GOP has stopped laughing at California's economy and Democratic Governor. Hmm, wonder why?

yea the uneducated dean......when i was delivering mail lots of smaller and middle size companies left the State and with them went tax revenue and jobs....lots of retired people who worked and paid taxes and spent money in the State for 30+ years,find unless they are pretty wealthy or have a great paying pension they have to move to another state ....yea its the uneducated dean.....
yea the uneducated dean......when i was delivering mail lots of smaller and middle size companies left the State and with them went tax revenue and jobs....lots of retired people who worked and paid taxes and spent money in the State for 30+ years,find unless they are pretty wealthy or have a great paying pension they have to move to another state ....yea its the uneducated dean.....

He is NOT uneducated my good person, he is what you call, INCOMPETENT, IRRATIONAL, and a SOCIALIST-)
Thornberg said Southern California could be doing more to attract business, but for now at least, most executives feel the positives of being here, such as quality of living and proximity to tech and film companies and key ports, outweigh the negatives, like higher taxes and housing costs.

Thats a lie because the RW'ers have said that people will abandon America to live in some crap hole because of higher taxes. Why are they saying the opposite?

Why dont they leave America, family, friends etc all over taxes?

RTW states
Nice to see Californians finally taking all those part-time crap jobs that were once only done by illegals.

I wonder is this ^^^ post a lie, ignorance, or both?


  1. Post one for a lie
  2. Post two for ignorance***
  3. Post three for both a lie and ignorance***
Designate your vote on ignorance in 2 & 3 as either willful, or the result of being dropped on his/her head repeatedly.

photos of cranes at work in San Francisco - Google Search

Tell it to all the folks who have to move out of SF because they can't afford it.

I know you weren't dropped on your head though, sunshine...that lil hollow thing woulda cracked.

SF is less than 49 sq miles and not all of it is residential. There is something called supply and demand, maybe you've heard of it, and the supply of technical and post graduate labor is small, thus they earn 100k + to start and compete for the small amount residential housing available.

In Silicon Valley the school district needed to buy and build apts so teaches could offered to live near their work. Teacher's who are all college graduates and have a post graduate degree can't afford a home or even a condo in The City, or anywhere on the Peninsula.

The Home I grew up in, the District known as the Sunset, has mostly three and one single family homes of 1150 sq. ft. They go for $800,000 + if they haven't been upgraded. More, and much more if they have.

It's hard for me to fathom why conservatives post on issues they fail to understand, and pretend they do. It is so pitiful I almost feel sorry for them (Not!).
Tell it to all the folks who have to move out of SF because they can't afford it.

I know you weren't dropped on your head though, sunshine...that lil hollow thing woulda cracked.


It is called the modern day Gold Rush~

Good for the old rich/ new rich not so good for anyone else unless if you own property.

The first earth quake to hit San Francisco will make those migrating to the bay area for the gold rush, run as fast as they can back home to mommy.
yea the uneducated dean......when i was delivering mail lots of smaller and middle size companies left the State and with them went tax revenue and jobs....lots of retired people who worked and paid taxes and spent money in the State for 30+ years,find unless they are pretty wealthy or have a great paying pension they have to move to another state ....yea its the uneducated dean.....

Half a dozen DA's I worked with retired around the same time I did, they have a pretty good pension I should add (not as good as mine, however) and they all move to the St. of Washington. There is no real estate tax in Wash. and no sales tax in Oregon. Thus they drive a few short miles over the Columbia River into Portland and buy what they need, and live in Washington RE tax free.
Nice to see Californians finally taking all those part-time crap jobs that were once only done by illegals.

I wonder is this ^^^ post a lie, ignorance, or both?


  1. Post one for a lie
  2. Post two for ignorance***
  3. Post three for both a lie and ignorance***
Designate your vote on ignorance in 2 & 3 as either willful, or the result of being dropped on his/her head repeatedly.

photos of cranes at work in San Francisco - Google Search

Tell it to all the folks who have to move out of SF because they can't afford it.

I know you weren't dropped on your head though, sunshine...that lil hollow thing woulda cracked.

SF is less than 49 sq miles and not all of it is residential. There is something called supply and demand, maybe you've heard of it, and the supply of technical and post graduate labor is small, thus they earn 100k + to start and compete for the small amount residential housing available.

In Silicon Valley the school district needed to buy and build apts so teaches could offered to live near their work. Teacher's who are all college graduates and have a post graduate degree can't afford a home or even a condo in The City, or anywhere on the Peninsula.

The Home I grew up in, the District known as the Sunset, has mostly three and one single family homes of 1150 sq. ft. They go for $800,000 + if they haven't been upgraded. More, and much more if they have.

It's hard for me to fathom why conservatives post on issues they fail to understand, and pretend they do. It is so pitiful I almost feel sorry for them (Not!).

I bought my home in 1992 in the $400,000 has quadrupled X 2 since then.
I am in the south bay Los Gatos.
yea the uneducated dean......when i was delivering mail lots of smaller and middle size companies left the State and with them went tax revenue and jobs....lots of retired people who worked and paid taxes and spent money in the State for 30+ years,find unless they are pretty wealthy or have a great paying pension they have to move to another state ....yea its the uneducated dean.....

Half a dozen DA's I worked with retired around the same time I did, they have a pretty good pension I should add (not as good as mine, however) and they all move to the St. of Washington. There is no real estate tax in Wash. and no sales tax in Oregon. Thus they drive a few short miles over the Columbia River into Portland and buy what they need, and live in Washington RE tax free.
i wish we could do that with health insurance.
Tell it to all the folks who have to move out of SF because they can't afford it.

I know you weren't dropped on your head though, sunshine...that lil hollow thing woulda cracked.


It is called the modern day Gold Rush~

Good for the old rich/ new rich not so good for anyone else unless if you own property.

The first earth quake to hit San Francisco will make those migrating to the bay area for the gold rush, run as fast as they can back home to mommy.

My Grandfather's both lived through the '06 quake, and both referred to that time as "The Fire" Both lost their homes in the fire, and needed to live in Oakland (my paternal GF) and Daly City (my maternal GF) for a while (Daly City, BTW, was the Epicenter of the '06 quake).

My Dad's dad and siblings and their parents moved back to The City less than a year later; my Mom's father stayed in Daly City, which shares a border with The City of SF. I grew up in SF as did most of my family.

I never needed to shovel snow, slip on ice, duck and cover from a Tornado or Hurricane, experiences a flood or the oppressing heat and humidity those in other regions experience every year. I do remember it snowing once in the early 50's and once around 1959, a Sunday morning while I was doing my paper route.
Tell it to all the folks who have to move out of SF because they can't afford it.

I know you weren't dropped on your head though, sunshine...that lil hollow thing woulda cracked.


It is called the modern day Gold Rush~

Good for the old rich/ new rich not so good for anyone else unless if you own property.

The first earth quake to hit San Francisco will make those migrating to the bay area for the gold rush, run as fast as they can back home to mommy.

My Grandfather's both lived through the '06 quake, and both referred to that time as "The Fire" Both lost their homes in the fire, and needed to live in Oakland (my paternal GF) and Daly City (my maternal GF) for a while (Daly City, BTW, was the Epicenter of the '06 quake).

My Dad's dad and siblings and their parents moved back to The City less than a year later; my Mom's father stayed in Daly City, which shares a border with The City of SF. I grew up in SF as did most of my family.

I never needed to shovel snow, slip on ice, duck and cover from a Tornado or Hurricane, experiences a flood or the oppressing heat and humidity those in other regions experience every year. I do remember it snowing once in the early 50's and once around 1959, a Sunday morning while I was doing my paper route.
that's awesome history, gotta pass those accounts along to the generations. :)

Proof Of GOP Failure: 9 of 12 States With Highest Unemployment Are Run By Republicans

New state unemployment statistics revealed that the fastest way to sink an economy is to vote for Republican candidates. …
it almost makes us forget the numbers have been cooked all along. whatever the number says, add ten. it's a lot like global warming when you think about it.

Proof Of GOP Failure: 9 of 12 States With Highest Unemployment Are Run By Republicans

New state unemployment statistics revealed that the fastest way to sink an economy is to vote for Republican candidates. …
it almost makes us forget the numbers have been cooked all along. whatever the number says, add ten. it's a lot like global warming when you think about it.

I'm not a bit surprised. Thank you.
Tell it to all the folks who have to move out of SF because they can't afford it.

I know you weren't dropped on your head though, sunshine...that lil hollow thing woulda cracked.


It is called the modern day Gold Rush~

Good for the old rich/ new rich not so good for anyone else unless if you own property.

The first earth quake to hit San Francisco will make those migrating to the bay area for the gold rush, run as fast as they can back home to mommy.

My Grandfather's both lived through the '06 quake, and both referred to that time as "The Fire" Both lost their homes in the fire, and needed to live in Oakland (my paternal GF) and Daly City (my maternal GF) for a while (Daly City, BTW, was the Epicenter of the '06 quake).

My Dad's dad and siblings and their parents moved back to The City less than a year later; my Mom's father stayed in Daly City, which shares a border with The City of SF. I grew up in SF as did most of my family.

I never needed to shovel snow, slip on ice, duck and cover from a Tornado or Hurricane, experiences a flood or the oppressing heat and humidity those in other regions experience every year. I do remember it snowing once in the early 50's and once around 1959, a Sunday morning while I was doing my paper route.
You have a wonderful family history in San Francisco

My husbands family came over from Italy and settled in San Francisco in the 1920's .
They moved to Los Gatos in the 1960's.

Were you living in the bay area in the 1989 earth quake?
It was the most frightening event ever in my life.
my town became a ghost town, people lost their businesses.
Now it is booming like crazy until the next one hits
Tell it to all the folks who have to move out of SF because they can't afford it.

I know you weren't dropped on your head though, sunshine...that lil hollow thing woulda cracked.


It is called the modern day Gold Rush~

Good for the old rich/ new rich not so good for anyone else unless if you own property.

The first earth quake to hit San Francisco will make those migrating to the bay area for the gold rush, run as fast as they can back home to mommy.

My Grandfather's both lived through the '06 quake, and both referred to that time as "The Fire" Both lost their homes in the fire, and needed to live in Oakland (my paternal GF) and Daly City (my maternal GF) for a while (Daly City, BTW, was the Epicenter of the '06 quake).

My Dad's dad and siblings and their parents moved back to The City less than a year later; my Mom's father stayed in Daly City, which shares a border with The City of SF. I grew up in SF as did most of my family.

I never needed to shovel snow, slip on ice, duck and cover from a Tornado or Hurricane, experiences a flood or the oppressing heat and humidity those in other regions experience every year. I do remember it snowing once in the early 50's and once around 1959, a Sunday morning while I was doing my paper route.
You have a wonderful family history in San Francisco

My husbands family came over from Italy and settled in San Francisco in the 1920's .
They moved to Los Gatos in the 1960's.

Were you living in the bay area in the 1989 earth quake?
It was the most frightening event ever in my life.
my town became a ghost town, people lost their businesses.
Now it is booming like crazy until the next one hits

I was on my way to watch the WS at a hotel next to the airport in Concord. I parked my then 3/4 ton dodge van and as I was listening to the pregame the van began to shake, at first I thought wind, but right away realized it was a big one (I"ve experience two before in the 5.7 range and knew this was bigger)

People began to empty the hotel as I got out of the van, and I noticed shock waves going across the tarmac and light poles weaving back and forth. A car stopped in front of me and the driver looked at me with big eyes, I said, "it's the big one" and he responded, "people are dying". Sadly he was correct.

My oldest boy was on the playground at Basketball Practice, the coach had them sit down on the black top until it stopped and he and a couple of other parents drove each boy home since they didn't know what the boy's would find.

My wife scared our youngest by running from one end of our home to the other, where he was watching TV (he was 5 years old). She scared him more than the quake 'cause she ran to the dinning room with him in toe so they could hide under the table.

When I got home his first comment was mommy scared me. The dog slept through most of it, until my wife busted in on her nap.

Of course you were in a much closer proximity to the epicenter than we were, the Napa quake last year was closer to us and rather than a rolling motion we awakened to a large jolt. No mistaking that movement and the sound.

BTW, have you ever experience the '06 quake on the simulator? That will get your attention right away.
yea the uneducated dean......when i was delivering mail lots of smaller and middle size companies left the State and with them went tax revenue and jobs....lots of retired people who worked and paid taxes and spent money in the State for 30+ years,find unless they are pretty wealthy or have a great paying pension they have to move to another state ....yea its the uneducated dean.....

He is NOT uneducated my good person, he is what you call, INCOMPETENT, IRRATIONAL, and a SOCIALIST-)
if you mean dean,he has been called worse than that.....
yea the uneducated dean......when i was delivering mail lots of smaller and middle size companies left the State and with them went tax revenue and jobs....lots of retired people who worked and paid taxes and spent money in the State for 30+ years,find unless they are pretty wealthy or have a great paying pension they have to move to another state ....yea its the uneducated dean.....

He is NOT uneducated my good person, he is what you call, INCOMPETENT, IRRATIONAL, and a SOCIALIST-)
if you mean dean,he has been called worse than that.....

I am sure he has, but everyone needs to know his opinions are WORTHLESS! He is a hack, he couldn't debate his way through wet toilet paper, his/her words are just a waste of bandwidth!
Tell it to all the folks who have to move out of SF because they can't afford it.

I know you weren't dropped on your head though, sunshine...that lil hollow thing woulda cracked.


It is called the modern day Gold Rush~

Good for the old rich/ new rich not so good for anyone else unless if you own property.

The first earth quake to hit San Francisco will make those migrating to the bay area for the gold rush, run as fast as they can back home to mommy.

My Grandfather's both lived through the '06 quake, and both referred to that time as "The Fire" Both lost their homes in the fire, and needed to live in Oakland (my paternal GF) and Daly City (my maternal GF) for a while (Daly City, BTW, was the Epicenter of the '06 quake).

My Dad's dad and siblings and their parents moved back to The City less than a year later; my Mom's father stayed in Daly City, which shares a border with The City of SF. I grew up in SF as did most of my family.

I never needed to shovel snow, slip on ice, duck and cover from a Tornado or Hurricane, experiences a flood or the oppressing heat and humidity those in other regions experience every year. I do remember it snowing once in the early 50's and once around 1959, a Sunday morning while I was doing my paper route.
You have a wonderful family history in San Francisco

My husbands family came over from Italy and settled in San Francisco in the 1920's .
They moved to Los Gatos in the 1960's.

Were you living in the bay area in the 1989 earth quake?
It was the most frightening event ever in my life.
my town became a ghost town, people lost their businesses.
Now it is booming like crazy until the next one hits

I was on my way to watch the WS at a hotel next to the airport in Concord. I parked my then 3/4 ton dodge van and as I was listening to the pregame the van began to shake, at first I thought wind, but right away realized it was a big one (I"ve experience two before in the 5.7 range and knew this was bigger)

People began to empty the hotel as I got out of the van, and I noticed shock waves going across the tarmac and light poles weaving back and forth. A car stopped in front of me and the driver looked at me with big eyes, I said, "it's the big one" and he responded, "people are dying". Sadly he was correct.

My oldest boy was on the playground at Basketball Practice, the coach had them sit down on the black top until it stopped and he and a couple of other parents drove each boy home since they didn't know what the boy's would find.

My wife scared our youngest by running from one end of our home to the other, where he was watching TV (he was 5 years old). She scared him more than the quake 'cause she ran to the dinning room with him in toe so they could hide under the table.

When I got home his first comment was mommy scared me. The dog slept through most of it, until my wife busted in on her nap.

Of course you were in a much closer proximity to the epicenter than we were, the Napa quake last year was closer to us and rather than a rolling motion we awakened to a large jolt. No mistaking that movement and the sound.

BTW, have you ever experience the '06 quake on the simulator? That will get your attention right away.

I can't imagine living through the 1906 quake....too funny about your wife lol ... my husband was heading to the WS too.

I was working downtown Los Gatos, all of the girls piled up on each other. I helped a lady who fell and broke her arm, sitting on the blacktop I felt the waves under me. It seemed that Oakland got the brunt of it all, don't you with the highways collapsing on the people?
I had nightmares for a long while.
Los Gatos fought to build the town back and keep the history, my husband was on the town council at that time.
If they just tore it all down, the town would have lost its charm. I am sure that it was like that everywhere.
yea the uneducated dean......when i was delivering mail lots of smaller and middle size companies left the State and with them went tax revenue and jobs....lots of retired people who worked and paid taxes and spent money in the State for 30+ years,find unless they are pretty wealthy or have a great paying pension they have to move to another state ....yea its the uneducated dean.....

He is NOT uneducated my good person, he is what you call, INCOMPETENT, IRRATIONAL, and a SOCIALIST-)
if you mean dean,he has been called worse than that.....

I am sure he has, but everyone needs to know his opinions are WORTHLESS! He is a hack, he couldn't debate his way through wet toilet paper, his/her words are just a waste of bandwidth!

And how do you think (oops) how do you believe your posts are evaluated?

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