GOP has bill to keep government open

You are the minority party, voters have spoken, so you can shut it.
Americans know the Democrats cannot be trusted with money. They are like sorority girls going shopping after a bender with Daddy's credit card.

Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

Yep,,,,these idiots don't live in reality and in fact are pons for the rich only. I pray they never get the white house again.

Too much damage as it is to hurt this country. Shit like this budget bitching almost yearly is just one of their problems.

LOL, I just noticed the location Portland, OR I get your posts now. :laugh:
Good pass the damn thing like civilized human beings would do. jeezzzz....

This is hundreds of billions of dollars worth of infrastructure, science, r&d, education and millions of jobs. Want to hurt the economy???? That seems to be the only thing you're doing.

No government worker has lost a dime since the 1970's due to government shut downs. OH SNAP!

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says

Here Is How Much The Government Shutdown Cost
Americans know the Democrats cannot be trusted with money. They are like sorority girls going shopping after a bender with Daddy's credit card.

Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

Yep,,,,these idiots don't live in reality and in fact are pons for the rich only. I pray they never get the white house again.

Too much damage as it is to hurt this country. Shit like this budget bitching almost yearly is just one of their problems.

We are still waiting to hear your plan for paying off the $18 trillion in debt that's already piled up? Got nothing? I thought so.

You mean GOP gutting tax revenues AS they ramped up spending?
Americans know the Democrats cannot be trusted with money. They are like sorority girls going shopping after a bender with Daddy's credit card.

Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

Yep,,,,these idiots don't live in reality and in fact are pons for the rich only. I pray they never get the white house again.

Too much damage as it is to hurt this country. Shit like this budget bitching almost yearly is just one of their problems.

LOL, I just noticed the location Portland, OR I get your posts now. :laugh:

I get your location too as you're a back watered hick that hates working together as a civilized human being.

Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

Yep,,,,these idiots don't live in reality and in fact are pons for the rich only. I pray they never get the white house again.

Too much damage as it is to hurt this country. Shit like this budget bitching almost yearly is just one of their problems.

We are still waiting to hear your plan for paying off the $18 trillion in debt that's already piled up? Got nothing? I thought so.

You mean GOP gutting tax revenues AS they ramped up spending?

On stupid wars and nation building while our own country fall apart. It is ok to this idiot that we build a school in iraq but NOT AMERICA. That is called pork if it is built in America!!!! Don't you dare build a bridge as that is called boondogoo..

What a worthless people these loserterian tea partiers are.
You are the minority party, voters have spoken, so you can shut it.
Americans know the Democrats cannot be trusted with money. They are like sorority girls going shopping after a bender with Daddy's credit card.

Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

National debt exceeds $18T, sparking renewed criticism of spending under Obama

National debt exceeds $18T, sparking renewed criticism of spending under Obama

The debt was at $10.6 trillion when Obama took office in 2009 but has increased by 70 percent during his roughly six years in office.

“The national debt has skyrocketed by over $7.3 trillion,” Priebus said. “President Obama once said it was ‘unpatriotic’ and ‘irresponsible’ to add $4 trillion to the debt. By his own reasoning then, (he) has reached a new level of irresponsibility.”



Good pass the damn thing like civilized human beings would do. jeezzzz....

This is hundreds of billions of dollars worth of infrastructure, science, r&d, education and millions of jobs. Want to hurt the economy???? That seems to be the only thing you're doing.

No government worker has lost a dime since the 1970's due to government shut downs. OH SNAP!

Maybe not the worker, but it has wasted a shit ton in science, r&d, infrastructure and education. Not to even speak of the closing of institutions that people depend on like the nws and our national parks.

Speaking of the left's lies, the GOP offered a bill to keep the national parks open, the asshole Democrats blocked it because they wanted to use park closings for propaganda. Which is another way of saying the asshole Democrats really didn't give a shit about the people who's vacations were impacted. I'm happy to continue pointing out examples of Democrats being assholes if you wish.
I hope the Dems shut down the government and then play their little games to keep disabled veterans from visiting the Vietnam War Memorial, and kids from visiting the White House. Oh, and having park rangers yellow tape parking lots so people can't access our national parks.

That worked so well last time. It would be great for Everyday Americans to be reminded again how much the Prog Ruling Elites despise them.

We already know what economic policies work best for our country. Clinton knew that we had to cut spending and increase revenues. We had revenues of 20% of GDP and a surplus in 2001. Then something terrible happened, the Republicans gained complete control in 2001 and instead of sticking with what was working they decided that their ideology was more important. The debt has gone up $12+ trillion since then.

FLASHBACK: In 1993, GOP Warned That Clinton’s Tax Plan Would ‘Kill Jobs,’ ‘Kill The Current Recovery’

The Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 are scheduled to expire at the end of the year, and President Obama, just as he did on the campaign trail, has proposed renewing the cuts for all but those in the highest two income tax brackets, allowing tax rates for the wealthiest two percent of Americans to reset to the rate at which they were under President Clinton.

Republicans, however, want to renew all of the cuts, and have been apoplectic about Obama’s plan, claiming that it will kill jobs and cripple small businesses. ..

Here is just some of the rhetoric employed by Republicans in 1993 to fearmonger about Clinton’s tax increases (there’s more below the fold):

FLASHBACK: In 1993, GOP Warned That Clinton’s Tax Plan Would ‘Kill Jobs,’ ‘Kill The Current Recovery’

Americans know the Democrats cannot be trusted with money. They are like sorority girls going shopping after a bender with Daddy's credit card.

Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

National debt exceeds $18T, sparking renewed criticism of spending under Obama

National debt exceeds $18T, sparking renewed criticism of spending under Obama

The debt was at $10.6 trillion when Obama took office in 2009 but has increased by 70 percent during his roughly six years in office.

“The national debt has skyrocketed by over $7.3 trillion,” Priebus said. “President Obama once said it was ‘unpatriotic’ and ‘irresponsible’ to add $4 trillion to the debt. By his own reasoning then, (he) has reached a new level of irresponsibility.”



Gee, your first graph tends to demonstrate two things..

Obozo needs to quit spending money like a drunken sailor, and he needs to get off the golf course long enough to DO THE JOB YOU ELECTED HIM TO DO!!!!

After all, he wasn' elected to be "welfare receipient-in-chief"...

Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

Yep,,,,these idiots don't live in reality and in fact are pons for the rich only. I pray they never get the white house again.

Too much damage as it is to hurt this country. Shit like this budget bitching almost yearly is just one of their problems.

We are still waiting to hear your plan for paying off the $18 trillion in debt that's already piled up? Got nothing? I thought so.

It was your shit that caused it. Moron! During Reagan we spent just as much on infrastructure, science, r&d and education...Funny, how it is now a problem. Somehow you only care about cutting things that strengthen America while ignoring the real problem of nation building, wars, and infusions into the stock market. Of course, you couldn't give a damn if this country works or not.

Obama is balancing your mess and he has got the deficit down to Bush levels(excluding his wars).

God but you libs are dumb. When the debt is skyrocketing and millions can't find a decent paying job you can't go on borrowing and spending like you did in the past. Sorry to burst your bubble with grown up talk.
Good pass the damn thing like civilized human beings would do. jeezzzz....

This is hundreds of billions of dollars worth of infrastructure, science, r&d, education and millions of jobs. Want to hurt the economy???? That seems to be the only thing you're doing.

No government worker has lost a dime since the 1970's due to government shut downs. OH SNAP!

Maybe not the worker, but it has wasted a shit ton in science, r&d, infrastructure and education. Not to even speak of the closing of institutions that people depend on like the nws and our national parks.

Speaking of the left's lies, the GOP offered a bill to keep the national parks open, the asshole Democrats blocked it because they wanted to use park closings for propaganda. Which is another way of saying the asshole Democrats really didn't give a shit about the people who's vacations were impacted. I'm happy to continue pointing out examples of Democrats being assholes if you wish.

Pick and choose winners in the GOP Gov't shutdown? Typical you's support that nonsense!
Congress - stopped by Senate Democrats and lack of balls by GOP leadership - has still not passed a budget!

As required by the constitution!!!!!

Stop playing games and get enough democrats to pass the damn thing. You know as much as I do that you're not going to as long as you play politics with the budget.

Republicans simply don't have the members.
Last edited:

Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

National debt exceeds $18T, sparking renewed criticism of spending under Obama

National debt exceeds $18T, sparking renewed criticism of spending under Obama

The debt was at $10.6 trillion when Obama took office in 2009 but has increased by 70 percent during his roughly six years in office.

“The national debt has skyrocketed by over $7.3 trillion,” Priebus said. “President Obama once said it was ‘unpatriotic’ and ‘irresponsible’ to add $4 trillion to the debt. By his own reasoning then, (he) has reached a new level of irresponsibility.”



Gee, your first graph tends to demonstrate two things..

Obozo needs to quit spending money like a drunken sailor, and he needs to get off the golf course long enough to DO THE JOB YOU ELECTED HIM TO DO!!!!

After all, he wasn' elected to be "welfare receipient-in-chief"...

Your inability to recognize that Dubya's UNFUNDED tax cuts and UNFUNDED wars are driving the deficit under Obama, isn't my fault dummy!
Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

Yep,,,,these idiots don't live in reality and in fact are pons for the rich only. I pray they never get the white house again.

Too much damage as it is to hurt this country. Shit like this budget bitching almost yearly is just one of their problems.

We are still waiting to hear your plan for paying off the $18 trillion in debt that's already piled up? Got nothing? I thought so.

It was your shit that caused it. Moron! During Reagan we spent just as much on infrastructure, science, r&d and education...Funny, how it is now a problem. Somehow you only care about cutting things that strengthen America while ignoring the real problem of nation building, wars, and infusions into the stock market. Of course, you couldn't give a damn if this country works or not.

Obama is balancing your mess and he has got the deficit down to Bush levels(excluding his wars).

God but you libs are dumb. When the debt is skyrocketing and millions can't find a decent paying job you can't go on borrowing and spending like you did in the past. Sorry to burst your bubble with grown up talk.

You're the dumb one that doesn't realize that your nation building, tax cutz and dumb policies caused the debt. Why should we cut something that never added one cent to the debt????

We're going to balance this budget but we're not going to listen to the assholes that caused it.
Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

Yep,,,,these idiots don't live in reality and in fact are pons for the rich only. I pray they never get the white house again.

Too much damage as it is to hurt this country. Shit like this budget bitching almost yearly is just one of their problems.

We are still waiting to hear your plan for paying off the $18 trillion in debt that's already piled up? Got nothing? I thought so.

It was your shit that caused it. Moron! During Reagan we spent just as much on infrastructure, science, r&d and education...Funny, how it is now a problem. Somehow you only care about cutting things that strengthen America while ignoring the real problem of nation building, wars, and infusions into the stock market. Of course, you couldn't give a damn if this country works or not.

Obama is balancing your mess and he has got the deficit down to Bush levels(excluding his wars).

God but you libs are dumb. When the debt is skyrocketing and millions can't find a decent paying job you can't go on borrowing and spending like you did in the past. Sorry to burst your bubble with grown up talk.

We already know what economic policies work best for our country. Clinton knew that we had to cut spending and increase revenues. We had revenues of 20% of GDP and a surplus in 2000. Then something terrible happened, the Republicans gained complete control in 2001 and instead of sticking with what was working they decided that their ideology was more important. The debt has gone up $12+ trillion since then.
Why do you lie? The GOP congress FORCED Bill Clinton to do this kicking and screaming while taking a beating for shutting down the government to get it done. Obama has piled up more deficit debt than pretty much all previous presidents combined. Hence your post is a blatant lie.

Oh right I forgot, it was the GOP supporting BJ Bill's 1993 bill that took the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and cut the deficit by 50% right? Oh wait NO, THE GOP DIDN'T GIVE BJ BILL EVEN ONE VOTE IN 1993, AND AFTER BJ BILL'S FIRST SURPLUS THE GOP PASSED A $700+ BILLION TAX CUT HE HAD TO VETO TO GET 3 MORE SURPLUSES!

Name the ONLY 2 Prez to have deficits lower than the deficits handed to them since Ike?

HINT (BJ BILL AND Mr Barrack Hussein Obama)

National debt exceeds $18T, sparking renewed criticism of spending under Obama

National debt exceeds $18T, sparking renewed criticism of spending under Obama

The debt was at $10.6 trillion when Obama took office in 2009 but has increased by 70 percent during his roughly six years in office.

“The national debt has skyrocketed by over $7.3 trillion,” Priebus said. “President Obama once said it was ‘unpatriotic’ and ‘irresponsible’ to add $4 trillion to the debt. By his own reasoning then, (he) has reached a new level of irresponsibility.”



Gee, your first graph tends to demonstrate two things..

Obozo needs to quit spending money like a drunken sailor, and he needs to get off the golf course long enough to DO THE JOB YOU ELECTED HIM TO DO!!!!

After all, he wasn' elected to be "welfare receipient-in-chief"...

Your inability to recognize that Dubya's UNFUNDED tax cuts and UNFUNDED wars are driving the deficit under Obama, isn't my fault dummy!
So what were Obozo and the Democrats doing all this time, while the national debt damn neat DOUBLED Under his watch???
What's funny is Obama already cut infrastructure funding at a time when our infrastructure is shit all the way back to Reagan(we have 100+ million more people driving on it). I mean what kind of country do you want us to have????

WE have more people going to our public schools
We have more people using our national parks
We have more people depending on our weather service
and on down the list.

And yes all this has been done for at least the past 90 years. Never has been a problem.
Here is what Republicans can put in their bill to keep Government running

1. Kill Planned Parenthood
2. Kill Obamacare
3. End same sex marriage
4. Kill the Iraq nuclear weapons deal
5. Bring back prayer in school
6. Kill the Department of Education
7. Kill Immigration reform
8 Build a REALLY big wall

If the Democrats stop it....Its the DEMOCRATS that shut down the Government

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