GOP Gov Mary Fallins zeal for execution: Result, botched execution of Claton Lockett


a despicable piece of sh*t suffered a bit before dying!!

lol good luck getting mileage out of that one left-wing losers!
To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

And that is exactly the point of the article. No one is siding with the murderer here... it's the inhumane way he died. No need for that. The Gov was warned that that might happen.

Really, show me a quote where the Gov was warned about blowing out a vein, no hurry, I'll wait.
It wasn't a problem with the drugs, the vein blew out preventing proper administration of the drugs. It happens every day in US hospitals.

Oh, so it's really his fault! Okay. He assumed that risk when he killed the girl.

If you want to place blame for the problems, first it would be the killer for putting himself in that situation, second, the person who started the IV and didn't make sure they had a good line. But like I've said now 3 times, the most experienced people have problems with IV's. When I was in the hospital I had an IV that worked great for 4 days and the it stopped and they had to start a new one. When ever humans are involved, shit will happen.

That's another good point. (You are on a roll imho)

I don't think our state-sanctioned vengeance should include making an execution painful. And I don't think the death penalty is a deterrent, it is more expensive than life in prison, and if we execute people (we're humans) sooner or later we are going to wind up executing people who are not guilty of the crime we are executing them for.

Those are some hefty strikes against the death penalty imho.

But there is one hefty pro. IF the state doesn't do it. The family members will in many cases. Look at what this guy did to that poor girl. It makes me mad as hell and I never met her. Think of what her dad must have wanted to do to this guy.

If the state will do it for him - he can avoid a legal hassle for himself.
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To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

I'll ask you the same question I asked KR and he didn't have the balls to answer honestly. Was this problem intentional? It could only be considered inhumane if it were.

I gotta disagree here. I think a reckless disregard for unnecessary suffering can be inhumane.
To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

I'll ask you the same question I asked KR and he didn't have the balls to answer honestly. Was this problem intentional? It could only be considered inhumane if it were.

I gotta disagree here. I think a reckless disregard for unnecessary suffering can be inhumane.

And your evidence for that, in this case, would be?
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) announced that she was directing the state execute condemned prisoners with a guillotine on loan from a Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum in Tulsa. "I was going to opt for outdoor crucifixion but I didn't want to offend my Christian supporters who only support revenge killing behind a curtain."

(Tucson political satirist)
I'll ask you the same question I asked KR and he didn't have the balls to answer honestly. Was this problem intentional? It could only be considered inhumane if it were.

I gotta disagree here. I think a reckless disregard for unnecessary suffering can be inhumane.

And your evidence for that, in this case, would be?

None whatsoever. There isn't much evidence at all about what happened and what went wrong with this one. Oklahoma is very secretive about their executions. I think it is worth looking into to see if the urgency the governor and lawmakers attached to this execution did lead folks to cut corners.

I have no evidence that this happened and (as I said before) I don't have a bit of sympathy for the executed guy. It's the process that I'm thinking about here.

But no, at this point I have no evidence one way or another.

I just disagree with the statement" "Was this problem intentional? It could only be considered inhumane if it were."

And in this case I think it is more possible that the gov and lawmakers rushed it and led to what could have been a disregard for procedure. I think it's POSSIBLE and worth looking into - I have no evidence at this point to say yea or nay. That's what the investigation can provide.
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I gotta disagree here. I think a reckless disregard for unnecessary suffering can be inhumane.

And your evidence for that, in this case, would be?

None whatsoever. There isn't much evidence at all about what happened and what went wrong with this one. Oklahoma is very secretive about their executions. I think it is worth looking into to see if the urgency the governor and lawmakers attached to this execution did lead folks to cut corners.

I have no evidence that this happened and (as I said before) I don't have a bit of sympathy for the executed guy. It's the process that I'm thinking about here.

But no, at this point I have no evidence one way or another.

I just disagree with the statement" "Was this problem intentional? It could only be considered inhumane if it were."

And in this case I think it is more possible that the gov and lawmakers rushed it and led to what could have been a disregard for procedure. I think it's POSSIBLE and worth looking into - I have no evidence at this point to say yea or nay. That's what the investigation can provide.

Took about 16 years to strap the guy to a table, I wouldn't call that a rush and the mulatto messiah waded in today, said he was going to have his boi eric look into it. Then of course he had to get his digs in at the country. There is a very special place in hell for that son of a bitch.
And your evidence for that, in this case, would be?

None whatsoever. There isn't much evidence at all about what happened and what went wrong with this one. Oklahoma is very secretive about their executions. I think it is worth looking into to see if the urgency the governor and lawmakers attached to this execution did lead folks to cut corners.

I have no evidence that this happened and (as I said before) I don't have a bit of sympathy for the executed guy. It's the process that I'm thinking about here.

But no, at this point I have no evidence one way or another.

I just disagree with the statement" "Was this problem intentional? It could only be considered inhumane if it were."

And in this case I think it is more possible that the gov and lawmakers rushed it and led to what could have been a disregard for procedure. I think it's POSSIBLE and worth looking into - I have no evidence at this point to say yea or nay. That's what the investigation can provide.

Took about 16 years to strap the guy to a table, I wouldn't call that a rush and the mulatto messiah waded in today, said he was going to have his boi eric look into it. Then of course he had to get his digs in at the country. There is a very special place in hell for that son of a bitch.

Which of the two?

Methinks both......
The subsequent ticket for littering would be well worth it.


And libturd scum feel sorry for him?

What the FUCK? over

Why is it that every time there is a clear choice between scumbaggery and decency, dimocrap scum choose scumbaggery?

Simple, because that's what they are.... scumbags.

total and complete scumbags

ALL of them

I hate dimocraps. I really do

You hate civilized society is what you hate. To bad for you and your hate-filled world.

No, scumbag. I hate you.

What a wonderful world this would be without scum like you in it.

A beautiful, wonderful, clean, moral world.

Oh well :dunno:

Maybe you were born ugly, I don't know.

Maybe you were beaten and/or abused growing up. Don't know.

Maybe you're just a malcontent, a ne'er do well, a whiner, a complainer, a loser.

Maybe you don't know how to compete, how to succeed.

Maybe you're too lazy or too stupid to compete.

Maybe you need to stop crying and go to work. Like....... Why are you on this Message Board all day? I'm retired, my wife still works and I got more time on my hands than I want right now.

What's your excuse? You got time to post, you got time to work.

I just know that I am weary of you and the rest of your 'grievance industry' crybabies.

And that we, the rest of us, with our Christian Morality hanging around our necks like an albatross, are growing tired of your excuses and even more tired of paying your way.

It's gonna all come tumbling down, punk.

All of it. I just hope I'm around to watch and laugh hysterically when it happens.

Maybe by then, you'll have something worth hanging on to, something you don't want to lose, something you actually worked for, something.....

Who am I kidding? :dunno:

What a sad grumpy old man you are. Are the people around you hoping you kick off soon? It wouldn't surprise me.
And your evidence for that, in this case, would be?

None whatsoever. There isn't much evidence at all about what happened and what went wrong with this one. Oklahoma is very secretive about their executions. I think it is worth looking into to see if the urgency the governor and lawmakers attached to this execution did lead folks to cut corners.

I have no evidence that this happened and (as I said before) I don't have a bit of sympathy for the executed guy. It's the process that I'm thinking about here.

But no, at this point I have no evidence one way or another.

I just disagree with the statement" "Was this problem intentional? It could only be considered inhumane if it were."

And in this case I think it is more possible that the gov and lawmakers rushed it and led to what could have been a disregard for procedure. I think it's POSSIBLE and worth looking into - I have no evidence at this point to say yea or nay. That's what the investigation can provide.

Took about 16 years to strap the guy to a table, I wouldn't call that a rush and the mulatto messiah waded in today, said he was going to have his boi eric look into it. Then of course he had to get his digs in at the country. There is a very special place in hell for that son of a bitch.

Tex - there's a lot of anger in there. The rush was in putting this new cocktail into service. The courts had reservations and wanted to delay the execution until it could be looked into a little more. Gov. blew a gasket and said we're gonna ignore the court's decision, lawmakers started screaming about impeaching the justices, and the court caved and OK'd the execution.

And low and behold the execution didn't go off as planned. Just a poorly timed unavoidable accident? Or were the courts correct initially in being skeptical about the new cocktail?

Again, no tears for this murderer. It's the procedure that bears looking into.
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To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

And that is exactly the point of the article. No one is siding with the murderer here... it's the inhumane way he died. No need for that. The Gov was warned that that might happen.

People die of heart attacks everyday. Why is that inhumane? It's not like anyone intentionally tortured the man for weeks on end breaking his spirit and mind until death was a welcome release.
You guys really need to stop obsessing with penises. They don't need to be brought up in every discussion.

It's called penis-envy. That's why gun-nuts are armed to the teeth.

Silly me. I thought it was because we were prudent enough to realize that there are bad people out there and we wanted to take responsibility to defend ourselves
The subsequent ticket for littering would be well worth it.


And libturd scum feel sorry for him?

What the FUCK? over

Why is it that every time there is a clear choice between scumbaggery and decency, dimocrap scum choose scumbaggery?

Simple, because that's what they are.... scumbags.

total and complete scumbags

ALL of them

I hate dimocraps. I really do

You hate civilized society is what you hate. To bad for you and your hate-filled world.

No, scumbag. I hate you.

What a wonderful world this would be without scum like you in it.

A beautiful, wonderful, clean, moral world.

Oh well :dunno:

Maybe you were born ugly, I don't know.

Maybe you were beaten and/or abused growing up. Don't know.

Maybe you're just a malcontent, a ne'er do well, a whiner, a complainer, a loser.

Maybe you don't know how to compete, how to succeed.

Maybe you're too lazy or too stupid to compete.

Maybe you need to stop crying and go to work. Like....... Why are you on this Message Board all day? I'm retired, my wife still works and I got more time on my hands than I want right now.

What's your excuse? You got time to post, you got time to work.

I just know that I am weary of you and the rest of your 'grievance industry' crybabies.

And that we, the rest of us, with our Christian Morality hanging around our necks like an albatross, are growing tired of your excuses and even more tired of paying your way.

It's gonna all come tumbling down, punk.

All of it. I just hope I'm around to watch and laugh hysterically when it happens.

Maybe by then, you'll have something worth hanging on to, something you don't want to lose, something you actually worked for, something.....

Who am I kidding? :dunno:

Don't let him get to you. Anger at him isn't worth it. That's what he wants. to make you as ugly as he is.
You realize that it wasn't a botched execution, right? A botched execution implies it didn't work. The guy still died. He just took a bit longer to die.

You "christians" really give me the creeps.

I didn't realize only Christians knew that words mean something specific. Ill keep in mind that you redefine words at your convenience.

BTW, if you have a hard time with this, just pretend he was an unborn child. You love that.

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