GOP Gov Mary Fallins zeal for execution: Result, botched execution of Claton Lockett

Did you even bother to read the article? She was warned about the experimental drug execution that caused his veins to explode.

Where's your proof that the drugs caused the vein to blow, because like I said earlier, veins blow out in US hospitals every day and the drugs have nothing to do with it.

BTW, you didn't answer my question, WAS IT INTENTIONAL?

With GOP Gov Mary Fallins zeal for executions... intentional didn't matter.

In other words, you can't say it's intentional so you want us to ignore that.
You guys really need to stop obsessing with penises. They don't need to be brought up in every discussion.
WOW! Republican Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma. A true r-wing fascist if there ever was one. A Sarah Palin clone!

God help us!

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin boasts far-right record | MSNBC

An execution this week that went terribly wrong has catapulted Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, a Republican, to the national stage. But there’s more to Fallin than her zeal for capital punishment. The first female governor of Oklahoma has also quashed broader criminal justice reform, refused Medicaid expansion that would cover 150,000 Oklahoma residents, signed 10 new restrictions on abortion and contraception, blocked local minimum wage increases, and slashed education funding.

Had Clayton not botched the execution of his 19 year old victim, he might still be alive, as it is: fuck him and fuck the Liberals who support him
That GOP Governor stooping to Locketts inhumane level doesn't bother you guys much? I didn't think so.

It's not like she personally planned it that way. It was really the fault of death penalty opponents who stopped the manufacturers from supplying lethal drugs. Second best isn't working out well. Time to go back to hanging or firing squad.

It wasn't a problem with the drugs, the vein blew out preventing proper administration of the drugs. It happens every day in US hospitals.

Oh, so it's really his fault! Okay. He assumed that risk when he killed the girl.

No one is sad for the victim of this monster.

Fuck you kid rocks. I hope you get hit by a truck!

The subsequent ticket for littering would be well worth it.


And libturd scum feel sorry for him?

What the FUCK? over

Why is it that every time there is a clear choice between scumbaggery and decency, dimocrap scum choose scumbaggery?

Simple, because that's what they are.... scumbags.

total and complete scumbags

ALL of them

I hate dimocraps. I really do
If you people are going to insist on putting certain criminals to sleep for their crimes,

why don't we just let veternarians do it? I mean (and I'm almost being serious here) they seem to be able to put dogs cats horses whatever to sleep in a few minutes with ease,

humanely, with no apparent suffering and few if any screw-ups.
I'm glad the guy is dead. But just because you achieve the desired results doesn't mean the process wasn't flawed.
I'm typically a very practical, pragmatic person. But another poster recently reminded me that you can't ignore the process.

That being said, I don't see anything incredibly flawed about the execution process. The only thing that concerns me at all is the intimidation of the court. Or maybe it was the court caving to intimidation that is the concern.

Anyway, if the state hadn't killed this guy, I'm thinking there would have been some family members all too eager to seek justice on their own. I'm glad none of these family members have to face a legal hassle of their own.
To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.
To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

What was cruel or unusual about this execution?
You pro-death penalty people can be as happy as you want that this guy suffered a cruel death,

but be assured, this put one more very big nail in the coffin of the death penalty itself.

Careful what you cheer for.
I'm glad the guy is dead. But just because you achieve the desired results doesn't mean the process wasn't flawed.
I'm typically a very practical, pragmatic person. But another poster recently reminded me that you can't ignore the process.

That being said, I don't see anything incredibly flawed about the execution process. The only thing that concerns me at all is the intimidation of the court. Or maybe it was the court caving to intimidation that is the concern.

Anyway, if the state hadn't killed this guy, I'm thinking there would have been some family members all too eager to seek justice on their own. I'm glad none of these family members have to face a legal hassle of their own.

The only thing 'flawed' about the process was that the evil motherfucker didn't take long enough to die.

I would have dragged it out for a week.


Are any of you aware of that?

That's your criminal mindset, people.

It's a complete and utter lack of caring about what you're doing to other people. As long as you get what you want, so what?

All he did was bury her alive. Can we stop talking about it and move on?

THAT is the way criminals think. ALL of them.

Are you starting to tie it together yet?
To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

What was cruel or unusual about this execution?

I'll let Mr. Obvious answer that when he gets here.
To be inhumane to an inhumane criminal is uncivilized. Justice can be justice without being cruel and unusual,

in fact, I think that's actually prohibited as one of our core democratic constitutional principles,

not that that would matter to conservatives.

What was cruel or unusual about this execution?

I'll let Mr. Obvious answer that when he gets here.

I'm serious - I've had veins blow (it means collapse, not literally blow up) and I really haven't heard any descriptions of anything horrible that happened. Have you? Would you share?
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!1 a despicable murderer suffered a lil bit!!!

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