GOP, going...going...go...

Another great piece of left wing propaganda not supported by the facts, Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

And 0% of the Democratic debates.

Fox is the Republican channel.

every other network is an arm of the People's Propaganda Department of the Democrat Party
Another great piece of left wing propaganda not supported by the facts, Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

And 0% of the Democratic debates.

Fox is the Republican channel.

every other network is an arm of the People's Propaganda Department of the Democrat Party

Which is why I watch none of them.

CNN is hosting both GOP and Democratic debates.

However, partisan media is an inevitable result of true free speech.

But the real issue is the fact that Fox News pretends to be "fair and balanced" when everyone knows that's a joke. They are a right wing propaganda outlet, and lie and cheat to get the outcome in the minds of their piss drinking rubes they desire.
Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

And 0% of the Democratic debates.

Fox is the Republican channel.

How many of the Republican debates is MSNBC hosting?

How many did they offer to host?

Did they offer to host the candidates with the lower poll numbers, while Fox was having the main debate?

Is Fox any less partisan than MSNBC?
...Another great piece of left wing propaganda not supported by the facts, Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

2016 presidential debate schedule Dates times moderators and topics - POLITICO Staff - POLITICO

But no reason to let facts get in the way of a good propaganda story, right?
These debates aren't going to determine who people vote for. This OP is silly.
How many of the Republican debates is MSNBC hosting?

MSNBC is hosting no Republican debates.

They are also not hosting any Democratic debates.

Now don't you feel stupid?

Is Fox any less partisan than MSNBC?

As I said in my previous post, partisan media is an inevitable result of free speech. And because of their hackery, I don't watch any of those piss channels.

Unfortunately, there are millions of rubes who think the piss they are drinking is fortified with Truth. The retards believe their particular hack media outlet is honest and objective.
These debates aren't going to determine who people vote for. This OP is silly.
Actually, these debates are for many people the only time they learn anything about the candidates, and so the debates do determine millions of votes.
Another great piece of left wing propaganda not supported by the facts, Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

And 0% of the Democratic debates.

Fox is the Republican channel.

every other network is an arm of the People's Propaganda Department of the Democrat Party

Which is why I watch none of them.

CNN is hosting both GOP and Democratic debates.

However, partisan media is an inevitable result of true free speech.

But the real issue is the fact that Fox News pretends to be "fair and balanced" when everyone knows that's a joke. They are a right wing propaganda outlet, and lie and cheat to get the outcome in the minds of their piss drinking rubes they desire.

it's not a joke leftard; it's a FACT you are MUCH MORE LIKELY to see an opposing viewpoint on Fox that is counter to what you see as right-wing. it's also a fact that virtually every other network is little more than an arm of the Democrat Propaganda in light of that YEA THEY REPRESENT BALANCE AND FAIRNESS
Another great piece of left wing propaganda not supported by the facts, Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

And 0% of the Democratic debates.

Fox is the Republican channel.

every other network is an arm of the People's Propaganda Department of the Democrat Party

Which is why I watch none of them.

CNN is hosting both GOP and Democratic debates.

However, partisan media is an inevitable result of true free speech.

But the real issue is the fact that Fox News pretends to be "fair and balanced" when everyone knows that's a joke. They are a right wing propaganda outlet, and lie and cheat to get the outcome in the minds of their piss drinking rubes they desire.

it's not a joke leftard; it's a FACT you are MUCH MORE LIKELY to see an opposing viewpoint on Fox that is counter to what you see as right-wing. it's also a fact that virtually every other network is little more than an arm of the Democrat Propaganda in light of that YEA THEY REPRESENT BALANCE AND FAIRNESS
BWA-HA-HA-HA! "Fox News represents balance and fairness." Oh. My. God. You really are very young. It shows. :rofl:
Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

And 0% of the Democratic debates.

Fox is the Republican channel.

And by hosting the first debate, they get to decide which 10 of the 17 GOP candidates are in the Kool Kids Klub.

PBS will only have the Dem debates, so does that make PBS the Democrat channel?
Another great piece of left wing propaganda not supported by the facts, Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

And 0% of the Democratic debates.

Fox is the Republican channel.

every other network is an arm of the People's Propaganda Department of the Democrat Party

Which is why I watch none of them.

CNN is hosting both GOP and Democratic debates.

However, partisan media is an inevitable result of true free speech.

But the real issue is the fact that Fox News pretends to be "fair and balanced" when everyone knows that's a joke. They are a right wing propaganda outlet, and lie and cheat to get the outcome in the minds of their piss drinking rubes they desire.

it's not a joke leftard; it's a FACT you are MUCH MORE LIKELY to see an opposing viewpoint on Fox that is counter to what you see as right-wing. it's also a fact that virtually every other network is little more than an arm of the Democrat Propaganda in light of that YEA THEY REPRESENT BALANCE AND FAIRNESS
BWA-HA-HA-HA! "Fox News represents balance and fairness." Oh. My. God. You really are very young. It shows. :rofl:

i thought you were suppose to get wiser as you got older?
How many of the Republican debates is MSNBC hosting?

MSNBC is hosting no Republican debates.

They are also not hosting any Democratic debates.

Now don't you feel stupid?

Is Fox any less partisan than MSNBC?

As I said in my previous post, partisan media is an inevitable result of free speech. And because of their hackery, I don't watch any of those piss channels.

Unfortunately, there are millions of rubes who think the piss they are drinking is fortified with Truth. The retards believe their particular hack media outlet is honest and objective.

Now don't you feel stupid?

Not a bit, no reason to feel stupid.

All it did was make my point
These debates aren't going to determine who people vote for. This OP is silly.
Actually, these debates are for many people the only time they learn anything about the candidates, and so the debates do determine millions of votes.

What do you learn from 2 minute answers to silly questions? It's just a show. By the time people vote in the primaries, they aren't even going to remember this silly debate.

I agree with you to a point, but only because the electorate is pathetic. They could learn as much as they want about the candidates.

A real debate would involve longer answers and real back and forth about real issues, not these little sound bites. But that would require the viewers to actually think.
I liked Kasich and Trump certainly held his own and delivered his patented SMASH. Bush looked wobbly. Rubio was poised.

Honestly the thing that struck me is there is no Republican party any more. They have given ownership over to Rupert Murdoch. Faux News has finally outed itself completely as the Republican channel, but they aren't content just covering and assisting the Republicans any more.

As much as I think many Republicans are dopes and their policies are whackjob incarnate, we do need more than one major political party. The democrats are not perfect and never have been. As a lifelong little i independent I have voted for Republicans in the past if I thought they were the better choice. It is rather sad to see this party in its death throws and not going out with a fight but with a whimper. Why would any political party allow A TV CHANNEL, that only has 2 million viewers a day, to dictate their presidential election process of picking their candidate?

You can tell Faux News decided ahead of time who they were going to attack, Trump being top of the list. They went after him with both barrels. THE front runner among Republican voters by a large margin.

I still don't get it, why does one of the two major political parties allow a minor cable tv channel to dictate their presidential primary debates and schedule, and in all eventuality choose their candidate? Partisanship aside, I REALLY DON'T GET. And I don't like it. Voters, whatever the party, should be picking their candidate. That is what this democracy is about. Voters.

The party appears to want to split into rabid far far right wingers and a libertarian leaning entity. The hard right cannot survive though, demographics are at the tipping point against them. I'd say the libertarian-like version is most likely to continue on.

In any case its rather disheartening to see one of the major parties in the world's leading democracy giving over their political machinery to a tv channel.

Another great piece of left wing propaganda not supported by the facts, Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

2016 presidential debate schedule Dates times moderators and topics - POLITICO Staff - POLITICO

But no reason to let facts get in the way of a good propaganda story, right?

Who cares about the 'percentage'. They aren't 'hosting', they are dictating the schedule and who gets to participate, and thus who has a real chance of being nominated by the party.

Spin it however you like, the Republican party handed over the primary to Rupert Murdoch and they attempted to cut the legs off the front runner Donald Trump.

Those are the facts.

LMAO, if those are the facts, they failed. Everyone will be talking about Trump tomorrow and the others will be a side note.

BTW CNN is using the same criteria as Fox to determine who appears in their prime time debates. So keep on whining, the facts don't support you.

LOL I feel sorry for you and your defunct party. Your mind needs to spin it so it 'feels' better but that is all it is, spin.

So feel better.

Only the truly ignorant call demonstrated facts spin, so carry on in fantasy land, give me a call when you get a freaking clue. You're excused.
I liked Kasich and Trump certainly held his own and delivered his patented SMASH. Bush looked wobbly. Rubio was poised.

Honestly the thing that struck me is there is no Republican party any more. They have given ownership over to Rupert Murdoch. Faux News has finally outed itself completely as the Republican channel, but they aren't content just covering and assisting the Republicans any more.

As much as I think many Republicans are dopes and their policies are whackjob incarnate, we do need more than one major political party. The democrats are not perfect and never have been. As a lifelong little i independent I have voted for Republicans in the past if I thought they were the better choice. It is rather sad to see this party in its death throws and not going out with a fight but with a whimper. Why would any political party allow A TV CHANNEL, that only has 2 million viewers a day, to dictate their presidential election process of picking their candidate?

You can tell Faux News decided ahead of time who they were going to attack, Trump being top of the list. They went after him with both barrels. THE front runner among Republican voters by a large margin.

I still don't get it, why does one of the two major political parties allow a minor cable tv channel to dictate their presidential primary debates and schedule, and in all eventuality choose their candidate? Partisanship aside, I REALLY DON'T GET. And I don't like it. Voters, whatever the party, should be picking their candidate. That is what this democracy is about. Voters.

The party appears to want to split into rabid far far right wingers and a libertarian leaning entity. The hard right cannot survive though, demographics are at the tipping point against them. I'd say the libertarian-like version is most likely to continue on.

In any case its rather disheartening to see one of the major parties in the world's leading democracy giving over their political machinery to a tv channel.

Another great piece of left wing propaganda not supported by the facts, Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

2016 presidential debate schedule Dates times moderators and topics - POLITICO Staff - POLITICO

But no reason to let facts get in the way of a good propaganda story, right?

Who cares about the 'percentage'. They aren't 'hosting', they are dictating the schedule and who gets to participate, and thus who has a real chance of being nominated by the party.

Spin it however you like, the Republican party handed over the primary to Rupert Murdoch and they attempted to cut the legs off the front runner Donald Trump.

Those are the facts.

Then again is someone like Trump really worthy of the presidency when he outwardly attacks those with so much power, power over the country AND power of the party he's decided to run for?

People seem to like it.
Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

And 0% of the Democratic debates.

Fox is the Republican channel.

And by hosting the first debate, they get to decide which 10 of the 17 GOP candidates are in the Kool Kids Klub.

I'm sorry the dems are too cowardly to appear on Fox, are you really dumb enough to think Fox didn't offer the dems a debate platform. That 40% included both debates yesterday.
Another great piece of left wing propaganda not supported by the facts, Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

And 0% of the Democratic debates.

Fox is the Republican channel.

every other network is an arm of the People's Propaganda Department of the Democrat Party

Which is why I watch none of them.

CNN is hosting both GOP and Democratic debates.

However, partisan media is an inevitable result of true free speech.

But the real issue is the fact that Fox News pretends to be "fair and balanced" when everyone knows that's a joke. They are a right wing propaganda outlet, and lie and cheat to get the outcome in the minds of their piss drinking rubes they desire.

it's not a joke leftard; it's a FACT you are MUCH MORE LIKELY to see an opposing viewpoint on Fox that is counter to what you see as right-wing. it's also a fact that virtually every other network is little more than an arm of the Democrat Propaganda in light of that YEA THEY REPRESENT BALANCE AND FAIRNESS
The fact that they allow an opposing viewpoint is not what determines weather or not they are 'fair and balanced.'

The fact is that FOX presents a very skewed program that focuses on republican talking points and puduits. They are NOT balanced in any shape or form.

Just because they have a democrat commenting on a republican talking point does not make the program balanced.
Another great piece of left wing propaganda not supported by the facts, Fox is only hosting 40% of the currently scheduled GOP debates including tonights.

And 0% of the Democratic debates.

Fox is the Republican channel.

every other network is an arm of the People's Propaganda Department of the Democrat Party

Which is why I watch none of them.

CNN is hosting both GOP and Democratic debates.

However, partisan media is an inevitable result of true free speech.

But the real issue is the fact that Fox News pretends to be "fair and balanced" when everyone knows that's a joke. They are a right wing propaganda outlet, and lie and cheat to get the outcome in the minds of their piss drinking rubes they desire.

it's not a joke leftard; it's a FACT you are MUCH MORE LIKELY to see an opposing viewpoint on Fox that is counter to what you see as right-wing. it's also a fact that virtually every other network is little more than an arm of the Democrat Propaganda in light of that YEA THEY REPRESENT BALANCE AND FAIRNESS
The fact that they allow an opposing viewpoint is not what determines weather or not they are 'fair and balanced.'

The fact is that FOX presents a very skewed program that focuses on republican talking points and puduits. They are NOT balanced in any shape or form.

Just because they have a democrat commenting on a republican talking point does not make the program balanced.

you're right dimwit; it's the fact that they have MORE OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS on their programming than the liberal ones do that qualifies them to call themselves fair and balanced

try again
Look at "Morning Joe". one supposed Republican surrounded by left-wingers; and the one time he found his balls and actually said something like a Republican his whole set was mortified and it made for national news

libs are losers who lie to themselves
how about the meltdown of left-wingers on MSNBC with the racist and sexist,angry and WAYYYYYY over the top comments that even their left-wing bosses at MSNBC couldnt keep them employed there?

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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