GOP has bill to keep government open

Now you're worried about your tax dime. As you dismiss others concerns about their tax dimes going to baby killers.

Nobody should give a shit about a government shutdown, it's a convoluted left wing freak out over nothing tactic like much of their issues. When the government "Shuts down" it actually keeps functioning at 87% capacity. Let the government shut down and never let it start up again. That would be a step in the right direction.

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says

Here Is How Much The Government Shutdown Cost

LMAO! The government shutdown didn't cost jack shit. What you are trying to sell as "costing" the economy was simply a bunch of government employees not getting paid to do the worthless job they have that nobody should even care about. You think not spending money we don't have is "costing" us something. Well let me tell you, we need to "cost" our not spending by about 18 trillion dollars.

To willfully ignorant to read a link huh? lol

The government shutdown has taken at least $24 billion out of the United States economy, the financial ratings agency Standard & Poor's said Wednesday.The firm said the shutdown caused it to cut its forecast of gross domestic product growth in the fourth quarter by at least 0.6 percentage point.

The estimate represents a staggering cost to the economy of a completely self-inflicted political catastroph

Here Is How Much The Government Shutdown Cost
plus it cost us our credit rating, making borrowed money more expensive....all on us tax payer's shoulders...

that 24 billion lost in the economy also represents lost taxable revenues for the irs....again putting more on to us tax payer's left...more future debt at a higher cost.
Wait a minute. You're worried about the debt now? The same debt you people refuse to acknowledge is a problem and you only get pissed off over it when the government shuts down 13% of it's operations? WTF?

We currently are borrowing 2 billion per day to keep this government open. The shutdown actually almost made that fall to zero until they opened back up and spent the money anyway. Shut the government down, we get an instant 13% savings and are on our way to paying off the debt or at least stopping it from growing.

The problem? Sure dumbass,



Ronnie had 19.7% of GDP in revenues but cut it to 17%, even with his 11 tax increases on the poor/middle class WHILE he jumped up spending to above 22% of GDP

Dubya thought Ronnie was weak, so he dumped Clinton's 20% of GDP to below 15%, 1950's levels, WHILE spending jumped to 25% of GDP.

Those "fiscal conservative" GOPers right dummy?

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says

Here Is How Much The Government Shutdown Cost

LMAO! The government shutdown didn't cost jack shit. What you are trying to sell as "costing" the economy was simply a bunch of government employees not getting paid to do the worthless job they have that nobody should even care about. You think not spending money we don't have is "costing" us something. Well let me tell you, we need to "cost" our not spending by about 18 trillion dollars.
The Government employees were paid to sit home for 16 days while Republicans threw hissy fits because the monuments were closed
And why were they paid? They shouldn't have been. They didn't work.
They were ready and willing to work

Why should they be punished over a Republican temper tantrum?
I don't give a shit who's ready to work. There has to be a job people need done in order to work. They should all be shown the door and join the rest of the tax paying world in obie's economy actually producing something.

Republicans who cost us $26 billion in a temper tantrum shouldn't have been paid
Listen shit for a brain...Infrastructure, science, r&d and education never added a single cent to our debt. Fact.

You want to rip the guts out of this country and kill our ability to pay down this debt...Oh'yess, you're a republican and you want to weaken this country.
Solendra agrees with you. Send us more money! One of these days we will stop sucking ass and make something worth a shit!

You listen shit for brains. R&D and producing new energy products belongs in the private sector that won't invest in stupid shit that has no chance.
How do we fix things?
1. Stop infusing hundreds of billions into the stock market. We're recovered!
2. Raise taxes 5-8% on the top 10% of earners.
3. Close the loop holes.
4. Stay out of wars and nation building
5. Go back to 2007 levels for welfare and unemployment.
6. Keep fixing the healthcare system

This would do a thousand times more for reducing the debt then cutting infrastructure, science, r&d and education...Which of course hasn't added any debt.

Of course, I don't expect you to understand this.
Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says

Here Is How Much The Government Shutdown Cost

LMAO! The government shutdown didn't cost jack shit. What you are trying to sell as "costing" the economy was simply a bunch of government employees not getting paid to do the worthless job they have that nobody should even care about. You think not spending money we don't have is "costing" us something. Well let me tell you, we need to "cost" our not spending by about 18 trillion dollars.

To willfully ignorant to read a link huh? lol

The government shutdown has taken at least $24 billion out of the United States economy, the financial ratings agency Standard & Poor's said Wednesday.The firm said the shutdown caused it to cut its forecast of gross domestic product growth in the fourth quarter by at least 0.6 percentage point.

The estimate represents a staggering cost to the economy of a completely self-inflicted political catastroph

Here Is How Much The Government Shutdown Cost
plus it cost us our credit rating, making borrowed money more expensive....all on us tax payer's shoulders...

that 24 billion lost in the economy also represents lost taxable revenues for the irs....again putting more on to us tax payer's left...more future debt at a higher cost.
Wait a minute. You're worried about the debt now? The same debt you people refuse to acknowledge is a problem and you only get pissed off over it when the government shuts down 13% of it's operations? WTF?

We currently are borrowing 2 billion per day to keep this government open. The shutdown actually almost made that fall to zero until they opened back up and spent the money anyway. Shut the government down, we get an instant 13% savings and are on our way to paying off the debt or at least stopping it from growing.

The problem? Sure dumbass,



Ronnie had 19.7% of GDP in revenues but cut it to 17%, even with his 11 tax increases on the poor/middle class WHILE he jumped up spending to above 22% of GDP

Dubya thought Ronnie was weak, so he dumped Clinton's 20% of GDP to below 15%, 1950's levels, WHILE spending jumped to 25% of GDP.

Those "fiscal conservative" GOPers right dummy?

Obie doubles the debt we had under W and somehow you still find a way to blame Reagan. Pathetic.
LMAO! The government shutdown didn't cost jack shit. What you are trying to sell as "costing" the economy was simply a bunch of government employees not getting paid to do the worthless job they have that nobody should even care about. You think not spending money we don't have is "costing" us something. Well let me tell you, we need to "cost" our not spending by about 18 trillion dollars.
The Government employees were paid to sit home for 16 days while Republicans threw hissy fits because the monuments were closed
And why were they paid? They shouldn't have been. They didn't work.
They were ready and willing to work

Why should they be punished over a Republican temper tantrum?
I don't give a shit who's ready to work. There has to be a job people need done in order to work. They should all be shown the door and join the rest of the tax paying world in obie's economy actually producing something.

Republicans who cost us $26 billion in a temper tantrum shouldn't have been paid
So you'd agree that Democrats, who added $8T to the deficit should not only not get paid but should be forced to disgorge some o ftheir salary. Right?
Listen shit for a brain...Infrastructure, science, r&d and education never added a single cent to our debt. Fact.

You want to rip the guts out of this country and kill our ability to pay down this debt...Oh'yess, you're a republican and you want to weaken this country.
Solendra agrees with you. Send us more money! One of these days we will stop sucking ass and make something worth a shit!

You listen shit for brains. R&D and producing new energy products belongs in the private sector that won't invest in stupid shit that has no chance.
Private sector never makes stupid investments .... lol ... Lehman Brothers. Lol.
LMAO! The government shutdown didn't cost jack shit. What you are trying to sell as "costing" the economy was simply a bunch of government employees not getting paid to do the worthless job they have that nobody should even care about. You think not spending money we don't have is "costing" us something. Well let me tell you, we need to "cost" our not spending by about 18 trillion dollars.

To willfully ignorant to read a link huh? lol

The government shutdown has taken at least $24 billion out of the United States economy, the financial ratings agency Standard & Poor's said Wednesday.The firm said the shutdown caused it to cut its forecast of gross domestic product growth in the fourth quarter by at least 0.6 percentage point.

The estimate represents a staggering cost to the economy of a completely self-inflicted political catastroph

Here Is How Much The Government Shutdown Cost
plus it cost us our credit rating, making borrowed money more expensive....all on us tax payer's shoulders...

that 24 billion lost in the economy also represents lost taxable revenues for the irs....again putting more on to us tax payer's left...more future debt at a higher cost.
Wait a minute. You're worried about the debt now? The same debt you people refuse to acknowledge is a problem and you only get pissed off over it when the government shuts down 13% of it's operations? WTF?

We currently are borrowing 2 billion per day to keep this government open. The shutdown actually almost made that fall to zero until they opened back up and spent the money anyway. Shut the government down, we get an instant 13% savings and are on our way to paying off the debt or at least stopping it from growing.

The problem? Sure dumbass,



Ronnie had 19.7% of GDP in revenues but cut it to 17%, even with his 11 tax increases on the poor/middle class WHILE he jumped up spending to above 22% of GDP

Dubya thought Ronnie was weak, so he dumped Clinton's 20% of GDP to below 15%, 1950's levels, WHILE spending jumped to 25% of GDP.

Those "fiscal conservative" GOPers right dummy?

Obie doubles the debt we had under W and somehow you still find a way to blame Reagan. Pathetic.

Bush never included the war and massive tax cuts in his budget. Think about it.
Listen shit for a brain...Infrastructure, science, r&d and education never added a single cent to our debt. Fact.

You want to rip the guts out of this country and kill our ability to pay down this debt...Oh'yess, you're a republican and you want to weaken this country.
Solendra agrees with you. Send us more money! One of these days we will stop sucking ass and make something worth a shit!

You listen shit for brains. R&D and producing new energy products belongs in the private sector that won't invest in stupid shit that has no chance.
Private sector never makes stupid investments .... lol ... Lehman Brothers. Lol.


Also most of the housing collapse was private sector.
The Government employees were paid to sit home for 16 days while Republicans threw hissy fits because the monuments were closed
And why were they paid? They shouldn't have been. They didn't work.
They were ready and willing to work

Why should they be punished over a Republican temper tantrum?
I don't give a shit who's ready to work. There has to be a job people need done in order to work. They should all be shown the door and join the rest of the tax paying world in obie's economy actually producing something.

Republicans who cost us $26 billion in a temper tantrum shouldn't have been paid
So you'd agree that Democrats, who added $8T to the deficit should not only not get paid but should be forced to disgorge some o ftheir salary. Right?

Show me what they did that cost $8 trillion and we can discuss it
The democrats are ready to shut down the government again. In more shocking news, the sun shown on the Sahara desert today.
Listen shit for a brain...Infrastructure, science, r&d and education never added a single cent to our debt. Fact.

You want to rip the guts out of this country and kill our ability to pay down this debt...Oh'yess, you're a republican and you want to weaken this country.
Solendra agrees with you. Send us more money! One of these days we will stop sucking ass and make something worth a shit!

You listen shit for brains. R&D and producing new energy products belongs in the private sector that won't invest in stupid shit that has no chance.
Really? You don't say.

And, also in Oklahoma, American Electric Power ended up tripling the amount of wind power it had originally sought after seeing how low the bids came in last year.

“Wind was on sale — it was a Blue Light Special,” said Jay Godfrey, managing director of renewable energy for the company. He noted that Oklahoma, unlike many states, did not require utilities to buy power from renewable sources.

“We were doing it because it made sense for our ratepayers,” he said.

According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firm’s analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents.

Since this article was written, the bids for a huge, 1 gw, solar installation at Austin, Texas, has come in under 4 cents a watt.
Listen shit for a brain...Infrastructure, science, r&d and education never added a single cent to our debt. Fact.

You want to rip the guts out of this country and kill our ability to pay down this debt...Oh'yess, you're a republican and you want to weaken this country.
Solendra agrees with you. Send us more money! One of these days we will stop sucking ass and make something worth a shit!

You listen shit for brains. R&D and producing new energy products belongs in the private sector that won't invest in stupid shit that has no chance.

The loan guarantee program that helped Solyndra "was a program that was supported by President Bush." Passed the GOP Congress

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush? David Plouffe says so

Seven things you should know about Solyndra

Congress thought there would be more failures: Two companies have declared bankruptcy under the loan program so far, out of the 33 projects funded. Congress was expecting more.

(GOP) Lawmakers set aside $10 billion to cover any losses from $26 billion in loans.

Seven things you should know about Solyndra

November 12, 2014

U.S. Expects $5 Billion (PROFIT!!!) From Program That Funded Solyndra

U.S. Expects $5 Billion From Program That Funded Solyndra

Reuters: Venture Capitalists Point To Solyndra As One Of The Top 10 Companies "Ripest" To Go Public. Reuters reported in August 2009:
Investors eye top startups as IPO market awakens - Aug. 19, 2009

Market Conditions Shifted Significantly from 2009 to 2011

"advantages that were more important in 2009 when it received a $535 million U.S. loan guarantee to build a factory" than they are now, noting that the price of the silicon-based panels with which Solyndra was competing "has fallen 46 percent since then."

Obama’s Solar Bets May Avoid Solyndra’s Fate With Low Costs

Last edited:
How do we fix things?
1. Stop infusing hundreds of billions into the stock market. We're recovered!
2. Raise taxes 5-8% on the top 10% of earners.
3. Close the loop holes.
4. Stay out of wars and nation building
5. Go back to 2007 levels for welfare and unemployment.
6. Keep fixing the healthcare system

This would do a thousand times more for reducing the debt then cutting infrastructure, science, r&d and education...Which of course hasn't added any debt.

Of course, I don't expect you to understand this.

Listen shit for a brain...Infrastructure, science, r&d and education never added a single cent to our debt. Fact.

You want to rip the guts out of this country and kill our ability to pay down this debt...Oh'yess, you're a republican and you want to weaken this country.
Solendra agrees with you. Send us more money! One of these days we will stop sucking ass and make something worth a shit!

You listen shit for brains. R&D and producing new energy products belongs in the private sector that won't invest in stupid shit that has no chance.
Really? You don't say.

And, also in Oklahoma, American Electric Power ended up tripling the amount of wind power it had originally sought after seeing how low the bids came in last year.

“Wind was on sale — it was a Blue Light Special,” said Jay Godfrey, managing director of renewable energy for the company. He noted that Oklahoma, unlike many states, did not require utilities to buy power from renewable sources.

“We were doing it because it made sense for our ratepayers,” he said.

According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firm’s analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents.

Since this article was written, the bids for a huge, 1 gw, solar installation at Austin, Texas, has come in under 4 cents a watt.

Government built our dams, highways, innovated the early internet, and took us too the moon. The loserterian is insane.
LMAO! The government shutdown didn't cost jack shit. What you are trying to sell as "costing" the economy was simply a bunch of government employees not getting paid to do the worthless job they have that nobody should even care about. You think not spending money we don't have is "costing" us something. Well let me tell you, we need to "cost" our not spending by about 18 trillion dollars.

To willfully ignorant to read a link huh? lol

The government shutdown has taken at least $24 billion out of the United States economy, the financial ratings agency Standard & Poor's said Wednesday.The firm said the shutdown caused it to cut its forecast of gross domestic product growth in the fourth quarter by at least 0.6 percentage point.

The estimate represents a staggering cost to the economy of a completely self-inflicted political catastroph

Here Is How Much The Government Shutdown Cost
plus it cost us our credit rating, making borrowed money more expensive....all on us tax payer's shoulders...

that 24 billion lost in the economy also represents lost taxable revenues for the irs....again putting more on to us tax payer's left...more future debt at a higher cost.
Wait a minute. You're worried about the debt now? The same debt you people refuse to acknowledge is a problem and you only get pissed off over it when the government shuts down 13% of it's operations? WTF?

We currently are borrowing 2 billion per day to keep this government open. The shutdown actually almost made that fall to zero until they opened back up and spent the money anyway. Shut the government down, we get an instant 13% savings and are on our way to paying off the debt or at least stopping it from growing.

The problem? Sure dumbass,



Ronnie had 19.7% of GDP in revenues but cut it to 17%, even with his 11 tax increases on the poor/middle class WHILE he jumped up spending to above 22% of GDP

Dubya thought Ronnie was weak, so he dumped Clinton's 20% of GDP to below 15%, 1950's levels, WHILE spending jumped to 25% of GDP.

Those "fiscal conservative" GOPers right dummy?

Obie doubles the debt we had under W and somehow you still find a way to blame Reagan. Pathetic.

DOUBLED HUH? Nah that was Dubya doubling it, Ronnie tripled itt Bubba


National Debt Oct 1, 2009 $11,920,519,164,319.42 (almost $12 trillion)



The Government employees were paid to sit home for 16 days while Republicans threw hissy fits because the monuments were closed
And why were they paid? They shouldn't have been. They didn't work.
They were ready and willing to work

Why should they be punished over a Republican temper tantrum?
I don't give a shit who's ready to work. There has to be a job people need done in order to work. They should all be shown the door and join the rest of the tax paying world in obie's economy actually producing something.

Republicans who cost us $26 billion in a temper tantrum shouldn't have been paid
So you'd agree that Democrats, who added $8T to the deficit should not only not get paid but should be forced to disgorge some o ftheir salary. Right?


National Debt Oct 1, 2009 $11,920,519,164,319.42

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