GOP Gov Mary Fallins zeal for execution: Result, botched execution of Claton Lockett

To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

And that is exactly the point of the article. No one is siding with the murderer here... it's the inhumane way he died. No need for that. The Gov was warned that that might happen.
To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

1) The words 'democrat' and 'democracy' are not mentioned, one time, in any of our founding documents. Not the Constitution, not the Declaration of Independence, not the Northwest Ordinance.... None of them.

There is a reason for that..... The words, and the meanings of the words, were as repugnant to our Founders as they are to modern day Patriots.

We are a REPUBLIC.


2) You either believe in all of the Constitution or you believe in none of it.

So yeah, your 'cruel and unusual' comment bears some thought.

But karma?

Yeah, loves me some karma.

Too bad it didn't take that piece of fucking shit a month die. painfully.


Are you aware of that?

Had it not been for the 'botched' execution, neither your nor any of your idiot sycophant moron lib pals would be aware of what this scumbag did.

Why is that, you think?

Why would a known idiot like you be aware of a botched execution but be completely unaware that what could have been one of obama's sons BURIED A WOMAN ALIVE?

Don't even try to answer. You're too stupid and too dishonest
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No one is sad for the victim of this monster.

Fuck you kid rocks. I hope you get hit by a truck!

The subsequent ticket for littering would be well worth it.


And libturd scum feel sorry for him?

What the FUCK? over

Why is it that every time there is a clear choice between scumbaggery and decency, dimocrap scum choose scumbaggery?

Simple, because that's what they are.... scumbags.

total and complete scumbags

ALL of them

I hate dimocraps. I really do

You hate civilized society is what you hate. To bad for you and your hate-filled world.
What was cruel or unusual about this execution?

I'll let Mr. Obvious answer that when he gets here.

I'm serious - I've had veins blow (it means collapse, not literally blow up) and I really haven't heard any descriptions of anything horrible that happened. Have you? Would you share?

UPDATE: I just did a search and I read one account in which at least one journalist witness said the executed man "appeared to be writhing in pain." I don't know, I guess I'd have to see it myself or get a more detailed description before I'd be ready to call it "torture" or "cruel and unusual" but I guess that's a subjective standard.

I don't like the intimidation of the court (or the court caving to intimidation) but I haven't seen anything to indicate the drug combination that was selected caused the vein to blow or that the mishap was anything more than an unavoidable accident.

No one is sad for the victim of this monster.

Fuck you kid rocks. I hope you get hit by a truck!

The subsequent ticket for littering would be well worth it.


And libturd scum feel sorry for him?

What the FUCK? over

Why is it that every time there is a clear choice between scumbaggery and decency, dimocrap scum choose scumbaggery?

Simple, because that's what they are.... scumbags.

total and complete scumbags

ALL of them

I hate dimocraps. I really do

You hate civilized society is what you hate. To bad for you and your hate-filled world.

No, scumbag. I hate you.

What a wonderful world this would be without scum like you in it.

A beautiful, wonderful, clean, moral world.

Oh well :dunno:

Maybe you were born ugly, I don't know.

Maybe you were beaten and/or abused growing up. Don't know.

Maybe you're just a malcontent, a ne'er do well, a whiner, a complainer, a loser.

Maybe you don't know how to compete, how to succeed.

Maybe you're too lazy or too stupid to compete.

Maybe you need to stop crying and go to work. Like....... Why are you on this Message Board all day? I'm retired, my wife still works and I got more time on my hands than I want right now.

What's your excuse? You got time to post, you got time to work.

I just know that I am weary of you and the rest of your 'grievance industry' crybabies.

And that we, the rest of us, with our Christian Morality hanging around our necks like an albatross, are growing tired of your excuses and even more tired of paying your way.

It's gonna all come tumbling down, punk.

All of it. I just hope I'm around to watch and laugh hysterically when it happens.

Maybe by then, you'll have something worth hanging on to, something you don't want to lose, something you actually worked for, something.....

Who am I kidding? :dunno:
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What was cruel or unusual about this execution?

I'll let Mr. Obvious answer that when he gets here.

I'm serious - I've had veins blow (it means collapse, not literally blow up) and I really haven't heard any descriptions of anything horrible that happened. Have you? Would you share?

So the logical extension of your thinking here would be that we should be content to perform all executions in this manner.
The subsequent ticket for littering would be well worth it.


And libturd scum feel sorry for him?

What the FUCK? over

Why is it that every time there is a clear choice between scumbaggery and decency, dimocrap scum choose scumbaggery?

Simple, because that's what they are.... scumbags.

total and complete scumbags

ALL of them

I hate dimocraps. I really do

You hate civilized society is what you hate. To bad for you and your hate-filled world.

No, scumbag. I hate you.

What a wonderful world this would be without scum like you in it.

A beautiful, wonderful, clean, moral world.

Oh well :dunno:

Maybe you were born ugly, I don't know.

Maybe you were beaten and/or abused growing up. Don't know.

Maybe you're just a malcontent, a ne'er do well, a whiner, a complainer, a loser.

Maybe you don't know how to compete, how to succeed.

Maybe you're too lazy or too stupid to compete.

Maybe you need to stop crying and go to work. Like....... Why are you on this Message Board all day? I'm retired, my wife still works and I got more time on my hands than I want right now.

What's your excuse? You got time to post, you got time to work.

I just know that I am weary of you and the rest of your 'grievance industry' crybabies.

And that we, the rest of us, with our Christian Morality hanging around our necks like an albatross, are growing tired of your excuses and even more tired of paying your way.

It's gonna all come tumbling down, punk.

All of it. I just hope I'm around to watch and laugh hysterically when it happens.

Maybe by then, you'll have something worth hanging on to, something you don't want to lose, something you actually worked for, something.....

Who am I kidding? :dunno:

LOL... you've got twice as many posts as I do for about the same time here. Quality time? :lol:
I'll let Mr. Obvious answer that when he gets here.

I'm serious - I've had veins blow (it means collapse, not literally blow up) and I really haven't heard any descriptions of anything horrible that happened. Have you? Would you share?

So the logical extension of your thinking here would be that we should be content to perform all executions in this manner.

I don't know. The secrecy around Oklahoma executions doesn't help.
I'm not saying this was an unpreventable accident, I'm saying I don't have anything to hang my hat on to conclude it was not an unpreventable accident.
To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

1) The words 'democrat' and 'democracy' are not mentioned, one time, in any of our founding documents. Not the Constitution, not the Declaration of Independence, not the Northwest Ordinance.... None of them.

There is a reason for that..... The words, and the meanings of the words, were as repugnant to our Founders as they are to modern day Patriots.

We are a REPUBLIC.


2) You either believe in all of the Constitution or you believe in none of it.

So yeah, your 'cruel and unusual' comment bears some thought.

But karma?

Yeah, loves me some karma.

Too bad it didn't take that piece of fucking shit a month die. painfully.


Are you aware of that?

Had it not been for the 'botched' execution, neither your nor any of your idiot sycophant moron lib pals would be aware of what this scumbag did.

Why is that, you think?

Why would a known idiot like you be aware of a botched execution but be completely unaware that what could have been one of obama's sons BURIED A WOMAN ALIVE?

Don't even try to answer. You're too stupid and too dishonest

We are a democratic Republic. Democracy means demo- the people and -cracy rule,or power.

A government where the power resides with the People.
I'm serious - I've had veins blow (it means collapse, not literally blow up) and I really haven't heard any descriptions of anything horrible that happened. Have you? Would you share?

So the logical extension of your thinking here would be that we should be content to perform all executions in this manner.

I don't know. The secrecy around Oklahoma executions doesn't help.
I'm not saying this was an unpreventable accident, I'm saying I don't have anything to hang my hat on to conclude it was not an unpreventable accident.

I heard last night that they found one vein in his groin because they couldn't find the 2 veins in the arms that the procedure called for.
The guy is dead. Doesn't sound botched to me.
To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

And that is exactly the point of the article. No one is siding with the murderer here... it's the inhumane way he died.

He got it easier than his victim did, so why should I give a fuck? He got exactly what was coming to him.

If you bed wetters are so concerned about murderers suffering than perhaps we should just go back to the firing squad. A bullet in the head is far more reliable and less costly.
The guy who raped, shot and buried a 19 year old girl alive got a boo boo and we're supposed to cry over it.

No big deal...if he's a horrible murderer, it excuses the state being horrible murderers too. Ipso Facto.
So the logical extension of your thinking here would be that we should be content to perform all executions in this manner.

I don't know. The secrecy around Oklahoma executions doesn't help.
I'm not saying this was an unpreventable accident, I'm saying I don't have anything to hang my hat on to conclude it was not an unpreventable accident.

I heard last night that they found one vein in his groin because they couldn't find the 2 veins in the arms that the procedure called for.

I read where they used the groin vein. I did not see anyone say the procedure called for an arm vein.
There might be some objections if the errors had been part of a larger plan to cause the fucker as much pain as possible. It wasn't. No one is even suggesting that it was so all the sympathy directed to said fucker is misplaced and unworthy of consideration.

When an individual commits a capital crime they assume the risk that something may go wrong with the execution.
It's not like she personally planned it that way. It was really the fault of death penalty opponents who stopped the manufacturers from supplying lethal drugs. Second best isn't working out well. Time to go back to hanging or firing squad.

It wasn't a problem with the drugs, the vein blew out preventing proper administration of the drugs. It happens every day in US hospitals.

Oh, so it's really his fault! Okay. He assumed that risk when he killed the girl.

If you want to place blame for the problems, first it would be the killer for putting himself in that situation, second, the person who started the IV and didn't make sure they had a good line. But like I've said now 3 times, the most experienced people have problems with IV's. When I was in the hospital I had an IV that worked great for 4 days and the it stopped and they had to start a new one. When ever humans are involved, shit will happen.
If you people are going to insist on putting certain criminals to sleep for their crimes,

why don't we just let veternarians do it? I mean (and I'm almost being serious here) they seem to be able to put dogs cats horses whatever to sleep in a few minutes with ease,

humanely, with no apparent suffering and few if any screw-ups.

Exactly how many screw ups have occurred with lethal injections across the country? Only one I know of is this one.
There might be some objections if the errors had been part of a larger plan to cause the fucker as much pain as possible. It wasn't. No one is even suggesting that it was so all the sympathy directed to said fucker is misplaced and unworthy of consideration.

When an individual commits a capital crime they assume the risk that something may go wrong with the execution.

Either you are not very bright or you are purposely trying to distort the points being argued.

The concern is for the integrity of the procedure and the system. Not for the executed.
If you don't know that - you aren't very bright. If you know that and posted this crap anyway, you are dishonest.

There is no other option.
If you people are going to insist on putting certain criminals to sleep for their crimes,

why don't we just let veternarians do it? I mean (and I'm almost being serious here) they seem to be able to put dogs cats horses whatever to sleep in a few minutes with ease,

humanely, with no apparent suffering and few if any screw-ups.

Exactly how many screw ups have occurred with lethal injections across the country? Only one I know of is this one.

Decent question. Given the law of averages, I'd have to say this probably isn't the first. But if we're going to argue the procedure is flawed, don't we have to come up with more than one example?
To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

I'll ask you the same question I asked KR and he didn't have the balls to answer honestly. Was this problem intentional? It could only be considered inhumane if it were.

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