GOP has bill to keep government open

The democrats are ready to shut down the government again. In more shocking news, the sun shown on the Sahara desert today.

That's the way democrats roll.

Must-Read Quotes About Republicans' Second Shutdown Showdown

Republicans in the House, Senate, and state governments are strongly warning their colleagues that another shutdown showdown is an unsuccessful strategy and not in their party’s best interest:

Representative Charlie Dent (R-PA): “Shutting down the government is not in our political interest, it will undermine the Republican brand and it will hurt whoever the Republican nominee is in November.” [New York Times, 9/21/15]

Representative Tom Cole (R-OK): “Having charged up the hill once and been shot down, why would you want to do that again?” [U.S. News and World Report, 9/14/15]

Nearly a dozen House Republican freshmen: “[W]e are writing today to express our strong support for a funding resolution that will avoid another unnecessary and harmful government shutdown… [W]e were elected by our constituent’s [sic] to be principled, pragmatic leaders… The sixteen-day government shutdown in 2013 … not only hurt taxpayers with the loss of important government services — it actually cost more taxpayer money to close the federal government than to keep it open.” [Politico, 9/23/15]

Majority Leader McConnell (R-KY): “[A government shutdown] would be an exercise in futility.” [CNN, 9/15/15]

Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH): “Given the challenges and threats we face at home and abroad, I oppose risking a government shutdown, particularly when it appears there is no chance of achieving a successful result... During the last government shutdown, I repeatedly asked you [Senator Cruz] what your strategy for success was when we did not have the votes to achieve the goal of defunding Obamacare, but I did not receive an answer.” [The Hill, 9/17/15]

Senator Dan Coats (R-IN): “I don’t want to use a failed tactic for political purposes knowing that it’s not going to succeed.” [Politico, 9/10/15]

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME): “We really need a clean CR if we’re going to avoid a government shutdown.” [Politico, 9/22/15]

Governor John Kasich (R-OH): “The president's made it clear he is not going to sign it… I'm willing to fight all day long, but you've got to have a good prospect of being able to be successful. Because if you're not successful, you shut the government down, you open it up and you haven't achieved anything. You're just going to have people shake their head and wonder what your thinking was.” [Huffington Post, 9/13/15]

The overwhelming majority of Americans agree this is a failed strategy and do not want a repeat of 2013. Instead, they want their Representatives in Congress to act responsibly and fund our government immediately:

Majority of Americans: “More than seven in 10 Americans said they would prefer a budget agreement to prevent the government from shutting down, compared to just 22 percent who said it is more important for Congress to eliminate all funding from Planned Parenthood.” [Politico, 9/14/15]

Editorial Boards across the country are also joining in calling on Republican leaders to stop taking the government hostage in order to advance their partisan politics:

Los Angeles Times: “A mere two years after futilely shutting down much of the federal government in a doomed-from-the-start effort to ‘defund Obamacare,’ congressional Republicans appear determined to force another shutdown in a doomed-from-the-start effort to ‘defund Planned Parenthood.’ And with a few notable exceptions, the GOP presidential candidates have been cheering on this exercise in dysfunction…. [Another shutdown] would not only hurt the thousands of federal workers and contractors who'd receive no pay; it would deny constituents all ‘nonessential’ services, such as housing subsidies, small-business loans and environmental reviews of construction projects. And worse, it would hit the brakes on the U.S. economy and rattle global markets. Leaders from both parties and the Obama administration need to work out a compromise now, and spare us having to watch this bad movie again.” [9/18/15]

Washington Post: “The federal government’s authority to spend money on discretionary programs expires at midnight on Sept. 30 — just a week from Wednesday… The bigger problem is in the House, where Speaker John A. Boehner (Ohio) is struggling — once again — to rein in far-right conservatives who are willing to pass a funding bill only if it reflects their priorities, in this case, by ‘defunding’ Planned Parenthood. That is, they prefer grandstanding, on behalf of a cause most Americans don’t support, to governing the country… Still, as Mr. Boehner himself undoubtedly realizes, the ultras in his caucus are not only acting contrary to the national interest, but they are also acting contrary to the Republican Party’s own long-term political interest.” [9/23/15]

Wall Street Journal: “Congress is back in Washington, which means more intra-GOP drama when funding for the government expires at the end of the month. Some conservatives are trying to force a showdown over Planned Parenthood, but we wish they’d explain how this would benefit the antiabortion movement or the Republican majority… The problem is that this plan lacks even a small chance of successRepublicans got most of the blame for [the 2013 government shutdown], 53% to 29% for Mr. Obama in an Oct. 22, 2013 Washington Post-ABC poll. The GOP image tanked, with Gallup reporting the same month that only 22% of the country viewed Republicans favorably—the lowest rating for either party since the pollster started asking the question in 1992.” [9/8/15]


Must-Read Quotes About Republicans' Second Shutdown Showdown | The Office of Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
Hey, democrats did it before, they'll do it again, as long as they have useful idiots who blame Republicans.

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