GOP has stopped laughing at California's economy and Democratic Governor. Hmm, wonder why?

Tell it to all the folks who have to move out of SF because they can't afford it.

I know you weren't dropped on your head though, sunshine...that lil hollow thing woulda cracked.


It is called the modern day Gold Rush~

Good for the old rich/ new rich not so good for anyone else unless if you own property.

The first earth quake to hit San Francisco will make those migrating to the bay area for the gold rush, run as fast as they can back home to mommy.

My Grandfather's both lived through the '06 quake, and both referred to that time as "The Fire" Both lost their homes in the fire, and needed to live in Oakland (my paternal GF) and Daly City (my maternal GF) for a while (Daly City, BTW, was the Epicenter of the '06 quake).

My Dad's dad and siblings and their parents moved back to The City less than a year later; my Mom's father stayed in Daly City, which shares a border with The City of SF. I grew up in SF as did most of my family.

I never needed to shovel snow, slip on ice, duck and cover from a Tornado or Hurricane, experiences a flood or the oppressing heat and humidity those in other regions experience every year. I do remember it snowing once in the early 50's and once around 1959, a Sunday morning while I was doing my paper route.
You have a wonderful family history in San Francisco

My husbands family came over from Italy and settled in San Francisco in the 1920's .
They moved to Los Gatos in the 1960's.

Were you living in the bay area in the 1989 earth quake?
It was the most frightening event ever in my life.
my town became a ghost town, people lost their businesses.
Now it is booming like crazy until the next one hits

I was on my way to watch the WS at a hotel next to the airport in Concord. I parked my then 3/4 ton dodge van and as I was listening to the pregame the van began to shake, at first I thought wind, but right away realized it was a big one (I"ve experience two before in the 5.7 range and knew this was bigger)

People began to empty the hotel as I got out of the van, and I noticed shock waves going across the tarmac and light poles weaving back and forth. A car stopped in front of me and the driver looked at me with big eyes, I said, "it's the big one" and he responded, "people are dying". Sadly he was correct.

My oldest boy was on the playground at Basketball Practice, the coach had them sit down on the black top until it stopped and he and a couple of other parents drove each boy home since they didn't know what the boy's would find.

My wife scared our youngest by running from one end of our home to the other, where he was watching TV (he was 5 years old). She scared him more than the quake 'cause she ran to the dinning room with him in toe so they could hide under the table.

When I got home his first comment was mommy scared me. The dog slept through most of it, until my wife busted in on her nap.

Of course you were in a much closer proximity to the epicenter than we were, the Napa quake last year was closer to us and rather than a rolling motion we awakened to a large jolt. No mistaking that movement and the sound.

BTW, have you ever experience the '06 quake on the simulator? That will get your attention right away.

I can't imagine living through the 1906 quake....too funny about your wife lol ... my husband was heading to the WS too.

I was working downtown Los Gatos, all of the girls piled up on each other. I helped a lady who fell and broke her arm, sitting on the blacktop I felt the waves under me. It seemed that Oakland got the brunt of it all, don't you with the highways collapsing on the people?
I had nightmares for a long while.
Los Gatos fought to build the town back and keep the history, my husband was on the town council at that time.
If they just tore it all down, the town would have lost its charm. I am sure that it was like that everywhere.

I haven't been to Los Gatos in years, I live in the East Bay and my parents moved to Millbrae in 1969, that's as far down the Peninsula I'm willing to go do to the traffic.

In college I was a Recreation Director at City recreation centers around The City. I worked six days a week and made myself available to work Sunday's too. On the Sunday's I worked at a different park from my regular one and one Sunday was assigned to work at the Senior Center in Golden Gate Park.

The year was 1966, only 60 years since the 06 quake and in passing I asked one of the old timers if he was in SF on that day. Well, that opened up to the most interesting of days when over half a dozen of the seniors began to talk about their experiences on that day and the days that followed.

My GF was !2 but he had two older brother 14 & 16 and the three of them walked from their home on Dupont St. (now Grant Ave) downtown. Much of which he described was repeated by those at the senior center that day.

Oral history is personal and fascinating, I wish I had the means to record them that day, and the stories my GF told me over the years.
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California adds 41,200 jobs in October; unemployment rate is lowest since 2007

October's faster job growth for California mirrors that of the U.S., which posted a healthy gain of 271,000 jobs last month -- much more than in September.

California has added jobs at a rate of 2.9% over the last year, faster than the 2% growth rate for the U.S. overall.

The fastest gains over the last year have come in the construction industry, which posted a 7.3% gain since last October, and professional and business services, up 5.3%.

Since the Great Recession sent California's unemployment above 12% in 2010 -- higher than every state except Michigan and Nevada -- the state's economic rebound has been swift. For the last three years, California has added jobs at a rate faster than all but five other states.

SoCal economic forecast: More businesses coming than going

Thornberg said Southern California could be doing more to attract business, but for now at least, most executives feel the positives of being here, such as quality of living and proximity to tech and film companies and key ports, outweigh the negatives, like higher taxes and housing costs.


You get what you pay for. Republicans think if you make everything cheap for business, they turn out quality. Not so. Cheap breeds cheap.

There are far more important fish to fry than Princess Moonbeam, and your post is funny. Business is deserting California like termites from a burning house.
California has the 8th largest economy in the whole wide world, which is more than I can say for any garbage red state..

The only reason the Repugs, and tea maggots hate Cali so much is because Cali helped the North kick the souths ass in the civil war,,@ because they hate Repukes, and the Nazi right wing garbage..
The only reason the Repugs, and tea maggots hate Cali so much is because Cali helped the North kick the souths ass in the civil war,,@ because they hate Repukes, and the Nazi right wing garbage..

I see you're a public education victim. During the Civil War, the South was solidly Democrat. Democrats started that war, and being basically unchanged over the last 150 years, would seemingly like to start another, again to promote slavery.

It is called the modern day Gold Rush~

Good for the old rich/ new rich not so good for anyone else unless if you own property.

The first earth quake to hit San Francisco will make those migrating to the bay area for the gold rush, run as fast as they can back home to mommy.

My Grandfather's both lived through the '06 quake, and both referred to that time as "The Fire" Both lost their homes in the fire, and needed to live in Oakland (my paternal GF) and Daly City (my maternal GF) for a while (Daly City, BTW, was the Epicenter of the '06 quake).

My Dad's dad and siblings and their parents moved back to The City less than a year later; my Mom's father stayed in Daly City, which shares a border with The City of SF. I grew up in SF as did most of my family.

I never needed to shovel snow, slip on ice, duck and cover from a Tornado or Hurricane, experiences a flood or the oppressing heat and humidity those in other regions experience every year. I do remember it snowing once in the early 50's and once around 1959, a Sunday morning while I was doing my paper route.
You have a wonderful family history in San Francisco

My husbands family came over from Italy and settled in San Francisco in the 1920's .
They moved to Los Gatos in the 1960's.

Were you living in the bay area in the 1989 earth quake?
It was the most frightening event ever in my life.
my town became a ghost town, people lost their businesses.
Now it is booming like crazy until the next one hits

I was on my way to watch the WS at a hotel next to the airport in Concord. I parked my then 3/4 ton dodge van and as I was listening to the pregame the van began to shake, at first I thought wind, but right away realized it was a big one (I"ve experience two before in the 5.7 range and knew this was bigger)

People began to empty the hotel as I got out of the van, and I noticed shock waves going across the tarmac and light poles weaving back and forth. A car stopped in front of me and the driver looked at me with big eyes, I said, "it's the big one" and he responded, "people are dying". Sadly he was correct.

My oldest boy was on the playground at Basketball Practice, the coach had them sit down on the black top until it stopped and he and a couple of other parents drove each boy home since they didn't know what the boy's would find.

My wife scared our youngest by running from one end of our home to the other, where he was watching TV (he was 5 years old). She scared him more than the quake 'cause she ran to the dinning room with him in toe so they could hide under the table.

When I got home his first comment was mommy scared me. The dog slept through most of it, until my wife busted in on her nap.

Of course you were in a much closer proximity to the epicenter than we were, the Napa quake last year was closer to us and rather than a rolling motion we awakened to a large jolt. No mistaking that movement and the sound.

BTW, have you ever experience the '06 quake on the simulator? That will get your attention right away.

I can't imagine living through the 1906 quake....too funny about your wife lol ... my husband was heading to the WS too.

I was working downtown Los Gatos, all of the girls piled up on each other. I helped a lady who fell and broke her arm, sitting on the blacktop I felt the waves under me. It seemed that Oakland got the brunt of it all, don't you with the highways collapsing on the people?
I had nightmares for a long while.
Los Gatos fought to build the town back and keep the history, my husband was on the town council at that time.
If they just tore it all down, the town would have lost its charm. I am sure that it was like that everywhere.

I haven't been to Los Gatos in years, I live in the East Bay and my parents moved to Millbrae in 1969, that's as far down the Peninsula I'm willing to go do to the traffic.

In college I was a Recreation Director at City recreation centers around The City. I worked six days a week and made myself available to work Sunday's too. On the Sunday's I worked at a different park from my regular one and one Sunday was assigned to work at the Senior Center in Golden Gate Park.

The year was 1966, only 60 years since the 06 quake and in passing I asked one of the old timers if he was in SF on that day. Well, that opened up to the most interesting of days when over half a dozen of the seniors began to talk about their experiences on that day and the days that followed.

My GF was !2 but he had two older brother 14 & 16 and the three of them walked from their home on Dupont St. (now Grant Ave) downtown. Much of which he described was repeated by those at the senior center that day.

Oral history is personal and fascinating, I wish I had the means to record them that day, and the stories my GF told me over the years.

Very cool Wry Catcher, I agree about getting people to talk about their experiences is much more personal that reading it out of a book.
In the 70's I worked in a old persons hospital and I loved hearing their stories, some of the women's feet were all pointed and I realized later that it was from the laced up shoes in the early 1900's . Wish I thought of writing their stories.
You could or still can write a book on the earthquake experiences.

You sound like a very nice person and glad to be a neighbor, and very nice talking with you.
BTW : traffic is soooo bad everywhere so I can see why you live where you do.
And did you know that you can take a cruise right out of th San Francisco Port to Alaska, or Mexico?
We went to Mexico last year, I am dealing with some cancer issues now so a cruise is my way of traveling..:beer:

LMAO you are one BIG DOLT if you believe posting an article from 2011 refutes the OP.

Or, maybe you are not as stupid as you generally appear. The possibility that you believe other members of the echo chamber and crazy right wing are dolts like you and will believe your effort to assassinate the character of Gov. Brown has merit.

Or maybe your biases and lack of intellectual ability caused you to believe the OP was about Kansas, not California, because Brown and Brownback both start with "Brown"
sorry moonbeam, i call them as i see them.
State of California Debt Clock


a bigger problem is water.

You want to see something hilarious? Take your debt clock and put in other states names:

State of Georgia Debt Clock

Instead of Georgia, put in Texas.

State of Texas Debt Clock

and try Kansas. In fact, try all the states.
The only reason the Repugs, and tea maggots hate Cali so much is because Cali helped the North kick the souths ass in the civil war,,@ because they hate Repukes, and the Nazi right wing garbage..

I see you're a public education victim. During the Civil War, the South was solidly Democrat. Democrats started that war, and being basically unchanged over the last 150 years, would seemingly like to start another, again to promote slavery.
Because the Deep South is the home of today's Democrats. And since most of the south supports the confederates, was Lincoln a confederate or wasn't he? Right wing history of the tards is so confusing.
1). Hiring ticks up during the Christmas season

2). This has been a trend for the past 6 years so there is nothing special about this

3). Despite all the hiring...we are still at unemployment levels that are higher than bush, Clinton, or reagen

4). You are cheering about insufficient job creation.

5). Seven years to get to this point? Seriosly.
California adds 41,200 jobs in October; unemployment rate is lowest since 2007

October's faster job growth for California mirrors that of the U.S., which posted a healthy gain of 271,000 jobs last month -- much more than in September.

California has added jobs at a rate of 2.9% over the last year, faster than the 2% growth rate for the U.S. overall.

The fastest gains over the last year have come in the construction industry, which posted a 7.3% gain since last October, and professional and business services, up 5.3%.

Since the Great Recession sent California's unemployment above 12% in 2010 -- higher than every state except Michigan and Nevada -- the state's economic rebound has been swift. For the last three years, California has added jobs at a rate faster than all but five other states.

SoCal economic forecast: More businesses coming than going

Thornberg said Southern California could be doing more to attract business, but for now at least, most executives feel the positives of being here, such as quality of living and proximity to tech and film companies and key ports, outweigh the negatives, like higher taxes and housing costs.


You get what you pay for. Republicans think if you make everything cheap for business, they turn out quality. Not so. Cheap breeds cheap.

No, we are still laughing.

Well, ignorance is bliss - you seem to be very blissful all the time.

What are you, 10 years old?
The only reason the Repugs, and tea maggots hate Cali so much is because Cali helped the North kick the souths ass in the civil war,,@ because they hate Repukes, and the Nazi right wing garbage..

I see you're a public education victim. During the Civil War, the South was solidly Democrat. Democrats started that war, and being basically unchanged over the last 150 years, would seemingly like to start another, again to promote slavery.

You are either one of the most ignorant persons to post on history or a damn poor liar.
The only reason the Repugs, and tea maggots hate Cali so much is because Cali helped the North kick the souths ass in the civil war,,@ because they hate Repukes, and the Nazi right wing garbage..

I see you're a public education victim. During the Civil War, the South was solidly Democrat. Democrats started that war, and being basically unchanged over the last 150 years, would seemingly like to start another, again to promote slavery.

You are either one of the most ignorant persons to post on history or a damn poor liar.

Feel free to point out any erroneous history.

Current Democrats seek to replace the old black-to-white slavery with the slavery of all to the State. Nothing could be more clear from their political associations, their behavior, their platform, and their infantilization of both the education system and their supporters.
California adds 41,200 jobs in October; unemployment rate is lowest since 2007

October's faster job growth for California mirrors that of the U.S., which posted a healthy gain of 271,000 jobs last month -- much more than in September.

California has added jobs at a rate of 2.9% over the last year, faster than the 2% growth rate for the U.S. overall.

The fastest gains over the last year have come in the construction industry, which posted a 7.3% gain since last October, and professional and business services, up 5.3%.

Since the Great Recession sent California's unemployment above 12% in 2010 -- higher than every state except Michigan and Nevada -- the state's economic rebound has been swift. For the last three years, California has added jobs at a rate faster than all but five other states.

SoCal economic forecast: More businesses coming than going

Thornberg said Southern California could be doing more to attract business, but for now at least, most executives feel the positives of being here, such as quality of living and proximity to tech and film companies and key ports, outweigh the negatives, like higher taxes and housing costs.


You get what you pay for. Republicans think if you make everything cheap for business, they turn out quality. Not so. Cheap breeds cheap.

There are far more important fish to fry than Princess Moonbeam, and your post is funny. Business is deserting California like termites from a burning house.
California has the 8th largest economy in the whole wide world, which is more than I can say for any garbage red state..

The only reason the Repugs, and tea maggots hate Cali so much is because Cali helped the North kick the souths ass in the civil war,,@ because they hate Repukes, and the Nazi right wing garbage..
ouch... listen i think it's great if california is making progress. it's a beautiful state, with great people, no one wants to see any state fail. any progress is good. california is good. one of the best things about America, is that you can pick any state to call home.

LMAO you are one BIG DOLT if you believe posting an article from 2011 refutes the OP.

Or, maybe you are not as stupid as you generally appear. The possibility that you believe other members of the echo chamber and crazy right wing are dolts like you and will believe your effort to assassinate the character of Gov. Brown has merit.

Or maybe your biases and lack of intellectual ability caused you to believe the OP was about Kansas, not California, because Brown and Brownback both start with "Brown"
sorry moonbeam, i call them as i see them.
State of California Debt Clock
i've seen them, you are right. i don't know why a country like ours even has debt, and every state does. we spend too much. even my beloved vermont has a $7500/cap

a bigger problem is water.

You want to see something hilarious? Take your debt clock and put in other states names:

State of Georgia Debt Clock

Instead of Georgia, put in Texas.

State of Texas Debt Clock

and try Kansas. In fact, try all the states.

i've seen them, you are right. i don't know why a country like ours even has debt, and every state does. we spend too much. even my beloved vermont has a $7500/cap

time to cut up the peoples' credit card. and i'm leery of the "official numbers" employment and $$ stats. they are easily manipulated or interpreted.
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The only reason the Repugs, and tea maggots hate Cali so much is because Cali helped the North kick the souths ass in the civil war,,@ because they hate Repukes, and the Nazi right wing garbage..

I see you're a public education victim. During the Civil War, the South was solidly Democrat. Democrats started that war, and being basically unchanged over the last 150 years, would seemingly like to start another, again to promote slavery.

You are either one of the most ignorant persons to post on history or a damn poor liar.

Feel free to point out any erroneous history.

Current Democrats seek to replace the old black-to-white slavery with the slavery of all to the State. Nothing could be more clear from their political associations, their behavior, their platform, and their infantilization of both the education system and their supporters.

What a convincing opinion (sarcasm). I'm not about to attempt to disabuse you on your effort to promulgate such a lie; only others already predisposed to parrot this revision of history, that is fools, believe the crap people like you (dishonest liars) sully this and other internet sites want to do.
Where do liberals get their figures, from Huffington? The Labor Bureau statistics for October ranks California 41 out of 51 (including Washington D.C.) It's only a point and change behind chronically unemployed West Virginia.
The Right is not going to be happy until California is run like Kansas:

Is Kansas on the path to financial crisis?

CA was held hostage by the minority Republican Party and the rules which required passage of budget bills in the legislature with a two-thirds plus one vote.

They created the mess which CA voters fixed with Prop, 25 (see link below) and Kansas must if they are to avoid misery and fiscal collapse.

California Proposition 25, Majority Vote for Legislature to Pass the Budget (2010) - Ballotpedia
1). Hiring ticks up during the Christmas season

2). This has been a trend for the past 6 years so there is nothing special about this

3). Despite all the hiring...we are still at unemployment levels that are higher than bush, Clinton, or reagen

4). You are cheering about insufficient job creation.

5). Seven years to get to this point? Seriosly.
7 years of GOP lies, obstructionism, saying the Democrats had a majority for years (which of course is another lie).

And that was after 8 years of GOP domestic and foreign disasters that Republicans won't even acknowledge. Ask a Republican what they used reconciliation for and how many times did they use it and they ask, "Republicans used reconciliation?"

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