GOP Gov Mary Fallins zeal for execution: Result, botched execution of Claton Lockett

History is full of examples of methods of execution that are low-tech, low-cost and 100% proven effective.

Since America is being led to Sharia Law, let us look toward that for direction. Decide for yourselves - conservatives will probably think that direction backward - liberals will surely cry out "FORWARD" - there were methods that worked perfectly when there were no lab-created lethal drugs. No electricity. No gas. No axes. No swords. No daggars. Not even ropes. Only stones. Lots and lots of stones.

Of course that fell into disrepute with the advent of Christianity:

Oft told the story of how Jesus came upon a crowd set upon stoning to death a prostitute, legally convicted and sentenced.

Appalled, he held them back with words (paraphrasing here, my memory is not what it once was) like: "Let who is without sin among ye cast the first stone!".

The crowd began to disperse. Muttering but skulking away.

Then came an elderly woman staggering under the weight of an immense bolder. She hobbled to the prostitute, dropped the rock on her head and squashed her like a big.

Jesus put an arm gently on the old woman's shoulder and led her away. Whispered softly into her ear.....

"You know I love you, Ma, but just get my ass!"

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