail program to see how an employee might work out if they wanted to hire people full time. Of course they don't consider these temp workers on food stamps. It's obvious to a company that these people are not looking for a chance, they are looking to make money the easiest way possible working the least hours as possible.
And just to add...

The social workers doling out benefits will tell these folks what they need to do to fudge check stubs, work schedules etc to qualify for benefits . So it's not like the social workers don't know that without fixing the books in their favor most of these people make too much money to qualify.
If this guy is able to work at a low skilled job for low wages let him work and give him some assistance. A win win.
Most of those getting food stamps work. And the GOP answers with things like if they are deaf, then they have a a disability. As if that answers it. Who knows what the law is state by state. Even USMB Republicans occasionally admit they are "teaching a lesson". In other words, they fuck people over and find a way to justify it.

Food stamps like any other government program stops people from trying to better themselves. I deal with industry day in and day out. Industry uses a lot of temporary help because of the influx in sales. When things get busy, they offer overtime to these temporary workers and they refuse it. They can only work X amount of hours every month before increased income interferes with their benefits. They look at working more hours like actually working for free, so they decline.

Taking such people off of food stamps would be tough love, but at least it might force people to better themselves. These companies that use temp services not only do so for convenience, but as a trail program to see how an employee might work out if they wanted to hire people full time. Of course they don't consider these temp workers on food stamps. It's obvious to a company that these people are not looking for a chance, they are looking to make money the easiest way possible working the least hours as possible.
And just to add...

The social workers doling out benefits will tell these folks what they need to do to fudge check stubs, work schedules etc to qualify for benefits . So it's not like the social workers don't know that without fixing the books in their favor most of these people make too much money to qualify.

Of course. Without those food stamp people, social workers have no job. Social workers have no more intention on these people gaining full time employment than the applicant themselves. Job security as they call it.
The goal isn't to increase dependence on the federal government is it? Bernie Sanders will make sure everyone is on food stamps.
The goal isn't to increase dependence on the federal government is it? Bernie Sanders will make sure everyone is on food stamps.

Of course it is. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

That was the prime goal behind Commie Care. They proudly announced that we now have 14 million more people with health insurance. 14 million more government dependents is something to celebrate? Well it is if you're a Democrat.

If America ever ran out of government dependents and victims, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
Over 1 million face loss of food aid over work requirements

In Tennessee, Terry Work said her 27-year-old deaf son recently was denied disability payments, meaning he is considered able-bodied. And that means he stands to lose his food stamps, even though she said her son has trouble keeping a job because of his deafness.

North Carolina's Republican-led government enacted a law last fall accelerating implementation of the work requirements and barring the state from seeking waivers unless there is a natural disaster. State Sen. Ralph Hise said the state was doing a disservice to the unemployed by providing them long-term food aid.

A study of 4,145 food stamp recipients in Franklin County, Ohio, who became subject to work requirements between December 2013 and February 2015 found that more than 30 percent said they had physical or mental limitations that affected their ability to work. A similar percentage had no high school diploma or equivalency degree. And 61 percent lacked a driver's license.


Don't paint hard hearted Republicans with a broad brush.
Your bleeding heart makes you look gullibly stupid...
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food stamps have been on the decline without any help from the government, ie, Republicans.
food stamps have been on the decline without any help from the government, ie, Republicans.

Uh.......... right:

Over 1 million face loss of food aid over work requirements

Posted: Jan 30, 2016 11:24 AM ESTUpdated: Jan 31, 2016 11:37 AM EST

Associated Press

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - More than 1 million low-income residents in 21 states could soon lose their government food stamps if they fail to meet work requirements that began kicking in this month.
The rule change in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program was triggered by the improving economy - specifically, falling unemployment. But it is raising concerns among the poor, social service providers and food pantry workers, who fear an influx of hungry people.

Recent experience in other states indicates that most of those affected will probably not meet the work requirements and will be cut off from food stamps.

For many people, "it means less food, less adequate nutrition. And over the span of time, that can certainly have an impact on health - and the health care system," said Dave Krepcho, president and chief executive of the Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida.

Advocates say some adults trying to find work face a host of obstacles, including criminal records, disabilities or lack of a driver's license.

The work-for-food requirements were first enacted under the 1996 welfare reform law signed by President Bill Clinton and sponsored by then-Rep. John Kasich, who is now Ohio's governor and a Republican candidate for president.

The provision applies to able-bodied adults ages 18 through 49 who have no children or other dependents in their home. It requires them to work, volunteer or attend education or job-training courses at least 80 hours a month to receive food aid. If they don't, their benefits are cut off after three months.

Over 1 million face loss of food aid over work requirements
food stamps have been on the decline without any help from the government, ie, Republicans.

Uh.......... right:

Over 1 million face loss of food aid over work requirements

Posted: Jan 30, 2016 11:24 AM ESTUpdated: Jan 31, 2016 11:37 AM EST

Associated Press

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - More than 1 million low-income residents in 21 states could soon lose their government food stamps if they fail to meet work requirements that began kicking in this month.
The rule change in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program was triggered by the improving economy - specifically, falling unemployment. But it is raising concerns among the poor, social service providers and food pantry workers, who fear an influx of hungry people.

Recent experience in other states indicates that most of those affected will probably not meet the work requirements and will be cut off from food stamps.

For many people, "it means less food, less adequate nutrition. And over the span of time, that can certainly have an impact on health - and the health care system," said Dave Krepcho, president and chief executive of the Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida.

Advocates say some adults trying to find work face a host of obstacles, including criminal records, disabilities or lack of a driver's license.

The work-for-food requirements were first enacted under the 1996 welfare reform law signed by President Bill Clinton and sponsored by then-Rep. John Kasich, who is now Ohio's governor and a Republican candidate for president.

The provision applies to able-bodied adults ages 18 through 49 who have no children or other dependents in their home. It requires them to work, volunteer or attend education or job-training courses at least 80 hours a month to receive food aid. If they don't, their benefits are cut off after three months.

Over 1 million face loss of food aid over work requirements

SNAP Costs Declining, Expected to Fall Much Further | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

do try and keep up ..
Boo-hoo-hoo. For every cherry-picked unfortunate case that you can cite, I can cite five or six cases of genuinely able-bodied people playing the system to get benefits they don't deserve. I personally know two people who get disability and another government payment even though they are perfectly capable of working.

I used to have a neighbor in the Northeast who would work construction jobs 6 months and 1 day and then quit and collect unemployment and food stamps. He was proud of how "clever" he was. My wife and his wife were good friends. By the way, guess how he voted?

A couple of years ago I had to evict a family from one of my rental units. It was an unmarried couple with two children: one three years old and the other fourteen.

The male worked a full time job but not one hour over 40. The female stayed home supposedly home schooling her kids. But they kept getting further and further behind on rent and that forced me to intervene.

I suggested that the female get a part-time job on the weekends while her boyfriend could sit home with the kids. She wouldn't even consider it. Why? Because she was getting $250.00 a month of food stamps. Any income on her part would interfere with those benefits.

Long story short, I evicted the family, then sued him in court for back rent, damage to the rental unit and my legal fees. All for what? Food stamps.

Neither mom nor dad drank or used drugs, but they smoked cigarettes along with their 14 year old daughter who they supplied tobacco to. They had three cats and a large dog. They had cable television, an Obama phone and high speed internet, but we taxpayers were buying their food.

Such accounts could be multiplied many times over, but liberals only talk about the unfortunate cases--the ones they know will pull on heart strings--and ignore the far more numerous cases of abuse and even fraud.
From your article:
When House Republicans originally argued for a food stamp cut of between $20.5 billion and $39 billion, the White House threatened to veto both of those proposals. During his Friday speech, the president did not say whether he was satisfied with the final $8.7 billion figure, or even mention the cuts at all. Instead, he praised the food stamp program and said that the final Farm Bill preserved much-needed benefits.

I live in a poor state, with one of the highest #'s of food insecure kids. Some of our local schools ran lunch programs over the summer because for some kids that's their one guaranteed meal of the day. Our food banks have been struggling to keep their shelves stocked for years, there is never enough, and that's the safety net for when the food stamps run out. I just worry about the kids.

Back in the 60's and 70's, a government surplus truck came around and stopped in town once a month or so for people to come help themselves to big cans of peanut butter, 5 pound blocks of cheese, dehydrated potatoes, stuff like that. No paperwork, just get in line and get what you want. I have been reading that farmers throw out a good deal of their produce because it isn't perfect or the price is too low to transport to market. If we can find a really good way to share what we currently throw away, maybe Food Stamps wouldn't be half so necessary.

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