GOP has bill to keep government open

Well you can be assured that the Reps will be letting everyone know who's holding up the bill.

Kinda think the Dems will get the blame for this one since no one gives a shit about the reason the shut down happens. They just want the Govt. to keep running.
Yes, the GOP is responsible. Just like the previous two times. Wanna see Obama's approval shoot up to 60%? Keep it up.
The GOP has a bill they can pass and Democrats are blocking it and the GOP is responsible? Wow, what are you smoking?
The Republicans get the blame because people know it's what they do, throw a tantrum and threaten to shut down the government. If the Dems are filibustering, it's because Reps are trying to get Obama to swallow a poison pill. If they want a deal passed, they need to negotiate with the Dems, NOT play chicken. You'd think by now they'd know history isn't on their side.
No the GOP is the majority party. When Dems were the majority they were like "fuck 'em, we've got the votes." Now the GOP is the majority. Fuck you, we've got the votes.
It hasn't turned out that way in the past. Americans tend to see which party is trying to force a poison pill that really has nothing to do with the budget itself.

But, I saw this. I can't get Forbes to open up, but it may be true that the only way for Boehner to keep his job is to force a shutdown to appease the TP minority in his caucus. Then after public opinion turns sour, he can bring up a clean bill and pass it with dem help, saying "Well there's no other choice. I tried, really I tried." He's done that in the past. LOL
Yes, the GOP is responsible. Just like the previous two times. Wanna see Obama's approval shoot up to 60%? Keep it up.
The GOP has a bill they can pass and Democrats are blocking it and the GOP is responsible? Wow, what are you smoking?
The Republicans get the blame because people know it's what they do, throw a tantrum and threaten to shut down the government. If the Dems are filibustering, it's because Reps are trying to get Obama to swallow a poison pill. If they want a deal passed, they need to negotiate with the Dems, NOT play chicken. You'd think by now they'd know history isn't on their side.
No the GOP is the majority party. When Dems were the majority they were like "fuck 'em, we've got the votes." Now the GOP is the majority. Fuck you, we've got the votes.
Do you have the votes to override a veto?
It hasn't turned out that way in the past. Americans tend to see which party is trying to force a poison pill that really has nothing to do with the budget itself.

But, I saw this. I can't get Forbes to open up, but it may be true that the only way for Boehner to keep his job is to force a shutdown to appease the TP minority in his caucus. Then after public opinion turns sour, he can bring up a clean bill and pass it with dem help, saying "Well there's no other choice. I tried, really I tried." He's done that in the past. LOL
And he'll be out as Speaker.
No, the Congress will pass a budget bill and force Obama to veto it. Then they'll shove it up his ass.
No the GOP is the majority party. When Dems were the majority they were like "fuck 'em, we've got the votes." Now the GOP is the majority. Fuck you, we've got the votes.
Sucks to be you, doesn't it? If we have to drag the Reps kicking and screaming into the 21st century, we will, just like Clinton did with the balanced budget and welfare reform in the '90s.
Yes, the GOP is responsible. Just like the previous two times. Wanna see Obama's approval shoot up to 60%? Keep it up.
The GOP has a bill they can pass and Democrats are blocking it and the GOP is responsible? Wow, what are you smoking?
The Republicans get the blame because people know it's what they do, throw a tantrum and threaten to shut down the government. If the Dems are filibustering, it's because Reps are trying to get Obama to swallow a poison pill. If they want a deal passed, they need to negotiate with the Dems, NOT play chicken. You'd think by now they'd know history isn't on their side.
No the GOP is the majority party. When Dems were the majority they were like "fuck 'em, we've got the votes." Now the GOP is the majority. Fuck you, we've got the votes.
Do you have the votes to override a veto?
Is Obama prepared to own the shutdown due to his veto?
No the GOP is the majority party. When Dems were the majority they were like "fuck 'em, we've got the votes." Now the GOP is the majority. Fuck you, we've got the votes.
Sucks to be you, doesn't it? If we have to drag the Reps kicking and screaming into the 21st, we will, just like Clinton did with the balanced budget and welfare reform in the '90s.
No actually it will suck to be a Dem. The party of No. The party of Obstruction. The party that wont send SS checks to elderly people because they want to cut up little babies and sell their parts.
Yup sucks.
Yes, the GOP is responsible. Just like the previous two times. Wanna see Obama's approval shoot up to 60%? Keep it up.
The GOP has a bill they can pass and Democrats are blocking it and the GOP is responsible? Wow, what are you smoking?
The Republicans get the blame because people know it's what they do, throw a tantrum and threaten to shut down the government. If the Dems are filibustering, it's because Reps are trying to get Obama to swallow a poison pill. If they want a deal passed, they need to negotiate with the Dems, NOT play chicken. You'd think by now they'd know history isn't on their side.
No the GOP is the majority party. When Dems were the majority they were like "fuck 'em, we've got the votes." Now the GOP is the majority. Fuck you, we've got the votes.
Do you have the votes to override a veto?
Is Obama prepared to own the shutdown due to his veto?
No, but he's ready to own the gop, again. Groundhog day. LOL
The GOP has a bill they can pass and Democrats are blocking it and the GOP is responsible? Wow, what are you smoking?
The Republicans get the blame because people know it's what they do, throw a tantrum and threaten to shut down the government. If the Dems are filibustering, it's because Reps are trying to get Obama to swallow a poison pill. If they want a deal passed, they need to negotiate with the Dems, NOT play chicken. You'd think by now they'd know history isn't on their side.
No the GOP is the majority party. When Dems were the majority they were like "fuck 'em, we've got the votes." Now the GOP is the majority. Fuck you, we've got the votes.
Do you have the votes to override a veto?
Is Obama prepared to own the shutdown due to his veto?
No, but he's ready to own the gop, again. Groundhog day. LOL
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Yes, the GOP is responsible.
Just like the previous two times.

Wanna see Obama's approval shoot up to 60%? Keep it up.
The GOP has a bill they can pass and Democrats are blocking it and the GOP is responsible? Wow, what are you smoking?

So what if Obama's approval rating goes up. Is he up for re-election next year?

GOP freshmen urge party to avoid shutdown

Nearly a dozen House GOP freshmen are urging their colleagues to avoid a government shutdown next week and pass a short-term spending bill a week before federal agencies run out of money.

In a “Dear Colleague” letter, eleven new Republicans urged their fellow GOP lawmakers to pass a continuing resolution by Sept. 30 - and not hold any stopgap spending bill hostage over funding for Planned Parenthood.

The small group, part of the centrist Republican Main Street Partnership, is seeking to be a counter to the hardline House Freedom Caucus, whose members are pressuring leadership to defund the women’s health care organization, even if it means shuttering government agencies.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), also eager to avoid a shutdown, is expected to call up a “clean” funding bill if Democrats succeed in filibustering the first bill.

House GOP leadership on Thursday will powwow to plot their next moves. Boehner has tried to offer alternative proposals on defunding Planned Parenthood to his most hardline conservatives, although some are warning they will try to oust Boehner unless he’s able to defund the group.

GOP freshmen urge party to avoid shutdown
GOP plan to keep the Government open

Do what we say or we will close it
Ha, Obama will make Boehner and McConnell his bitches again. That's the pattern. It's what the Republican Party gets for allowing corrupt milquetoast buffoons to run their Party.

Obama laughs at em at this point. I mean, name just one thing in Obama's agenda that he hasn't gotten passed on Boehner and McConnell's watch? Go ahead, i dare you to name just one thing.
Yes, the GOP is responsible. Just like the previous two times. Wanna see Obama's approval shoot up to 60%? Keep it up.
The GOP has a bill they can pass and Democrats are blocking it and the GOP is responsible? Wow, what are you smoking?
The Republicans get the blame because people know it's what they do, throw a tantrum and threaten to shut down the government. If the Dems are filibustering, it's because Reps are trying to get Obama to swallow a poison pill. If they want a deal passed, they need to negotiate with the Dems, NOT play chicken. You'd think by now they'd know history isn't on their side.
No the GOP is the majority party. When Dems were the majority they were like "fuck 'em, we've got the votes." Now the GOP is the majority. Fuck you, we've got the votes.
Do you have the votes to override a veto?
Is Obama prepared to own the shutdown due to his veto?
Sure, it is saying no to extortion. What the republicans are trying to do is use extortion to pass a law they can not pass without extorting it into law. The only ones angry will be those who are disappointed that extortion didn't work for them.

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