GOP has bill to keep government open

GOP plan to keep the Government open

Do what we say or we will close it
Wasnt that Obama's plan? Isnt that the Democratic plan?
Obama's plan was to keep making the gop look like college fratboys on a weekend drug, while Hillary ran as the adult who'd get them back in line while ensuring his legacy with the ACA and Iran deal ... he's run into a small snag.
Obama's plan is to play politics with retirees social security checks.
Yep, while refusing to admit Obozocare is a failure, since it is supposed to fund everything PP does except abortions (illegal under federal law) and butchering babies to sell the body parts...

Give us a free and clear Bill, stop playing these stupid, idiotic games Republicans, we are on to you and your wasteful political posturing on my tax dime.

You are the minority party, voters have spoken, so you can shut it.
Americans know the Democrats cannot be trusted with money. They are like sorority girls going shopping after a bender with Daddy's credit card.
The federal deficit declined every year of Clinton's Presidency.

It ballooned under Bush to the largest deficit in the history of the entire Universe.

It has declined every year of the Obama Administration.

It's too bad rubes like yourself have not ever caught on that Republicans are just as big spenders as Democrats.
The gop's basic problem is they tie up spending bills over ideology. And a supermajority WANTED the government to do something about HC. Obamacare isn't perfect, by a longshot, but tying repeal to spending was not providing an alternative. So, they lost the battle of public opinion.

Abortion and PP is actually worse, because a majority has always approved of PP, and that number hasn't changed. Even worse, for 40 damn years, nearly 80% of Americans think abortion should be available in any instance or at least in some instances. It's a loser for the gop, yet they keep coming back.

Despite Constant Debate, Americans' Abortion Opinions Rarely Change
The Republicans have not passed a budget. Funny how they whined about Democrats not passing a budget, isn't it?

By not passing a budget, the Republicans avoid the embarrassment of having to explain why they passed one that has a deficit in it.

By passing CRs, they get to have their cake and eat it, too. They can continue spending like sailors in a whorehouse, and the rubes like Rabbi don't catch on. The GOP pours a cup of piss distilled with red ink labeled "Keeping the Gubmint Open", and the rubes chug it right down.
GOP plan to keep the Government open

Do what we say or we will close it
Wasnt that Obama's plan? Isnt that the Democratic plan?
Obama's plan was to keep making the gop look like college fratboys on a weekend drug, while Hillary ran as the adult who'd get them back in line while ensuring his legacy with the ACA and Iran deal ... he's run into a small snag.
Obama's plan is to play politics with retirees social security checks.
Yep, while refusing to admit Obozocare is a failure, since it is supposed to fund everything PP does except abortions (illegal under federal law) and butchering babies to sell the body parts...

OK, Obozocare funds everything PP does except abortions, which can't be paid for out of federal funds, but are still available at clinics and hospitals...

The only facts in contention are:

1). Obozocare is obviously failing if women are forced to rely on PP for their medical needs, and...

2). Democrats want to shut down the government if PP isn't funded where they can continue doing the one other thing they do... butchering babies and selling the body parts.
Wasnt that Obama's plan? Isnt that the Democratic plan?
Obama's plan was to keep making the gop look like college fratboys on a weekend drug, while Hillary ran as the adult who'd get them back in line while ensuring his legacy with the ACA and Iran deal ... he's run into a small snag.
Obama's plan is to play politics with retirees social security checks.
Yep, while refusing to admit Obozocare is a failure, since it is supposed to fund everything PP does except abortions (illegal under federal law) and butchering babies to sell the body parts...

OK, Obozocare funds everything PP does except abortions, which can't be paid for out of federal funds, but are still available at clinics and hospitals...

The only facts in contention are:

1). Obozocare is obviously failing if women are forced to rely on PP for their medical needs, and...

2). Democrats want to shut down the government if PP isn't funded where they can continue doing the one other thing they do... butchering babies and selling the body parts.

Gawd you're a moron. Obamacares does no such thing dumbass! It's a law requiring health insurance with min standards and creates an insurance pool dummy!
Obama's plan was to keep making the gop look like college fratboys on a weekend drug, while Hillary ran as the adult who'd get them back in line while ensuring his legacy with the ACA and Iran deal ... he's run into a small snag.
Obama's plan is to play politics with retirees social security checks.
Yep, while refusing to admit Obozocare is a failure, since it is supposed to fund everything PP does except abortions (illegal under federal law) and butchering babies to sell the body parts...

OK, Obozocare funds everything PP does except abortions, which can't be paid for out of federal funds, but are still available at clinics and hospitals...

The only facts in contention are:

1). Obozocare is obviously failing if women are forced to rely on PP for their medical needs, and...

2). Democrats want to shut down the government if PP isn't funded where they can continue doing the one other thing they do... butchering babies and selling the body parts.

Gawd you're a moron. Obamacares does no such thing dumbass! It's a law requiring health insurance with min standards and creates an insurance pool dummy!
And that insurance pays for medical treatment...

Hell, Obozo even made up federal subsidies where the taxpayers fund it for low-income and welfare receipients...

So once again, Obozocare is obviously FAILING ...
Wasnt that Obama's plan? Isnt that the Democratic plan?
Obama's plan was to keep making the gop look like college fratboys on a weekend drug, while Hillary ran as the adult who'd get them back in line while ensuring his legacy with the ACA and Iran deal ... he's run into a small snag.
Obama's plan is to play politics with retirees social security checks.
Yep, while refusing to admit Obozocare is a failure, since it is supposed to fund everything PP does except abortions (illegal under federal law) and butchering babies to sell the body parts...

OK, Obozocare funds everything PP does except abortions, which can't be paid for out of federal funds, but are still available at clinics and hospitals...

The only facts in contention are:

1). Obozocare is obviously failing if women are forced to rely on PP for their medical needs, and...

2). Democrats want to shut down the government if PP isn't funded where they can continue doing the one other thing they do... butchering babies and selling the body parts.

Are you a Muslim?
Yes, the GOP is responsible.
Just like the previous two times.

Wanna see Obama's approval shoot up to 60%? Keep it up.
The GOP has a bill they can pass and Democrats are blocking it and the GOP is responsible? Wow, what are you smoking?

So what if Obama's approval rating goes up. Is he up for re-election next year?

So the bill you are talking about keeps funding everything that is currently funded at the same rate? A simple yes or no please.
Obozocare funds everything PP offers except abortions (which are ILLEGAL To use federal funds for in the first place), and butchering babies to sell the body parts, so what's the problem???

And the Libs have already stated that abortions can be (and are) performed at other places, like hospitals!!!

Is butchering babies such a priority for Libs that they will shut off retirees' SS checks and try to starve out almost half the country that Obozo has on public assistance to insure it continues???

Poor and indigent people having access to healthcare is. Preserving agreements made between negotiators is. I am with you on the ACA but principles are important as well
Wasnt that Obama's plan? Isnt that the Democratic plan?
Obama's plan was to keep making the gop look like college fratboys on a weekend drug, while Hillary ran as the adult who'd get them back in line while ensuring his legacy with the ACA and Iran deal ... he's run into a small snag.
Obama's plan is to play politics with retirees social security checks.
Yep, while refusing to admit Obozocare is a failure, since it is supposed to fund everything PP does except abortions (illegal under federal law) and butchering babies to sell the body parts...

OK, Obozocare funds everything PP does except abortions, which can't be paid for out of federal funds, but are still available at clinics and hospitals...

The only facts in contention are:

1). Obozocare is obviously failing if women are forced to rely on PP for their medical needs, and...

2). Democrats want to shut down the government if PP isn't funded where they can continue doing the one other thing they do... butchering babies and selling the body parts.

Do you kinow what Obamacare is?

It is not one size fits all. Everyone has a different healthcare plan. All of the low cost plans have high deductables. Womens healthcare such as pap smears and exams do not meet the deductable. Planned Parenthood provides these services at low cost
Give us a free and clear Bill, stop playing these stupid, idiotic games Republicans, we are on to you and your wasteful political posturing on my tax dime.

You are the minority party, voters have spoken, so you can shut it.
Americans know the Democrats cannot be trusted with money. They are like sorority girls going shopping after a bender with Daddy's credit card.

Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.
Give us a free and clear Bill, stop playing these stupid, idiotic games Republicans, we are on to you and your wasteful political posturing on my tax dime.

You are the minority party, voters have spoken, so you can shut it.
When did a maj vote to shut down the gummit over PP?
Never. Not doing it this time either. Democrats are voting to shut down the gov't over PP funding.

Provide a clean continuing resolution and it will pass

Play political games and it won't

Riiiiiight so give Democrats what they want or Dem's will shut down the government, got it.
Yes, the GOP is responsible.
Just like the previous two times.

Wanna see Obama's approval shoot up to 60%? Keep it up.
The GOP has a bill they can pass and Democrats are blocking it and the GOP is responsible? Wow, what are you smoking?

So what if Obama's approval rating goes up. Is he up for re-election next year?

So the bill you are talking about keeps funding everything that is currently funded at the same rate? A simple yes or no please.
Obozocare funds everything PP offers except abortions (which are ILLEGAL To use federal funds for in the first place), and butchering babies to sell the body parts, so what's the problem???

And the Libs have already stated that abortions can be (and are) performed at other places, like hospitals!!!

Is butchering babies such a priority for Libs that they will shut off retirees' SS checks and try to starve out almost half the country that Obozo has on public assistance to insure it continues???

Poor and indigent people having access to healthcare is. Preserving agreements made between negotiators is. I am with you on the ACA but principles are important as well
The "principles" are simple...

Everything except abortion is available at taxpayers' expense for those who can't afford it...

You have to pay for your own abortions, but they are available elsewhere...

So there is no need for PP, except for butchering babies and selling the body parts...

Unless Obozocare is a massive scam...
Give us a free and clear Bill, stop playing these stupid, idiotic games Republicans, we are on to you and your wasteful political posturing on my tax dime.

You are the minority party, voters have spoken, so you can shut it.
When did a maj vote to shut down the gummit over PP?
Never. Not doing it this time either. Democrats are voting to shut down the gov't over PP funding.

Provide a clean continuing resolution and it will pass

Play political games and it won't

Riiiiiight so give Democrats what they want or Dem's will shut down the government, got it.

Continuing funding at current levels is what a Continuing Resolution does

If Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood, let them pass a budget that does so. Holding the country hostage to get your way is not the way to do it
No the GOP is the majority party. When Dems were the majority they were like "fuck 'em, we've got the votes." Now the GOP is the majority. Fuck you, we've got the votes.
Sucks to be you, doesn't it? If we have to drag the Reps kicking and screaming into the 21st, we will, just like Clinton did with the balanced budget and welfare reform in the '90s.
No actually it will suck to be a Dem. The party of No. The party of Obstruction. The party that wont send SS checks to elderly people because they want to cut up little babies and sell their parts.
Yup sucks.

Why is it every time you guys shut down the government you come on this message board and swear the democrats will get the blame but what happens is that the public always blames you? Let me guess....the media, am I right?
Obama's plan was to keep making the gop look like college fratboys on a weekend drug, while Hillary ran as the adult who'd get them back in line while ensuring his legacy with the ACA and Iran deal ... he's run into a small snag.
Obama's plan is to play politics with retirees social security checks.
Yep, while refusing to admit Obozocare is a failure, since it is supposed to fund everything PP does except abortions (illegal under federal law) and butchering babies to sell the body parts...

OK, Obozocare funds everything PP does except abortions, which can't be paid for out of federal funds, but are still available at clinics and hospitals...

The only facts in contention are:

1). Obozocare is obviously failing if women are forced to rely on PP for their medical needs, and...

2). Democrats want to shut down the government if PP isn't funded where they can continue doing the one other thing they do... butchering babies and selling the body parts.

Do you kinow what Obamacare is?

It is not one size fits all. Everyone has a different healthcare plan. All of the low cost plans have high deductables. Womens healthcare such as pap smears and exams do not meet the deductable. Planned Parenthood provides these services at low cost
Gee, Obozocare is supposed to make sure poor folks can get medical treatment, especially preventative care!!!

Guess the Idiot Democrats should have read it before they passed it, huh???
Obama's plan was to keep making the gop look like college fratboys on a weekend drug, while Hillary ran as the adult who'd get them back in line while ensuring his legacy with the ACA and Iran deal ... he's run into a small snag.
Obama's plan is to play politics with retirees social security checks.
Yep, while refusing to admit Obozocare is a failure, since it is supposed to fund everything PP does except abortions (illegal under federal law) and butchering babies to sell the body parts...

OK, Obozocare funds everything PP does except abortions, which can't be paid for out of federal funds, but are still available at clinics and hospitals...

The only facts in contention are:

1). Obozocare is obviously failing if women are forced to rely on PP for their medical needs, and...

2). Democrats want to shut down the government if PP isn't funded where they can continue doing the one other thing they do... butchering babies and selling the body parts.

Do you kinow what Obamacare is?

It is not one size fits all. Everyone has a different healthcare plan. All of the low cost plans have high deductables. Womens healthcare such as pap smears and exams do not meet the deductable. Planned Parenthood provides these services at low cost
As usual you are either lying or misinformed. Every approved insurance plan must cover pap smears and other women's health exams.
Preventive health services for women

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