GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference

Despite your attempts to marginalize Scalise, its a lost cause. The truth has come out. He DID NOT speak to EURO. You have failed.

Really? Then why did he confirm that he did?

House Majority Whip Scalise confirms he spoke to white supremacists in 2002 - The Washington Post
Because he was actually confused about the situation. Can you remember speaking to somebody 12 years ago on a specific subject within a 2 hour time span on a certain date? Think about it. Scalise has given 100s of speeches since then. He didn't know who EURO was and accepted the media as being truthful in their fact checking and immediately issued an apology anyway. Turns out the knee jerk media and the liberal blogger who started this mess was wrong. He spoke at the Jefferson Parish Civics Association, a bunch of old people worried about their taxes. Scalise is owed an apology by the media as well as the Louisiana liberal blogger who created this mess.

Oh, so he was confused? Just keep trying to spin that shit - you racist scumbag.
I'll be fun watching them squirm for a few days.
On December 29, Niels Lesniewski of Roll Call reprinted an article that had been run in 1999, after Congressman Bob Livingston had resigned from Congress. Duke and Scalise were considering running for his seat and they and others were interviewed for the piece. When asked about a potential bid for Congress by Duke, Scalise had told the newspaper that he held many of the same "conservative" views as Duke, but was a more electable candidate, saying that Duke's "novelty" had worn off.[33] Two days later, Louisiana political reporter Stephanie Grace recounted that during her first meeting with Scalise two decades ago, he had told her that he was "like David Duke without the baggage".[34]

According to legislative records, Scalise was one of only three state legislators who, in 1999, voted against making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a state holiday, and one of six who again, in 2004, voted against recognizing the holiday.[32][35]

More: Steve Scalise - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This should qualify Scalise for a white sheet and pointy hat.
Reagan held back on making it a holiday too. Was he a closeted White Nationalist?
On December 29, Niels Lesniewski of Roll Call reprinted an article that had been run in 1999, after Congressman Bob Livingston had resigned from Congress. Duke and Scalise were considering running for his seat and they and others were interviewed for the piece. When asked about a potential bid for Congress by Duke, Scalise had told the newspaper that he held many of the same "conservative" views as Duke, but was a more electable candidate, saying that Duke's "novelty" had worn off.[33] Two days later, Louisiana political reporter Stephanie Grace recounted that during her first meeting with Scalise two decades ago, he had told her that he was "like David Duke without the baggage".[34]

According to legislative records, Scalise was one of only three state legislators who, in 1999, voted against making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a state holiday, and one of six who again, in 2004, voted against recognizing the holiday.[32][35]

More: Steve Scalise - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This should qualify Scalise for a white sheet and pointy hat.
Dukes views were welfare reform. What is wrong with that?
On December 29, Niels Lesniewski of Roll Call reprinted an article that had been run in 1999, after Congressman Bob Livingston had resigned from Congress. Duke and Scalise were considering running for his seat and they and others were interviewed for the piece. When asked about a potential bid for Congress by Duke, Scalise had told the newspaper that he held many of the same "conservative" views as Duke, but was a more electable candidate, saying that Duke's "novelty" had worn off.[33] Two days later, Louisiana political reporter Stephanie Grace recounted that during her first meeting with Scalise two decades ago, he had told her that he was "like David Duke without the baggage".[34]

According to legislative records, Scalise was one of only three state legislators who, in 1999, voted against making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a state holiday, and one of six who again, in 2004, voted against recognizing the holiday.[32][35]

More: Steve Scalise - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This should qualify Scalise for a white sheet and pointy hat.
Dukes views were welfare reform. What is wrong with that?
Perhaps that was some small part of Duke's views.
On December 29, Niels Lesniewski of Roll Call reprinted an article that had been run in 1999, after Congressman Bob Livingston had resigned from Congress. Duke and Scalise were considering running for his seat and they and others were interviewed for the piece. When asked about a potential bid for Congress by Duke, Scalise had told the newspaper that he held many of the same "conservative" views as Duke, but was a more electable candidate, saying that Duke's "novelty" had worn off.[33] Two days later, Louisiana political reporter Stephanie Grace recounted that during her first meeting with Scalise two decades ago, he had told her that he was "like David Duke without the baggage".[34]

According to legislative records, Scalise was one of only three state legislators who, in 1999, voted against making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a state holiday, and one of six who again, in 2004, voted against recognizing the holiday.[32][35]

More: Steve Scalise - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This should qualify Scalise for a white sheet and pointy hat.
Dukes views were welfare reform. What is wrong with that?
Perhaps that was some small part of Duke's views.
So what! Why can't you let it go about his past 40 years ago? Duke lobbied for welfare reform and his welfare reform bill passed in the Louisiana legislature when he was in office. Both sides of the isle voted it in. They worked with him proving they were willing to set aside his past in order to reform a system that was being abused by generational welfare recipients.
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Despite your attempts to marginalize Scalise, its a lost cause. The truth has come out. He DID NOT speak to EURO. You have failed.

Really? Then why did he confirm that he did?

House Majority Whip Scalise confirms he spoke to white supremacists in 2002 - The Washington Post
Because he was actually confused about the situation. Can you remember speaking to somebody 12 years ago on a specific subject within a 2 hour time span on a certain date? Think about it. Scalise has given 100s of speeches since then. He didn't know who EURO was and accepted the media as being truthful in their fact checking and immediately issued an apology anyway. Turns out the knee jerk media and the liberal blogger who started this mess was wrong. He spoke at the Jefferson Parish Civics Association, a bunch of old people worried about their taxes. Scalise is owed an apology by the media as well as the Louisiana liberal blogger who created this mess.

Oh, so he was confused? Just keep trying to spin that shit - you racist scumbag.
I'll be fun watching them squirm for a few days.

yeah, doesn't matter if it WAS A LIE
The story is not over with yet. Wait until ALL the facts are out.
The story is over. Scalise never spoke to EURO.
You haven't figured out what the story is yet. You are still stuck in the trap laid out by opponents of the Republican leadership in Congress. They and you think the story is about an event that happened 12 years ago. They could have turned that lemon into lemonade, but instead let it drive them into damage control and put them on the defense. They have allowed the story to become one of illustrating weakness, incompetence and dysfunction in the leadership of the Republican congress.
The story is not over with yet. Wait until ALL the facts are out.
The story is over. Scalise never spoke to EURO.
You haven't figured out what the story is yet. You are still stuck in the trap laid out by opponents of the Republican leadership in Congress. They and you think the story is about an event that happened 12 years ago. They could have turned that lemon into lemonade, but instead let it drive them into damage control and put them on the defense. They have allowed the story to become one of illustrating weakness, incompetence and dysfunction in the leadership of the Republican congress.
There is no story except the fact the knee jerk media took a liberal blogger's word that Scalice spoke to EURO and didnt fact check the fact that Scalise actually spoke to the Jefferson Parish Civics Association within the 2 hour timeframe EURO had their conference at the same hotel.
Well here we go, the dems lost, now all they can do is make up shit about the winners.

Pay no attention to reality, it's just those crazy libs making shit up again...BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Is it reality when obama, sharpton, jackson, and the hollyloonies continue to stir up racial unrest in this country? Is it reality when the POTUS lies about what happened in Cambridge, Ferguson, Sanford, etc?
The story is not over with yet. Wait until ALL the facts are out.
The story is over. Scalise never spoke to EURO.
You haven't figured out what the story is yet. You are still stuck in the trap laid out by opponents of the Republican leadership in Congress. They and you think the story is about an event that happened 12 years ago. They could have turned that lemon into lemonade, but instead let it drive them into damage control and put them on the defense. They have allowed the story to become one of illustrating weakness, incompetence and dysfunction in the leadership of the Republican congress.
There is no story except the fact the knee jerk media took a liberal blogger's word that Scalice spoke to EURO and didnt fact check the fact that Scalise actually spoke to the Jefferson Parish Civics Association within the 2 hour timeframe EURO had their conference at the same hotel.

bottom line--------------the liberal media LIES
The story is not over with yet. Wait until ALL the facts are out.
The story is over. Scalise never spoke to EURO.

Except for the people who were there and touting his speech.

"Scalise was reportedly armed with a microphone at the Landmark Best Western in Metairie and talking about tax policy to an international convention… of white supremacists and neo-Nazis. According to a commenter who used the name “Alsace Hebert,”

Steve Scalise was a highlight of the convention. Quoting (from Stormfront):

  • "EURO’s recent national convention held in the greater New Orleans area was a convergence of ideas represented by Americans from diverse geographical regions like California, Texas, New Jersey and the Carolina’s. This indicates that concerns held are pervasive in every sovereign state and Republic alike, within an increasingly diminishing view of where America stands on individual liberty for whites.
  • In addition to plans to implement tactical strategies that were discussed, the meeting was productive locally as State Representative, Steve Scalise, discussed ways to oversee gross mismanagement of tax revenue or “slush funds” that have little or no accountability.
  • Representative Scalise brought into sharp focus the dire circumstances pervasive in many important, under-funded needs of the community at the expense of graft within the Housing and Urban Development Fund, an apparent give-away to a selective group based on race.

Mr. Hebert was so impressed by Representative Scalise’s apparent characterization of the Housing and Urban Development Fund as nothing more than a scam designed to give-away public monies to “a selective group based on race,” that, two years later, with David Duke behind bars, Hebert took to the pages of Stormfront to float another candidate’s name for Congress. Quoting (bold mine):

  • It was just announced that Rep. Steve Scalise, R-Jefferson will enter the race in the 1st Congressional District. Those that attended the EURO conference in New Orleans will recall that Scalise was a speaker, offering his support for issues that are of concern to us.
  • I suppose if Duke does not make the election for whatever reason, this gentleman would be a good alternative.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Was Reportedly an Honored Guest at 2002 International White Supremacist Convention
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.


Though I’m sure any conservative who might run across this article, or the Punditfact profiles, would simply dismiss the results as “liberally biased lies.” You know, because anything that’s not approved by Fox News or some other right-wing media source is clearly “liberally biased propaganda.” Which is really a fantastic piece of rhetoric, isn’t it? Fox News, and other right-wing media sources, can lie as much as they want. Then if any other source debunks the nonsense they’re spewing, the conservative media simply dismisses it as “lies perpetuated by the liberal media.”

Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time

Don't know if any of this is true, but truth is not a requirement of liberal media and liberals in general.

At any rate, Scalise was reelected and will be up for election again in 2016.

This story is nothing but a left wing attempt to get even for the GOP victory of last november.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.


Though I’m sure any conservative who might run across this article, or the Punditfact profiles, would simply dismiss the results as “liberally biased lies.” You know, because anything that’s not approved by Fox News or some other right-wing media source is clearly “liberally biased propaganda.” Which is really a fantastic piece of rhetoric, isn’t it? Fox News, and other right-wing media sources, can lie as much as they want. Then if any other source debunks the nonsense they’re spewing, the conservative media simply dismisses it as “lies perpetuated by the liberal media.”

Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time


please post the truth stats for MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYtimes, Wash post, etc. I think you will find that they are all less truthful than Fox, but you don't really care about that TRUTH do you?
Don't know if any of this is true, but truth is not a requirement of liberal media and liberals in general.

At any rate, Scalise was reelected and will be up for election again in 2016.

This story is nothing but a left wing attempt to get even for the GOP victory of last november.

BZZZT Wrong!

This is the GOP appointing someone who openly supports racists and their agenda to a senior leadership position. That is not a smart move.
The story is not over with yet. Wait until ALL the facts are out.
The story is over. Scalise never spoke to EURO.
You haven't figured out what the story is yet. You are still stuck in the trap laid out by opponents of the Republican leadership in Congress. They and you think the story is about an event that happened 12 years ago. They could have turned that lemon into lemonade, but instead let it drive them into damage control and put them on the defense. They have allowed the story to become one of illustrating weakness, incompetence and dysfunction in the leadership of the Republican congress.
There is no story except the fact the knee jerk media took a liberal blogger's word that Scalice spoke to EURO and didnt fact check the fact that Scalise actually spoke to the Jefferson Parish Civics Association within the 2 hour timeframe EURO had their conference at the same hotel.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.


Though I’m sure any conservative who might run across this article, or the Punditfact profiles, would simply dismiss the results as “liberally biased lies.” You know, because anything that’s not approved by Fox News or some other right-wing media source is clearly “liberally biased propaganda.” Which is really a fantastic piece of rhetoric, isn’t it? Fox News, and other right-wing media sources, can lie as much as they want. Then if any other source debunks the nonsense they’re spewing, the conservative media simply dismisses it as “lies perpetuated by the liberal media.”

Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time


please post the truth stats for MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYtimes, Wash post, etc. I think you will find that they are all less truthful than Fox, but you don't really care about that TRUTH do you?
They can't be posted because you are full of shit and those stats don't say what you proclaim. Anyhow, if they do than you should post them.

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